So I finally finished Diggle's POV, which I will tell you now, was the hardest POV to write, so please enjoy! Also, anything in italics are Diggle's thoughts.

Disclaimer: The CW owns Arrow



Felicity and I were in the foundry trying to track down The Count's source of Vertigo that had infected more than half of Starling City, including myself. We were trying to figure it out the best we could without Oliver- who was trying to focus on his mother's trial. However, it was mostly up to Felicity, because I was still suffering from Vertigo withdrawal due to the trace amounts that somehow got into my bloodstream.

"Oliver is going to be pretty wrapped up with his mother. Are you making any process on how The Count is getting Vertigo into people's systems?" I asked.

"Not much. Each dot is the home of somebody with withdrawal symptoms,"

Felicity was examining the map the best she could, trying a pattern. After staring at the map myself, I couldn't find a pattern either.

"That seems pretty random," I said.

"That's because it's very random,"

Then an idea crossed my mind about how people got exposed to Vertigo without even knowing it.

"Okay. What if people weren't exposed at home; what if they got dosed at work? Can you create a map by their employment addresses?" I inquired.

Felicity stared at me, with a look of disappointment on her face. "I'm really starting to wonder what it would take to impress you guys,"

I smiled as she pulled up a new map with ease.

The new map popped up on the computer, and Felicity immediately picked up the pattern.

"It's a trail; a path throughout the city. Any place you have been?"

I scanned the map, and spotted a familiar place.

"59th and Dell. That's where I got my flu shot," I replied.

"You got your vaccine from one of those trucks, right? One of those clinic trucks? The route. It's a flu vaccination tour- sent out by Starling City Mobile Care,"

I couldn't even believe what Felicity was saying.

"I got addicted to Vertigo after one injection? Can that happen?"

I sat back in disbelief.

"Sure try Heroin sometime. Not try… I meant not try," said Felicity.

I ignored Felicity's comment, and focused more on finding the nearest truck to investigate.

"All right, where's the nearest truck now?" I asked.

"Downtown. What do you think? Call Oliver?"

I couldn't call Oliver now and pull him away from his mother's trial just to follow a possible lead that could be The Count's source of Vertigo.

"No, no he's busy with his family. I'll go," I said, trying to stand up from the chair I was sitting in.

I struggled to get out of the chair, and I would have fallen over if Felicity didn't force me to sit back down.

"Yeah, no that's not happening. I'll go,"

"Felicity it's too dangerous," I said.

Not to mention if anything happened to her, I would never be able to forgive myself- and I would be at the mercy of Oliver's wrath for letting her go to the mobile clinic by herself without backup.

"It could turn out to be nothing. If it's not, I'll call,"

I watched helplessly from my chair as Felicity put on her coat and left the foundry. I still decided not to call Oliver because Felicity was right- it could turn out to be nothing.

A half hour later I heard the door to the foundry open. I figured it was Felicity returning from her investigation of the Starling City Mobile Care. She had been gone for a while, and it shouldn't really take this long to investigate a mobile clinic.

Instead, I was surprised to see a very serious and angry looking Oliver storm into the foundry. I swallowed, and thought that only the worst thing could have happened to drag Oliver away from his mother's trial.

Oliver was changing when he finally broke the silence. "The Count has taken Felicity captive. He is holding her at Queen Consolidated,"

My stomach dropped to my feet and I felt like I was just punched in the chest. If The Count captured Felicity, he was probably at the mobile clinic, waiting to trap The Vigilante. I closed my eyes, and waited for Oliver to start yelling at me.

"You should have called me Diggle, when Felicity decided to go investigate on her own,"

I opened my eyes, and noticed that Oliver already left the foundry, taking his bow and arrows with him. I exhaled and realized that there was nothing I could do, but sit and wait. However, I did know one thing- that The Count was not going to be walking out of Queen Consolidated tonight alive.

Twenty minutes later, I heard the door to the foundry open again. Oliver entered, and I spotted a gunshot wound on his arm. He took off his Vigilante jacket and set it on the table. I watched Oliver pull the bullet out of his arm before asking him what happened.

"What happened?"

"Felicity is alive. The Count is no longer breathing," he replied calmly.

Oliver proceeded to clean his wound before wrapping it in medical bandages. I stared at him for a few minutes, wondering if The Count's death would add to his guilt he still has for the people he has killed in the last year.

Oliver has not killed anyone since he made his vow to Tommy… However, Felicity might blame herself for making Oliver break his vow, which is a different problem I'm sure the three of us will have to face soon enough.

I noticed that Oliver had finished changing back into his suit and he set his Hood costume, combat bow, and quiver of arrows down on the table to put away later. As he turned around to leave the foundry to head back to the court house, he yelled back to me- "Go home, Digg. Get some rest,"

I scoffed as he left the foundry. I was not driving anywhere until Vertigo was out of my system.

Apparently, Oliver forgot that we don't have an antidote yet. Although, I do feel better, I am very worried about Felicity. Without a doubt, tonight's events will echo in Felicity's nightmares, which is something she shouldn't go through alone. I know Oliver will most likely sleep on her couch tonight, to let Felicity know that she isn't alone- we will be with her every step of the way.

I stared blankly up at the ceiling, lost in thought and debating whether or not I should call Felicity.

I checked my watch and I was shocked to see how late it had gotten. I carefully pulled myself up and checked my balance. It looked like the Vertigo was wearing off, although I wasn't really sure, I was tired and I wanted to go home and sleep. I walked out to the Verdant parking lot and got in my car. I sat there for a minute before deciding to call Felicity to see how she is doing.

The phone rang three times before she picked up.

"Hey Diggle. Yes, I'm fine as you probably know, alive and in one piece too," said Felicity.

"That's a relief to hear. When Oliver stopped by the foundry to suit up before coming to rescue you, he started yelling at me for letting for you go investigate on your own in the first place. I reminded him that I was still on the mend from the Vertigo flu shot, and I wasn't really strong enough to keep you in the foundry until he got back from his mother's trial. I was just calling to tell you how bad I feel for not trying hard enough to stop you," I said.

Felicity was silent for a moment before she answered.

"Digg, it's not your fault. I should have listened to you and stayed in the foundry. I should have waited for Oliver to return from his mother's trial and let him go investigate the clinic. However, when I decided to go investigate the clinic, I just wanted to help Oliver out since he always works so hard to juggle his double life. I didn't expect The Count to be at the clinic, possibly waiting for the Vigilante to show up. To top it off, when Oliver came to rescue me, he broke his vow he made to Tommy and killed him,"

Felicity's voice cracked, and I knew that she was probably on the verge of crying.

I have to say something… I've seen the way Oliver looks at her… he has had looks of regret and happiness spread across his face. I think it's because of the life he leads that he can't get close to anybody. Oliver's result of pushing everyone away is that he creates different masks of himself- Oliver Queen, millionaire playboy, Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Consolidated, Oliver Queen, the man who survived on an island for five years, Oliver Queen, who becomes The Vigilante at night to save Starling City, and Oliver Queen,, the real Oliver who is finally starting to let Felicity see who he really is.

"Felicity, I'm absolutely sure that when Oliver rescued you, he told you that given any day, he would throw his vow he made to Tommy out the window if it came down to between you living or dying at the hands of a madman. Out of everything else in the world, Oliver would most definitely put your life ahead of anything else he valued. When he knows you're not looking at him, he stares at you sadly sometimes with a look of regret of his face. I think he regrets dragging you into his double life of Oliver Queen and the Vigilante,"

It was the best thing I could say since I can't just tell Felicity how much Oliver really loves her. It's not my place. Although, at the rate his ex-girlfriends are showing up, Felicity may just keep her feelings for him bottled up. We both know that Oliver is a little reckless when it comes to his own safety out on the streets. She always wants him to come back to the foundry in one piece. She sees Oliver differently than the rest of the world; I see him as a broken man. Oliver sees himself as a survivor of a crucible. His mother and sister see him as the CEO of Queen Consolidated. The world sees him as the Queen billionaire playboy back from the dead. I think Felicity sees Oliver as a man who is lost and who is seeking redemption- he saw saving Starling City as his calling. However, I fear the more effort he puts in becoming the Vigilante, the more "Oliver Queen" he loses.

"Well, Oliver can think what he wants, but at least he doesn't need to use those BS excuses anymore when he needs something analyzed or fixed, such as 'his laptop with bullet holes.' Besides, I could have left after we found and rescued Walter. Actually, that was what I was originally planning to do. Yet during the time it took to find Walter, I noticed that every time Oliver put on his hood to go off and save Starling City, he became someone else; and that person needed someone besides John Diggle to ground him when he came back from his mission of the day. To remind him that reality does exist, even if he has to walk around as Oliver Queen, CEO of Queen Consolidated by day, and become The Vigilante by night," Felicity replied.

I was sitting in my car smiling at her response.

Felicity is tough for a blonde. She basically saw through Oliver's pitiful excuses of bringing her evidence to analysis for his mission as The Vigilante. In the amount of time on the team, she has had a bomb placed around her neck, she has been face to face with an underground casino mob boss, she skydived with me to make Oliver leave Lian Yu and return to Starling City, she has stepped on a landmine, she has been bait for the Doll Maker serial killer and she was taken captive by Count Vertigo. For Felicity to say that she stays on the team to Oliver grounded; that is an understatement- we need each other to always remember that the real world exists outside the foundry.

"Oh so you're saying that you felt sorry for me? Well it was getting pretty lonely in the foundry with Oliver. Also, is that the only reason why you stayed?" I teased.

Felicity laughed and I knew that she was blushing.

"I could also say that I stayed because both of you don't know how to handle a computer, and that just hurts me in my soul," said Felicity.

I chuckled.

"Okay Felicity. Well, I'll let you go now so you can go back to whatever you doing before I called. Oliver will probably swing by your apartment anyways to check up on you himself. You know how sensitive he gets about you, especially when he just had to leave you there to deal with QC security and go back to his mother's trial to try to act as if nothing had happened,"

"Trust me Diggle, I know. Which is why I drove back to my apartment to take a bath before he stops by. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't here when he stops by tonight, Starling City would be at his mercy until he found me and made sure I was okay," said Felicity, reassuring my worries for her safety.

Felicity's comment caused me to laugh again.

"You know Felicity, you are probably right. Anyways, see you tomorrow, bright and early," I said.

"Bye John," said Felicity as she hung up.

"Bye Felicity," I replied before dropping the call.

I returned my cell phone to the pocket of my pants before looking up at the never-ending starless sky of Starling City.

I can sense that this is only the calm before the storm... and this storm is heading straight towards us... Except it's not for Oliver Queen. It's for The Vigilante.

I brushed that thought from my mind, and focused on getting home. There's nothing to worry about yet, because our growing problem will just be where I left it when I wake up tomorrow.

I hoped you liked this POV on my one shot! Like I said before, this was super hard to write, so a nice review would be awesome to see!
