Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot!
Sometimes she wondered if she deserved this happy ending.
She was alive. He was alive. They were both alive, together. He held her in his arms as he slept beside her. She simply watched him sleep, softly breathing in and out. Perfect, she decided. He was perfect. She didn't care what he thought about himself, what he thought he deserved, in her mind he was perfect. She could accept everything they had done, everything they had been through, and just simply enjoy moments like this. He loved her, he told her this the night before they ended up in her bed, tangled in each other. She couldn't recall any other moment in her life where she had been so happy, to be with him, and not hiding what they truly felt about each other. She couldn't imagine any life without him; in fact, she wouldn't even have a life without him. That's why the serenity of this morning after scene caressed her soul with a sense of warmth, that this was what she wanted to wake up to for the rest of her life.
He turned and his arms pulled her closer to him as his head snuggled into her chest. She smiled, it seemed as though she wouldn't be going anywhere just as yet. She didn't mind though, sometimes she wished they could just lie in bed together all day. Alas, they had work to do. The rebuild in Ishval was well underway and the only time they could actually relax were these nights that they shared together. Buildings were being erected and jobs were being created, the misplaced Ishvalans were slowly returning back to their homeland ready to start a new life on the earth where their old ones ended, rid of all the destruction that happened many years prior. Atoning for all the lives she took here in Ishval, she would never forgive herself but this was at least a start. She knew Roy was in no mood to get up but she decided they had to rise now and start another day of work.
"Roy, Roy, wake up." She said sternly while giving his shoulder a bit of a shake.
He then groaned before muttering something that sounded like "Rizafivemoreminutesplease".
"Roy, you need to get up now-"She was cut off by Roy pulling her up on top of him as he kissed her.
"Good morning to you too." He said with a smirk on his face.
"I was serious Roy, it's past seven and we need to be at the headquarters by eight." She said trying to ignore the kisses he was peppering down her neck.
"Fine fine, I'm getting up, but since we're so late we should shower together, halve the time we take." There was that lopsided smirk again, she was surprised his face wasn't stuck like that from the amount of times he flashed that grin at her.
"Roy, do you really expect me to trust you not to try anything in the shower, because if that's the case it's going to end up taking double the time anyways."
"Don't worry; I'm sure I can accomplish everything I want to do before we have to leave..." His eyebrow rose at his own statement.
She gave in and walked to the bathroom, Roy following behind her like a loyal canine.
She had her uniform on and her hair up in the usual updo and was eating breakfast when Roy came waltzing back into her room.
"Roy, I thought you said you were leaving to get dressed and head out."
"And miss eating Breakfast with you? I'd think not."
Roy had planned their lodgings is Ishval carefully, they were the only people on the top floor of the military housing and their rooms were right next to each other. This left only one wall separating them, in which Roy alchemized a door so that they had adjoining rooms and could freely walk between each other's spaces without raising a lot of questions. They were still being secretive about their relationship since the fraternization laws still applied, but they knew that if someone did decide to report them, even if it went straight to Fuhrer Grumman nothing would happen. In fact he'd probably be pleased and encourage the behaviour even more. They were mostly still keeping it under wraps for themselves.
They were still new to being so intimate with each other after all these years of having a strictly professional relationship. They always had feelings for each other, she knew that, but they never thought them actually being together would ever be a possibility. After almost losing each other so many times they realized life was too short and decided to come clean and start embracing these feelings for whatever time they had left, since there were no more real obstacles standing in the way. They casually avoided the subject of ever making anything official though. It's not like she never thought about it, getting married and having a family of her own. The relationship they had seemed well beyond that it was almost silly to even consider it, what would a legal document change about their relationship, it was already as official as it could be. Roy was the type to like these types of things; she was surprised he hadn't brought it up yet. They were both just living in the moment and enjoying each other's company for now she guessed, not wanting to ruin the moment with such serious questions about the future.
As for kids, she decided a while ago that she would probably never have any. It was kind of sad to admit but she wouldn't have any time for children if Roy was to continue his journey to become Fuhrer, and she was going to be by his side protecting him the entire time. By the time Roy did reach the top she would probably have missed her chance at having children. It wouldn't matter in the end is what she always told herself, and as long as she had Roy she would be content.
"Riza, you okay?" Roy disrupted her thoughts and brought her back to the real world.
"Yeah I'm fine I was just... thinking about something."
Roy knew she didn't want to be questioned further and decided to leave it at that and continued eating his breakfast in silence.
They both arrived at Ishval headquarters just in time to meet Scar and Miles for the day's debriefing on what had to be done and reviewed.
"General Mustang sir, you have orders from central." A soldier appeared behind them and said firmly.
"And what would those orders be?" Roy questioned.
"You are to meet with Fuhrer Grumman in central as soon as possible, sir."
He glanced over at Riza to see her looking as confused as he did. "What would this meeting be about and why so suddenly?"
"He just said it was extremely urgent that you see him now and has already arranged for your train ticket for this afternoon, sir."
He put a hand on his forehead and groaned, "I guess if their orders from the Fuhrer himself I'll have to comply, he better not be lonely and just want to play a game of chess, I'm actually pretty busy up here."
"With all due respect sir, I'm sure there is something important that has come up if he's calling you to Central now of all times." Riza interjected.
"Your train will be leaving at exactly 1400 hours, sir." The soldier had held his salute the entire time and you could see his hand start to shake.
Roy must've noticed and finally ordered him to leave before groaning once again.
"Guess that's that. He didn't say anything about more than one ticket so it looks like you'll be staying here in my place, sure you'll be okay?"
"Sir, contrary to what most believe I am not entirely dependent on you and I'm perfectly capable of handling things on my own."
"Actually, I was just wondering if you would miss me." He arched a playful eyebrow at her. "Besides, everyone knows not to mess with the Hawk's Eye."
She couldn't help but let a small smile crawl onto her face, "It's not like I'll never see you again sir, and you'll probably be on a train back here in two days. I believe I'm the one who should be worried for your safety, after all you always need someone to be watching your back."
"I think the flame alchemist can handle himself for two days, but I'm guessing that's a yes then."
She shot him a questioning look.
"You will miss me."
She refused to meet his eyes as she turned to walk away.
"I'd suggest you start packing if you're to catch that train this afternoon, General."
He smiled to himself and threw her a salute "As you say, Captain."
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry if this was bit of a slow start but don't worry, things will start picking up soon! I have this story all planned out so It's looking at about 30-ish chapters. Hopefully I can keep up! I'm not going to say how often I'm updating this but hopefully I don't fall into a rut of not writing for too long.