Three days later

They moved at a slow, unhurried pace. They had nowhere they had to be, nobody was waiting for them, and it was just the two of them and they both wanted this to last forever. It was such a sweet moment, it was so passionate, it was so gentle, but it was becoming painful.

Caroline moved her leg, causing him to sink even further into her. They both groaned at the contact, but it wasn't enough. Caroline pressed her hand into his lower back, encouraging him to move even deeper, even faster.

Finally, the pace increased, both suddenly wanting it to last forever, but at the same time finish into that blissfulness. Caroline's breath caught and Klaus buried his face in her shoulder, just breathing her in while his hips now set a brutal pace. Caroline met every thrust, groaning louder and louder as she came closer and closer. Suddenly Klaus stopped and Caroline could feel how tense he was, feel how close he was.

She rolled her hips in an attempt to make him move, but he just groaned low in his throat and gripped her hips, refusing to let her move. She let out a frustrated breath. He refused to finish before her, and she needed to be released, it was becoming painful. She let her vampirism come out, and because she knew this would get him moving, sank her fangs in his shoulder, feeing roughly from him.

"Fuck!" He hissed, and suddenly his hips were moving faster than he had ever moved before. It was rough and fast, and Caroline loved it. He reached in between them and rubbed at her clit in the same pace, leaving her no chance of finishing after him.

She groaned around his shoulder and had no choice but to let him go, throwing her head back in pleasure. His own fangs came out and he sunked them in her exposed throat while he spilled himself deep inside of her, groaning at the feeling of her walls clenching him.

He finally released her neck and fell back beside her, too tired to even pull her against him. Their love making, as always, was incredible.

She laid back on the pillow and sighed in content, her body still buzzing from their love making. She would have loved to lay here all day with him and do what they just did over and over again, but she had other plans today. Plans that she had put off for too long.

She sat up and swung her legs around the bed and stretched, feeling the soreness in her muscles from what just happened. She could feel Klaus watching her so she looked over at him and smiled.

"Must you?" He asked.

"You know I have to. I've put this off for too long," Caroline said, getting up and heading to the shower. She made it a quick one and got out and quickly changed, trying to ignore the pouting Klaus on the bed.

"How is it that I barley have the energy to move and you have the energy to get out of bed and do a good deed?" Klaus asked.

"The sex drive of a baby vampire is truly amazing," Caroline grinned, and left, laughing when she heard Klaus say," It certainly is."


Caroline passed Stefan and stopped to talk to him. "Hey," She smiled.

"You know, I left Mystic Falls to get away from listening to people have sex," He said.

"It's not my fault that I'm in a relationship with amazing, mind blowing sex," Caroline grinned.

"I could tell from the screaming," Stefan said wryly.

"If it bothers you that much you could always go back to Mystic Falls and listen to Damon and Elena have sex," Caroline offered.

"For some reason I would rather listen to my friend and my best friend have sex," Stefan said.

"Good choice," Caroline grinned, standing up and continued to head the way she had started. She nodded at the two vampires standing in front of the door and they opened it, letting her in.

"Hello Tyler," She said.

Tyler looked up at her in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He asked,

"I'm here to let you go," She shrugged.

"Does Klaus know?" Tyler asked.

"Of course Klaus knows, he isn't happy about it, but he knows," Caroline said.

"Why? After everything I've done to you, why would you ever want to help me?" Tyler asked.

"We've both done things to hurt each other Tyler, but in the end, we helped each other when it mattered, and I'm helping you know," Caroline said, walking over to him and unlocking his chains.

Tyler stood up and starred at her unsure. "Look Care-"

"Please, don't Tyler. We are past apologies and I love you speeches. I hurt you by choosing Klaus, and you hurt me by choosing revenge and no matter what we say, neither one of us can look past that," Caroline said.

"Friends then?" Tyler asked.

"I don't think so Tyler. You could never accept the fact that I'm in love with Klaus, and to be truthful, I don't know if I could ever accept the fact that you cheated on me with Hayley," Caroline said, laughing at Tyler's wide eyes. "Yes Tyler, I know. I just hope you two are happy together."

"I never wanted her," Tyler said.

"But now you have her, and a child. Go, be with her, live your life and I'll live mine," Caroline said, turning and leaving him.

"Hey Care," Tyler called. She turned around and looked at him. "Thanks."

She smiled and walked away, going back to bed where the man she loved, the man she was going to spend the rest of eternity with.



Five years later

"Caroline!" Bonnie squealed, throwing her arms around her.

"Bonnie, I've missed you," Caroline smiled, holding her friend. It was odd that Kol had called them, asking them to come out. After Klaus let out his anger about Kol slapping Caroline, Bonnie and him moved to Paris, repairing the relationship both of them nearly destroyed. The relationship nearly got destroyed when Bonnie found out Kol was the reason Enzo was missing, and even to this day Kol wouldn't say what he did, only that Enzo was very much alive.

Caroline had opposite reactions when she found out Klaus had hurt Damon. She was happy to know Klaus was seek revenge when the event happened years ago, but she did warn him to drop it.

"How can you two miss each other? You talk every day," Kol scolded.

"Don't worry Kol, I missed you too," Caroline smiled, releasing Bonnie.

"How have you been brother?" Klaus smiled, clasping his brother's shoulder.

"You interrupted my sex time," Kol pouted.

"Kol," Bonnie scolded.

"I'm interrupting my own sex time," Caroline grinned.

"Caroline!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Is that all you two think about, is sex?"

"Yes," Both Kol and Caroline said at the same time.

"Maybe me and Caroline should have ended up together," Kol said.

"No," Bonnie and Klaus said at the same time.

"Imagine it, sex all day, every day," Kol said.

"Kol, don't talk like that in front of the children," Caroline smiled.

"Are you two done?" Bonnie sighed.

"For now," Kol said.

"So, why did you call out here if you're so upset about us interrupting your sex life?" Klaus growled. While he acted upset over the banter between his brother and Caroline, he was happy the fact that they got along and he knew that neither of them would do anything to hurt him like that.

"I actually wanted you guys to stop by," Bonnie said.

"Why, what's going on?" Caroline frowned.

"It's not a big deal, it's just something I need your help with," Bonnie said.

"Anything," Caroline said instantly.

"I've decided to become a vampire," Bonnie said.

"Wow, really?" Caroline asked surprised, eyes widened. "When?"

"Tonight," Bonnie said.

"So soon?" Caroline asked surprised.

"And I want you there for my transition," Bonnie said.

"She doesn't trust me," Kol said.

"You know that's not it Kol," Bonnie said, looking at him.

"Then what is it Bonnie?" He snapped.

"I need a girls help with this, someone I can relate to," Bonnie said.

"Which is why she called us," Rebekah said, appearing in the door with Elijah and Stefan behind her. After a year in New Orleans together, Stefan and Rebekah had finally moved on from the past and gotten together, and Caroline couldn't be any happier for them. Elijah, on the other hand, was still hurt about Hayley lying to him and it was taking him awhile to properly move on.

"I don't know why you called me, I can barely be in the same room as human blood," Stefan muttered.

"Ignore him," Rebekah ordered.

"You're going to be just fine Miss. Bennett," Elijah smiled.

"Don't worry Bonnie, we'll all help you through it," Caroline said, squeezing her friends hand reassuring.

They would help Bonnie through this, just like they would help each other through anything that came their way. After all, they were all one big family now, and not just any family, the Mikaleson family.

I would just like to thank everyone who followed, favorite, and reviewed this story. It truly has been a crazy adventure and now that I know how addicting reviews are, and how amazing it feels when people actually like your story, I'm defiantly starting a new one called Bleeding Love. Please check it out, I'll be posting it tomorrow. Here's the summery:

Caroline was turned was turned 50 years after the Originals by non-other than Elijah, but by accident. Mikael, who was a friend of her fathers, agreed to take Caroline under his wings and teach her the ways to be a vampire. While means how to destroy an Original. It's all Caroline knows, so what will happen when 949 years later Caroline meets Klaus? Will she be able to change her ways and see the hybrid monster that Mikael taught her to kill, or will she be able to see the true man beneath all those hybrid features?

Let me know what you guys think about my new story and if anyone's interested!

I do not own TVD