Please don't hate me!
I have been rereading the previews chapter for this story and have come to the decision to rewrite many of them. I am so sorry for doing this to you, but Aideen's character at the beginning seemed so not her. Not to mention the other character as well. I tried to just leave them as it was and instead focused on the grammar, but it just kept bothering me. Why would Aideen trust Lion-O so fast when she had been betrayed? Why wasn't she afraid of the cats when she first saw them? Why on earth would she walk around the palace if she is being held a prisoner?! Why would Lion-O not protect her when he said he would and we all know he would! How can she have forgotten about her brothers twin when she lives in a place where the people would have known about his death! How can Xander travel from one place to another in a matter of hours when he had just gotten there! What exactly is an element magic or power and why is it different than magic? Why would Jaga not be very helpful when he one of the kindest and wises animal in third earth. And we all know, Tygra would have been a big stuck up jerk to her. Not to mention Alchy! She worked to free Mumm-Ra why would she act like his enemy in front of him when she could just let him think she was on his side before stabbing him on the back! Not to mention the time line! I miss calculated many things, from age, to time, to years. Aideens father wouldn't have known Mumm-Ra as he was imprison at the time of the invasion! And so much more.
See things like that made me want to rewrite many of the previews chapter. So, I have decided to follow my instinct and do just that. I will combined chapter 5 and 6 as they both are "Book of Omens part 1" and will be leaving chapter 28 to 32 the same, I will just check for some grammar mistakes. There will be some chapters that I plan to leave the same as they are in character and are perfect. I plan to update them all at once as I am half way through and will let you know which are the written once.
I have also began writing the last three chapters and even have the summary for the second season along with the 30 to 40 chapters plan out. I'm hoping to finish season one this month along with the rewritten chapters.
Again, I am so sorry for doing this, but the characters just seemed so off to me.
Thank you all for understanding and supporting this story! I will see you in a few days or week. Thank again.