:I'm back everyone! How are all of you? This is the story that won the poll! I hope you guys will like this one, it was a little hard to plan out but I think it'll work out, I do not own anything but the plot, please enjoy and review!:

"Darling he's beautiful." A tall man with sharp golden eyes and long black hair told a woman in a dark crimson bed. The woman had large amethyst eyes and long golden hair. In her arms was a small baby boy, he was crying like all newborns do. The woman smiled down at the newborn and placed a kiss on the top of his head.

"He is..." She said as she glanced toward the man and smiled brightly. A loud noise could be heard in the distance, the sound of a door opening. A tall man with black spiked hair and crimson eyes walked in with a child holding his hand. The child looked to be around three years old, he had black spiked hair along with the father however he had crimson aligning it and spiked blond bangs with only a few beginning to spread into his hair. His eyes were once again like the man's, deep crimson. The two walked to the couple as they directed their attention to the man. The man walked up to the bed and glanced down at the woman and her child. His eyes widened slightly at the baby.

"A boy?" He whispered out staring at the small newborn surprised, the doctor they had taken the woman to had said it would be a girl. He closed his eyes and sighed. The little boy holding his hand squeezed his hand tighter.

"Okay?" The little boy asked the man. The man smiled down at the child.

"Yes. Okay." He responded as he glanced back to the couple. "Do we still proceed with the ceremony we planned?" The other man narrowed his eyes and glanced toward the woman.

"It is her decision." He responded. The woman smiled sadly.

"My dear you have as much say as I do." She spoke out softly, the man shook his head.

"No, you had to go through the pain of human childbirth. It is you who has all the say in anything that happens to our child." He told her. The woman blushed slightly and smiled softly.

"Very well..." She glanced toward the man with the child. "Yes, we will. Just because he is a boy does not mean we cancel our preparations."

"We planned for him to a girl...how will they..." The man trailed off softly.

"Anything is possible down here. Surely the two boys will come up with an idea." The woman smiled at her child. The man nodded.

"Very well...Please would you place your child on your shoulder to show his back?" The man glanced down to the child holding his hand. "You also need to show yours." The child looked up at him slightly frightened.

"Hurt?" he questioned. The man smiled sadly.

"Only a little..." He responded. The child nodded and removed his upper garment. The man led him closer to the bed and made him turn around.

"Are you ready?" He asked both the child and the mother.

"Yes." The mother spoke while the child simply nodded hesitantly. The man placed a hand on the back of both children and closed his eyes.

"A bind of death. A bind of promise. A bind of trust. A bind of love. A bond that shall never be broken. A bond that shall never decay. An eternal bind, An eternal bond, that I shall place upon." The man spoke out as his hands glowed and his voice echoed through the room. The newborn began to led out cries of pain and the other child began to yell in pain. The couple grimaced at the noise. The man sighed in relief as he removed his hands from the two children. The woman glanced down at the children.

"Will that be there forever?" She asked as she looked at the backs of the children. The man nodded.

"Yes." He spoke out. "Are you alright?" He looked down at the crimson eyed child, there were tears in his eyes. The child nodded and put his garment back on.

"Okay." He responded making the man smile. The child glanced toward the newborn and felt a sudden warmth go through his body. He pointed at the child.

"Hold?" He asked softly. The couple and man's eyes widened at the sudden request.

"Yes, you may." The woman responded. The child stepped closer to the bed and held out his hands. The woman placed her child in the other child's hands, with help of both of the men. The child held the newborn in his arms gently as if it was a precious item.

"Mine?" The boy asked, once again the three adults eyes widened.

"Y-Yes...Yours." The tall man replied. The boy smiled at the child in his hands and smiled softly.

"Mine." He spoke out softly. "Name?" The woman smiled as she glanced toward her husband. The man smiled back.

"His name is..."


"Yugi!" A high pitched voice yelled at a boy sleeping at a desk. The boy jerked up, startled by the voice and groaned. The boy had spiked black hair with amethyst aligning it, along with it he had sharp golden bangs that hung around his face. He looked toward the voice with large childlike eyes.

"You're mean Anzu..." Yugi told the voice, the voice was a small girl with short chestnut hair and bright sky blue eyes. She pouted.

"Well the class is already outside for recess!" She told him before she ran out of the classroom, leaving the boy alone. Yugi groaned once again as he glanced down at the item he was sleeping on. It was a book about demons that he had found in his mother's attic. He closed it and picked it up before he stood up and proceeded to go outside.

"Hey look! The shorty decided to come out and play for once!" A black haired kid with dark eyes yelled as he threw a basketball. His words caught the attention of two other boys. Yugi panicked but just kept walking toward the trees. Please leave me alone...

"Where do you think you're going?" The kid yelled as he ran toward Yugi and grabbed his shoulder forcing him to spin around to face him. The kid looked down at the book in Yugi's hands.

"Look, he's still reading that stupid book." A different kid spoke out. Yugi cringed.

"It isn't stupid!" He yelled as he clutched the book to his chest. The three kids laughed.

"You know I thought around third grade you stopped believing in stupid fairy tales. What does he believe in again? Something about a thing called a succubus and a vampire?" The other kid asked laughing.

"Yeah, he said they exist and that they can mate. Honestly what an idiot. Maybe he still believes in Santa." The children laughed. Yugi felt tears swell up in his eyes.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" Yugi told them as tears flowed down his cheeks. The black haired kid smirked and pushed Yugi to the ground in one strong push. Yugi gasped and hissed in pain as he felt himself hit the concrete of the basketball court, the book fell out of his hands. The black haired boy reached down and grabbed it before Yugi could react.

"OoOoOo The shadow realm! How scary!" The kids laughed as Yugi began to cry more.

"Give that back!" Yugi begged only to receive a kick to the face, he hissed in pain once again.

"Shut up! You know we should burn this. My mom has matches at her house." One of the kids told the others. They nodded as Yugi's eyes widened in fear.

"Please...don't. It's my mom's..." Yugi pleaded as he felt some blood in his mouth, they must have knocked out some of my teeth. He thought as he cried more.

"Aw really? How sad! Maybe you should leave m-" The black haired kid never got to finish his sentence as a stick was thrown at him from afar, it impaled him right in the eye. The kid began to scream in pain as he grabbed his eye and dropped Yugi's book. Yugi panicked as he watched, what had happened? Who had thrown that? The kids surrounding the black haired kid began to yell along with him, Yugi could see the teacher running toward them.


Yugi heard this in his head. It wasn't his voice, who said that?

Grab the book and Run.

Yugi nodded to no one in particular as he grabbed his book and ran away from the scene to a tree that was nearby. He hid behind it and took deep breathes before he broke down crying. This was the seventh time this week that they had made fun of him and hurt him.

"Yugi?" A soft voice spoke out. Yugi's head shot up at the sound to see a small blond headed girl and blue eyes in a pink dress. Yugi's face was tear stained and his heart hurt but never the less he smiled.

"Hey Rebecca..." He whispered out, his voice hoarse from crying. Rebecca looked at his face and her eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" She questioned as she keeled down next to him and rose the end of her dress to wipe his eyes, not seeming to care that she pulled up almost her whole dress doing so. He smiled at the gesture.

"Y-Yeah..." He responded. Rebecca looked at the book he held in his hands.

"Were you bullied again?" She asked softly. Yugi nodded. She frowned and touched the book gently.

"Maybe you should stop..." She whispered. Yugi looked at her confused.

"Stop what?" He asked her, she looked at him with serious eyes, which were rare for a first grader to have.

"Reading this and believing in this..." She told him. "You like this but...I don't like you getting hurt..." She captured his eyes in a gaze and stared at him as if she was trying to search his soul. Yugi thought for a moment and smiled at her as he placed a hand on her head, petting her. She blushed slightly as he did this.

"I'll think about it..."


"Happy Birthday Yugi!" Three teenagers spoke out in sync as they saw Yugi enter the high school. He had gotten taller but he still resembled a kid in elementary school. He smiled at the three teens. It was only one boy and two girls. Rebecca was one of the girls, she had gotten taller but she was still Yugi's height, her hair had gotten longer and now she had pink glasses. She was wearing the female school uniform, which was a blue skirt and white blouse. Also wearing the female school uniform was Anzu. Nothing had really changed about her other then the fact she had gotten taller then Yugi. The boy was wearing the male uniform which was blue pants and a white T-Shirt. The boy's name was Joey, he had blond hair and honey colored eyes, Yugi had met him in his fifth grade year.

"Thank you guys." Yugi said smiling as he stepped forward to hug all three of his friends.

"I'm jealous! You guys are 18 now and I'm still 16!" Rebecca pouted as she crossed her arms. Joey laughed.

"Hey you're the one who skipped two grades." He told her, she blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh that's right, now that Yugi's 18, you're a minor and he can't date you." Anzu pointed out making Rebecca glare at her. Yugi stood there awkwardly during the conversation. Rebecca had developed a crush on him in his forth year of elementary school.

"That's alright! Yugi will wait for me!" She smiled and latched herself onto Yugi's arm. "Isn't that right darling?" She sung out as she kissed his cheek. He blushed and looked away. Anzu glared at the girl as she did this. Joey began to laugh.

"Man Yugi, I'm jealous! Two girls, man you need to share!" He yelled out still laughing. Yugi glared at him, his face still bright red.

"You're gay!" Yugi told him. Joey shrugged and looked away.

"I'm bisexual, Yugi. Not gay." Joey pointed out as he glanced toward a clock. It was almost time for class.

"Okay birthday boy we gotta split." He said gesturing toward the clock. Yugi looked toward the clock as well and nodded.

"Alright." He said as he glanced toward the girls and said goodbye. The four teens waved at each other as they walked off.

"So Rebecca or Anzu?" Joey asked as soon as the girls were out of sight. Yugi rolled his eyes, here we go again.

"Neither." He told him, Joey groaned.

"You always say that!" He sighed as he glanced at his friend. "Why aren't you into any of them?"

"I'm just not. I never have been. I've never been interested in anyone." Yugi responded. Joey sighed.

"Yeah I know, I had to find that out the hard way." Joey whispered making Yugi laugh.

"Yeah, Yeah, sorry about that." Yugi said still laughing.

Where are you?

Yugi froze dead in his tracks as the familiar voice echoed in his head. What? He held his head. What was that?

"Yug? You okay?" Joey asked stopping as well. He looked at his friend worriedly.

"Yeah...I'm f-"

Where are you?!

Yugi closed his eyes tightly, what the hell?! I thought I got rid of this voice years ago!

"Yugi." Joey knelt down in front of him. "Are you sure you're okay?" Yugi nodded quickly.

"Y-Yeah...I just...I need to go to the bathroom." Yugi spoke quickly. "You go on ahead...I'll catch up..." As soon as he uttered out the word 'up' he took off running to the nearest bathroom. Joey stood there confused and watched his friend as he ran. He sighed before he turned around and headed to class. What was that about?

Yugi breathed heavily as he burst through the bathroom doors. He rushed to the sink and began to throw cold water on his face. Calm down! The voice went away when you stopped believing years ago! It's just your imagination! He took deep breaths before he began to throw more water on his face. He glanced up at the mirror to get a good look at himself and gasped. In the mirror wasn't just him, in the background was another person, a teenager with sharp crimson eyes and hair like his, only with crimson instead of amethyst and some of his bangs shooting up his hair like lightning bolts. Yugi jerked around, there was no one there.

His heart beat like a drum as he walked toward the stalls and opened them. No one was in them. He took a deep breath. You're imagining things. He turned around and let out a small yell as he jumped back. Sitting on a sink was the teenager, his legs were crossed and he was leaning over with his arms in his lap, He was smirking and eying Yugi with deep crimson eyes that were filled with want.

"Found you."

:Done! I hope you guys liked the first chapter of The Combined Who Seeks! Please review and I'll see you next chapter!: