So, a while back I found a positively amazing piece of fanart on Deviantart, created by a user named Tsoutherland, showing an 'Elseworld's' type story where Kakarot and Kal-El landed on the same alien planet and were raised as brothers. It was a pretty awesome concept, so I decided to take a crack at it.

Doomed Planet. Desperate Scientists. Last Hope. Kindly Couple. Superman.

A story told and retold a thousand times over, the tale of the wonderful man who fell to earth from the stars and did nothing but good. The story of Superman and his endless battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

The Superman we know and love was found and raised by a human couple known as the Kents, but in the vast web of the multiverse that was not the case in every world. In some he was found and raised by the despotic Darkseid, in others he crash landed in the USSR and became the champion of the communist cause.

In this world however, in this universe, a chance encounter with a fellow alien orphan would change everything even more drastically.

Another quake rocked Krypton's surface, each vibration growing more violent by the second. It had been this way for months, the once noble planet riding out its last gasps of life, and yet the population at large paid it no mind. The high council would do nothing, claiming that this was just another 'earthquake.'

Brainiac had been just as bad. The artificial being who had once posed as Krypton's wisest and greatest creation had chosen to lie to the council on the truth of the seismic activity, just so it could buy time for itself to escape, taking Krypton's knowledge and data into space with it.

Jor-El had tried now, for months and months he had tried to get the council to listen, to fund his plans for a mass evacuation. Now there was only one thing he could do, the dark-haired man had nothing but his back-up plan. He stood there over the small rocket he had built, a mere prototype capable of faster than light travel, large enough to only fit one infant passenger.

"Is there really no other option?" Lara asked softly. Lara Lor-Van, Jor-El's beloved wife, mother to their first and only child. She cradled the sleeping Kal-El in her arms, the fleshy-faced baby snoring silently inside the large red blanket. Its texture and outward appearance gave it the appearance of silk, but the truth was it was far more durable than any earth fabric could be. "He...he would be alone out there. An outcast."

"No. Under that 'earth' planets yellow sun, our child will have powers and abilities akin to a god. He will give them an ideal to strive toward. They will race behind him, they will stumble and they will fall. But in time they will join him in the sun. In time he will help them accomplish wonders." Jor-El explained softly, continuing to caress the metal hull of the craft. He turned his focus to Lara, silently pleading with her to bring Kal over before he lost his nerve for this.

"I just...I hope that he will remember that for the brief time we had him, we loved him. Truly and deeply," She whispered, tears staining her porcelain cheeks as she gently placed the dark-haired child in the rocket. Lara bent down and kissed his forehead, stepping back then "Jor...Please, I just wish we could be with him..."

Jor gave a solemn nod, his eyes gleaming with moisture too. "That is what the holo recording is for," he said, placing a small silver box engraved with ancient Kryptonian markings into the silver rocket ship. "So that he can know who we were, and that we loved him. Perhaps it is best that he go this alone. Old Krypton grew fat and lazy, and in order for him to be free from those same problems there should be no other Kryptonians but he."

It was a poor attempt at justification. Had he the funding, he could have made a family sized rocket that they could all escape on. But...Kal-El was only a few weeks old. He was innocent, he had no reason to suffer Krypton's fate. He deserved life!

He leaned down and kissed the top of his sons head, before taking a step back and letting the indestructible glass canopy lower down and seal tight. "Goodbye, my son."

"Goodbye, sweet Kal-El." Lara whispered softly, tears now freely falling from her eyes. Losing a child was one of the greatest pains a parent could endure, and Lara couldn't help but think on all the things she would miss. His first steps, his first words, his first day at the edutorium... She watched the launch platform raise up at an angle while the large window of their ridgeside home unfolded outward. "Good luck..." she whispered, barely audible.

Jor-El moved around to the control panel of the rocket, black gloved digits quickly pressing a series of commands and keys. The rocket rumbled to life as its quantum batteries turned on, the main thruster heating up while the four red fins around it angled themselves in the proper way. "Goodbye my son. You will accomplish great things, I just know it..." he hesitated for a moment, knowing that once he pressed the launch key on the large console there was no turning back. He felt another quake beneath his feet then and realised just how little time they had left. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes tight, pressing down the launch button.

A great gust of heat and fire shot from the thruster, and the child rocket was launched clean off the platform in a great burst of speed. Jor turned his focus to the window to watch it sail off into the blackened clouds, going faster and faster with each passing second until it was even faster than the speed of sound itself. When it breached Krypton's thermosphere, the hyperdrive would kick in and send it hurtling past the light barrier. Earth was quite a distance, and that ship had to have a lot of speed behind it to reach it in a timely fashion.

"Did we...did we do the right thing, Jor-El?" Lara asked softly, her eyes continuing to watch where Kal's rocket had flown to, even if it was no longer visible.

"I don't know Lara..." Jor replied, moving to his wife's side and letting a hand rest on her shoulder. From the window they could see the crust of the planet rend itself apart, several fissures in the earth tearing open to allow great vents of lava to shoot straight up into the sky. He sighed and turned his attention to his mate "I love you Lara."

She stood on her toes and then pressed her lips to his in a soft, final gesture of her love, treading her fingers into his combed back ebony hair. "And I love you Jor-El..." Another quake, even mightier than any that came before it as more mighty seas of lava burst onto the planets surface "...Until the end of time."

With that, the loving couple were engulfed in the fiery hellstorm that signified mighty Krypton's demise. The world rippled down to its very core and then erupted in a mighty green explosion, one of the galaxy's oldest and noblest of races being wiped out in that instant. All save one.

Mighty Rao, the great red star, served as the only witness to Krypton's death, and the escape of its last son.

Doomed Planet. Desperate Father. Wicked Tyrant. Kindly Hermit. Goku.

A story told and retold a thousand times over, a tale of a wonderful man who fell to earth from the stars and did nothing but good. The story of Son Goku and his endless battle to protect the earth from evil.

The Goku we all know and love was found and raised by a kindly old man by the name of Grandpa Gohan, but in the vast web of infinite earths this was not the case in every reality. In some worlds he remained a bloodthirsty Saiyan conqueror, in others he was found by the Guardian of Earth and became his official succesor.

In this world however, in this universe, a chance encounter with a fellow alien orphan would change everything even more drastically.

Bardock, bruised and bloodied after his brush with death against Dodoria, glared at Frieza through blurry eyes. He had gone through hell, ost his crew to Frieza's betrayal and almost lost his life against Dodoria and his elite. These accursed psychic powers bestowed on him had allowed Bardock to see the grim future awaiting his race and his world, death at the hands of Frieza, the alien overlord they had served for years now.

Frieza seemed to have become afraid of the growing Saiyan strength in addition to their growing population. Now he just wanted to wash his hands of them and permanently remove them from his Planet Trade Organization before they could become a full threat. Bardock had smashed clean through an entire fleet of soldiers just so he could make a last stand, when the rest of his people were too stupid to take his warnings seriously.

"'ve lived far too long for my tastes, Frieza," Bardock cackled. The alien tyrant sat silently in his floating chair, a noticeable frown on his face. He disliked disobedience, and Bardock's attempts at 'wit' certainly weren't endearing. Slowly and silently he raised a finger up, a spark of golden energy no larger than a pea forming atop his digit.

"FRIEZA! Listen up! We quit, all of us!" Bardock yelled. Clearly the other soldiers weren't happy being lumped in with that, a few even yelling out words of protest to the Saiyan's declaration. "You got it?! We don't work for 're free, so find someone else to do your dirty work!"

As he yelled, ranted and raved hysterically, Frieza casually took aim with his small spark of power. "Oh yeah...and there's one last thing," Bardock began, raising one hand up. A swirling torrent of white and pale blue ki formed on his hand, crackling with a growing power " for all the people that we killed in your name. I wish we were never foolish enough to obey you...HERE! HAVE IT!" He swung his arm with a shocking degree of force, launching his blue and white energy ball toward the despotic alien.

It hurtled through space like a missile, aimed straight at Frieza. The alien let out a loud cackle and then suddenly the energy ball above hus finger started to double, triple and then more than quadruple in size until what looked like a miniature sun was floating above his flying saucer.

It continued to grow and grow, and when Bardock's last-ditch attack managed to hit it, the blue and white blast was simply...consumed in the larger blast. Bardock's eyes widened in horror and his mouth fell agape, and all those soldiers gathered in the heavens above Planet Vegeta seemed too fear-stricken to try and run away. Then with another grand cackle, Frieza flicked the blast forward, moving at a surprising speed despite its large lumbering size.

Those caught in the juggernaut of ki's trajectory were simply vaporised on contact with its superheated surface, Frieza's own men screaming for their lives in a desperate bid to escape death at Frieza's hands. Bardock let out a loud yell as the great orb of fire closer in on him, and despite his desperate bid to stop the blast by slamming his palms into it, he too was soon caught up in the maelstrom of hellfire as it burnt its way down through Vegeta's atmosphere.

The great heat of the attack proved too much for even the mighty Saiyan to endure, his damaged armour being burnt away as his flesh began to cook. His widened eyes began to white out, and Bardock knew that this truly was the end. After so many brushes with death, his demise was to be entwined with the destruction of his home planet, at the hands of the very being he served his entire life. Perhaps it was karma, for all the worlds he had massacred at Frieza's command. He'd be lying if he said he had felt any true guilt for all those genocides, but he always thought, hoped, that Frieza would never turn on the Saiyans.

Maybe he had known that this was exactly what would happen when he flew up to face the traitorous tyrant. Even at maximum, he was less than one percent of Frieza's power. But this was something that he had to do, to let Frieza know that SOMEBODY defied him, that somebody stood against him at the end of Planet Vegeta. He wanted to die as befits a Saiyan warrior, in a final battle, a last blaze of glory.

"Yes... I see... now..." Bardock whispered under the rolling thunderous roars of Frieza's Supernova attack. One last psychic vision.

The image was brief, appearing in Bardock's eyes for a fraction of a second. A figure in an orange cape in space, with black spiky hair similar to Bardock's own, glaring up at a figure who seemed to be Frieza by all accounts, in space above a large brown and blue planet. "Wait...who...who is with him...?" Bardock croaked out, seeing a blurrier figure in a red cape with more manageable hair floating about a foot behind his own son. "Doesn't matter... Kakarot... will avenge us!" Bardock said, his lips curling up into a wide smile, content to die now.


With that the Supernova crashed into the surface of the planet with such a violent force that the entire surface of the red planet shuddered and convulsed. All on the planets surface, Saiyan and alien alike, were knocked clean from their thoughts as monstrous earthquakes rocked the entire world. The great blast of light burrowed into the surface of the world, deeper and deeper while great cracks spread across the planet like great orange spider webs.

And then, finally, Planet Vegeta, home to the most violent race history would ever known, died in a glorious orange and red blasts. Frieza, busy cackling at the display of carnage, was too distracted to notice the escape of Planet Vegeta's last son as his spherical white space pod hurtled across the void of space.

Krypton and Vegeta lived many many lightyears away from each other in distance, yet in order to reach earth both had to head in the same general direction. Two alien orphans, both with vastly different purposes in life, soon found their ships hurtling through space side by side with each other, both oblivious to the sea of stars rippling past their faster than light ships.

The white aura continued to ripple along Kakarot's attack ball, while the vent of green and white light continued firing from Kal-El's rocket. The two ships swayed and strayed in their courses, inching closer and closer together as the passed between a swirling yellow star and a slowly rotating blue and brown planet.

The two crafts suddenly started inching closer and closer together, moving at equal speeds and moving into the same pathway to start heading toward the ship.

Suddenly their sides crashed together, sending sparks and lightning crackling into the sky as their seemingly indestructible hulls smashed an ground into each other. They continued forcing against each, the storm of sparks growing all the more intense until finally one fin on Kal-El's rocket smashed into the white hull of the attack ball, cutting off its drive core and ceasing its momentum. The continual pressure had managed to also crush the thruster of Kal-El's rocket, stopping it entirely.

Now the two craft were left adrift in space, unable to fly any further. It would seem that the two were doomed, until finally the gravitational pull on the massive planet below started pulling both crafts steadily toward it. And both alien offspring remained sleeping as their spaceships were steadily pulled down through the atmosphere.

It was the night before the end of harvest season, and it was the time when farmers would need to be most vigilant. Those scheming little Dratskon's would raid farms at almost any time of the year, sure, but by now they'd be getting a lot more desperate for food.

It was only to be expected, given how fast those grey rodents could breed and how large their population booms could be. Motetsu, at age 44, was all too aware of the dangers these creatures could cause. It had happened on his grandfathers farm, his fathers farm, and now the farm that he and his wife owned was dealing with the same infestation.

Still, that was what happened to people in the Drem Highlands. The people over in the walled cities, well they had the security needed from the elements and the fauna of the planet. The yellow skinned giant however, despite all the dangers, preferred the life of greater freedom that the farming life gave him and his wife.

He slowly and silently plodded around the fence of his large farm, balancing a spear on his broad shoulder. Motetsu let out a low grumble and stroked his wild grey beard, tired eyes staring up into the night sky. Clear tonight, looked like it'd be a while before they got some more rain. Maybe that would be best.

Something odd caught his focus, making Motetsu narrow his eyes in focus to get a better look at the sky. Two great flaming orbs falling from the heavens, growing larger and larger, heading straight toward Mount Kekro. The yellow alien continued to watch in a growing sense of curiosity. Then, almost a few minutes after he first saw them the two strange objects smashed into one lower portion of the mountain hard enough to make the ground shake near the farm, making Motetsu's eyes widen in shock.

Whatever that was, it warranted investigation. He flipped his purple cloak back to reveal his brown boiled leather armour covering everything save for his neck, head and upper arms. He clutched his spear tight and started sprinting to the large flaming crater in the distance, to see just what the hell had happened.

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of 'Last Sons.' I dunno how much I'm really going to do with this story, since I have more popular fics on this site and other things to write, but we'll see what happens.

The story will utilise a power level system, mainly because it'll primarily only go as far as the Frieza era. As this is an AU, Superman/Kal-El won't have the exact level of power as his canon counterpart unless he sundips.

How Kal's Powers work in this story: As I'm trying to blend DC and DBZ, both of which use different sets of 'physics' for their characters, I've worked to blend the two efficiently. To that end, whenever Kal absorbs sunlight his body converts it to ki energy, giving him a replenishing ki pool as long as the yellow sun is on him. A red sun has the reverse effect, Kryptonite also has a reverse effect but introduces a crippling pain to boot. With each passing year, his body stores up more latent energy and raises his limit ever higher. Training, as with DBZ logic, allows him to grow stronger too.

Things like heat vision, ice breath and super breath are all done by using his ki to empower certain parts of his body, and using them extensively can drain him. Invulnerability and his super senses are passive abilities that require no excess ki, and instead of powering up like a Dragon Ball character would, he holds back less and less to compensate for how much strength he needs to use. However he does have more defined limits than the canon Superman.

Brainiac: The Brainiac of this story is based mainly on the DCAU version, the Kryptonian AI with a robot body. But there will be some elements linking him to the comic book portrayal.

Earth: Earth is unlikely to appear in this story. I mainly want to focus on the idea of Kal-El and Kakarot being raised as brothers, and I wanted to set it on a foreign planet so I wouldn't have to bother with the complications of who does/doesn't exist on that merged earth, and what kind of threats they deal with.