
Note: Major edit on 23/8/14. Changed it into an one-shot, added two more scene. Hopefully it's better.

Tsuna calls Reborn a liar, because he broke a promise, a promise that he'll be with him forever. TYL.

Bordering between love and friendship... T because of paranoia and sadness? K seems... Too innocent. There's mention of death and (mafia!) everything. This is where Reborn is (somehow) an adult.

Disclaimer I don't own anything, especially if they look familiar.

Inspired by: 1827 and a 6927 dj, Regret Message, 愛を-こめ-て花-束をでボンゴレファミリー【完成.・改】

Note: For the first part, I. Promise, it is set in a few years after canon, and the rest would be the TYL parallel world where canon Tsuna had travelled to.

I. Promise

A beach, during a well-deserved vacation

"Eh, look Reborn, what is that man doing?" Tsuna tugged at Reborn's sleeve.

Reborn looked to where Tsuna was pointing at. A man stood in the shallow water of the sea, clasping something close to his chest with both his hands, looking as though he was praying. A moment later, he threw that thing into the sea as hard as he could.

On closer look, Tsuna could see that it was a glass bottle. The man just stood there, watching the bottle disappear as it floated further and further away into the sea.

"Didn't you know? By this sea, there existed an old tradition from long before. Write your wish on a piece of parchment, and place it in a small bottle. If you let it flow with the sea, then someday, your wish will come true."

"Hmmm... that sounds interesting! I want to try. Reborn, would you like to try it too?" Tsuna sounded very excited.

"No, it's for kids."

"Don't be such a spoilsport! There's no harm trying, is there?"

"Tsuna… Don't be so childish. It's not going to work. If wishes came true, then pigs can fly." Reborn sounded a little exasperated at Tsuna's stubbornness.

Tsuna ignored Reborn's comment. He pulled Reborn's arm and urged him. "Come on!"

Reborn just sighed and let himself be pulled.

"So, what did you wish for, Dame-Tsuna?"

"Not telling you."

"My, you are getting bold, aren't you?"

"Fine! I want everyone to be happy and safe... and... and..."

"And?" Reborn prompted.

Tsuna blushed, and mumbled something unintelligible.

"A mafia boss doesn't mumble."

"I wish Reborn will stay with me forever."

Reborn's eyes widened slightly, looking a little shocked. He then pulled down his fedora and gave a small smile, recovering quickly.

"Dame-Tsuna will always be dame-Tsuna, won't he?"

"I can't imagine a life without you..." Tsuna turned to look at him. "Well, what did you wish for, Reborn?"

Reborn, being Reborn, just smirked. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Reborn!" Cue Tsuna's trademark pout. "But... Reborn?"


"Promise me, won't you? That you will always be there."

"Hn. What do you think?"


"Well, I guess you can't live a second without me."

"Hey! Stop teasing me."

"Alright, alright, I promise. I will get bored if I don't get to tease my dame student anyway." Reborn said with his usual smirk in place.

"Thank you," Tsuna smiled, and at that moment Reborn wished he could always see him smile like this. That smile of acceptance, and of belonging.

For some strange reason, he wanted to protect that smile.

Somewhere in the horizons of the sea, on a piece of parchment in a glass bottle.

I wish Dame-Tsuna will always be happy.

II. Curse

It was dark in the room, but the curtains were drawn, and moonlight filtered through the window and landed on Reborn's sleeping figure.

Tsuna watched Reborn's chest rise and drop, a rare peaceful expression on his face. Tsuna's hand was on Reborn's head as he ran his fingers through Reborn's hair in a soothing motion.

Reborn hadn't been able to fall asleep in the past few days and thus Tsuna was trying to stay with him as he fell asleep on this night. Tsuna's presence somehow made it easier for Reborn to relax and sleep, and Tsuna was glad to be able to help Reborn in whatever way he could.

Thinking of that, a frown marred Tsuna's otherwise peaceful features and worry was etched on his face.

Reborn hadn't been feeling well lately, and it was apparently the same for all the other Arcobaleno.

Even though Reborn didn't really say anything or complain, Tsuna was extremely worried for him. Tsuna didn't want to give him any mission and wanted to ask him to rest, but sometimes the hitman was much more stubborn than him. Where did he get such a stubborn streak from, Tsuna wondered with slight annoyance.

Watching Reborn, Tsuna could feel him falling through his grasp, like sand falling in between his fingers. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to stop Reborn from disappearing. Tsuna sighed. He didn't want to admit, but he was scared. Scared that Reborn would leave him one day, and scared that he couldn't continue living without Reborn.

Tsuna hated to see Reborn in pain, or loathing himself for being so sick and weak.

If I can die and endure the pain in your place, I would.

Tsuna stared at Reborn's sleeping figure for a little longer, then decided to turn in for the night as he had many things to deal with the next day. He leaned forward and gave Reborn a kiss on the forehead, and gently brushed his hair away from his face.

"I love you."

His voice was soft, like the gentle breeze at night.

What others didn't know was that they never actually said 'I love you' to each other before. Well, at least not to each other's face.

Tsuna didn't mind because Reborn was well, Reborn. Tsuna understood that Reborn didn't really know how to love anyone, and Tsuna didn't want to pressure Reborn, so he didn't say it to Reborn either. Tsuna wasn't sad or anything, for in his opinion actions matter so much more than words, and being with Reborn was the happiest thing in the world for him without needing those three words.

Tsuna stood up and left the room as quietly as he could, so that he wouldn't disturb Reborn's precious sleeping time. As he closed the door, Tsuna didn't see Reborn's eyes flutter open.

III. Broken

Knock. Knock.

Tsuna looked up from his work. "Come in."

It was Reborn who walked in. Tsuna's face changed from his standard boss countenance to one that contains a whirlpool of mixed expressions.

"Reborn." Tsuna acknowledged.

"Tsuna." Reborn greeted. "I'm leaving for the mission soon."

Tsuna's face became paler, if that was even possible.

He bit his lower lip as he hesitated. "Can you not go?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Tsuna. Have you already forgotten what I have taught you? Family first, remember?"

"I... I know. I know! I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being so weak, so selfish. I've told you, I'll never be a good mafia boss."

Reborn's eyes softened imperceptibly, but even if it was a only a slight motion, Tsuna could notice it. "I'm proud of you, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Don't..." There was a pleading edge to Tsuna's voice.

"What about your promise? Have you forgotten?" Tsuna said as he tried to stall for time.

"Silly Tsuna, I have never broken a promise to you, have I? Trust me. I'll always be with you." ...In life or in death. Reborn never utter them, but Tsuna could hear those words clearly underneath what he had said.

"Of course." Tsuna recomposed himself, getting back to his boss mode, like how Reborn had trained him long ago. He knew that it had gone on long enough for him to be so vulnerable and weak.

At least that was what Tsuna told himself, for as Reborn turned around to leave the office, Tsuna couldn't help but to reach out to grab Reborn's arm to make Reborn face him once more.

"I have a very bad feeling about this, Reborn, and we all know my intuition is never wrong."

"Yes, but this is a very important mission. I serve you, I serve Vongola, and I live for the Vongola. My life is Vongola's. Furthermore, if I don't go, who else can you send? At this point in time, you can't lose any of your guardians. Remember, family–"

"Family above everything, I know." Tsuna cut in. "I just... I'm sorry. I really, really don't want to lose you. Not just because you're my best hitman and external advisor, but also..."

Tsuna didn't continue, for words could not express exactly how he felt, and they both understood what Tsuna had wanted to say.

"As the head of the family, however, I wish you a safe mission. Please come back as soon as you have finished it."

"Of course. I promised to finish the mission to my best efforts, boss." Reborn bowed and he turned and walked to the door.

Before Reborn reached the door, however, he suddenly heard Tsuna shout, "Wait!"

Reborn paused in mid-step, then heard a shuffle as Tsuna got up from his chair and ran towards him. Reborn could feel Tsuna's arms enveloping his waist as Tsuna hugged him from the back, his head resting on the back of Reborn's left shoulder.

"Reborn... I love you." Was Tsuna's confession. I need to say this before it's too late.

For the first time, Tsuna said those three words to him.

Reborn just smiled, but Tsuna didn't see it, since Reborn was back-facing him. "I know, Dame-Tsuna. I love you too." I'm sorry.

Reborn ignored the fluttering feelings he felt in his chest, and slowly pried Tsuna's hands from his waist. Reborn then opened the door and walked out, leaving Tsuna standing behind, still in a state of shock and disbelief.

Tears were welling up in Tsuna's eyes but they never did fall. A mafia boss doesn't cry. A mafia boss doesn't whimper. A mafia boss doesn't fear.

Tsuna stared at Reborn's back and when Reborn turned to face him as he closed the door, he smiled at him, a beautiful smile that even Tsuna didn't recall seeing before. He just watched as Reborn disappear from his sight as the door closed with an ominous, hollow sound.

If only, if only he had stopped Reborn. Then he wouldn't be feeling so miserable. If only the words 'come back' had left his mouth, then he wouldn't have had to watch Reborn go.

Shock, pain, longing were piling inside him, swirling like a whirlpool and sucking everything in, and the emotions just got more and more intense until Tsuna feared that it would overflow.

Why... Why had it sounded so much like a goodbye?


You promised.

IV. Grief

Vongola HQ, Italy

"Jyuudaime... Reborn-san... He..."

Tsuna's hyper intuition flared up. Even without his hyper intuition, he had already known what was coming, before Reborn even went for the mission.

I knew it... I knew it... You knew it too.

I expected it... But... It still hurts so much. Someone, someone, help me breathe, I can't...



How could he? How dare he? He promised! Liar.

Liar, cheater, trickster.

Reborn was a liar. He really should have seen it coming.

However… Gokudera-kun hadn't said anything yet, right? So there was still a chance he could be wrong. Maybe he was just injured... Nothing serious...

"He's... dead..."


Everything just… lost its focus.

"Enemy...medical...emergency...but he wasn't...I'm so fault... Jyuudaime? Jyuudaime!"

Gokudera's words were blurred out and Tsuna couldn't tell what he's talking about, only catching some of the words.

Why... Is it even possible to hurt this much?

"Gokudera-kun... Do you mind... Giving me a minute?"

"Of... Of course, Jyuudaime."

"Thanks. I... I appreciate it."

He covered his face with his hands, body shaking uncontrollably.

His tears, though, never fell. Reborn had told him, a mafia boss doesn't cry. Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo, would never shed a tear for the most precious person in his world, simply because he taught him so.

Damn you, Reborn.

Damn you for barging into my life without my permission.

Damn you for making a promise you could not keep, you liar.

Liar. Everything's just been a lie.

And you were such a great liar. I had never doubted you.

I'm falling. If I fall deep enough, will I meet you again? It's so dark...

How do you expect me to live on my own, now? Without you to guide me? There are some things I can only talk to you about. Some things only you will understand, and only you will know what to do.

I really, really hate you right now.

Only when there's love, there's hate, and the more you hate, the more you love.

'Hello? Is this Shoichi-kun? It's me, Tsuna.'

'Oh! Have you, um, decided then?'

'Yes. I agree to go according to the plan. I'll arrange a time to meet. Wait for my call.'



'When Reborn comes, send him straight to the base so he wouldn't get theAnti Tri-ni-set Radiation. I can't risk him sick or...' He trailed off. Dead, he said in his mind.

'Of course, don't you worry. I'll wait for your call, then.'

Because in the past, present or future, I can't live without him.

V. Reunion

Namimori Forest, when the peace was restored


Tsuna was a little overwhelmed when all his friends - no, family - literally jumped onto him when he got out of the coffin.

"Oof! Guys… Do you mind not… squashing me? Need… to… breathe…"

Finally, when everyone was convinced Tsuna was alive and well and not going to disappear anytime soon, they got up clumsily, trying not to trip over one another.

Tsuna was happily immersed in his friends' presence and chatter, when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

Everyone froze. Tsuna turned around, only to see one familiar hitman, as calm and cool as usual. His eyes widened, but kept on staring at Reborn, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Finally Tsuna could move and he rushed forward, only to throw his arms around Reborn's neck. "You jerk! You liar! You..."

Tsuna buried his face into Reborn's suit, and just hugged him tighter. "I hate you. I hate you so much."

"I feel so welcomed, Dame-Tsuna."

Reborn cupped Tsuna's face and looked him straight in the eye.

"But... I'm here now, am I not? I'm not a liar, after all. I'm the world's greatest hitman. I don't go against my words."


Reborn chuckled.

"At least, Sawada Tsunayoshi, when I make a promise to you, I won't break it. Promise."


A/N: Hope you like it. I really enjoyed writing this. Though sorry I cut the reunion scene with Tsuna's other friends short, since there are so many stories out there about that anyway. I was imagining everything in my head and painstakingly turning the images into words. R27 is so underrated, therefore I decided to contribute. Hope I didn't write them as too OOC. But it'll take ages before it will appear... Comments are welcomed.

The only bad thing about gay fanfics is that there are too many 'he's.

Anyway, I'll be posting another R27, The Sky and his Sun today (23/8/14). Can go read if you're interested.