[Note: I own nothing, otherwise there would be constant screwing every single episode...but you'd like that, wouldn't you? I know I would.]

Well, fuck.

He'd only just opened his eyes, and he was hoping to god that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Because this seemed completely unrealistic.

He was in bed with Kuroko.

A very, very naked Kuroko.

Who was fast asleep.

Beside him.

Well fuck me dead and call me a tiger.

Oh. Now he was making puns. Fucking Izuki. It wasn't even a good pun.

He sat up, careful not to wake Kuroko. The bedside clock told him it was already ten o'clock in the morning, meaning that Aomine was most likely awake and knew everything.

He really should just go die in a hole right now.

He clumsily clambered out of bed, trying with all his might to keep the bed from shifting and creaking too much. He just didn't think he could deal with an awake Kuroko right now.

He wasn't sure at all what happened, but he was pretty convinced that they'd had sex. What else could explain Kuroko's...lack of clothing. He certainly couldn't think of anything. But what confused him was how despite Kuroko being completly naked, he himself was fully clothed. He'd have to ask Kuroko when he woke up, because he was not going to try and recall what had happened. Fuck that.

He left the room and shut the door behind him. He could smell cooking bacon and the sounds of someone banging around in his kitchen. It was most likely Aomine.

He entered the kitchen and was greated with the sight of Aomine standing over a pan of frying bacon, wearing a 'Kiss the cook' apron over his pajamas.

This morning was really, really fucking weird.

"...Where did you get the apron?"

"Same place I got the bacon, the supermarket. They had a special."

"And you brought it because...?"

"Because I have money and I can."

"I-I see..."

Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with these people.

More specifically, Aomine Daiki.

He sat down at the kitchen table, too immersed in his own thoughts to try and make further conversation with the freak that was in the kitchen. Just what the hell happened last night? He'd never had any sexual feelings towards Kuroko until last night, when he remembered clearly that he was under the influence of alcohol.

"So, I take it I'm cooking for three this morning?" Aomine inquired, his tone light and teasing. When he glanced at his face, he could see the definite smirk plastered on his face.

"Fuck off."

Aomine just chuckled and flipped the bacon. "They sure are loud. I could barely sleep with all the noise you two made."

He blushed, knowing full well that his face was probably bright red. "I said, fuck off."

"Just making conversation."

They lapsed back into silence, and to be honest that was what he preferred. He couldn't really think of what to say. What was a person supposed to say in a situation like this? And to make matters worse, Aomine had no idea who the other person in his room was. Yet.

As if on cue, Kuroko stumbled out of the corridor, wearing the same clothes they'd seen him wearing last night while looking panicked and disheveled.

"What time is it?" He blurted out.

"Uh... around tenish?"

"Oh sweet motherfucking jesus." Kuroko groaned and ran back to Kagami's room.

"Was...was that Tetsu?" Aomine asked, eyes staring at the place Kuroko had been standing at a moment ago.

"The bacon is burning, dumbass."

Aomine came to life at that, but probably not because of the bacon.

"Fuck the bacon, why the hell is Tetsu here?!" Aomine shouted, facing him with a mix of livid anger, surprise and downright gobsmacked.

Sadly for poor Aomine, he couldn't take him seriously. Fuck, who the hell could take someone who was a pink 'kiss the cook' apron seriously.

"Uh... He's the person you heard last night, ya know...making all that noise..."

Aomine just stared. Then he blinked.

"Uh, Aomine?"

"Just shut up for a second. Just shut the fuck up while I take this all in."

He grunted, "Yeah, you and me both."

"I said to shut the fuck up!"

While Aomine returned to the bacon, he was left to listen to the sound of Kuroko rummaging around in his room. What the hell was he doing in there?

His question was answered when Kuroko reappeared, shoes on his feet and stuffing a brown leather wallet into his jean pocket. He looked stressed, tired and above all else, frustrated.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner," Kuroko bit out, bending down to fix up his shoe laces.

Because he was too fucking cowardly to face up to what they did last night. Because waking him up meant he had to deal with the reality that they actually fucked and had oversteped their boundries as friends and could possibly never return to their former friendship?

Instead, he said "You looked tired..."

"Ugh, well thanks to you, I'm now late for work."

He couldn't find the courage in himself to respond, Kuroko just seemed too angry and he really couldn't blame the poor guy. Oh god, what if that had been Kuroko's first time? Fuck, he was so fucked. This had just gone from bad to hell in a time span of a few seconds. Oh fuck-

"Oi, where the hell are you off to?" Aomine's shout cut across his thoughts, bringing to his attention Kuroko's retreating form, making for the doorway.

"I told you already, I have to get to work." Kuroko ground out, and he slamed the door behind him, leaving silence in his wake.

"Tsh, he didn't even eat the breakfast I made him." Aomine grumbled and went back to serving up the meal.

"Oh, shut up. He's got bigger problems than breakfast." Kagami shot back.

"Yeah, he had to fuck you and has to live with that for the rest of his life."

Oh that motherfucker-

Aomine handed Kagami his plate and sat down with a frown before shoveling an egg into his mouth. He chewed for a few moments before speaking again while Kagami was just taking a bite out of his own food.

"So, what is going on between you two? Are you like, fuck buddies or something?"

Kagami almost choked on his food, what the actual fuck?! "What? No! It's nothing like that at all! It was just an accident!"

"An accident, huh?" Aomine asked with a raised eyebrow before shoveling in another bite.

"Yes an accident! What, you think I'd willingly want to have sex with my best friend?" He shouted, feeling the blood rush to his face again.

"Yeah, I do. You seem like the closet pervert type to me."

"Oh, just go fuck yourself!"

{Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light - Helen Keller}

He had to lie yet again to Aomine and Kagami about where he was going. Work at the supermarket didn't start for another two hours, but he didn't want them to know that. In truth, he had to go check up on his mother. No doubt she was at home, lying in her own filth and might even be worried about him, after all, he didn't return home like usual.

He inserted the key into the lock and opened the door, fully prepared to deal with whatever sight he would be greeted with.

"Mother, I'm home-"

"Just where the hell have you been?"

His mother stood there, the obvious effects of a recent hangover still lingering over her. However, this was the side of his mother he loved. Although she was nothing but a shell of the woman she used to be, it was times like this when she wasn't drunk and wasn't quite hungover that she became a flicker of her former self. Her angry glare had him stopping in his tracks and focused completely on her.

"I wake up, and I can't find you anywhere. Do you have any idea how worried I was? What if something had happened to you? I wouldn't have had any idea about it untill the police came knocking on my door, just like your father-"

She stopped, her eyes galzing over for a second as if recalling a memory. When tears began to pool in her eyes, Kuroko rushed over to hug her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again," He promised, holding her to him as she sobbed. Faintly, at the back of his mind which he often ignored, he wondered how many times he'd done this for her over the years- held her until she stopped crying and was well enough to pick up the next bottle of alcohol. But when was the last time she'd held him? Guilt welled up inside him after that thought. He was being selfish. He was a grown man, he didn't need someone to hold and comfort him.

She eventually quietened down enough for him to tell her he had to leave for work. Slowly, he helped her into bed and turned the light off in her room. This here was just another part of his daily routine.

But trust Kagami to mess that up for him.

He didn't even know where to begin when he thought about last night, the feeling of Kagami's drunk, alcohol tasting lips forcing his own open-

And if he didn't get his mind out of the gutter soon, he'd have a hard on.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, a habit he was having to perform often these days. Fucking hell.

{"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet." - Keith Richards}

"And that that should be it," Shibata said with a smile, handing Kuroko the notes of cash.

"Thank you very much, sir." He bowed deeply, finding his mask of polite indifference and slipping it on his face.

Shibata smiled and waved of his thanks before walking away to the bar. Once he was out of earshot, he let out a breath he hadn't even been aware he'd been holding. Shibata had been out of sorts lately, he was quick to anger and snappish nearly everytime Kuroko had gotten within his sight. Their conversations were often breif, focusing only on work. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the man was stressed.

To his surprise, he hadn't seen Kagami since that morning. If he was to be honest, it was a relief. He was even more surprised to find that none of the others had made an appearance either. He'd expected Kise to at least show up, acting as clingy and childish as he used to be. But he'd been proven wrong. If he really thought about it, it shouldn't have been that shocking. Surely Kise and the others had changed more than what he'd witnessed yesterday. It had been years since he'd seen them last, after all. Was it possible that in that time Kise had matured. Oh hell, that was new. Kise, mature? Had anyone told him years ago that Kise would be a mature adult, he would have laughed outright in their face. Midorima too seemed more laid back, confident in his surroundings. Not that he wasn't before, but now he seemed less on guard. His walls had lowered, and he was more open with his emotions. Hell, even if you looked at Aomine, he'd become less cocky and arrogant, and Kagami had a somewhat decent grasp on his emotions. The only one who didn't seem to have changed dramatically was Murasakibura, but even then he could see some slight changes in attitude.

It was definantly possible that they too had undergone some transformations themselves.

He dared to even say that they'd become the people he'd origianally become friends with.

But, he thought with a smirk, he could never be like them. He could never have a career with an honest, well earned high pay, or a house that he could confidently say was his own. Heck, he didn't even have a car. He just walked everywhere or caught a cab if he could afford it.

And it was all thanks to his father's death.

Because of it, he had to resort to drugs. But no fucking way would he ever touch the shit. He wasn't that desperate.

He could never go down that path. Ever.

As the night wore on, he found himself lottering around a large group of male customers. It was obvious they were drunk, and their flamboyant attitudes and extravigant, shameless flirting left a bad taste in his mouth. It was part of his job to entertain customers, but the rule of 'No inappropriate touching' still stood, and thank god for that. While he didn't particularly mind their harmless flirting, he shruddered to think about what would happen should they try to actually touch him with those dirty, greasy hands-

"You're so cold tonight, Kuroko-kun." One of the men chortled, causing several others to laugh along side him.

"Naw, he's always been this fridged. That's just how he is." Another man snickered.

He just gave them a tight lipped smile. Retards. Honestly, were they so dense that they couldn't even tell that he didn't want to be there? But then again, his numerous masks that he used to hide his true emotions had been perfected since he was young, so maybe he shouldn't judge them too harshly. Even if they were complete meatheads.

"If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I have to go attend to something else," He simply replied and got up from the sticky leather love seat. With the amount of people that entered this stingy place, the temperature inside rose considerably, which never ceased to leave Kuroko feeling stiffled.

The men groaned, "Aww, come on, Kuroko-kun, we're only playing."

He just continued on smiling while walking away. Shibata demanded politeness from all his employees, simply to ensure that customers continued to come back for the 'friendly service'. Pft, sure. That's what they came back for.

Kuroko continued on with his work, serving drinks to shady customers and avoiding their hands that couldn't seem to keep to themselves. The heavy musk of cheep perfume, alcohol and sweat was enough to make him feel a little light headed by then end of his shift, but he was so used to it by now it hardly fazed him.

The six am finish came quickly enough, and soon he was making his way home in the early morning light. Funny how just as other's days were begining, his was just ending.

It wasn't until he was halfway home that he remembered how odd it was to not see Kagami or the others at the bar. Usually they followed him around like a bad smell. He smirked to himself, but then again, he and Kagami did push their boundries of friendship just last night. It was possible that Kagami was too embarrassed to even look at him right now.

Yeah, that was probably the reason behind it all.

Maybe, if he was very, very lucky, Kagami wouldn't come near him at all. It wasn't as if he didn't like Kagami, on the contrary it was the complete opposite, but Kagami caused too many problems. If he ever found out about the extra side work he did for Shibata...well, he shruddered to think of what his friends would think of him.

Kuroko almost froze in mid step. Did he just...refer to them as friends?

He inwardly shook his head. They were already getting to him. Never could they return to what they once were. There was too many differences between them all.

But even as he though this, he could feel his heart sinking.

Why did the world have to take the people that were needed most?

{Someone has to die in order for the rest of us to value life}

"You know, Bakagami, you're just one big coward."

Ah, Aomine. The one you could rely on to keep things blunt and simple.

"Oh, just fuck off already." He groaned from the couch, his voice muffled from the pillow his face was burried in.

"No way, not until you speak with him. I mean, two people don't just screw one another and get over it like that." Aomine said, sitting beside him on the couch with his eyes glued to the t.v screen.

"You don't watch many romance movies, do you?"


Kagami sighed and sat up, running a hand through his hair. "I made a mistake."

"To be fair, you were drunk." Aomine shrugged.

"That's no excuse. I took advantage of him."

Aomine actually snorted, and he looked away from the T.v so Kagami could see his snicker, "Seriously? It sounds to me like it was the other way around."

"You wern't there, you don't know what happend."

"No, but I could certainly hear the both of you. Who knew Tetsu had a set of lungs on him?" Aomine chuckled and went back to the screen.

"Please shut up, before I kill you myself."

Aomine rolled his eyes, "Please go talk to him. I can't deal with you any more. You're sending bad vibes through my house."

"Oi, since when was this your house?"

Aomine just shrugged and didn't answer. Figures.

"Fine," he relented, "I'll go see him tomorrow."

"Great, now please get off my bed."

"You know, Ahomine, you're the biggest asshole this world has to offer."

Aomine grinned, "Why, Kagami, I didn't know you could be so kind."

Yo! To be completely honest, I thought people wouldn't review because I hadn't updated and so they'd forgotten about the story and shit. So you can imagine how surprised I was to recieve your reviews! They were all so sweet!

So, I planned on adding the scene where- wait no that's spoilers again. I can't even talk!

Look forward to more smut in the next chapter or so. Maybe. If I feel in the mood.

I had to do Aomine in an apron. I regret nothing. Not even if it's OOC. I don't care anymore and I wanted some humor. I hope you liked it.

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