Warnings: Yaoi. Which includes two men. Who have a had sex and probably will again.

Naraku grumpily stared back at the large, golden eyes smiling back at him as well as the toothless grin aimed his way. His shoulders slumped further and he grumbled under his breath as a happy shriek escaped the chubby creature in front of him.

It had been a year already, and he was still unsure as to how he had allowed this to happen to him. Another infantile sound escaped and the thing was holding up the rattle that he had made it out of a small demon's skull and some pebbles.

"Do not pout."

His back stiffened at the voice and he glared up at the towering demon now standing beside where he sat on the bed with the babbling baby.

"I'm not pouting." He huffed, before pouting further. "And even if I were, I have every right to."

The thoughtful hum from the youkai beside him was ignored and he slapped away the hand that reached out to pet at his hair. It soon became him struggling to get out of strong arms that had lifted him to his feet so that a nose could be pressed against his neck.

"Ah, I see now why you pout."

His stomach tightened as a hand lowered to gently grip at his lower abdomen and he shuddered as he remembered the night three weeks ago. The youkai next to him chuckled before nibbling lightly against his ear and Naraku swooned with a gasp.

'Damn him!' Were his thoughts before he was giving in.

"It was not my intention to impregnate you . . . again."

Red eyes opened to glare at the youkai and Naraku successfully pulled himself away, turning back to the baby on the bed occupied with the macabre toys the hanyou had provided for it.

"I had rather you let Inuyasha destroy me than this." He growled out. "The Shikon no Tama is gone and I was shown mercy so as to be the brood mare for a selfish, egotistical Daiyoukai."

"You forgot handsome, from good breeding and-"

"Arrogant, narcissistic!" Naraku interrupted, turning to face the Daiyoukai and found himself trapped in arms again, with a wicked mouth and sinful tongue working magic to his own.

"As well as sexy, virile, sensual." His child's sire murmured as he pulled away, Naraku only able to moan in agreement despite his earlier anger. "If I had not successfully impregnated you, I would attempt to do so again. Though, do not be mistaken. When the nursemaid has taken our son off to be fed, I will make an attempt to re-enact the very night that caused you to become with child."

Naraku only pulled Sesshomaru closer to him, their bodies and lips melding together, lost in each other that they did not hear the door knock.

"My lord, I've come for-"

She had barely announced herself and her intentions when she found a toddler stuffed into her arms and she was shoved out the door. As it slammed behind her, she could only blink down at the smiling babe before she let out a sigh.

"Come on, my prince. I believe your father and his consort need time alone. I think you'll have a brother or sister to play with sometime soon."


M-preg snippet. No idea why I wrote it, or where it came from. Just wanted to write something where Naraku was not an evil asshat. Lol. And of course it had to be m-preg! Please review, don't leave the one weird flamish review there alone, written by the ass who wasn't brave enough to leave a name and/or e-mail address. ;p