Callie finished putting away the dishes as she watched Arizona and Sofia play in the living room. Sofia piled the colorful blocks on top of each other, amused by how high they were getting before they came crashing down and she laughed as her momma replaced the blocks on the table. Music was still playing faintly on the radio from dinner earlier and Callie leaned against the counter, a smile on her face, as she watched her wife and child.

The song on the radio faded into another and Sofia's head shot up as she started bouncing up and down, a smile on her face.

"You like this song?" Arizona asked her daughter as she stood up.

Sofia answered with a beaming smile as she moved her arms and legs. Arizona bent over and grabbed her hands, dancing with her. The little girl laughed as her momma made silly faces and bobbed her head to the music.

Arizona lifted her head to notice Callie was leaning against the counter watching. She let go of Sofia's hands, the little girl content with dancing on her own, and shuffled over to Callie. She smiled and placed her hand out for Callie to grab. Callie placed her hand in Arizona's and was led to the centre of the room. Arizona twirled her as Sofia laughed and they all moved to the beat.

Callie picked Sofia up and spun her in the air before walking around in a circle, Arizona following behind, with her hands on Callie's hips. Sofia tried to glance over her mom's shoulder, watching her momma stop and start a few robot motions before joining them again.

The song faded into another and soon Sofia was beginning to rest her head on Callie's shoulder. Arizona pointed to the little girl, motioning that she was falling asleep and Callie nodded her head in acknowledgment. She slowed down her moves, turning the dancing into a gentle sway back and forth as she rubbed Sofia's back with her hand.

Callie carried Sofia to her room and put her to bed. She walked into the living room, let out a sigh, and started cleaning up the toys.

"She's really happy around you," Arizona pitched in to clean up the mess.

"I think she's just happy we are all together again," Callie tossed a block in a clear container.

"She's not the only one," Arizona tilted her head and watched as Callie continued to clean, oblivious to the song that was now playing in the background, "Callie?"

"Hmm?" Callie looked up to see her wife standing there, holding out her hand.

"It's our wedding song,"

Callie's face softened and she placed her hand in Arizona's, pulling their bodies together. They stole glances of each other, like two teenagers at prom, as they quietly moved back and forth to the music.