Hello dears!

I finally present you with the next chapter of The Joy of Time Travel~ As the chapter title suggest, you do get more clues. I can also say that, while most of you seem to spot well enough all that hints about Sato and Shige I'm thinking it's only now some will realize the biggest secret might be something else!

On another note; I have a blog at chrisemrysblog dot tumblr dot com. It is highly suggested to check it or even follow it, as you can see how active I am. I keep a good progress there too, so you can also see when I start working on a next chapter. And who knows, we might share other fandoms I write for!

Warnings: None for this chapter!

The Joy of Time Travel

Chapter 5: More mystery, more clues.

Two pair of eyes followed the young adults leaving the house. Then they spotted each other from the corner of their eyes.

Satoshi and Shigeru quickly adverted their eyes elsewhere. Shigeru even huffed, making Satoshi frown as he looked at Pikachu. Said frown deepened when he felt certain he saw amusement in the mouse's eyes.

"I have to say..." Takeshi started, getting the attention of the amused looking Kasumi and the two rivals. "It does feel weird to stand here and see what you became... But it's also interesting."

"It's true! I seem so strong!" Satoshi exclaimed, though there was pure joy in his eyes.

Shigeru glanced at him, feeling warmth at the obvious show of how much it meant to Satoshi to know he would grow strong. He grumbled at the feeling, raising his chin as it got eyes on him unpurposefully.

"At least you also seem to have gained some... intelligence." Internally, Shigeru winced.

It was always like this. Whenever he felt troubled by something, especially concerning Satoshi, he felt the need to cover it. And the harsher he was, the better it covered, right?

"At least you seem nicer!" Satoshi replied, edged on by Shigeru's own hardness.

Green eyes darted to meet his brown with a flicker of hurt anger. His nostrils flared, but both startled a bit when Kasumi coughed.

"At least, they both know how to be civil to each other." She said matter-of-factly.

Somehow, it was enough to have both boys look to opposite sides in various level of shame. Takeshi shook his head, amused despite all this. If he had to add his own words, he would say the future Satoshi and Shigeru knew not to be so stubborn.

Some times, just like this one, it felt clear they acted as rivals because they didn't know how to be friends.

It was only a few minutes later that Sato and Shige were spotted coming back. Hanako had gone in the kitchen to prepare a snack, Prof Ookido keeping her company. The four young teen had settled outside, half playing with their Pokemon and half simply lazing.

Takeshi was the first to see the two adult Trainers, which made him smile and he mentioned they were arriving. In turn, all eyes settled on the coming forms.

Just in time to see a group of young looking Trainers approach them. It could even be said they were starting ones, they looked younger than Satoshi. Sato and Shige stopped with half surprised looks but gentle smiles. The young Trainers seemed almost in awe, ending up petting Pikachu and Blacky while chatting with Sato and Shige.

The encounter would have stayed free of suspicion-if the next event did not happen. One of the young Trainer handed out a pen, pointing at his vest with excitation. Sato blushed while Shige chuckled; and both ended up signing on the vest. The group of kid left them after, one beaming like the sun.

Needless to say, Sato and Shige were right to do a double-take when they continued their way home and noticed the incredulous eyes that were trained on them.

The two could be credited on moving again a second later, grinning as they arrived with bags full.

"Say..." Kasumi started, curious glint in her viridian eyes.

"Look! Snacks arrived just in time! Great timing~!" Sato yelled out, Pikachu following with happy sounds.

Shige only smirked at the knowledge their dodging of the upcoming question had worked well enough. Satoshi went to his-future-mother while Takeshi and Shigeru indulged Sato with only a knowing look. Kasumi sighed, a bit disappointed but understanding.

And not as subtly as they would have liked, Sato gazed back with a small victorious smirk, winking at Shige before viciously attacking snacks with his younger self.

In a small repeat of earlier, four people sat on chairs to watch the oncoming training of Satoshi and Shigeru, their older selves with them. They did not intend to train themselves but they would most likely give a few advises.

The first thing they noticed was that their younger selves obviously intended to train each of their own. Brown and green met, a sigh passing Shige's lips while Sato smiled sadly. Then Sato's eyes lit up, he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms while cocking his head toward Shigeru. Shige's own eyebrows shot up, bemused smile given but with a hint of admiration. He nodded once sharply, and at the same time, Shige went to Satoshi while Sato went to Shigeru.

The young Trainers both froze at not having their own future selves help them. Satoshi peered up almost shyly at Shige, whose smile softened while his Blacky rubbed on Satoshi's legs with a purr. Shigeru cocked an eyebrow up, which prompted Sato to rest a hand on his hips with a defiant raise of chin. Shigeru's lips turned into a wolfish smile, even if his eyes betrayed a genuine curiosity and even pleasure.

That was how who helped who was decided; and unknown to all but guessed by Prof Ookido, the real training had started the moment Sato and Shige approached the opposite younger self.

As both duos now stood ready to train, Shige noticed Satoshi furrowing his brows in concentration. He knew that look well, it told him the young Trainer wanted to ask something.

"Out with it." Shige urged, grinning.

"Why is it you that is training with me?" Satoshi questioned, curious and a bit confused.

"You might think a future yourself would be better, but it would still be you. Another time it might be good; but later. I can give you different views and advises. Some won't work with you but some can, and you wouldn't have thought of it on your own. Haven't you learned already thanks to others?"

Emerald eyes drifted to his younger self; aware he had spoken loud enough to be heard. Shigeru had a small frown, but did not comment. Most likely, he was considering the word.

However, Shigeru was soon distracted-if not startled-when Sato clapped his hands together twice in an overly joyous way.

"Let's get started then!" Brown eyed fell on Shigeru. "First, I will watch you train; and then I will see how I can help."

No sooner that Sato had finished, Shige spoke to Satoshi. "We will do the same."

On the sidelines, Prof Okido's brows furrowed. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Takeshi and Kasumi had a similar expression. Even Satoshi and Shigeru seemed a tad... bemused.

After all, the two young adults had just agreed on a similar tactic. Of course, those that had enough insight knew it was a pretty good one. But to think they would go with it just like that, almost as if they were used to it...

Which they seemed to realize, as they exchanged a fast sheepish look. Sato scratched behind his neck while Shige shook his head in a fond way.

"So?" Shige voiced to Satoshi, tapping a foot. "Get started."

Amazingly, Satoshi immediately complied with the commanding tone. And with a single eyebrow raised, Sato made Shigeru move too.

Without anyone really noticing it, a solid hour passed as Satoshi and Shigeru trained. Takeshi and Kasumi had let their own Pokemon out to watch or simply chill around. Shige and Sato would alternate watching and giving advices; and despite a few questioning or even grumpiness sometimes the young Trainers accepted the various criticisms.

Because very soon, all from the past realized the method was extremely efficient and one could almost call it natural to the two future males. They could see the progress; and it was heart-warming honestly. There was pleasure on Satoshi's face, while Shigeru's own pleasure was mostly hidden. He had pride, after all.

As such, no one expected the turn of events that the training session took.

To be continued...