"Albus are you sure about this?" Moody asked as they waited just outside the door of number twelve, it was almost six. Almost time for the exchange,
"No Alastor, but unless you wish to see the Weasley family destroyed then we have no choice. Besides this may be our only opportunity to require Harry from these... Daleks." The old man muttered checking his watch, the skies were already darkening. A fickle silence had descended upon the street, no one was around and for a while it seemed like nothing would disturb it.
"It is time," Tonks muttered as she was escorted out of number twelve with two wands at her back, Remus and Arthur's. Dumbledore and Moody were to guard her front while the rest of the order would watch, a signal would be given if they needed to act. All were prepared to stun or kill her if things took a turn for the worst.
As she walked, Tonks looked at Dumbledore through that long extended eyestalk which had burst from her temple only yesterday. It was almost studying him. Then her head moved to the left expectantly.
"Then where the hell are they?" Mad Eye growled looking around, he could see nothing and then, in one instant, two blue lights appeared at one end of the street.
"They're here, everyone inside. Act on my signal," Dumbledore shot up, the dark was blurring the two bronze metal slabs moving towards them. They were sliding through the road, one on each side and with their weapons twitching, two others moved between them. One moved with freedom while the other's neck was wrapped in a chain, the other man was holding it.
"Harry." Dumbledore muttered under his breath, Arthur stiffened when he realised the other person was Bill. Harry moved until he was in sight and then the two Daleks rotated slightly towards Grimmuald Place.
"Tonks." Harry greeted with something that almost resembled a smile "You have followed orders to the letter, well done. Your emperor is most pleased."
His face darkened and he looked to the left and violent emerald green eyes met piercing blue in a silent battle for domination.
"Tonks will step forward." Harry ordered icily as wands were turned on the Daleks. He almost laughed at how futile their efforts were. If only he could get inside the house then he would show them, but alas no, he was here for Tonks.
"Only if both you and Bill do the same." Dumbledore countered lowly, all eyes and eyestalks were on him. Some with worry, others surprise and some fear.
"That was not our deal, or do you wish to see Bill Weasley killed?" Harry demanded quickly, he had expected something like this.
"Would you really do that Harry? Betray the trust of a family, all of whom, have been there for you since the very beginning." Dumbledore began softly, trying to persuade and maybe if Harry could feel any real emotion it would touch him. Harry sighed before forcing Bill to stand in front of him.
"Set weapons for close range execution." He spoke just as softly and he watched with some delight as a lost face washed over all of those outside, except one. They all looked to Dumbledore for guidance.
"Soldiers, take aim." Harry commanded; the middle sections of the two Daleks turned towards Bill. The man's eyes froze in fear while his mouth twisted in disbelief. Dumbledore's expression did not change.
"Albus please, my son." Arthur Weasley begged as Harry raised a hand, wanting to make a show of Bill's execution.
"Stop!" Dumbledore said just a second before the final word would have left the false lips of Harry Potter.
"Tonks will come to you, if you send Bill to us."
"Of course." Harry smiled at the return to the original deal but a single thought began to form in his mind. Surely they had broken both his trust and the deal. Regardless he relinquished the chain.
"Go!" Bill complied eagerly and hurried over to the expectant order while Tonks walked gracefully towards her emperor. She knew what he was going to do and her eyestalk twitched as Bill moved.
"Tonks, fire!" Harry bellowed and the woman twirled around and extended a palm. Bill turned around to see a silver Dalek gunstick tear thorough the palm of her hand and fire a vibrant blue light. The next thing he knew was a scream as his skeleton was illuminated in green light, then there was nothing. Not for him.
"Fire on the order." Harry realised their next actions would be to attack either him or Tonks and so his soldiers barraged the order with firepower, none of them were killed. All managed to claw their way back into the protected house but the walls of number ten and fourteen were half destroyed by blue firepower.
Granger Household – The next day
She hadn't left her room since the day she had gone to the alley. The day Gringotts fell she hadn't left her room, to her parents it was strange but they had assumed she had boy trouble. They were half right, Hermione had seen her best friend order the destruction of an entire race for refusing to comply with his demands. She had only just escaped and gone home, unable to cope with any of the order now.
"Oh Harry," she had muttered to herself time and time again while studying a picture of just him and her, taken after the first task. "What happened to you?"
"My eyes were opened." She had envisioned him responding countless time but this time she turned to see him standing in her door. Looking like nothing had changed between them and wearing a small smile on his face.
"Harry?" she half gasped, half cried.
"Your parents let me in, " he explained as if it answered for everything while slowly taking a seat on the end of the bed and placing a hand on her shoulder.
"You shouldn't do this to yourself Hermione, for you nothing should have changed." He spoke slowly, softly in a way that she could only describe as enticing.
"The goblins, you killed them." Her accusation, her horror and everything else was in that sentence and yet Harry Potter didn't even blink.
"I know, Hermione you're looking at the world from a perspective that I can no longer understand and vice versa. I'm sure you've worked it out now, tell me what am I?"
"You're a Dalek." She had read it in the prophet, a word she and most of the wizarding world were in fear of. Though Hermione had gone further than that, she had analysed his words, his actions and everything. She understood him.
"Go on." She wasn't done and he knew it.
"You're obviously high up in the hierarchy, the way you said you wanted the pleasure of exterminating Ron. That wasn't a solider or low rank talking; no that was someone with the power to demand such a thing." Hermione sat up on her bed, trying to recoil from his comforting touch that seemed, unreal.
"Well done, that's why I'm here Hermione. I need someone like you, someone who can understand me and someone who knows how to think. I have soldiers, advisors and survivors but what I have and what I need are two separate things. What I need is you."
"You want me to help you do what? Commit mass murder? Genocide? And God knows what else?" She demanded showing suddenly strength.
"No, I want you to help me rule. Help me build up an empire, what I did to the Goblin people was regrettable but powerful. I needed what they had and I took it, they had to die Hermione. Surely it is better for them to die than be cast out and powerless?"
"So death is better then?" Hermione asked almost sarcastically, Harry took a deep breath. Sighed and in his hand a single piece of parchment appeared.
"Hermione, you don't understand the world you're defending. It has blinded you. " he whispered gently, like a doctor about to break terminal news.
"What?" She questioned looking at the parchment he was keeping hidden from her, trying to work out just what it was.
"You see Hermione, with the Daleks there is no prejudice amongst ourselves, no infighting and no betrayal. We are superior and must rule those who cannot rule themselves. Look at the world you are in, with all your talent, all your knowledge and everything that makes you, you. In the end to them you are nothing."
Hermione said nothing, suddenly transfixed on what Harry was saying.
"You are a muggleborn, to them you are the impure, the scum and yet you defend them."
"That's not all of them!" Hermione defended suddenly and Harry almost smiled. She had played right into his hands.
"Really? This is a contract to make you the concubine of Ron Weasley, signed by Dumbledore and Molly." Harry whispered handing it over, it had been recovered from the Weasley vault, now Hermione read and her face fell.
"This would make you."
"Ron's sex slave; something for him to rape, torture and abuse. Oh my dear Hermione, now you see. To them you are nothing, you are to them what all humanity is to me." Harry explained watching as shock and upset took the form of tears which streaked down her face.
"So come, stand up and show them that you are better than all of them!" Harry's voice picked up pace and Hermione found herself paying more and more attention.
"Join me and prove that no matter who you are, where you come from and what blood you have; that you can be great. Show all the Purebloods, from the Weasleys to the Malfoys that you are better than them and show them by tearing down everything they hold tear and destroying them."
"You Hermione Granger are a gem and with the Daleks you can shine, or you can stay and become this." Harry pointed to the contract and waited, it took less than twenty seconds for her to reach a decision. She stood up and hand in hand, she and the projection of Harry Potter walked out of the Granger household. Then a black domed Dalek allowed Hermione to hold on and she flew into the sky.
Dalek Headquarters
"The conversion of Nymphadora Tonks is complete," The voice of what was formerly Kingsley confirmed to Harry who was lying motionless in white imposing white casing.
"And Hermione?" His deep voice rumbled.
"It shall begin momentarily; she has refused any form of pain relief." Kingsley stated. If Harry was in his human form he would have smiled, pain made a person stronger and going through the process in pain guaranteed a strong, loyal unit. Every member of his army had gone through with pain; she was the only person he had offered it to.
"Excellent, tell me the slaves, what has become of them?" The last time he had seen them they had been half starved, weak and sick. They would not have lasted long.
"All of them have been exterminated." Good, his plan was going perfectly, he already was forming a plan to both expand the number of slaves and keep them alive. He just needed to begin the opening stages. Though his thoughts were interrupted as the door to the room slid open and a bronze plated soldier Dalek entered.
"Warning, pressure plates in the trapping sector have been triggered. Visual link has confirmed the identity of the intruder." Harry felt the knowledge flow into his mind through the pathweb he shared with all his brethren.
"Confirm the identity!" he commanded realising what he may have here.
"I obey," the response lit up the room as the soldier Dalek wirelessly rechecked the image.
"Identity confirmed, target in question is subject known as Bellatrix Lestrange." Harry's dome turned towards Kingsley.
"Spring the trap, bring her here." He ordered.