My Best Friends 2: Dreams or Nightmares Chap. 1

Guess what's posted. Yes the sequel to My Best Friend is posted! *crowd starts cheering* Well I got started working on this a few nights ago, and now I finally finished the first chapter along with the first chapter to another story that's posted. So I hope you enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama, I only own Damien.

A few weeks after All stars, Mike's mom, Cameron, and Zoey where at Mike's therapist. Since Mike came back he's been getting nightmares, and talking about suicide. This made Mike's mom, Cameron and Zoey worried. After an hour Mike's therapist, Dr. Vicky came in with the news.

"Dr. Vicky how is he?" Mike's mom asked. Dr. Vicky just frowned and just shook her head.

"Well since he lost his personalities, every time Mike or I mention them, he breaks down." Dr. Vicky said. Mike's mom just frowned, and Cameron rubbed her back.

"Mike's going to be ok right?" Zoey asked.

Dr. Vicky gave a small smile and said, "He's ok, but maybe for awhile he should keep his mind off the personalities." Zoey smiled, and nodded.

"Got it." Zoey said. Zoey felt bad for Mike, she will do anything to help him get better, and smile again.

"I was thinking of putting Mike on depression pills, but I think that will make it worse, he just need some rest, and no thoughts or anyone talking about the personalities." Dr. Vicky said.

Mike's mom nodded in agreement, and smiled. "Can we go see him?" Mike's mom asked Dr. Vicky nodded, and he took the group to Mike's room.

Mike was in the therapist room just staring out an open window. Mike's eyes where tired, and bloodshot. Mike stared at the window some more, and started to get up going towards the window. However, someone was coming, and Mike just swiftly went back to his bed.

"Hey Mike." Cameron said.

"Hey Cam." Mike said smiling, even though his smile was a lie.

"Well Mike we better get going." Mike's mom said. Mike then got up from the bed, and left with his mom.

Mike was in the car sitting next to his two best friends, he was trying so hard not to fall asleep. Mike haven't slept in days, which was another problem. Mike had nightmares ever since he came back home from total drama.

"Mike try to catch up on some sleep tonight." Cameron said.

"Ok I will." Mike said. Cameron and Zoey smiled.

Mike's mom then dropped of Cameron at his house, and where about to take Zoey home to her house.

"Mike you sure you will be ok?" Zoey asked.

Mike nodded and gave her a smile. "Ok well call me incase something happens because I'm with you Mike." Zoey said holding Mike's hands. Mike smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The car then stopped, and Zoey unbuckled her seatbelt.

"See you later Mike. Bye." Zoey said smiling running to her house.

"Bye." Mike whispered.

Once Mike got home, he ran to his room, and shut the door. Mike then went on his bed, and hugged his knees. Mike missed his personalities; he knew his doctor wants him to forget about them, but he can't. Mike closed his eyes and felt tears, coming out.

Mike then lay down on his bed, and grabbed a frame next to his bed; it was a drawing he made in elementary school with him and his personalities. Mike then put the frame back on his desk, and then took a nap.

Mike then woke up in his subconscious, and realized it was quiet and empty. Mike frowned, and walked around he passed by all the rooms his personalities stayed in. Mike looked back at all the rooms, and decided to go back, hoping they are their sleeping. Mike went into Chester's room, and saw him not there.

"Chester." Mike whispered, but no reply. Mike frowned, and closed the door.

Mike then took a peek of Svetlana's room, same thing no one. Mike frowned, but went inside her room anyways. Mike looked around, but no luck he just left the room.

Mike then looked in Vito's room, just like the other two nothing. Mike looked in Manitoba's room next, but nothing as well. Just as Mike closed the door to Manitoba's room he heard someone.

"Hello." Mike said. Mike then walked around, until he saw a part of his subconscious he never visited before. Mike was scared, but took a deep breath, and walked in anyways.

Mike felt like he's been walking for hours, and all he saw was darkness, and kept on hearing voices. Mike just kept walking, until he tripped and feel down bumping into someone or something.

"You alright." The person said.

Mike rubbed his head, and looked up at the person. The person looked like him, only his hair looked darker, and spiky then his, he also wore a black jacket, and the shirt Mike always wears. Mike was surprised, and took the guy's hand, and got up.

"Yeah I guess." Mike said. The look alike Mike then smiled knowing Mike was ok.

"Oh sorry I'm Damien." Damien introduced.

Mike then looked at him and smiled. "I'm Mike. I never saw you before." Mike said.

Damien smiled and said, "Because I appeared a few weeks ago."

Mike gave a small frown, knowing that a few weeks ago he lost his personalities. "Oh I lost some friends few weeks ago." Mike whispered tears starting to appear in his eyes.

"Let me guess Mal, Chester, Svetlana, Vito, and Manitoba." Damien said.

Mike's eyes winded. "Yeah h-how do you them." Mike said.

"Well because I'm all of them combined. You see when you clicked that button you gained their abilities, right." Damien said. Mike nodded his head.

"Well I was given the abilities too. To become your friend, so you won't be lonely." Damien said.

Mike smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown. "Then why didn't you come and see me." Mike said.

Damien then looked at him with surprise. "Well I didn't know where you were, and I didn't know where I was." Damien explained.

Mike then smiled again, he was happy to have another friend; sure he had Zoey and Cameron, but he never had another personality since the old ones left.

Damien started walking, and Mike fallowed. "Where are you going?" Mike asked.

"Find away out of here." Damien said. Mike smiled, and fallowed his new friend.

After a few minutes the two found their way out. "Alright we made it out." Mike said. "Thanks Damien." Mike smiled.

Damien smiled, and gave Mike a pat on the back. "Your welcome Mike." Damien said. Mike smiled, and decided to lie down because he was tired from all that walking. Damien then sat next to Mike.

"You know Mike." Damien started.

"Yeah." Mike said.

"I think you and me will get along perfectly." Damien said again. Mike smiled, and finally went back to the reality world.

As Mike left Damien smiled.

So how was the story, leave a coment.