It was a quiet day in the Mystery Shack, the sun was already setting and the tourists were now all gone. The last one just drove off after about 30 minutes of wondering if he should buy a key-chain or a postcard. Dipper sat next to his sister on the porch as Soos was trying to fix the front porch step. Wendy sighed in exhaustion as she plopped down next to Mabel. Stan was currently counting up todays profit with a happy grin on his face. Dipper and Mabel looked at each other with bored expressions and sighed.

"I'm ssssssooooo BORED!" Mabel groaned as she stuck her arms into her sweater for no particular reason.

"Me too but what can we do?" Dipper asked as he rested his head in his hands.

Wendy who was watching the whole interaction suddenly stood up. "I got it!" with a snap of her fingers she turned toward the Pine twins.

"You guys ever played Marco Polo?" Dipper and Mabel looked at each other before shaking their heads no.

Sure they heard of it but never really bothered to play. Wendy smiled and placed her hand on her hips "You guys wanna try?" Mabel shot upwards "YES! Anything to end this evil boredom!" her hands now back into her sleeves curled upwards above her head and if she was reaching for something high up. "Oh dudes count me in too!" Soos said "I'm getting anywhere with this step might as well stop for now."

"What about you Dipper? Wanna play?" Wendy asked. Dipper looked up at Wendy hoping his light blush wasn't noticeable in the light. "Uh yeah sure! I got nothing better to do anyways." Dipper shrugged as he looked at the teen he had a crush on.

"That means you're it!" Mabel sang "You're the last one to join so you're the one whose it!"

"Aw lame!" Dipper groaned as the others laughed.

"I hear laughter it better be caused by someone's misfortune or pain." came the gruff voice of Gruncle Stan, who was now exiting the shack without his coat signaling an end of a long day.

"We're gonna play Marco Polo and Dippers it!" Mabel yelled happily as Dipper crossed his arms.

"Heh. This is gonna be interesting to watch, let me get something to drink!" and with that Stanford rushed inside hoping that they still had some lemonade from yesterday.

"So what do I have to do?" Dipper asked "Oh its simple we are going to blindfold you and spin you around while you count to ten. After that you have to start looking for us. If you have no clue where we are you can yell Marco and we HAVE to reply Polo." "Sounds easy enough" Dipper said to Wendy as Stan sat on the porch chair a glass of lemonade in the other hand. "Here I got this old piece of cloth you lot can use as a blindfold." A grin was on the old man's face from the thought how badly this game is going to end up.

Dipper sighed as Wendy tied the blindfold on him. Soon all he could see is darkness but thankfully his other senses started to heighten as he listened to the laughter that surrounded him. "…you guys are enjoying this." "Hehehe a little" sang Mabel as she watched he brother turn towards her slightly. Wendy smiled at the little exchange before facing Dipper. "Ok Dipper you have to count to ten while you spin around. I'll tell you when to start, ok?" "Got it." He replied. Soon Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were a fair distance away from Dipper. "Ok Dipper you can start!" Dipper nodded and started to spin while counting in his head. '8…9…10' Dipper stop in mid spin already feeling his feet sway slightly as he steadied himself. Clearing his throat slightly Dipper opened his mouth. "Marco!" "POLO!" Dipper jumped slightly from the loudness of the combined voices. Shaking his head slightly he headed towards the voices.

10 minutes later Dipper was still it. "This is taking forever!" Dipper groaned as he listened to the laughter for his friends and family, Stan being the loudest. "Come on Dipper you can do it!" Mabel said but her laughter didn't really help much. Dipper huffed as he tried to go toward Mabel but suddenly Dipper felt a pressure on his ankle causing him to fall. "Ahhh!" the laughter got louder. What a surprise. Dipper got onto his knees as he suddenly felt a pull on the back of his vest. Instead of falling down Dipper was soon on his feet once more but now he was sure someone was messing with him. "Ok guy's who's behind me?" "Sorry dude but we are not giving away our positions." Sounds of confirmation from Soos's statement came from everyone. Dipper was now very confused. He was positive that he felt someone grab him but he was also positive that everyone was in front of him. Not liking this predicament one bit Dipper took a step forward, only to feel himself being pulled back a few feet. Like that everyone was silent. "…Dipper?" Mabel asked her voice quiet. "Guys seriously who is behind me?" Dippers voice was laced with tight humor still hoping that this was a joke.

"Dipper stay still." Stan's voice cut through the air. A creaking sound filled the air as Stan stepped down from the porch. Dipper stiffened as he felt a pressure on both of his shoulders. It felt as if three sharp needles were poised to strike through his body. This of course terrified the young boy but then again who wouldn't be afraid? Dipper let out a started shout as he was pulled back once more. Everyone followed but froze when the realized where Dipper was being pulled to. The woods. He was at the very edge of the woods. One more sudden movement and Dipper will be pulled in. Suddenly the pressure from his right arm disappeared only to be replaced with a burning heat behind his head. The rag that obstructed his view slowly slipped off him allowing him to see the scared faces of the ones in front of him. A gust of air blasted behind him causing his clothes to lift up a bit. There is only so much fear that a young boy can hold, as soon as the blast of air hit him Dipper lunged forward arms reaching towards the others who in turn had their arms open for him. Inches away from the arms of his sister and uncle Dipper felt something wrap around his waist and pull him back harshly. Dipper felt his breath leave him as he landed painfully on his back, eyes scrunched up in pain he tried to sit up only to be pinned down by something on his left shoulder.


"What is that thing?!"

"Let go of my brother!"

"Let my nephew go before I rip you to shreds!"

Dipper opened his eyes to see a tall lanky man in a suit. Well everything looked human except for its hands and its head. The hands were replaced with 4 long claws one of them smaller and acted as the thumb. They were filed to the point and pitch black. Its head was a giant pyramid with one eye. A small top hat floated directly above its head. The thing grinned down at him as its shoe dug deeper into Dipper's shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.

"How are ya feeling Pine Tree?" the thing crackled in a surprisingly high pitched voice. Well higher then what Dipper and the others expected. However it was familiar to a certain group who had recently ventured into the mind of Stan Pines. Mabel's eyes widen before narrowing a snarl graced her face as she glared at the pyramid. "Let my brother go Bill!" "Now why should I do that Shooting Star?" Bill asked with genuine curiosity. "Because if you don't I will personally destroy you!" Mabel lunged forward only to be held back by Stan. Bill's laughter only helped fuel Mabel's anger as she tried to reach him. During the exchange Dipper was trying his best not to scream. Face pale Dipper stared at his waist which was tied up with a rope of blue fire. Thankfully it was not burning him but that still doesn't stop the fact that he was technically on fire. Could Bill sense fear? Cause Bill looked at him and Dipper swore the fire got larger. "It's been fun but I must be on my leave" Bill said as he began to walk away. Dipper felt fear grip him as he too began to move, well more like dragged, with Bill.

"STOP!" Stan shouted face shifting from a bright red to an unhealthy paleness. Bill stopped as Dipper was about an inch away from the woods. He turned and looked at Stan in annoyance. "Now why would I do that?" Bills voice was much different than before. Instead of the happy and uncaring tone before his voice seemed to be…darker.

"I've been waiting for a moment like this for a while now" Bill now facing then completely flicked his hand and Dipper went flying towards Bill.

Dipper's back hit Bill hard enough for the twelve year old to cry out in pain, yet Bill didn't even move. A clawed hand placed itself on Dipper's shoulder keeping him in place. "Do you know how hard it is to sneak up on this kid? Ever since we met he's been taking notes on everything! Enough to even notice my own works which I must say is quite impressive." "What do you mean by that?" Wendy asked with a raised brow. "You lot, minus Shooting Star, have been living here your whole lives and none of you have noticed that you were being spied on for years!" Wendy and Soos looked at each other in shock before turning towards the demon. "That can't be true! I'm sure I would notice something like that!" "How can you notice a thing when you have your head in a magazine all the time?" Bill asked now looking even more annoyed then before.

"I would say that I would love to stay and chat but I would hate it. Now if you would all excuse me, I have a Pine Tree who is in dire need of my control." "WHAT?!" Dipper shouted now scared out of his mind. "You heard me Pine Tree I'm going to take you away so the ritual can begin." "No!" Dipper began to struggle trying his best to get away from the dream demon. Suddenly three of the clawed fingers plunged themselves into Dipper's arm ripping the cloth and piercing skin and flesh. Blood dripped down as Dipper screamed over the shouts and yells of his loved ones. "Sorry Pine Tree but I really don't need my slave to go against me." Bill chided as tears slipped down Dipper's eyes. "Now let's go Pine Tree!" and with that Dipper was pulled into the woods in a blinding speed. He heard a faint yell from Stan to get the golf cart. Trees and other plant life zoomed past as Dipper was carried away. Dipper felt his hat fall off his head as he screamed for Mabel and the others. Suddenly Bill stopped as Dipper was thrown onto a floor of stone. The kid groaned as he tried to sit up only to be held down once again. The blue flames that once wrapped around his waist now pooled towards his torso and latched onto both sides of the ground. A shadow fell across his face, Dipper looked up to see the grinning face of Bill looking down at him. "Comfortable?" the question was of course useless as Dipper's mouth was covered in blue fire. All he could do was glare and shout muffled insults at the demon. "We better get started!" Bill sang as Dipper was flipped onto his stomach. With his claws Bill ripped the top half of Dippers shirt allowing his shoulder blades to be seen. With a snap a blue flame appeared on the tip of his finger. Lowering it down the flame began to grow brighter and brighter until it touched skin.

As the flame moved Bill took in some pleasure as Dipper screamed and cried as well as struggled to get out of this predicament. The flame now a bright white cut across the skin leaving straight lines of burnt skin. Eventually it stopped leaving a triangle now branded across the skin. Suddenly the triangle burst into a blue flame and vanished leaving no trace of it ever being there. This part of the process is one of the annoying parts to Bill, he rather liked his mark there. However in due time Dipper will be in his control and he will no longer have to worry about anyone ever ruining his future deals. That and the idea of Dipper being in his utter mercy and doing his deeds is just too good to pass up! Bill sighed happily before going down and picking Dipper up by his hair. Who knew the kid looked great in absolute pain? Oh what fun he will have in the future with him! "Having fun Pine Tree?" Bill asked, his grin stretched as he listened to the groan of pain. "Don't worry! By tomorrow no one will even remember this!" Dipper however was not listening, the pain he had felt was something that he hoped will never happen again. Bill's hand released the brown locks and Dipper fell forward onto the ground in the brink of unconsciousness. When he looked up Bill was nowhere to be seen and the flames that once bounded him had disappeared.

Dipper was not really listening once everyone found him. He barely paid any attention even when Stan picked him up or when Mabel helped with his wounds. He didn't hear the questions they asked him. He flinched as Wendy added disinfectant to his shoulder wounds. He quietly drank the tea that Soos handed him. Surprisingly Soos is good at making tea, who knew? He was still quiet while Stan tucked him in bed. "Dipper…listen, what happened today was…well… how do I put this in words? Urgh the thing is kid I promise that I'll do whatever I can to protect you. Okay? Just get some sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning alright" Stan patted Dippers head before standing up. "...Thanks Gruncle Stan." Dipper whispered as Stan was almost out the door. He paused before giving him a small sincere smile. "Night kid."

The next morning no one talked about it. No one remembered. And somewhere in the dreamscape a floating triangle laughed as he watched his victim and his family carry on with their lives with no idea with what the future holds.