"The wand chooses the wizard- The wand learning from the wizard, the wizard from the wand." But what if you were a freak and touching another's wand caused you to learn everything that passed through that wand and was learned by the host. Another twisted story around the time of the Tri-Wizard tournament. No Slash.

This is defiantly Mature so be pre-warned. With 650,000 HP stories out there I have probably stepped on someone's toes, for that I apologize. I am having fun and it's addicting, so on with my attempt at writing or scribbling in my case. You get it as I write it and it's as fast as I can put the words down on the screen.

If you look past my grammar etc, you may find a story, then maybe not. This will contain lot of character bashing, character death and not book compliant.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners i.e. J.K. Rawlings, etc. The original characters and plot are the property of the author i.e. J.K. Rawlings, etc. This work is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Not for sale or profit but hopefully the enjoyment of the reader.

…^…^…^…^…^…^…Your Wand is my Friend…^…^…^

Chapter 1—How it started


They say that a child's magical core can not handle a wand until they are eleven. This is said because a child's magic has not stabilized. They are quick to talk of wild magic and accidental magic but maybe I am just weird or different. Maybe the Dursley's were correct and I am a freak but with that all said it happened one day early in the morning. I think I was about a year old and I got out of my crib looking for some food which meant mommy.

I waddled into mommy's bedroom to announce my presents; I was not much of a crier and tried to say what I wanted but I was still working on that. My vocabulary wasn't that great but I had a lot of physical restrictions. I think I wanted to climb onto her bed but as I reached up to the night table I got a handful of mommy's wand rather than the night table. I fell on my bum and was about to express my frustration when the wand gave me a jolt of sorts. That is how they found me, sitting on the floor looking at the wand. That jolt raised my conscience levels but did crap for my motor skills. While I know I couldn't talk past a gurgle but that was physical more than mental. I still don't want to talk about bodily functions during this time in my life.

A couple of months later Da left his wand on the coffee table when he fell asleep. I wasted no time and grabbed it. I again got a jolt putting me on my bum. A week later I got Padfoo's wand and another jolt. By this time I had neither super magical powers nor a university degree in sentence structure but I understood a lot of things. I knew what they were talking about when the said charms or potions, although when I saw a book labeled DADA it confused me.

My wooden building blocks were of little interest anymore but a book on the shelf caught my eye, it had DADA Defensive Spells written on it. I got through a good portion of it before they found me and took the book away and I got, "Oh how cute", "Look he's pretending to read". Hay folks give the kid a break, I thought. My eyes worked just fine and they seemed to have a good connection to my brain. I just wish the connection from my brain to my mouth worked, I was still having talking problems and I still don't want to talk about my other motor skills.

What I figured out later was from a lot of wise statements that were made to me like, "The wand learning from the wizard, the wizard from the wand". "You form a bond with your wand as you both learn".

For some reason when I hold someone else's wand I can easily learn what that person learned through their wand. I absorb the ability to learn not to perform things immediately but I can learn it without much practice. My motor skills are starting to bug me, have I told you that before? My mother was great in charms and potions but my father was a great Auror so I was getting a lot from the books they left around the house.

Yes, I said was! This now brings me to their death. I think I was almost two years old and staying in the crib was only to keep my parents happy. I could climb in and out at will and did so to get to any books I could. A reading genius I am not but the books had the name of the spell and wand movements. I had no wand to practice with but I was learning the knowledge. Now on to that night as described by so many people, books and knows-it-alls! Guess who was the only one standing that night when Padfoot came rushing in grabbed me and gave me to Hagrid? ME!

Who would like to have kick Dumbledore's ass if I could reach that high? ME! Anyhow, my parents had put me to bed and they were down stairs playing paddy-cake. Hay! That's what they called it when talking to me! I snuck out of the crib and headed to their room to see if I could get to a book or two. The great Auror had left his wand on the night table so I scooped it up as they wouldn't be back for hours. I found a book requiring wand movements and decided to do a little practice. Of course I would have probably blown the place up but that's later.

I was comfortably back in the crib and practicing the wand movements when all hell breaks loose downstairs. I hear yelling and Mommy came into the room followed by a stranger a few seconds later. They did some yelling and Mommy uses her wand and then the stranger sends this green spell and Mommy falls down dead. I figure out the dead part later. He then starts laughing and shoots that green spell at me. I don't overly remember the whole thing but I pointed Da's wand and yelled "NO!" My toy box leaps into the green light and the green light bounces back on the stranger. He falls down like my mother. The toy box had exploded along with a good portion of the room. I am hit by all kinds of pieces of broken toys as well as the wooden box they were kept in. All I know is I got super tired and fell back onto the mattress. Peter rushes in grabs the stranger and his wand and leaves. A few minutes or hours later I woke up and started to climb out of the crib to help mommy. I put the wand in my training pants under my pajamas and was about to climb out. When Padfoot rushes in and checks mommy I get to say, "Padfoot, the strange man…" but he pays no attention and rushes out. He rushes back in, slams a formula bottle in my mouth and I get a hand off to Hagrid who is then off on his motorcycle. All I got was a cleaning charm, a blanket wrapped around me and second class seat to a door step.

One year later:

That's it I'm out of here! I got second-hand bath water, second-hand clothes, no hugs, and no presents at Christmas or on my birthday. The other fat kid gets everything except in one area; he gets no slap, pushes or yells I do. If I say a word, slap…I touch something that belongs to Dudley, slap...you spilled your water, slap. This is no way describing the verbal abuse. I still have a motor skill problems and lugging the vacuüm around brings up my lack of any muscles. All I have learned so far is do the best you can out of the sight of the Dursley's and keep your mouth shut.

Now they want me to cook and maintain the garden and the slaps are now turning into hits and kicks. I took out my father's wand and sat in my cupboard and wished to be elsewhere, anywhere else. A POP later I was standing in the street someplace not called the Dursley's. I stuffed the wand in my waistband and hunted for an Auror. Not long into the hunt I got my wish from some one called a policeman, so I pleaded for help; the orphanage was a big step up in my life as Harold Jimmy Johnson. They took Harry as a short for Harold and gave me the rest, my last name I kept to myself as I did not want a ticket back to the Dursley's.

Seven years later:

The schooling was adequate, the clothing was adequate and I had a comfortable bed. While they kept control over the kids, sneaking out was no problem. I had gone on a number of expeditions to see what existed in the world. I got lucky one day as I spied a wand sticking out of a back pocket of a girl in jeans. Numerous questions by me got instructions to find the magical sector on Charing Cross Rd or better known as Diagon alley. I got one surprise that day as one of the places I wondered into was Gringotts Wizarding Bank. On a lark, after almost running at the sight of Goblins, I asked if there was any money under the name of Potter. I had my buns dragged into SharpKnife's office so fast I think my shoes are still in the main hall. Since he was my account manager he had all the time in the world to explain some things and escort me to my trust vault after recalling my key from somewhere or someone.

"Harry I would recommend your getting books from Florish & Blott's on wizard culture, government and social registry. This is a dangerous place for a person with your money and no knowledge of how this pure-blood society works."

Loaded down with Galleons and Pounds I took off to the book store. Then I found an optical shop for contacts. While the glasses provided by the orphanage were adequate I wanted contacts, so I bought some. In brown, black, and blue I had money and I wanted more that just adequate. I was happy that I did as the one book I bought about Harry Potter, well that was enough for me to hide forever. The books had me fighting dragons to wheeling a magical sword. There was no way I could face these kind of expectations of what I could do, or were these powers something I somehow forgot about in my younger life? Yea right!

My looks were along way from the description in the books as I now had long hair tied in the back and made sure from then on to have blue eyes for Diagon Alley. I laughed myself silly over the scar on my forehead which I didn't have. I had been cut up pretty bad that night but they had all healed even the bad one on my forehead and the scar had long ago faded. I read somewhere that a wand needed to be personal so I needed to buy one. Olivander's wand shop I found about later while down in Knockturn alley there was this great shop. He explained about wands and tracking charms and how his wands had none of that garbage. He also gave me a place to go if I wanted a job. It wasn't a great job and the pay sucked but I was someplace I could learn how the magical world turned. If Knockturn Alley was any example of the magical world the world was a right pig sty.

Knockturn alley folks were normal for the most part but had a high percentage of evil nasty types. I had to stun a couple before the word got out not to mess with Jimmy or Jim as I was called. The place I worked at was called the Junk Shop. You could say that it sold junk except if you wanted something; he had it or obtained the item. My job was to run to the Owl post and get it off ASAP or hop the Knight Bus and deliver the item. He was a nice old guy and gave me a lot of information about everyone and everything. I was however running out of time. I worked all day and studied all night about magic and still attended school at the Orphanage, it wasn't working.

"Well I can't sell you a time turner but I do have a room I could rent you upstairs." The room cost me my salary but it was worth it and the old guy told no one that I had runaway from the Orphanage. He had my help for a shout and I had time to read all the books he had and all I could buy at the book shop. I also had the time to practice doing spells and curses. Unfortunately no one was around to tell me what were good or bad spells or curses so I learned them all. The books did say about the three unforgivable curses but who needed them when you could hit your opponent with a curse and watch his innards fall out.