I don't own Star Wars or Naruto

The Ninja Jedi


In Konoha a young boy of six years was running down a street as a group was chasing him. "Kill the demon," shouted a villager.

The boy turned a found himself in a dead end. "Why, what did I do?" sobbed the child as the mob got closer.

"What is going on here?" asked a voice.


Mace Windu was not having a good day. Being sent by Yoda to find a powerful force signature that was detected. He landed in a forest and was instantly attack by a giant tiger. The Jedi Master cut the animal down and headed into the city. He heard a bunch of shouted and went to investigate. What he saw appalled him. In the ally way a mob was beating a small child. "What is going on here?" he asked.


We are teaching this demon a lesson,' said a member of the mob.

"You will release him," said Mace as he waved his hand.

"We will release him," said the mob as they depart.

The dark skinned Jedi looked at the boy with sorrow when he was surrounded by men with white masks with design of animals. "You will come with us stranger," said voice coming from a dark haired youth.

"Should we not take boy to the hospital?" asked Windu.

"That is a problem since the hospital staff refuses to heal him. We will take him to Lord Hokage who will have his best medic look at him," said a female voice.

Windu nods his head. "Take me to your Hokage," said Mace.

They disappears in a shunshin with Mace Windu


An old man was doing paper work when he saw his team appears. His eyes widen at the state of the boy. "Neko take him to my doctor. I want him healed," said the old man. Mace knew this man was stronger than his age shows.

"I must thank you for saving young Naruto, stranger," said The Hokage.

"It was not a problem, I am Mace Windu of the Jedi Council. I sense a great power in young Naruto and was sent to have him trained in the force," said Master Windu.

"How can I trust you with a boy I consider a grandson?" asked the Hokage.

"We Jedi are peacekeepers and I can train him to control the darkness I sensed," said Mace.

"That is evil is a demon called the Kyuubi. He attacked the village but was sealed by the boy's father to save the village," said The Hokage.

"Does he know?" asked Windu.

"No not yet, but this something he is not ready to know yet," said Sarutobi.

"Our order can help me if your and his consent,' said Master Windu.

"What do you think Naruto?" asked Sarutboi.

The door opens and Naruto walk in. "I think it will better. I need to get away," said the young boy. "Plus this man saved me. So I trust him for now."

The Hokage gets up and hugs the boy. Turning to Master Windu. "I would like him learn a few thing from this village," said Sarutobi as he pulls out a small scroll. "This has detail of our jutsu and how to get better with exercises."

Mace accepts the scroll and bow. "Thank you for your time Lord Hokage," he said. Turning to Naruto. "Get any clothing you have." said Mace.

"This is all I have," said the boy with a down cast look.

"Then lets us go. My ship is in the forest," said Mace.

The old man sigh. "Giant animal?" he asked.

"Yes," said Mace.

"The Forest of death," said the Hokage. "You landed in the worst possible area. Anyway good luck Naruto-kun."

"I will make you proud jiji,' said the boy.


The two get to the ship with Naruto staring at it with wow. "You will be sitting in the co-pilot seat," said Mace as the two got in the medium fighter and blasted into the sky.


At the Jedi temple a small green creature was talking to- Master Windu though a holo-disk. "I did find the boy. I need to tell you everything," said Master Windu.

"Meet you at the Jedi temple we will," said the creature.

They get to the temple and Naruto is standing in front of the council. "So this is the young boy," said small creature.

A Duro Jedi Master looks at the boy. "He has potential to be great," said the master.

"There is one more thing," said Mace. "Naruto has the Kyuubi sealed in his body."

"So we were told," said a wookiee named Tyvokka in a series of grunt and howls.

"Yoda looks on. "Accept him in the ranks of the Jedi we do," said the small Jedi

"Naruto fallow me," said Windu. "You will be trained by Master Dooku," said Windu.

"Thank you Master," said Naruto.


Naruto followed Mace into a room and saw an elder man with brown hair with hints of grey. "Master Windu nice of you to join us," said the man as he sees Naruto.

"You are without a padawan," said Master Windu. "I would like you to meet Naruto Uzumaki and be his teacher."

Dooku smiles. "It is good to meet you young one," said Dooku with a bow.

"It is good to meet you Master Dooku," said the blond.

Master Windu explains to Count Dooku; Naruto situation. "So I will help him with his planet so called jutsu," said Master Dooku.

"Come young padawan lets us begin you studies with the history of the Jedi order," said Dooku as the two leave. Master Windu walks back to the council chambers.


Naruto was sitting as Dooku was walking around. "Now Naruto have heard of the seven saber style?" asked Dooku.

"Just Ataru which is Knight Jinn style and your style Makashi form," said Naruto.

"I am going to help you master all seven starting with form I Shii Cho," said Count. "We will use a practice saber," said Count Dooku as he throws him a saber hilt. Naruto ignited it and a blue beam comes out.

The two go through the forms as Count Dooku show him the points of contact. Naruto was frowning as the form proved harder to master. "Not bad for first attempt," said Count Dooku.

"I want you to continue you chakra lessons and gets some rest," said Dooku.

Naruto bows "thank Master Dooku," said Naruto. The boy walks away

Count Dooku lets a smile play on his lips. "Two week and already ahead in his lesson," said Count Dooku. "I better give my report to the council."


Naruto was walking around when he bumped in to a dark skinned female who looked a little older with a head dress. "Sorry I was not paying attention," said Naruto as he help the young.

"Accidents happen," said young female. "My name is Adi Gallia and I was just brought here by Master Windu.

"Ironic that we were both brought by Master Windu," said Naruto. "I am Naruto Uzumaki, it is nioce to meet you Gallia-san."

The two shake hands. "So are you a trainee?" asked Gallia.

"I am under an apprenticeship with Dooku," said Naruto.

"Congrats. That is amazing for your age," said the Adi.

"I hope to talk you later Gallia-san," said Naruto as the two bows.


Week Three and Naruto has mastered the academy three and the Shadow Clone Jutsu. He also has improved in Shi Cho to a degree he can beat all students in practice duels. He was in a the dueling room when his friend Adi Gallia walks in. "You don't mind a friendly spar?" asked the young student.

Dooku smiles as he was watching Naruto. "You must be Youngling Gallia am I correct?" asked Dooku.

Adi nod her head. "Yes Master Dooku," she said.

"Naruto I want to use Makashi style since it the one you are working on," said Dooku.

"Yes Master," said Naruto as he pulls out his training saber and puts it parallel to his body and swing it down in a salute of the Makashi style.

Adi Gallia activate her saber and goes into the Shii Cho form. She charges forward and and goes for a slash on the shoulder but Naruto's Makashi form blocks it using fluid movement to tire the young Jedi student out. After about ten minutes Naruto disarms her and place the blade next to her throat.
"Yield," said Naruto.

"Naruto has won the spar," said Dooku.

Naruto summons her saber with the force and hands it to her. "That was a good spar" said Naruto with a bow. "I can help refine your Shii Cho."

"Thank for your help," said Adi.


Week Four Naruto was still refining Makashi despite Dooku saying he is already adapt. "I want to master your form. As a tribute to you Master Dooku," said Naruto.

The two engaged in a spar with Naruto holding his own for an hour of combat. He was ultimately disarmed by the superior master.


Naruto was walking to the training area and saw Adi Gallia already there. "Sorry I just finished a late training with Master Dooku. "So Adi let us start with the form I have mastered Shii Cho," said Naruto. "The basic will be worked on even after doing advance style."

Adi nods her head and bring her saber up as Naruto goes through the stance and swings.

Watching the training was Master Windu and Dooku. "He will make a great teacger," said Dooku. "He is angry at Adi own mistake help her correct them."

"You have something else on your mind old friend?" asked Windu.

"I would like to take young Naruto as a padwan since Jinn became a knight," said Dooku.

"I think I can arrange something with my report," said Windu. The turns to the match as Naruto disarmed Adi.

"You did well," said Master Windu as he approaches the two. "Adi keep [practicing and you will get the style. Naruto, Master Dooku would like to take as his personal apprentice."

Naruto turned to his instructor. "Really Master Dooku?" asked Naruto.

The elder master nods his head. "Yes. If you accept it," he said.

"I Naruto Uzumaki would be honored to be your student," said the blond.

I will start you training tomorrow, get some sleep," said Dooku. "We will leave for my home planet of Serenno and won't be back for six years.


It has been a six year since Naruto became a Padawan and he has mastered every form except Shien and Juyo. He has also mastered some of the jutsu given to him and his Shadows Clone jutsu was useful in learning other styles.

"Master are we going back?" asked Naruto.

"Yes I am recommending for an aid to Yoda to teach the other youngling," said Dooku.

The Serenno royal two seat cruiser is landing into the temple as the take of their safety harness and exit off the ramp. Greeting them is Master Windu and the council. "It is good to see you again Master Dooku," said Mace as he sees Naruto in his beige Jedi robe with his blond hair and braid. "It is good to see you in good health Naruto."

"Now master Windu. I would like Naruto have a match against a knight," said Dooku. Naruto looks at his master. "I want to so his skill and place him as an aid to Master Yoda at the temple."

Naruto smiles causing Dooku to sweat. "Naruto you will face Master Ti who is about to be given Master rank," said Mace.

"I would be honored," said Naruto locking eyes with the master.


Naruto is in the dueling ring as a red skinned Togruta walks in. "It is honored to face you Master Ti," said Naruto with a bow.

"So you are who I am face," said the knight.

Master Windu get on the side. "You limited to Saber and the force. Naruto is this fine?" asked Windu. Naruto nods his head.

"Knight Ti vs. Padawan Uzumaki. The victory is determent when a fighter land three blow on the opponent," said Mace. "Begin."


Naruto summons his blue saber as Knight Ti summons her blue saber from her cloak with the force. Naruto disappears in a force speed. Reappear behind the Ti going for the first strike. TBut Ti blocks the attack but is inched back from the power. "Incredible to use the force to increase his at such a young age," said Tyvokka. "He might be stronger then with further training."

Naruto is kick back by the knight but it was not a clean hit since it was blocked by his arm. Naruto lands on his feet and changes style to Ataru Catching Yoda interest.

Naruto blocks the first block and start to jump around with flips hitting Shaak Ti in the arm. "First point," said Naruto. He is kicked by the knight.

"You where saying Padawan," she said.

Naruto land on his feet and flicks his hand sending a chair at the knight. She blocks it with her saber he she is sent back by a force push but she manages to Land on her feet making it no strike in Naruto favor.

The two charges again as Shaak Ti strike his leg. "Two point," she said as she is frozen with Naruto's hand out stretched.

"Stasis," said Master Windu

Naruto jumps away as Dooku nod his head. Naruto takes off his robe dropping it causing a creator. Rolling up his pants he shows several weights on. Unbuckling them he drops. Shaak Ti final breark out in ten seconds.

Naruto disappear in an after image and strikes her sides making it a tie in points.

Naruto disappears as Shaak Ti throws her hands out send Naruto into the wall with a force pushmaking the Knight win the spar.

Master Windu and the other clap as Shaak Ti walks up to Naruto and helps him. "You fought very well," said the female knight.

"I got overconfident but you indeed strong Master Ti," said Naruto as the two bow to each other.

Mace Walk up. "I am promoting Knight Ti to Master and Naruto you will help Master Yoda as a instructor aid in dueling class," said Master Windu.


A/N: End this is a new story It is around 20 year before Naboo so just we are clear. Adi will be young as is Shaak Ti. Count Dooku is Naruto master for a reason. I need to know who will be Naruto's padawan.

Please review. It is fast paced next chapter will be better and I did take The True One-Winged Angel idea so props for his originality. I am changing it slightly.