Welp, I've gotten to that second chapter. C'mon, I know y'all can review, let's get this story going with reviews! I promise this is the last boring chapter, haha. Enjoy!
On most mornings, Alex would usually sneak in a surf on the nearby shores with Luke before her parents got out of bed. But this morning was an exception.
Alex, donned in her signature purple shirt-yellow shorts surf combo, tiptoed down the sandy worn wood stairs, gathering her thick brown waves into a ponytail. Halted by the light on in the shop, Alex stopped in her tracks, the floorboards beneath her creaked. She winced at the sound and began walking toward the door.
Brady poked his head out from the shop, "Alexandria, darling!" he shouted theatrically. Clara's head craned around the corner, two blond braids whipping amok, yelping, "Lexi!"
Alex froze. "Guys? What're you doing up so early?" she inquired, alarmed.
"I could ask the same to you, kiddo," Brady came out of the room, Clara following, "got a date," he glanced at his watch, "at six in the morning?" he chuckled.
Alex stiffened. She was to meet up with Luke, so in a way, it was a date. And she knew how her father felt about boys and whatnot. She shook her head no and tried scurrying to the door.
"Why are you dressed for a surf? The tide's pretty lame this early, you know," he informed her.
"Yeah, yeah I know. Just…just going for a walk, Dad. Nothing to report. Bye, Clare-bear." Alex left out the door and sprinted toward the cluster of palms where she and Luke would meet most mornings.
He greeted her with a flashy bright smile, his usually messy chestnut mop organized in a neat short cut, his grass-green eyes reflected the colors of the sunrise on the ocean surface.
"What, no board?" Luke jested, gesturing to his own surf board.
Alex sighed. "I couldn't get mine, my dad and sister, they were-"
Luke interrupted her, "About that, when do I get to meet your family?" Alex huffed and glared at the boy. Luke looked at her with mock-puppy-dog eyes. "Pwease, Lexi?" he prodded, using the name he knew weakened her.
Alex sighed and bit her lip, exasperated. "Soon, I don't know, Luke. Can we just get a board and go?"
Luke gripped her hand in his and they ran, hand in hand, to the nearby rental shack.
Between fork clangings and the occasional commentary on the meal, Mack chatted about Alan's returning home tomorrow morning.
"Alex!" Brady and Mack shouted simultaneously across the table. Alex raised her head sharply, startled. Brady chuckled.
"What?" the girl snarled.
"Anyone in particular you'd like to invite to dinner when Alan's over?" Brady inquired, winking mockingly.
Alex looked to her mother. "What's he talking about?"
"Oh, don't pretend," Mack jested. Clara nudged Alex's side, giggling. "We all saw you with that boy." Alex went stiff. They knew about her sneaking out? What else did they know? "What's his name? Larry, Leo, Lance…?"
"Luke," Alex corrected, smiling at her food at the mental image of his ocean-green eyes that lit up when he smiled. Mack and Brady gave each other a look at their daughter's besotted state.
Brady cleared his throat, "Yeah, so maybe you could invite Luke tomorrow when your brother's over,"
Alex was zapped back into reality. Tomorrow? Tomorrow was when the storm was supposed to hit, how was she supposed to be pent-up at home with family? "Well, tomorrow is when the storm is supposed to hit," she began; everyone at the table sighed, exhausted, "Luke and I were gonna try to catch it, you know, surf…" she trailed off.
"Oh, no you aren't," Brady immediately started, "you're not going on the water any time soon, not in this weather." Brady shook his head as he got up from his chair to clear his place.
Alex filled with anger at her father and followed him. "What the hell, dad!" she yelled.
"Alex!" Mack scolded from the table, covering little Clara's ears at the swear. Clara giggled mischievously.
The teen rolled her eyes and stomped to her father. Brady stood tall before her; intimidating, he was. Tall, muscular, scars showing from surfing accidents from waybackwhen. He folded his arms and looked down at Alex. She paced back.
"You can't just keep me here," she spat, "I'm going out there tomorrow, Dad. I don't care what you say." With that, Alex stomped up the stairs, quietly crying on her way to her room to text Luke.
Brady shook his head as he joined Mack and Clara at the dinner table. "That girl…" he trailed, still shaking his head, taking a grape from Clara's plate.
"Hey!" the little girl shouted. Brady smirked and flicked her blond braid, Clara stuck her tongue out at him. Brady smiled at the girl's innocence, still glad he had someone on his side.
"You two are such children," Mack commented, laughing lightly. Brady shot up quickly and ran to the shop, Clara following at his heels. Mack got up and cleared the table before joining the two in the shop.
Brady began sanding a board with a loud machine as Clara sat on the table, playing with a bar of wax in her hands. Mack stood next to her husband, watching him work.
"What're you gonna do when she goes out there tomorrow?" Mack asked softly. Brady stopped the machine and took off his goggles to look at his wife with a compromised expression. "You know she will, Brady. What are you going to do?"
Brady looked down, stuck. Mack pried, "You're not gonna let her out there, Brady. You can't…"
Brady held her shoulders, "Listen," he started quietly, "whatever happens, I promise I won't let Alex get hurt. Okay?" Mack looked unconvinced. "McKenzie? Okay?" she nodded, a lonely tear marking her face. Brady brought her into a warm embrace, followed by a brief kiss.
Clara snickered, "Mommy, Daddy, stop kissin'!" she giggled. Mack bit her lip and pecked Brady's lips again. Brady picked up Clara and tickled the girl. Clara laughed loudly and demanded to be set down. She hugged her father and spoke with serious clarity, "I promise I won't ever yell at you like Lexi," she looked up at Brady, "I love you Daddy."
Brady smiled at the girl, a spitting image of himself. "You promise?"
Clara held up a small pinky, "Pinky promise." Brady linked his large finger with her small one.
"How about we get the house ready for your brother when he comes tomorrow, eh, kid?"
AWWW I just had to end with a cute little Clara moment, because why not. The next chapter will be even better and even longer (yay!). Can't wait to read all your reviews!