The Law of Naruto

Hello fellow readers, I just had this idea out of nowhere. But I'm gonna try to make this fanfic as good as possible but I'm not certain, if you want to rewrite this fanfic to be a better one, go right ahead, oh and here's a note, I'm not good when it comes to describing how a person looks like but I'll try

Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Naruto Namikaze, son of the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. I'm 12 years old, I have blond hair and blue eyes. I'm also the elder brother of Rise Namikaze and Mito Namikaze. Rise is also blond like me, but she just tied her hair into a ponytail, Mito has straight red hair, just like our mother. Did I forget to mention they they're also the Jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox. Apparently when we were born the fox was unleashed and in order to protect Konoha, the third hokage sealed the Yang-chakra of the fox to Rise and the Ying-chakra to Mito. What about me then? Well, I got nothing. Our father convince everyone that they were the heroes who hold back the Kyuubi, and ever since then everyone always give their attention to them while ignoring me even my parent's, but that's okay, I have a secret I don't want anyone to find out…

"Hey, Naruto! Can I have some more ramen?" My armband said before a body appeared on it (I'm not gonna bother describing him, imagine Tenko except having both his horns)

This everyone is my best friend Ren. He is a celestial beast given to me, yeah as it turns out, the Uzumaki came from heaven searching for a peaceful life with the humans, but as decades gone by, the new generation doesn't even know that they are celestial beings. How I know you might ask? Well…it was because I met Ueki sensei. He's also a celestial being, and once he sensed I was also a celestial being, I have no idea when he started taking about heaven and hell. So he asks if I knew that I was a celestial being, all I did was stay quite. So he told me everything and even the histories. Although I haven't unlocked any of the sacred weapons yet, he gave me something else, and that was the power to turn trash into trees, GO GREEN. He started teaching me how to use it, and from there I started to call him Ueki sensei. When he was going back to heaven, I was sad but he introduced me to Ren and told me what he is and his abilities, and that's how it goes…

"That was your fourth bowl, for a little guy you sure eat a lot" I commented while looking on his empty bowl of ramen

"It just taste too good to stop" Ren said

"Yeah, I know but this is your last one for today" I said before going to take some ramen from the fridge and cook them.

"Yes!" Ren cheered happily

After he slurp down another bowl he asked, "Tomorrow is the graduation exam right?"

"Yeah" I answered

"So are you finally gonna stop sabotaging your own scores?" Ren asked, he knew that I've been sabotaging my own scores, reasons? So no one will notice him of course, if he didn't, it will be much harder to hide Ren

"No, not unless you want to be discovered, don't worry, I'll get enough score just to pass.

"Okay then, by the way, your not gonna train to get your sacred weapon?" He asked again

"No need, everyone will freak out if a giant cannonball struck the village" I said

"Bu-" Ren was interrupted as the door open, he quickly morphed back to looked like the armband

The person at the door was none other than Rise and Mito. His two younger sisters who thought of him as nothing but a loser and an embarrassment to the clan since never did that good in the academy

"Hey loser, where's mom and dad?" Rise rudely asked

"Dad's in his office and mom's on a mission, she should be back by tomorrow" I answered not disturbed by their presence

And with that they left to the backyard to train. Sometimes I wonder, do they even know what's the meaning of deception? Apparently not, and with that attitude they probably will never find out, oh well, not my problem. So I do what I normally do, go out to the forest to practice my powers

{Time Skip}

Today is the day for the exam, as I sit down I look around to see everyone around me. There's Shikamaru, he is really lazy but smart, and he also don't do things that were not important enough, well from his point of view actually. Then there's Choji, Shikamaru's best friend, he's really fat but don't say that to him out loud, he always eats those chips that he brings around, how it never finishes, even I don't know but I suspect a jutsu or something. There's also Kiba, he is a real loudmouth, he also thinks he's powerful and almighty, I suspect him as a pervert but I'm not sure. Well, there's Shino … not much can be said about him, he's quite that's for sure and I don't know how his face looks like. My sisters are also there. Oh what do we have here? The stuck up Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha, man do I wish to punch him right now, after the massacre he always think that the Uchiha are the greatest and strongest clan ever. He is also very arrogant since he's an Uchiha he is the best. Well, at least his cousin isn't that bad, Misaki Uchiha, unlike Sasuke she acts like what a normal child would act, she isn't that good in combat but in Genjutsu, she was almost as good as a Chunin

That's about everyone he knew in the room, oh wait there was 2 more, Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, they're a bitter rivals against one another, well, rivals for Sasuke that is, what are fan girls even doing in the ninja academy. Well, I'll tell you one thing for sure, Sakura is a banshee. Oh here comes the teacher

"All right everyone, we'll start with the first part of the graduation exam, the written test, Mizuki will give you your test paper and you may begin at 9.00" Iruka sensei said

The test was rather simple but I didn't answer some of them. I'll probably get 75 from all the sabotaging. Well, either that or get exposed eventually. The next exam was just throwing kunais and shurikens. Again I sabotage it by only hitting the dummy with 5 kunais and shurikens, heh, Sasuke thinks he's all cool just because he didn't missed one shot. Rise and Mito also didn't missed a shot, yeah reason is because they were already taken more advance training by our parents, and just because of that they think that their prodigies, please, it's just because you got trained by the fourth hokage, if you weren't you'll just be an ordinary ninja.

Final test, do all 3 basic ninjutsu. I didn't sabotage for this part because if I did, I won't pass the exam and I don't want that. Not getting attention is one thing but not being a ninja is another. And so I did all three perfectly, well not that perfectly, I only made 3 normal bunshins while Rise and Mito made 10 Kage Bunshins, showoffs. After that we get our headbands and walk outside, most children are waiting for their parents to show their headbands, not me, I just want talk to Ren, so I better get away qui-

"There you kids are" a voice called out

'Damn! So close!' I thought

"Hey mom, look we're now ninjas" Rise showing her headband

"I see, so all of you pass?" Kushina asked

"We all pass, but knowing Naruto I bet he barely pass" Rise told her, now they're busy chatting

'Now's my chance!' I tried to get away aga-

"Wow, all three of you pass, congratulations" Minato said as he just appeared, again so close

"Yeah why don't we celebrate?" Kushina suggested

"Yeah, that's a good idea, I mean even Naruto pass, we should go out and celebrate. All right let's head there now" As Minato turn, he can't find Naruto anywhere

"Where is he now?" Minato scratch his head, why did his son disappear like that, was it something he said?

"Come on, dad we need to go now, I know a good place and it would get crowded if we don't go now" Mito said, she really wants to go now and leave her loser brother behind

"Ok, you go ahead I'll go find your brother" Minato then shunsin away

Rise and Mito don't understand why their father or mother still cared for the loser. To them, he's just an embarrassment to the clan that should be kicked out immediately.

Meanwhile on the hokage monument, there sit Naruto and Ren. Talking while eating some dango that Ren somehow manage to get without exposing himself

"Just how did you get these?" I asked while eating the dango

"Trade secret" Ren said as he finishes his 34th dango

"I still wonder, how can someone like you eat so much?" I ask

"Have you forgotten how big I can get?" Ren is now finishing his 39th dango

"Oh yeah" I then just remembered how big he is actually

"Someone's coming" Ren just turned back to the armband and all of a sudden his father appeared

"So this is where you were…"

And Cut. That's it for the first chapter, what do you think. I think this is an improvement from my first fanfic. If anyone has any ideas they like to share please don't be scared to put the in your review. And so, please review