This is a work of fiction as a fan. I didn't create the tropes expressed, and certainly not the monster girl encyclopedia-the tropes came from those before me, and MGE is by kenkou cross. This is not for profit, simply enjoyment, and I advise against basing knowledge of the MGE on this fic.
so... Enjoy.
Prelude to...something.
Be warned, you could regret this story without brain bleach! This story is one older than feudalism, the rule of seven, a fantasy pantheon, and thins man was never meant to know,
why, you ask? Cause our monsters are different.
Seven living macguffins are the key(not really) so lawyer up for rule of funny, rule of cool, and big bads that run on nightmare fuel.
A noble demon anti-hero caught between two well-intentioned extremists, and armies of knight Templars.
its serious business, so remember-he who fights monsters... Is definitely screwed.