A/n: Hi peeps. This idea has been bothering me for sooooo long and i was so afraid to write out of fear of desecrating the holy fandom of Harry Potter but it got to the point where i couldn't write anything else. so here it is.

Fair Warning: Kurt will be very ballsy and brassy. I hopefully see myself writing this all the way to the end of the seventh book but if that changes I will let you know. You may find all of their behaviour beyond their years but that's just how I was at that age and it's kind of me SORASing them but without changing their ages. It will follow a very warped version of Canon that introduces other bits of the HP universe that i wanted to know more about and explore. There will be a mixture of modern teen culture into it but i will try to refrain from making it weird (They won't be discussing things that haven't happened but i was only born mid nineties so i have to because i only know what I've seen in Clueless).

Kurt's parentage is a bit of a failed mystery but I did leave plenty of clues.

I haven't decided on endgame pairs; some will stay the same but others will change, till then it's just a big teen orgy(metaphorically)!

Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor Glee. I don't own their characters either.

If you had been walking down Grimmauld Place in the cold waking hours of May 27th, you would have been treated to quite the sight. A diminutive creature exited one of the townhouses clutching a small bundle close to his chest, he muttered to himself in a voice that was rough and coarse like sandpaper, "Mistress mustn't be angry with Kreacher, He must only do as told."

The small figure stumbled along to the edge of the front yard, looking over his shoulder and surveying the area around him at frequent intervals; fear filled his bloodshot eyes. "Hush, Master." He said to the bundle as the new-born regained conciseness and threatened to expose his betrayal, "Kreacher will soon be done."

The house elf stopped in front of number 13 Grimmauld Place, he laid the bundle down gently on the welcome mat; he knocked three times with precision and force before he apparited away.

Christine Hummel was woken by the sharp knocking on the door; she could barely remember what she had been dreaming of mere moments before. She scaled down the stairs and opened the door, shotgun in hand. She stood there for a moment, wondering what sort of kid plays ding-dong-ditch at three in the morning but those thoughts were soon halted by the soft whimpering of unknown origin. When her eyes met the soft supple face of the new born, she melted onto the floor, "Burt!" she screamed, completely disregarding the fact that their neighbours were asleep, "Burt come down here!"

"I don't wanna!"

"Albert Bartholomew James Hummel!" Christina's voice was firm and strong, "Come down here this instance!"

Burt stumbled down the stairs in a sleepy messy daze but all the sleep was scared out of him by the sight of his wife standing with a shotgun in one hand and a baby in the other, "Chris, when did we get a baby?"

"Apparently, just now." She smiled brightly.

Burt looked up and down the deserted street, looking them over with care, "Well," he turned to his wife and leaned closer to the bundle, taking in the perfect facial features, moonlit grey eyes and brown hair of the new born, "She's so perfect, we should name her Elizabeth."

"Like my mother?"

"Like my grandmother."

"Wait, we're not sure if it is a girl," she took a peak under the fleece blanket that was wrapped around the baby, "It's a boy."

"I still want to name him Elizabeth."

"How about Kurt?" She asked with a smile, "because of the full moon, it means wolf in Turkish."

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," Burt leaned and kissed his wife on the forehead then his son, "My son."


Eleven years and One Month later…

Kurt began his day the same way he had the entire summer; he got up and prepared for the day ahead. He read his library books, watched his soap operas and he spent the rest of the day waiting for something he didn't know would come. The Hudson-Hummel household was abuzz with activity and Kurt would react to every little movement with optimism that it would put an end to this endless fruitless waiting. Summer was almost over and he had spent the entirety of it in the same regimental rut of waiting.

"Kurt," Carole said stepping into his personal space and breaking his concentration, "You want to come shopping with me? We'll go down to the farmers market and then maybe we'll go to Woollies and get you a new scarf for the winter."

"Carole, Carole, Carole… poor naïve Carole," Kurt smiled sweetly and tilted his head to the side, "I'm eleven, you can't bribe me with a scarf, you have to offer at least three and a new messenger bag for school." Kurt relished in the distraction from the menace of waiting for something that would simply never arrive, this was worse than waiting for his parents to tell him he was adopted and that was obvious because he'd looked nothing like his dad or even his mom when she was alive. When they got to the market Kurt jumped out of the car and ran ahead of Carole enthusiastically, feeling free as the warm summer air grazed the contours of his face; it was truly a lovely day to be out in London and Kurt wasn't going to let it go to waste.

"How's about we make chicken pot pie tonight?" Carole said as she picked out a variety of vegetables for the week ahead, "Or would you rather have stroganoff?"

"Stroganoff!" Kurt said as he smelled the mushrooms sautéing in the back of his mind, he twirled on the spot and hoped from foot to foot with the grace of the ballerina he was in training to become. He danced on the sidewalk without a care in the world, it didn't matter that the new school year was almost upon them; the reality of returning to school wouldn't hit him till after he visited his grandparents farm in Sheffield. He carried on dancing from stall to stall and from store to store almost forgetting about that nagging anticipation that had plagued him all summer, almost.

"Let's hurry along sweetheart, Finn needs to be picked up from soccer." Carole then corralled him into the back of the station wagon. Kurt was looking out the window, watching intently as suburban houses passed by at snail pace with nothing on the radio.

Finn was sitting on the sidewalk waiting for them; his face lit up at the sight of his mother's Volvo but darkened instantly as he retreated into himself, Kurt knew instantly that this meant his brother was about to get into trouble for something big and took the opportunity to confess to his most recent transgression. "I broke that crystal vase your sister gave you as a wedding gift, it shattered and then I went over to Caryn place so I could use her as an alibi."

"You?" she asked as she pulled into the parking spot, "How?"

Kurt shrugged "I don't know," he thought back to the strange day, "I looked at it funny, because you know how much I hated it, and it spontaneously shattered."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" she asked in a soft maternal voice.

"I was so confused that I wasn't thinking straight."

"I blamed your father for that." Her voice suddenly distraught, "Aren't you sorry?"

"I am sorry." He said shyly.

"Sorry it happened or sorry it upset me."

"Sorry it happened." Finn got into the car and sat silently, "How was practice honey? Did it end early because you could've called me?"

"No," he sat twiddling his thumbs, Kurt could smell the fear radiating off his older- only by a couple of weeks- brother and he was revelling in it. "Practice ran normally."

"Then why are you here and not still on the field with everyone else?" Kurt asked with a devilishly crooked smile on his face.

"Are you hurt?" Carole asked inspecting him and showering him in kisses.

"No." he mumbled softly.

"What was that?" Kurt asked with pursed lips.

"I got suspended for fighting." Finn screamed at Kurt, "Kurt's buddy Arnold accused me of cheating because I scored a curved top corner goal over his head… from the centre line."

"Did you cheat?" Carole asked calmly.

"No." Finn paused, "At least I don't think I cheated."

"Well then why did you have to resort to violence?" Kurt asked seeing that Carole was too casual about this.

"I always tell you to be diplomatic." Carole said sternly, "No sticky toffee cake for either of you."

Finn gave Kurt a questioning look as if to say 'Why the hell was that so easy,' to which Kurt simply beamed 'you owe me,' but didn't say a word more on the matter for the rest of their drive home. He played his numbers game, trying to count to a thousand using the numbers on the licence plates of the cars he'd pass on the way home; once again he tried to prolong his distraction before he returned to the pointless endless waiting. As they approached their townhouse Kurt noted that his dad kept peering out the window in an antsy fashion. 'We are so dead.' Kurt beamed to Finn who simply whimpered in response.

Kurt helped Carole carry in the groceries, something he never did, in hopes that it would ease the imminent situation but he couldn't help but feel like something big was about to go down and he had the suspicion that it was beyond his control. They were greeted at the door by his dad who ushered Carole into the Kitchen with hushed but assertive tones; Kurt peered into the lounge to see a stern elegant woman who was a little along in her years, he didn't recognize her though.

Kurt scurried into the kitchen. "She says she's here to speak to Kurt and Finn?" Carole asked in a hushed voice, "about what exactly?"

"She said she wasn't at liberty to discuss the matter with me." His dad's brows were knitted tightly together and his breaths were shallow, "I only let her in because I wasn't about to leave an old lady on the veranda."

"Hi, I'm Finn." came from the lounge; he saw his dad and Carole face palm simultaneously.

He immediately joined his brother because he knew that failing to do so would result in his exclusion from the conversation, "And I'm Kurt, it is a pleasure to meet you." He threw in his money making smile in for good measure.

"Good afternoon, it's a pleasure to meet you both;" as Kurt heard her stern yet maternal voice he was overwhelmed, the waiting and longing seemed to have reached its end, "I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I am thankful to have been received so warmly."

"There's no such thing as magic." Kurt said sternly, he gave her a piercing stare but when she didn't so much as flinch- he stepped down.

"Do you believe in magic Mr Hudson?" she asked, Kurt noted how she pursed he lips to punctuate her sentences much like he did and it unsettled him.

"Well…" Finn had his classic confused look, "I'm not sure."

"What is there not to be sure about?" Kurt snapped at him, "Does this seem like a Disney movie? Because that is the only place magic is real."

"Well, that goal today was phenomenally impossible considering I suck at soccer," He said in a soft voice, "you blew up a vase with your mind and we do speak to each other with our minds."

"No. You have been working hard on your soccer skills; that vase exploding was not my fault and we read each other's facial expressions not each other's minds." Kurt quipped, he stepped closer to Finn, "if we believe this then we'll have Charles Xavier telling us we're mutants next."

"Lemon flavoured Fanta."

"What did you just say?"

"You're craving Lemon flavoured Fanta," Finn said confidently. Kurt considered for a moment the existence of magic and what it meant for him.

Their parents had joined them a while back but were yet to say anything; Professor McGonagall sat on the couch smiling to herself whilst Kurt ran the idea through his mind. She handed them each an envelope. Kurt inspected his envelope closely; it was addressed to him, the paper was heavy and clearly expensive, it was sealed with a wax seal like they did in medieval times, the letter itself looked to be ancient and somehow lost to time; Kurt read the letter inviting him to attend the supposed magic school but still he wasn't convinced.

"You're going to need more than twenty-five pence stationary to convince me." Burt said defensively shielding Kurt from the woman.

"I don't know Burt," Finn said with a smirk, "This looks like fifty pence worth of work."

"Wingardium Leviosa." She said with a flick of a short little… dare he say, wand. Kurt didn't feel anything happening but then suddenly he saw the floor get farther away as the couch began to levitate; Carole and his dad held on to the armrests for dear life, Finn giggled and Kurt had an epiphany: Magic was real.

"Put us down!" Carole said in a panicked voice, "Please."

The couch gently descended and came to rest, "were my birth parents wizards?" Kurt asked quietly, he'd never cared to know much about his birth parents but now there was something he had inherited from them, a potential family tie, and it had his curiosity peaked.

"Yes, they were." Professor McGonagall let out a defeated sigh.

"Could you tell me about them?" Kurt asked gently.

"I'm not privy to such knowledge," The elder tried to reach out to him but he chose to stay still and listen, "I only know that they probably gave you up under the pretence that you were a squib, a non-magical being born of magical parents, hoping you would integrate better into the muggle world."

"Why would they think that?" Kurt asked inquisitively, he didn't quite understand what she meant, "You don't know me and yet you know I'm magical, why would my birth parents believe otherwise?"

"Well, your case is quiet peculiar." Professor McGonagall looked him dead in the eye and spoke in an even tone, "When a child who possesses magic is born they are automatically entered into our books by a magic quill that detects your magical core; your name wasn't entered into our books until you were six and half, nobody on managing staff knows why or how because there has never been such an event in known history."

"Will he be able to keep up with the other kids who've had their magic longer?" his father asked while he ran through what he was being told, he listened as Professor McGonagall assured his father that he was on par with the kids of his age in development. He thought about the year he was six and what might have changed but nothing seemed to click until his father said it, "Could his magic been drawn out by a tragedy because that was the year he lost his mother."

"As I've said Mr Hummel, nobody is sure what the case is but we would be honoured if both of them attended our school."

Kurt took a moment, 'How are you feeling about this?' he beamed to Finn. He really hoped that Finn would be the brother he always was and keep him grounded because he was losing his mind.

'I have magic!' Finn happily sang, 'I'm going to be just like Superman! Aren't you excited?' Kurt knew that he couldn't tell Finn that he had never been so afraid in his life, it would ruin his moment.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Carole asked him.

He turned to her and with genuine enthusiasm beamed, "Finn and I are going to a boss magical boarding school! I'm over the moon!"

"We're going to be like Wiccan and Thor!" Finn said practically jumping out of his seat, his eyes shone with the excitement that fuelled Kurt.


Kurt held onto Finn as McGonagall lead their mixed family through an unsavoury London pub, he still questioned her sanity but followed none the less. They were led out into a small courtyard that was far too small for their little group. McGonagall stepped forward and tapped a series of bricks; before Kurt's eyes the wall separated and revealed what looked like a town square out of a medieval fantasy novel.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," McGonagall said with a wide smile, "the shopping capital of magical Britain. This is where you are going to find everything you need for your first year."

"This is your shopping epicentre?" Kurt couldn't help sounding disappointed, "You have so much to learn from the real world, have you heard of a shopping mall?"

"Kurt, be polite!" his father gave him a disapproving look as they were lead down a narrow path to a tall white building that looked like it was made of flawless alabaster, Gringotts Wizarding Bank the sign read.

There were hideous little creatures milling about the bank, 'Kurt, I'm scared.' He heard Finn's voice in his head and knew that his brother hadn't factored the possibility that this life of magic they had undertaken wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows. "Professor McGonagall, would you care to educate us about this magical species."

'I am here, you don't need to be afraid, they're probably harmless' he beamed to Finn, squeezing his hand.

"These are Goblins; they are highly intelligent and have an aptitude for finance. They have a history of conflict with wizards but with each side equally to blame." She smiled reassuringly before assuring them that they had nothing to fear. Kurt stood close to Finn whilst their parents and the professor exchanged their pounds for gold coins. They were in and out of the bank; as soon as they were outside Kurt felt Finn relax.

"That must be heavy," Finn said looking at my dad holding a bag filled with the gold coins.

"Funnily enough they're light." He threw the small purse to Finn who caught it with one hand, "see what I mean, it is like-"

"Magic?" Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "Let's start by getting you're books."

"There are only eight books on the list," Kurt said as they were lead into a book shop, "Do you have any recommendations for enrichment that will help me get on par with the student who've been around magic their whole lives?"

"Hogwarts: A History could make for some useful reading." She said as she took books off the shelves in twos, "Here it is."

"Just one copy, Finn isn't the enrichment kind of student." He smiled at his brother who seemed to care more about the fact that the books were floating as opposed to the fact that they were the gateway to a new world, "Unless there's one about sport that has lots of pictures."

"I'm good with the standard books," he said scowling at Kurt's little joke.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will also provide you with greater insight into the wizarding world." She said taking the book off the shelf; Kurt was bouncing at the prospect of spending the next month learning about a new subject.

"Next on the list is a wand." Finn said as they exited the book store, McGonagall led them to a store where she insisted they enter alone whilst she dragged their parents off to get the rest of their equipment, "Ollivander's Wand Shop? After you."

Kurt entered the shop, it was dusty and baron which unsettled him slightly, the walls were completely covered by what seemed to be long narrow boxes. Kurt rang the bell and waited to be serviced, an elderly gentleman with wild white hair appeared from a back room and smiled at them, "How can I help you?"

"We'd like two wands." Finn said with a smile.

"Would two wands like you? That is the question." The man tested with a slightly crazy look, he pointed at Finn, "You first."

The man then measured Finn from top to bottom, taking close note of his great height, he handed Finn wand after wand for a good half an hour which bored Kurt out of his head. First he sat quietly in the chair in the corner but soon that lost its allure so he decided to take a look around, reading the descriptions on some of boxes as he danced about the shop. Finn kept destroying object after object and the old man kept repairing them. Kurt's curiosity was piqued by the wand sitting in the window display, it didn't have a description but it was so perfectly pale and beautiful that Kurt couldn't draw his attention away from it. He observed the wand for a moment longer before looking over his shoulder and making a decision, whilst the old man had his back turned he grabbed the wand; the moment his hand came into contact with the smooth cool wood a strong gust of wind swept through the shop causing the dust to spiral around Kurt, the furniture and store inventory began to fly wildly around the room. He dropped the wand, the air stilled and everything fell to the ground with a thud.

"That wand has been in this shop for more than two thousand years," the old man said as he stepped toward Kurt, "it is unknown how old it is but it was with my ancestors when they first arrived in England. Over the years many have come to try it out, including Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw who are both founders of Hogwarts, hoping it would choose them; drawn in by the allure of its mystery and after all this time the wand has made its choice." He picked the wand up and handed it to Kurt.

"I'm sorry; I know I shouldn't have touched what didn't belong to me." Kurt said remorsefully, "I didn't mean to destroy your shop."

"Never you mind," Mr Ollivander waved his wand and everything moved back to where it should be, "I don't know much about this wand, it's an eleven and a quarter inch olive wand with a core that is an unknown red feather. I cannot guarantee its stability or anything because its core is unknown but I would be honoured if you would have this wand."

"That is so cool!" Finn said draping his body over Kurt's shoulders, "say you'll take it, heck, if you don't I will!"

"Why not?" Kurt said with a nervous smile, "Thank you."

"As for you," Mr Ollivander turned to Finn, "this wand is the only one you haven't tried in your size, if this one doesn't pick you then you'll have to struggle with a small wand all your life; it's a seventeen and three quarter inch oak dragon heartstring."

Finn cautiously took the wand and gave it a shy wave to marvellous results, Kurt saw Finn release a breath he knew his brother had been holding for a while.


One Month Later…

Kurt anxiously held onto his new pet kneazle, furiously stroking her black fur as his parents lead him and Finn through King's Cross Station, he was so nervous about living so far from his dad for the first time. He had never been so grateful for the company of Carole and Finn, one for each of them, as they parted ways on platform 9¾. Kurt had promised himself he wouldn't cry but clearly Finn had made no such promises and was blubbering like a four year old on the first day of kindergarten, Kurt had been trying his best to comfort the bigger boy as they made their way through the narrow passage and into a compartment occupied by a girl and a boy about their age.

"Hi, do you mind if my brother and I join you?" he asked politely with a toothache inducing smile and holding his kitten in the least villainous manner he knew.

"Come in," the girl with wild bushy brown hair said with a smile that exposed her large front teeth, "I'm Hermione Granger, it's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Kurt Hummel," he said as he hauled his luggage into the storage compartment overhead, "This is my brother Finn, he's suffering from separation anxiety, and this is Bombalurina."

"Neville Longbottom," the fourth said in a voice barely above a whisper. Kurt looked at the shy boy and it seemed that the more he looked the more he retreated into himself and it intrigued him, "This is Trevor."

"That cage is empty," Finn said suddenly halting his blubbering, "Or is it invisible? Is it both?"

"Oh no!" Kurt watched as the boy paled, panic written all over his face, "I've lost him again!"

"Don't worry, we'll help you look for him," Finn said with a goofy smile, thankful to have found someone more hopeless than himself, "if he isn't invisible."

"What is Trevor?" Kurt asked cautiously.

"A toad," Neville said with a small smile. Hermione and Kurt yelped at the thought, jumping onto the seat and clasping each other, "Trevor is harmless, I swear."

"I'm more worried about getting warts," Kurt said not letting go of Hermione; he strategically omitted the fact that he had an irrational fear of all things with a slimy texture.

"Frogs and toads don't give you warts," Hermione said with a chuckle, "That's just a myth."

"A month ago magic was a myth," Kurt said with a raised brow.

"What about cootees? You aren't scared of those?" Finn said making kissy faces at him and Hermione; Kurt seriously worried about his brother's mental development because that was a comment he only expected from a first grader, "Kurt and Hermione sitting in the tree-"

"I will K-I-L-L you." Kurt sang along with a smile, Finn lost his cheer and mumbled an apology, "Let's find Trevor before he gets too far, let's split into teams; Finn you go with Hermione and I'll go with Neville."

"Thanks for helping me look for him," Neville smiled shyly.

"Don't mention it… or him," Kurt shuddered as they went off in different directions with Bombalurina weaving between his legs as he walked down the narrow passage.

They went from compartment to compartment but it seemed nobody had seen the toad; Kurt grew tired of this fruitless search but carried on in the hopes that it was the first step to friendship. They came to the first compartment that was closed, knocked firmly and then forcefully slid the door open.

"Who do you think you are?" a boy with platinum blonde hair said standing to meet Kurt's gaze, they stared each other down for a moment before Kurt averted his gaze to check his nails.

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, the pleasure is all yours." Kurt said with a sassy smirk, Two large boys with a loutish dim-witted demeanour about them stood to flank the little blonde, Kurt adjusted his hair and without acknowledging either of them carried on, "We're looking for a toad named Trevor, have you seen him?"

"Do you know who I am?" the blond protested.

"Nope but you know who I am."

"And who the hell are you?"

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," he said in an emotionless voice to contrast the evident anger in the blonde's voice, "Are you hard of hearing or simply stupid?"


"Definitely stupid," The three onlookers who had been silent throughout their little exchange each let out a laugh.

The blonde gave his lieutenants a dark stare which immediately silenced them, he drew his wand and stuck it under Kurt's chin by which time Kurt had his pressed to the blonde's temple, "I'm Draco Malfoy and you best take your fat friend and go before we have a problem."

"Let's go Kurt," Neville said in a nervous shaky voice as he tried to pull Kurt away.

Kurt looked deep into Draco's eyes and leaned in close so his voice was barely above a whisper, "Jesus just saved your life." He then walked away silently.

"My name's Neville, not Jesus." Kurt was surprised by the statement having never considered that religion and magic were mutually exclusive.

"It's a muggle saying," he said with a soft smile as they braved on with their fruitless search for Trevor, "Now let's find Trevor."


Kurt stood awkwardly next to Neville in the entrance hall of the majestic castle; he was in awe of the beautiful architecture and the out of this world paintings that covered almost every inch of wall in the great monstrosity of a room. In that moment Kurt suddenly knew how magic could have coexisted with the muggle world for so long without being discovered; magic was simply beyond even the wildest of imaginations, too absurd and obscure to coexist with science and technology.

The energy in the room was electric and there was a hum of excitement; Kurt had gathered that for those students who came from all wizarding families this was a defining moment, they would be sorted into their houses and gathering how nervous Neville seemed to be, it must mean quite a bit. Professor McGonagall had greeted and welcomed them to Hogwarts, she had given them a brief introduction to the four houses and their role in the day to day running of the school- Kurt had been put at ease by the sight of her, adding a sense of familiarity to an otherwise foreign experience.

"So it's true what they were saying on the train," Draco said commanding the attention of everyone in the room, "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

"Who the hell is Harry Potter?" Kurt asked Neville in a very irritated tone, he had read Hogwarts: A History cover to cover but had not heard of Harry Potter referred to personally or as part of a dynasty.

"Harry Potter is the boy who lived."

"What'd he live through?" Finn asked what might be the only intelligent question he would ever ask.

"He survived an encounter with a killing curse from one of the darkest wizards of all time and ended the first wizarding war," Hermione said from behind him.

"How do you know that?" Kurt asked her curiously, "You were raised in muggle society like the two of us."

"I read it in Great Wizarding Events of the Twenty First Century."

"Oh my gosh!" Kurt said in angry voice, "I asked Professor McGonagall to recommend any and all books that could help me integrate into the wizarding society and that's the book she chooses to omit?"

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, "Follow me into the Great Hall where you will be sorted into your houses." Kurt was carried along with the crowd; the Great Hall was more beautiful than any assortment of words could ever describe it to be. He had read of the enchanted ceiling and the floating candles but they were much more intimidating and far more beautiful in reality than in what he had read in Hogwarts: A History which now seemed like a distant fallacy. They stood in the centre aisle between four tables that stretched the length of the room, before them stood a perpendicular table that seated a wide array of elder wizard dressed in a more academic and formal manner. Professor McGonagall stood in front of a brass podium with an intricately precise carving of an owl with its wings closed; the owl's eyes seemed to be penetrating his soul, which left him feeling vulnerable.

An elderly man with a long flowing white beard and the long straw hair to match dressed in flamboyantly patterned robes who introduced himself as Professor Dumbledore came forward to stand at the podium; the owl opened its wings which showed greater detail on the inner wing and made it even more fearsome and penetrative. He urged the student body to stay out of the Dark Forest as it was prohibited but that sort of made sense because danger posed by wild animals; magical and non-magical. Next he told them that third floor corridor on the right side was out of bounds to 'all those who do not wish to die a most horrific death', this made Kurt wonder what kind of school would have anything that is remotely dangerous around irresponsible teenagers.

"You will be called one by one, I will place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. The sorting hat's decision will be final." She then called name after name, until finally a name he recognised, "Hermione Granger," Kurt watched as his new acquaintance climbed and took the seat in front of the podium, a worn shabby leather hat was placed on her mane of bushy brown hair. The sorting hat then went silent for quite a while as though in distant and profound contemplation, engaging in a mental conversation with Hermione until after five or so minutes the hat announced, "Gryffindor!"

She happily skipped over to that house's table as the next group of strangers were called out. "Finn Hudson," Kurt's heart nearly stopped, he was nervous on Finn's behalf as his oversized brother ascended to be sorted.

Don't be afraid. He heard Finn's voice say in his head, he straightened up and watched as his brother swayed from side to side, swinging his legs to the sounds of Africa by Toto that seemed to be booming in his head. The sorting hat seemed confused by his behaviour, taking a moment to recompose itself before booming "Hufflepuff!"

"Kurt Hummel."

Kurt had been preparing himself for this as he knew he followed Finn alphabetically but as he climbed the short flight of stairs and turn to see a sea of face looking at him expectantly. He missed the seat and fell to the ground with a bit of a thud, his pale alabaster tinged red as he picked himself up and sat on the chair, unable to meet the laughing faces.
'In all my time at Hogwarts, this is the first time I'm seeing that happen' Kurt heard the gruff unfamiliar voice of the sorting hat say in his head, 'that is the first in a series of firsts you will bring to Hogwarts and the wizarding but how do I best get you there?'

'Put me with Finn,' Kurt thought to himself, 'I won't survive on my own.'

'You want to be in Hufflepuff with your brother?' the hat seemed to laugh at him, 'You don't have what it takes to be a Hufflepuff! You do have the intelligence of a Ravenclaw or even the courageous tenacity of a proper Gryffindor, but which of the two best suits you? There is something familiar about you Kurt Elizabeth Hummel?'

Kurt was unsure how to respond to the statement, 'what do you mean?'

'Other than the way you look,' the hat was silent for a moment, 'there is a certain air about you and suddenly I know just where you belong.'

"Slytherin!" the hat boomed with slight pride in his decision, "Trust me Mr Hummel, you'll be great in Slytherin."

Kurt was dazed for the rest of the sorting ceremony; he was seated next to one of oafs from the train, Goyle as he'd far from eloquently introduced himself; Kurt wondered what the sorting hat had seen in his mind that had changed his course so abruptly. He was now seated opposite that obnoxious brat from the train, he wished he was in Hufflepuff with Finn or in Gryffindor with Hermione and Neville but alas, he would have to do his best with what he was presented.

"So, are you a pureblood?" Malfoy asked; Kurt was silent as he wasn't sure who the question was directed at, "I'm talking to you Hummel!"

"Oh, I guess so." Kurt said with a shrug, "This house is known to be more selective when it comes to blood status and here I am."

"How are you unsure?" Goyle asked looking really confused as he tore into his food with his hands in a manner that made Kurt feel uncomfortable.

"I'm adopted," Kurt was met by three blank stares, "I was raised by other people who aren't my biological parents."

"That's strange," Malfoy said with a look of slight disgust on his face. Kurt so dearly missed his father and his home life that he wasn't up to challenging wits with the blond miscreant; he simply nodded his head as he picked at the unsavoury food in front of him. Kurt and the two louts were startled by the pale figure that was seated beside Malfoy; the figure wore a powdered wig and had a skeletal appearance, his robes seemed to be stained by some silver liquid.

"Welcome to Slytherin house," his voice was bristly and barely above a whisper. Malfoy had screamed off at the sight of the ghost, "I hope not all of you first years are as hopeless as this one, we've got a winning streak to up hold."

"Charmed to make your acquaintance," Kurt said tilting his head and smiling, trying hard not to extend his hand to the ghost who would be unable to shake it, "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, and you are?"

"The Bloody Baron, Slytherin House Ghost." He said with an air of superiority that Kurt didn't appreciate.

Kurt felt so out of place sitting amongst these kids who seemed to be discussing magical life as though it were an everyday thing and even though it was to them, they were successfully excluding him without even trying. He got up and walked around the table over to where Finn was sitting, "Hi, Could you please move up." He said to the girl who was sitting next to Finn, she complied and he joined his brother.

"What sup?" Finn said allowing a rouge piece of chicken to fall onto his lap; he picked it up and put it back in his mouth, "You missing BurtyBear?"

"Yes… No." Kurt let out a heavy sigh, "I just spent the entirety of the last month reading the books recommended by Professor McGonagall, only to find that it doesn't even scratch the surface of what the wizarding world is about or even the politics that drives, you can imagine how disgruntled I am at that."


"I was the first kid to learn to write their name in preschool," Kurt stopped to reposition a stray hair, "I've always been wildly competitive and now everyone has an advantage over me; I need to level the playing field and I have no idea how I am supposed to be going about that… my life is ruined."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Finn said with an encouraging smile, he laid Kurt's head on his should, "it'll get better."

"How are you? How's Hufflepuff?" Kurt said checking his appearance in his compact, wiping away any sign that he'd been upset.

"I'm good, this house is pretty cool," he said still stuffing his face, "everyone here is so nice."

"At least, everyone in my house seems to be a snob obsessed with pedigree," Kurt let out huff, "And I want to ring Draco Malfoy's little neck and I've only known him a couple of hours."

Finn laid a supportive hand on his shoulder and gave him a toothy grin, "You go do what you must and I'll be your alibi."

"You've got spinach stuck between your teeth," he said beaming a thousand watt smile, "Also you are the best brother ever but I doubt you should be encouraging my murderous thoughts."

"I just feel like this is something we could get away with," Finn said with a smirk, "Like how we got away with taking the entire jar of cookies with us to boarding school."

"We've never be-" Kurt was astonished and pleasantly surprised by his brothers mischievous actions and the precision with which he had executed his plan, Kurt was upset that he had been excluded because Finn knew very well that Kurt had an aptitude for successfully breaking the rules, "You did evil without me! How dare you? And you call yourself my brother."


"Let it scab!" Kurt exclaimed as he stormed off to re-join his house, who were leading out of the great hall. He followed the house prefect through a network of changing staircases and a maze of corridors till they came to a bricked up door way flanked by a bookcase on either side. Gemma, The house prefect, stepped forward and said the password which was 'Password'.

As the first years assembled in the bowels of Hogwarts; he looked about the room with soft green lighting and bulky dark statement pieces in abundance, he let his mind wander into the adventurous worlds depicted in the tapestry that hung all about but suddenly he was drawn back to reality by the marvellous sight of a giant squid swimming by the window in all it's marvellous glory. Gemma was explaining the lay of the land and how things generally work; she then started allocating rooms at random, she divided the room into boys and girls and then started counting off groups of four, and much to his displeasure Kurt ended up being grouped with Dumb, Dumber and Asshole.

Kurt arrived to find that his luggage had arrived safely, the staff clearly had an appreciation for Louis Vuitton; he promptly started unpacking his stuff when he saw a shadow appear over him, "Can I help you?" he couldn't get the sass out of his voice but he at least forced a tolerant facial expression.

"I'm confused," Goyle said in a low raspy voice, looking from Kurt to his Luggage, "If your name is Hummel then why does your luggage say 'LV'?"

"Firstly; don't call me Hummel, that is my last name, my given name is Kurt." He said with a condescending smile that was clearly lost on the best of the trio, continued to say: "Secondly; 'LV' is a famous design house, don't you have fashion in the wizarding world?"

"What do they design?" Crabbe asked in a soft voice that was an outright juxtaposition to his gorilla like appearance.

"Obviously luggage," Draco screamed at him which seemed to immediately subdue the larger boy, "Idiot."

"Okay…" Kurt thought to himself that he hadn't gotten on a first name basis with Dumb and Dumber but carried on with his train of thought, "If any of you touch my stuff there will be hell to pay." His voice was stern but soon turned as close to soft as your voice got when you were Kurt Hummel, "By the way; I'm first name person and I didn't get your names."



"Now once more with greater impact," He paused for dramatic effect, "Draco, Vincent and Gregory," he gestured to his stuff, "No touchy!"

"What will someone with blood that isn't true do?" Draco snickered with knowing sneered, "You might as well be a mudblood."

"I don't know what that means exactly," Kurt stood tall, short for his age but metaphorically tall, "But if I find out that it is bad then I promise you that my magical abilities will be least of your worries."

Kurt then let his words linger as his stare burned holes through Draco's bulbous head, he then turned and headed for the bathroom.

Hogwarts seemed to have a medieval vibe going on but Kurt was quite please to find that they hadn't failed to adapt to modern indoor plumbing and excellent water pressure. Kurt began his evening cleanse, as he had done since he decided to pre-empt puberty. As he exfoliated in small circles he saw Gregory approaching him, he didn't want to respond in an adverse manner without reason but kept his guard up.

"Whatcha Doing?" he said leaning against the sink adjacent to Kurt's.

"Exfoliating." Kurt went about his business hoping that their conversation wouldn't need to escalate any further but he could feel the blank stare on him, "it's when you scrub the dead follicles of skin off."

"That sounds gross," he said with a giggle and goofy grin, "But so cool."

"Yeah," Kurt supposed with an awkward laugh.

"Okay, the thing with Draco is that he wants to feel like he's the smartest and biggest person in a room," Kurt was caught off guard by Gregory's metamorphosis into an intellectually sound member of society, "just don't pay him any mind because he will try to bait you and get you to challenge him. I get the feeling that you wouldn't successfully execute the dull oaf method."

Kurt was at a loss of words, "Thanks."

"Don't mention it," he smiled and left.

Kurt was soon left to his own devices once more; he refused to actually acknowledge what had just happened so instead he thought about the day ahead, his mind a buzz with questions. What would his first day of classes be like? He was going to be doing eight new subjects, would he be able to keep up? All these questions brought a certain feeling of self-doubt to the surface; he turned on his heels and went off to reread his text books because something told him he wouldn't be getting much sleep.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any suggestion or feel I missed the mark (On the fandom not my ideas) or if you want to shower me with Love, please use the reviews to let me know.