A/N: Hello all! I see this is starting to gain a following but please don't forget a review! It lets me know that I can actually write once in a while. A quick shout out to Rhmac12 for beta-ing this chapter for me. This one-shot is set after Fred's funeral. I realise now he must have been buried at the Burrow, or someplace else, but I decided for the sake of the story to have him buried at the school. This chapter is probably my favourite one so far because I feel like this is something that hasn't really been done here a lot. I own nothing. Please enjoy!

Love Heals All

The day had finally come.

"Ron, are you okay?" She asked through tears.

He was sobbing quietly on his knees hunched back over a tree, hand covering his mouth. She could see him shuddering as the cries grew.

She cautiously walked up to him, placing hesitant hand on his back. He whipped around quickly. "Oh." She gasped.

His eyes were bloodshot and his face was soaked from the eyelids down. Hermione held back a cry of her own. "Mione-don't-look at-me-I'm-I' m a-I'm-a-mess." He choked out in-between sobs.

It hurt her to see him like this. It hurt her a little more to know that he thought that this would turn her off. She sat down next to him, but words wouldn't come to her. What do you say to someone who just lost a brother? When she really thought about it, Fred was, in some sense her brother as well. All she wanted was to be comforted, and using her logic she figured this is what he would want right now too.

She took a staggered breath. "Come here." She commanded.

He stayed in his spot.

She inhaled deeply with tears still falling from her eyes. "Ron, please, let me in." She murmured touching his arm.

He turned his head to face her for a moment. She took this opportunity to grab his head by his hair and pull him into a kiss. It was wet and sloppy, but his arms reacted instantly and wrapped themselves around her tiny frame. She knew he needed her. He pulled her into his lap and pressed his forehead against hers, tears continuing to flow.

"You don't have to hide from me." She murmured thickly.

He hauled her flush against him, crying into her neck, holding onto her for dear life. Her legs found their way around his hips, locking him into her embrace. She rested her cheek into his hair and pressed her lips into his forehead. They sat against the tree crying together until no more would come.

She wasn't too sure how long they'd been there for, but the sun was starting to lower its self over the horizon and the temperatures were dropping. She shivered against him, "We should probably head inside."

He nodded as she removed her legs from him. As she rose she felt her entire body felt stiff, her neck and thighs were sore. Ron noticed this as he got up as well. While his neck was a bit off he did realise that she must have been in an uncomfortable position. His mind concentrated on his room in the castle and he grabbed her hand.

She gasped and in the next moment she was in his room with him. She lost her balance on unsteady legs and fell onto the floor taking him down with her.

"Ow." He said rubbing his knee.

"Oh Ron, I'm sorry." She said quickly. She tried to get up but her legs just weren't having it.

"Do you want to go down for supper?" She asked as they rearranged themselves.

"I'm not that hungry." He said in monotone. He had skipped almost every meal in the past few days. It was very much unlike him to do so but given the circumstances; well she wasn't all that shocked. Her appetite in the past days was next to nil. She decided not to argue with him on the topic tonight.

Ron was already on his feet, stripping the black clothing off his body and throwing them onto the floor. He threw on a clean shirt from her beaded bag and turned his attention to Hermione.

It seemed as though she'd given up on moving. She was leaning back up against the bed, her eyes shut.

He bent down and scooped her up off the floor and onto the bed. She jerked awake and looked quickly round the room, wand at the ready.

"It's just me." He said lowering her wand down, "You never got off the floor, I thought you fell asleep."

She swallowed and nodded.

"Tired?" He asked her.

She nodded again, "It's been a long day." She mumbled, brushing some hair out of her face.

"D'you want to change? I have your bag here." He nods his head in its direction.

"Yeah." She says quietly. She summons the bag over, opens it up and rummages through it for a while. Sighing she comes out of it leaning against the headboard, "I don't know if I have the energy to look for my clothes. They're probably at the bottom somewhere; I just keep getting yours and Harry's things."

"Well, you can't sleep in that." He says taking the bag. He reaches in and pulls out a shirt of his own, "Just wear this." He says with a yawn.

She blushes for a moment, but he's already moved onto getting in the bed and under the covers. She shakes her head and smiles, "Thanks."

She turns away from him, unzipping her pants and lifting her hips off the bed to slide them onto to the floor. She contemplates taking off her socks but decides against it. Her ankles are still a bit sore from her earlier fall.

Ron watches her, completely transfixed as she pulls off her shirt. His eyes wonder over her slim back, taking notice of her spine that's peeking through her skin. She reaches up and pinches the hooks of her bra free shrugging it off her shoulders. He swallows hard as she pulls his shirt back over her body.

She turned back around, pulling the shirt as far down as it could go. He scooted his head over the single pillow and she brought her head down to rest on it.

Their noses grazed and she pushed more of his hair out of his eyes. He caught her wrist and brought he hand down his face so he could kiss her palm. He proceeded to press his lips into each of her fingers.

She felt a pleasant mound of electricity move within her stomach for every cold finger left from his lips. When he moved his lips from her pinky, she bent her head over to kiss him.

She moved her body flush against his, tangling her hands in his hair. His hands pulled her closer by wrapping them around her body.

When they finally pulled apart, she nuzzled her head into his neck, breathing hard.

He swallowed thickly, trying to re-gain his breath. He let one of his arms wrap around her middle and the other played with the hem of her shirt.

She was drifting asleep when she felt his hand glide into her shirt, up her thigh and rest in the dip of her lower back.

"Thank you." He murmured into her forehead. His fingertips danced over the newly discovered skin.

"You don't need to thank me." She took a deep breath, "He was like my brother too." Her eyes started to water again.

He drew circles onto her back and nodded into her hair.

She moved her head up to look at him. He had a vacant look in his eyes, "You're not going to be able to sleep tonight, are you?"

"Don't worry about me Hermione." He mumbled.

She sat up and sighed. Wiping the tears away from the corners of her eyes, she got out of the bed. He watched her walk around to his side of the bed, the shirt just covering her backside.

Ron's forehead creased, "What are you doing?"

"Come on." She said holding her hand out.

He was confused but he went along with it. He took her hand and followed her out of the room down to the common room. His whole family was there, talking, laughing and crying, together.

Fleur was against the foot of the sofa with Bill's head in her legs. Charlie sat cross-legged on the sofa with his arms wrapped around Ginny who was sitting in his lap. She looked so small. Arthur sat next to him with his arm around Percy. Molly sat on the loveseat with George tucked under her arm, his arms around her with his head on her shoulder.

"How are you holding up love?" His mum asked.

Ron was lost for words. "I…"

"We couldn't sleep either, bloody git won't let us." George piped looking up to the ceiling, "Sit with me; I think Mum and I can squeeze you in."

Molly scooted over and put out her arm inviting him over. He sank into the sofa and wrapped his arms around his mum.

Hermione's hand flew to her mouth, covering her smile as her tears continued to fall. She spotted Harry across the room at a window and joined him.

He pulled her into a hug, "I was wondering when you two would make an appearance." He said smugly.

She shook her head as she pulled away from him, "Shut up."

Harry grabbed his robe from the hospital wing from the back of a desk chair and handed it to her, "Take my robe; I can sort of see your knickers."

She blushed and quickly threw it on, "Thanks." She said quietly.

They looked out the giant window, the moon casting a vibrant glow over the thick clouds that were threatening to fall.

"How is he doing?" He asked.

"He needed to be with the people he loves. I think he'll be okay now." She replied, "What about her?"

He nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, she'll be okay now."

"Oi! You two, we're doing some family bonding over here, so get out of your little corner and come join your family!" Bill shouted from across the room.

They joined the family and stayed up until the next day, celebrating the life of their brother.
