This is my new story called sam help! Hope you guys like it its rated M just incase

Also violence sam sam! Guess what! Cat yelled cheerfully what sam asked

I got a job! Cat said cool really? Where sam asked its a place to sing and dance! Cat

Said that's are you sure your cut out for a job sam said

Of course! I babysit with you don't i cat said yeah but.. Ok then! Cat said cutting

Of sam then cat ran off sam figured she went to her new job great now i gotta babysit

By myself sam said sam was worried about cat having an actual job cause she's

Not very bright she doesn't want to call her stupid but... That's what she thinks

So sam went to the bedroom to cats side and started looking for a number or

Something with the name of the place on it she practically tore the room

Apart looking until she found something in the teddy bear where she kept her

Medication finally! Sam said in relief i little piece of paper with a mans name

On it woe that's weird usually singing bars arint named after mens names

Sam said so she called the number in the back hello is this Mr Jones's place?

Sam asked yeah this is him who the hell is this a man on the other line said

Sam hung up quickly her heart was beating in fear this man sounded so

Creepy like one of those guys in mob movies sam got out of the floor

She quickly called cat come on cat pick up hello! Someone else answered cats

Phone it sounded like the same man look cats busy right now then the man hung

Up i gotta go down there this place sounds to creepy i'll have to look this

Place up on the internet i don't wanna call that chiz face again sam said

Sam quickly typed the name on the paper something finally came up

Oh my god! Cats working at a strip club sam said as she put her head in her

Hands crying and sam never really cries about anything but cat was her

Best friend she already lost carly she can't lose cat too i have to get cat away from

That lifestyle sam said sam assumed cat didn't know that's what the place is

Sam looked the address and street name of the place on her phone oh my god

Its in a bad part of LA god i hope cats ok sam knew cat couldn't take care of herself

And had to find her quickly so sam had to dress up like a man so she could get

In after she got dressed she hopped on her bike and drove as fast as she could

She drove and drove and finally got to the bad part of LA and she found the place

Called Mr Jones's sam began feeling scared but she knew she had to go in there

As she got in there loud Music was playing people were doing drugs smoking

And the place was full of naked women sam sneeked in the dressing room

Cat! Thank god your ok sam said as she ran and hugged cat aww thanks

Who are you? Cat said cat its me sam can't you tell by my voice sam said

Oh hi sam what are you doing here? Cat asked im here to get you outta here sam

Said why? Cat asked cause this is a strip club owned by a mob man! Sam said

I know sam cat said tilting her head down then why are you working here!

Sam asked cause i get 100 dollars an hour and plus what other people

Give me cat said you mean the sleezy old perverts that slip dollars in

Your underwear! Sam said no! Come on! Sam said grabbing cats arm no sam let

Go! Cat said then sam and cat herd someone coming shh get behind there cat said sam wasn't listening at first go! Cat said whispering