So sorry I haven't updated in like forever but I've been getting into other sites like wattpad xc and I'm thinking about moving this story there but would you guys still be able to read it? Comment on where this story should go or stay :)

Btw this chapter is a bit... Bloody and yeah

This ones titled

Not So Easy Little Hero

Disclaimer: Did I ever do one? Oh well just to make sure this goes for all chapters of Strong Reader x Link I do not own anything except for my imagination that created this story and under no circumstances can this story be copied.

Your POV

I got dressed in a light blue shirt with lace edges and light brown shorts at 3 in the morning, a bit earlier than usual after all I'm supposed to watch Link for his first day. I stretched happily since I wasn't wearing my work clothes, I decided to skip breakfast and I headed out the door picking up my light brown long sword with a (favorite/gem) in the middle.

Normal POV

You climbed up a tree near the Spring Gate (Decided to give a gate that closes off the woods from Link's house there really isn't one but shhh) and sat picking a few pinecones off. At 4:30 there was no sign of Link so you of course had to go and wake him, just to be sure you locked up the gate before you left.

You pounded on Link's door getting impatient quickly after several minutes you knew he wasn't going to wake up. "Your so annoying." You mummered as you climbed up the tree and going through his window (Ninja much?) climbing up the ladder to his bed you heard his loud snores. 'Now how do I wake him up?' you thought, "Link!" you shouted as he threw a pillow at you, "So loud." he mumbled still asleep. Okay. No He did not just throw a pillow at you. Normally you are a very calm emotionless person but him? He made your blood boil. You grabbed the pillow and began beating him senseless, "What? H-hey!" he shielded himself from your attacks finally you just tossed it at him, "Get up your late." you acted as nothing happened and climbed the ladder down, "If your not at the Spirit Gate in 5 minutes." you didn't finish as you walked out the door.

You unlocked the gate and greeted 2 beasts with your sword. Minutes ticked by as you regretted not putting on your armor or the rest of your weapons. Suddenly several beasts walked into sight screeching, 'Can I take all of them?' you waited until they got closer and attacked, you stabbed the sword into one's eye and back flipped slicing another, you kept throwing attacks and brought down 4 of them but there were two left.

As you stabbed another one attacked right at your arm, you tried to attack it but the one you stabbed was holding onto your sword.

Blood splattered onto the ground (Yeah I gave up on pg...) as you held your arm kneeling, you pushed your sword even deeper as the beast finally dispersed into a million pieces and you slayed the last beast.

"_!" You turned and saw Link run to you, "Are you okay? Come on." Link tried to pick you up but you backed away. "I'm fine I can get through the day." You tore a piece of your shirt off and wrapped it around you deep wound tightly. "I'm sorry I should've been here earlier." You shrugged and sat leaning against the trunk of a tree. Link stood frowning until. Something hit his head, 'Ow what was that.' Link turned to you as you threw another pinecone at him but he caught it.

"Pay attention to your surroundings I'm not going to be here all the time to look for you." You smirked as he nodded and unsheathed his sword (Haha) hours passed as they kept coming and coming as he fought them all getting a few cuts as the sun went down, "Hey." Link flinched at your voice, "Yes?"

"I'll take over this is when they come in groups and you sound tired." Link shook his head and smiled in reassurance 'I bet lots of girls have just melted at that smile.' you still stand and hold your sword, "Some backup." you reply when he stared curiously at you.

You fought side by side for a few hours until finally it was 11.

"Time to go back. You glanced at the boy as he struggled to stay awake. "Hey." you poked his cheek. He looked around as you started walking back, "I'll lock you out here." that made him run inside. You walked silently with him to the infirmary, you felt his eyes stare at your wound. "Link!" Beth and Ilia yelled in unison, "What happened!" Beth asked worried as she touched a small cut on his cheek, "I'm not sure, I didn't even know it was there." you gritted your teeth as they whined over his cut finally you walked off to the infirmary alone.

"_!" Annie (your little sister age:16, who was also a nurse.) "Your arm is bleeding!" she cut off the wrap as blood dripped from it and your wound in small streams, "You should've just left it happened this morning didn't it!" Annie disinfected, stitched, and wrapped it. "It was pretty bad _ next time just come when it happens okay? Link is here now too so-" Annie stopped when the door opened and Link walked in, "I'll be leaving come home soon okay." you smiled at Annie and walked past Link who was still at the door.

You opened the door to your house and sat holding your wound 'It hurts so bad.' since Link was there Annie wouldn't be home for another 10 minutes. You fried some meat and looked outside, rain poured so hard that you couldn't see far. You grabbed Links jacket and an umbrella, opening the infirmary door you saw Link sleeping and Annie holding an umbrella. "Go on ahead." You said to Annie as she nodded and left. "Link." you poked him as he opened one eye sleepily, "What are you doing here?" he asked 'He is pretty cute.' Thought as you then realized what you just thought. "N-nothing, here." You handed him his jacket and ran out opening your umbrella, "What am I thinking." You smile to yourself when he walks out still rubbing his eyes, "Not so easy huh little hero." you thought aloud.

Sorry for not updating guys but I gave you a long chapter in return ^~^

This is Yura Amaterasu signing off.