A/N: no I do not own Inuyasha and Co.
With Kagome
It had been a long chase. Kagome ducked through alley ways trying to lose Kai. Nothing was working. She had been hit twice since the first nick at the shrine. Her priestess powers working overtime to heal her. With the internal damage there was a lot to be done, and she was slowing down. As always seems to happen she ran out of places to run. Stuck Kai laughed at her finally catching up to her knife in hand. Not that he needed it, at least in his mind anyway, she was just some teenage girl. Kagome was backed up to the wall. And for the hell of it he threw his knife it landed in her arm. She screamed in pain, something was wrong with this blade. Pulling it out of her arm she saw the blade was not a normal shape. Then a leg hit her in the gut. "Not this shit again" she thought.
With Inuyasha Inu's POV
We made good time. Jumping out of the well I ran straight to the house. I needed to check on every one. Especially Shippo. The kit had come home to find that his mother was in danger, and fleeing for her life. He was likely holed up alone, scared and angry. I only hope he didn't blame himself. Finally in the Higurashi house I skidded to a stop in the living room. The family was crying huddled together, minus Shippo.
"Where's my pup?" I asked as Souta ran into my leg crying his eyes out. Patting his head I waited for an answer.
"He ran to your room upstairs. I thought he wanted to be alone there." Mama Higurashi answered, as she took Souta back into her arms. With a nod I ran upstairs. Softly I knocked on the door to our room. There was no answer, opening the door quietly in case he fallen asleep. And I find an empty room, in a panic I noticed an unsettling scent. The kit had merged, and his scent led out the window.
"God damn it! I'm gonna fucking kill that damn human." I roared a snarl lacing through my voice. The Higurashi's and Sesshomaru appeared at the door and saw the missing kit. Sesshomaru noticed the scent to and looked slightly troubled.
"Come, we must find them both." He and I made our way back down the stairs and past the shrine and jumped down the flight of stairs. I caught what was left of Kagome's scent now laced with a stronger trail of Shippo. I ran down the trail. He was not getting away from me. He had hurt my mate, caused enough emotional agony to cause my pup to shift far too early in his young life, long story short he had pissed off the wrong hanyou.
Kag's POV
So turns out internal injuries will slow you down and make you very tired. Making fighting for your life very difficult to do. Who would have thought it. Any way my current strategy was brilliant at this point, stay on my feet and don't get hit. Well sounds easy enough and I was managing the upright part pretty well, the not getting hit part not so much. Go figure, I was still stuck in the damn corner and bleeding like crazy. The damn blade sunk into my arm. This time I managed to take it from my throbbing arm and sliced into his.
"You little bitch! I'll teach you some manners." And the asshole backhanded me. Then a blur of red appeared. And just as quickly Kai disappeared. The red blur had tackled Kai to the ground. The red blur turned out to be a descent sized fox. Its eyes a blood red. A demon! Wait! "Shippo?!"
The fox now identified as MY SON leapt from the now injured Kai. Blood dripped from his exposed fangs as he snarled at Kai. Kai cowered a moment then there was a flash and Shippo leapt into the air dodging yet another of kai's damn hidden blades. He landed to close to kai himself. Kai kicked him square in the ribs I heard a crack and he sailed into a wall. He slumped to the ground unconscious, and upon contact to the ground he had shifted back. Kai took no notice. He didn't have time. I swung my leg out finally performing a descent roundhouse kick. He hit the opposite wall. It crumbled a bit in places.
"You keep your hands off my son you filthy bastard!" with energy I didn't know I still had I picked him up and threw him as far as I could. He never hit the ground. But he sure wished he had I'm sure. My powers caught him and threw him again. He hit a wall and the wall crumbled in. He stumbled out he realy should have stayed down.
"FOX FIRE!" My little kit threw an incredibly large and extremely hot ball of fire at him. The kid could barely stand, blood leaked down his chin. I was incredibly proud and incredibly terrified. It missed, but he was not safe. He'd been caught as he jumped away.
"Inuyasha!" "Papa!" Shippo and I shouted in relief. I slumped to the ground my knees giving out. Shippo ran to me, still stumbling taking him into my arms I slumped further and held him to me. I remained barely conscious.
Inuyasha POV
The filth had landed in my grasp. I held on. I heard my mate and pup call me. Shippo had a bit of blood sliding down his chin. He seemed mostly ok. Kagome on the other hand, looked like she had been through hell and back. My blood boiled further. My grip tightened around the bastards neck. My claws just barely breaking the skin there. He howled in pain.
"So you like to beat women and children do you? Well why don't I beat you like the scum you are. You hurt my family. You will not survive to hurt another person." I seethed at him. "Sesshomaru can you look over my mate and pup?"
He didn't answer. But he did move toward them, which was good enough for me. Turning my attention back to the bastard I threw him through another damn wall. I smirked at the sound of his spine crack. He could not get back up. I could feel my own inner demon rise. So I let it have some control. My eyes bled red and I knew my stripes were faint but visible. Kai gasped at me as I made him face me.
"What are you?! Release me you filthy beast!" he wailed desperate to try and keep his voice even and calm. He was failing and I chuckled.
"Compared to you I'm a saint. You filthy little worm. You don't deserve to breathe another breath of air. So you won't." I shoved my claws threw his chest and grabbed his heart. I'm surprised that he has one. Well had one. I tore it out and nicked both his lungs with my claws. I am a hanyou of my word after all.
I looked to my mate and pup. The pup had wormed his way out of his mother's grasp and stomped over to Kai's corpse. I wondered why but I got my answers very quickly. "FOX FIRE!"
The corpse burned. Soon it all burned. The bones that wouldn't Sesshomaru melted. I was a very proud father. And I was grateful to my brother. Quickly I scooped up my mate. She winced but managed a small smile anyway. "Hey you. I've missed you."
"You have no idea how much trouble your in." I tried to be stern. It didn't seem to work because she just continued to smile. I couldn't help myself I kissed her. "I've missed you too."
"So do you smell any internal injuries still because I think my powers are finally healing bones." She asked me. So smelling her I found no trace of internal injuries.
"Your good on that part. Shippo's ribs are already healing as well." I told her. "Let's just get you home for now."
And that is what we did. We went to the shrine and her family cried and her mother and grandfather frantically apologized to her. It was a tearful night. We decided to stay there until she got better.
Three days later
Kagome finally had fully healed. Her family had finally managed to separate themselves from her and things were slowly getting back to normal. In the woods Inuyasha watched as Kagome sparred with his half brother. She was amazing even faster and more focused than ever before. Before his very eyes he watched as his mate pinned his brother to the forest floor, unable to dislodge her. His jaw dropped as he watched his brother submit.
"So did you ever get the old man to submit?" Inuyasha asked.
"No. Got close a few times, but the old dog never gave me that particular victory. Stubborn jerk." She told him.
"As fascinating as that is, would please remove yourself from my person?! Now!" Sesshomaru growled.
Kagome smiled and Inuyasha flat out laughed at his brother. For once he didn't even correct the thought and change it to half brother. They were slowly getting over their differences. All because of Kagome. A few hours later found the mated couple snuggled in the god tree. Inuyasha held her close as they watched Shippo play with Souta. Both so proud of how their son was growing up. With a happy sigh Kagome kissed Inuyasha, she smiled into the kiss. This was her life; her crazy, beautiful, wonderful life. She was here with the hanyou she loved, a man who adored her, and would always be Her Protector.
A/N: Me: Ok guys that's the end. I have had so much fun writing this. Sadly I have decided this will not have a sequel as I'm quite happy with how I ended it.
Shippo: Does that mean your done writing? *sniffles*
Kagome: Of course not. She just hasn't picked which story to start on now.
Me: That's right. The new ones The Lies That Bind Us, Good Intentions Gone Wrong, and Soul of a Warrior, Heart of a Woman, and a Child's Pure Innocence. Summaries listed in last chapter. I'd like more opinions to see which one you'd like to see up next though I will pick one if needed. Thanks everyone! Until the next story! Bye!