Fire and gasoline rained down from the night sky, the result of the massive explosion at the newly built Quahog nuclear power plant. People were running in all sorts of directions, all of them screaming and looking after one thing- themselves. Brian Griffin ran as fast as he could, he had already been shot, stabbed and left for dead by his family, and yet still as if by an act of God or chance, Brian was alive.

Brian looked around in desperation, trying to find any trace of his family, for even though they left him, he didn't leave them. Turning on Spooner Street, Brian was face to face with Stewie, who was holding a gun to Chris' head. Chris had both of his legs broken, his right eye was hanging out of its socket and his left was black and badly bruised. Stewie laughed demonically, "You think you can stop me? Me! Stewart Griffin, Master of Time and Space" Stewie pressed the barrel of the gun against Chris' cheek, "You feel that Chris? That's what death feels like!" Brian shook his head, "I can't let you do that Stewie. Too many people have died tonight. It's time for this to stop." Stewie shrugged and fired, Chris' head exploded bits of his brain and various facial bones littered the street corner.

Stewie aimed the gun at Brian, "So it's come to this eh dog?" Stewie began, "What are you going to do, kill me?" Brian clenched his fists and gave an audible growl, "If it'll end this madness, then yes Stewie. I'm going to kill you" he answered. Stewie laughed again, Brian meanwhile pulled out Joe's gun and turned off the safety. A large fireball came down exploding the car next to Brian, sending him flying into Quagmire's lawn. Standing up, the dog knew that there was no way he would be able to take down Stewie, his heart wouldn't allow it, and despite his words Brian loved Stewie too much to end his life. There was no other option but to run, to try and escape the city, which meant one thing and only one thing mattered, survival. Brian told himself that if he ran into anyone he knew that he would try and help them escape, but ultimately he decided to leave everyone who was trapped in the fires of Quahog to die a painful, horrible death. He hated himself for it, but there was little to no choice. Brian began running down the street, Stewie meanwhile slowly walked forward, firing shots that only missed Brian by mere inches.

Three houses down, and at the moment still ahead of Stewie and out of firing range, Brian accidently ran into Mort Goldman, the local pharmacist. "Brian" Mort said as he cowered as another car exploded down the street, "What are you doing here? I thought that you were long gone from here!" Brian shook his head, "Far from it actually. I was at the nuclear plant." Mort raised an eyebrow, his suspicion was all too clear, "It wasn't me Mort" Brian continued, "Stewie planned this." Brian turned around, Stewie was gaining it would be seconds before he would within firing range once again. Brian fired a wild shot Stewie's direction, the bullet off target by ten feet. Mort saw Stewie in the distance and shouted towards him, "Hasn't this gone on long enough kid! You don't have to do this!" Brian stopped him with the raising of his paw, at the same time ushering Mort down the street away from Stewie, "Save your breath Mort" Brian exclaimed, "Stewie's beyond logic and reason. He's already killed everyone else. Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, the Swansons, Tom Tucker, Herbert...It's some kind of genocide campaign." Mort lifted his hands in defeat, "Then I guess I'm next aren't I? That's the only reason I've still alive isn't it? Just so I can die a horrible slow death, that's how these things go right?"

Brian shook his head, "I don't know Mr. Goldman" he said having no idea why he was being so formal in the current situation, "but what I do know is that Stewie is going to kill us if we don't get a move on." Without even bothering to ask any more questions, Mort followed Brian down the street and into the flaming woods surrounding the city, to see if they could meet with any survivors and find means of escape.

Most of the trees were on fire and with no fire department remaining to combat the flames, they would continue to burn until it escalated into a wildfire, ultimately spreading to Quahog and destroying anything that wasn't already toppled to the ground in a pile of rubble and blood. Brian did his best to lead Mort through the flames, following a narrow bike trail that lead to a remote untouched campsite that served as a survivor's post. His efforts were futile however, for almost as soon as they entered the woods they were surrounded in smoke, Mort and Brian becoming separated in a thick cloud. Brian blindly tried to find Mort, calling out his name and sniffing the air to try and catch a scent, reverting to all fours to avoid smoke inhalation, "Mort!" Brian cried, "Where are yah buddy come on answer me!" Brian's only answer came from the roar of the ever increasing flames. The dog looked around and noticed that his only exit window was closing, remembering his rule, Brian ran towards the only part of the path that wasn't completely covered in fire and pushed on for the campsite, leaving Mort to his fate.