This is my first longer story and its going to be multi chapter. Hope you enjoy!

The wind outside blew hard against the door making it bang slightly. The rain clicked evenly on the roof. I could hear the normal sounds of New York traffic outside. It was a week after mine and Kurt's wedding and we had just rented a small shoe box apartment so that we didn't have to live with Rachel and Santana anymore. Me and Kurt hadn't exactly settled in yet, there were still boxes everywhere and the only things we unpacked were some clothes and a blanket. We had been planning on unpacking more but so many people wanted to talk to us after the wedding Kurt had just wanted to sleep.

Kurt had fallen asleep around an hour ago but I couldn't stop thinking about our future. We had discussed it a bit before but it was always about our wedding, never anything after that. I was still searching for a job. Dani had offered me a job at the Spotlight Diner but I didn't think it was a good idea for me and Kurt to work in the same place. I was still waiting to find out if i got into NYADA. The fact that i hadn't gotten my letter yet made me wonder if i was going to get in or not but Kurt kept saying that i just needed to wait.

"I just need to wait" I mumble quietly forgetting that Kurt is the lightest sleeper in all of man kind. He groans before rolling over so his face is only a few centimetres from mine.

"Morning babe" I say smiling at his adorable morning hair.

"Blaine it's 12:37" he says yawning and snuggling his head into my chest.

"Your so cute" I say before closing my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.

As i wake up the first thing i notice is Kurt's warmth is missing. Once I wake up a little more I am greeted by the smell of bacon and pancakes. I roll out of bed still a bit tired and open the window for some fresh air. What I don't remember is that were in New York and outside our bedroom window is the ally where the garbage goes. I close the window and go over to the suitcase with my clothes to grab my robe. I tie it around my waist over my pyjamas.

I exit the bedroom to find that Kurt unpacked the kitchen things and put it all away. He's already dressed and is humming Defying Gravity while flipping the perfectly baked pancakes. I sneak up behind him and rap my arm around his waist resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey husband" I say using the new title to my advantage making Kurt blush slightly.

"Hey Blaine" he sighs and puts the pancakes on a plate and unclasps my arms so he can put them on the coffee table.

Okay I'll ask him now. I think to myself taking a deep breath and sitting on across from him at the coffee table we temporarily use as a dining table. "Hey Kurt?" I say nervously. He looks up concerned. "I was just thinking about our future. We never planned anything for after the wedding." I admit reaching out and grabbing his hand. He just sighs and looks down.

"I was thinking about that to and all I know for now is that we are happy, together and starting towards our dreams." he remarks smiling. That pretty much ending the subject.

As i walk down the New York streets my nerves get worse. This is my first job interview and i want to nail it. Writing articles and reviews for the New York Times could be fun. As i come up to the address I see a sign in the window Now Hiring I read. I walk in and go to the front desk.

"can I help you" a woman says unamused.

"Yes I'm here for an interview. My name is Blaine Anderson." I say enthusiastically.

She sighs. "Were desperate. Your hired, be here tomorrow at 9am sharp." she says looking at herphone probably replying to a text.

Well that was easy. I got a job now i just have to find out if i got accepted into NYADA. As soon as the thought of NYADA sets in all my nerves come back but worse. What if i don't get in. Me and Kurt won't be able to afford the rent and then we'll be homeless. Calm down. I rocked my NYADA addition. I sung a mash up of all of mine and Kurt's songs. Teenage Dream, It's Not Unusual, All You Need Is Love, and so many more. Carmen Tibido said she say the emotion in my performance which makes me all the more confident.

I don't even realize that i was so lost in my thoughts i had already walked all the way home. I even forgot to take the TTC. I hang my coat on a hook in the wall and start to unpack some boxes. I put together the bed (as me and Kurt currently have to sleep on the floor) and the nightstand in the room we decided would be our bedroom. As I finish putting together the final piece of big furniture when my phone buzzes with a new text.

Sebastian- Hey hot stuff ;)

Not Sebastian again. He objected at the wedding and now hes trying to flirt with me more. Lucky his objection had no effect on the wedding except that it made me hate him more than i already do. Replying would make things worse so I do the simplest thing. I block him. Honestly blocking lifted a bit of wait off my shoulders. I guess it just made me fell like I'm finally moving on. I'm in New York now, and as Rachel would say, it's the city were dreams come true.

Kurt's at work so I don't have much to do. I go over to the box that the T.V is in so I can unpack it and set it up. When there's a knock on the door. Kurt doesn't get home for another 3 hours and I know he wouldn't leave early. I curiously walk over to the door and open it to find two police officers, both women, standing there with sad looks on there faces. The first one is taller with blonde hair and the second is shorter with black hair.

"Blaine Hummel Anderson?" the taller one asks.

"Y-Yes" I say nervously. What do police officers want with me. "C-Can i help you?" I question although I'm not really sure I want to know.

"Your husbands work place has been bombed by terrorists. He has not been found"

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