CHAPTER SEVEN: To the Doctor

The ten minute drive to the urgent care was a quiet one. Loki who could talk a person out of house and home was uncharacteristically silent. Besides Loki's slightly labored breathing, a sound wasn't coming from the boy at all. Bruce was quiet too. He was really worried about Loki. Plus it was their first time spending time together since elder-Loki died and he was upset that it had to be spent taking trips to the urgent care and caring for a sick child. He had so many fun things planned that the two of them would do together. That seemed all but impossible now. They pulled into a parking spot and Bruce picked Loki up.

"I don' feel good," Loki mumbled softly. His fever was extremely high now. Bruce could feel it warming his skin.

"I know buddy," Bruce replied, rubbing his back. They entered the building and Bruce walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello," she said in a high-pitched, falsely cheery voice.

"He needs to see a doctor," Bruce said. The receptionist frowned and pulled out a clip board full of papers.

"You'll need to fill these out, sir," she told him, handing him the clip board. Bruce took it and sat down nearby. He sat Loki down next to him, the boy's head instantly falling to Bruce's lap.

"Stay awake, buddy," Bruce told him, rubbing the boy's sweaty hair.

"'Kay Uncle Bruce."

It took longer than Bruce would have liked, but eventually Loki's paper work was complete. S.H.I.E.L.D. had both Thor and Loki listed as citizens but clearly neither of them had any records of any sort. The receptionist was confused at first but she and Bruce worked through it together. The waiting time was about five minutes so Bruce waited with Loki's head in his lap. Loki was fighting to stay awake like Bruce had told him to. He felt so miserable and all he wanted to do was cry. When Loki's name was called, Bruce picked the boy up and walked over to the nurse. She took Loki into an intake room where his temperature, weight and height would be recorded. Loki was nervous about the entire process. He just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep. Fear was overtaking him little by little as the nurse talked to Bruce.

"Step on the scale sweetie," the nurse instructed in a high-pitched, cheery voice. Loki whimpered slightly and hid behind Bruce.

"Go on," Bruce nudged, taking his hand and walking over to the scale with him. "Be brave, Loki." Loki nodded. He could be brave. He was brave in scarier situations before. Loki cautiously stepped on to the scale, jumping slightly when the nurse began sliding the scale around.

"A bit jumpy, aren't ya?" The nurse mused. She found his weight and frowned. "He's a skinny little guy isn't he?" Bruce nodded.

"Yeah," Bruce began, "he's actually put on weight recently." Bruce was beginning to get nervous. Loki was skinny, jumpy and littered in scars. Social services might just get involved and that was a very, very bad thing.

"Okay, stand up against that wall please," the nurse instructed. Loki listened and the nurse took note of how tall he was. She had him then sit in a chair and wrapped the blood pressure cuff around his arm. "I'm going to give your arm a hug, okay?" Loki's brow furrowed.

"Huh?" Loki slurred tiredly. The nurse merely smiled and the cuff slowly began to tighten around his arm. Loki turned panicky of course, squirming futilely to get away from the nurse. "Uncle Bruce!"

"Hey, it's okay. It just feels weird for a minute then it's over." Bruce told him. Loki began to cry.

"I don' like it," Loki cried.

"Be brave, Loki. You can do it." Bruce encouraged. Loki nodded, tears still running down his face. When it was over, the nurse smiled brightly at him.

"What a brave little boy you are," she praised. Loki instantly bolted up and ran to Bruce, the activity draining his already limited energy.

"You're a trooper," Bruce told him.

"I did good?" Loki asked.

"You did very good. We'll have to tell Thor all about it when he gets home." Bruce said standing.

"Follow me please," the nurse said, giving Bruce suspicious glances every so often. Bruce hadn't realized how abused Loki might look to an onlooker. People had no idea what the boy had been through so to them he looked abused. Bruce was beginning to get nervous. Would she ask questions? How would Loki react? Would social services get involved? Bruce didn't know, and he hoped he wouldn't have to find out.

The nurse led them to a room and shut the door. She told Bruce to put Loki on the exam table which was covered in paper. Loki protested but was too tired and weak to really fight Bruce off. He was crying again, not wanting to be put down. Bruce was doing all he could to get Loki to calm down but nothing was working.

"Come on buddy, I'm right here. It's okay." Bruce said gently. The nurse cleared her throat and both of them looked at her.

"I need to ask the both of you questions before the doctor comes in. Each of you will be asked these questions separately. I'll start with Loki. Mr. Banner, if you would please exit the room." The nurse instructed. Bruce glanced nervously at Loki who looked paler than he had minutes ago.

"I-I don't think that's such a good idea," Bruce said nervously.

"Sir, please," the nurse said sternly. Bruce exhaled.

"Um, hey kiddo, I'll be right outside, okay? The nurse just needs to ask us some questions." Bruce explained.

"Why can' we be t'gether?" Loki asked, his voice pleading.

"It's grown-up stuff, okay? I'll explain later if you still want to know. Just know that I'm right outside if you need me. This shouldn't take too long." Bruce told him. Bruce didn't like this. Bruce didn't like this one bit. But he didn't really have a choice. "Be brave, Loki." Just like in the intake room, Loki nodded and put on his bravest face. Bruce nodded at him proudly and left the room. It took all that was within Loki not to start screaming. He frantically searched the room for threats. The walls were a very light blue and that made Loki feel better. There was a window and Loki could see the outside. He liked that. The exam bed was comfortable and was a nice shade of blue. Loki could see a computer in the room. He knew those weren't scary. Nothing in the room seemed scary, so he relaxed a bit. The nurse sat down on the rolling stool in the room and wheeled over to Loki.

"All I need you to do sweetie is tell the truth, no matter what someone at home told you to do, okay?" She asked. Loki's brow furrowed. Who at home told him not to tell the truth? Thor always emphasized the importance of telling the truth.

"O-okay," Loki replied, confused.

"Who lives with you at home?" The nurse asked.

"My big brother Thor an' Jane," Loki answered.

"Who's Jane?"

"Well, Jane is a smart lady who lives in wha' Thor calls a lab. I think tha' she's also Thor's girlfriend. He likes her likes her." Loki said, smiling a bit. He often teased Thor about having a girlfriend.

"Where are you mommy and daddy?" She asked.

"Mummy an' daddy are at home," Loki answered simply. He wasn't sure how explain his situation to the nurse without confusing her.

"Why don't you live with mommy and daddy?" The nurse questioned.

"Um, I don' know 'ow t' 'splain it," Loki said truthfully.

"Just do what you can," the nurse told him.

"Well, daddy is…I mean…." Loki trailed off. How much information was too much? Loki bit his lip. He wasn't sure how to explain Odin was the king of Asgard and Loki wasn't allowed there due to crimes committed by his elder-self. "Daddy," Loki began again, "is sorta like a king in a really faraway place. He an' mummy live there an' I visit on weekends sometimes. 'Ventually, Thor an' I will go an' live with them I think but we live with Jane right now." Loki hoped that was good enough.

"Does anyone at home hurt you?" The nurse asked. Loki gasped in shock. How dare she accuse them of that!

"No!" Loki cried in outrage. "Why woul' Thor or Jane hurt me?"

"Just bear with me," the nurse said, "Who are your babysitters?"

"Um, let's see…Well Darcy an' Mr. Erik babysit me lots. Uncle Tony an' Miss Pepper watches me sometimes an' Uncle Bruce watches me too. I haven' seen Mr. Steve for a little while, but he watched me b'fore." Loki explained.

"Are Uncle Tony and Uncle Bruce your actual uncles or are they just family friends?" The nurse asked.

"Uncle Tony is Tony Stark an' Uncle Bruce is Bruce Banner. They aren' my real uncles but I preten' they are 'cause I don' have any real uncles at home home." Loki told her.

"Do they hurt you?" She asked. Loki scowled at her. She was being rather ridiculous in Loki's opinion.

"No! Uncle Tony took me t' the beach an' stuff! An' Uncle Bruce takes real good care of me!" Loki snapped. He was getting rather annoyed.

"Do your mommy and daddy hurt you?" Loki's face was burning in anger. These were pointless questions! No one in Loki's family hurt him! Well, technically speaking, Odin did but Loki didn't put blame on his father. He never had. These questions were striking a nerve.

"No! Stop askin' me these questions! My family is nice!" Loki cried loudly. The nurse merely smiled.

"Thank you, Loki. Mr. Banner and I will return in a few minutes. Loki groaned and flopped over on the bed, the nurse leaving him alone.

Bruce was wringing his hands together. What would the nurse ask Loki? Would it upset him? How much would Loki tell her? Finally, the door opened and the nurse emerged. She was carrying a clipboard and Bruce assumed she had written Loki's responses down. He was curious to see how the boy had answered, but knew better than to peek. That wouldn't make him look very good at all. The nurse seemed rigid and Bruce didn't know what to make of that. It could mean that she was very suspicious that Loki was being abused. That was a very, very bad thing.

"Let's get started so Loki can see a doctor," she said.

"Alright," Bruce began, "Is he okay?" The nurse looked up.

"Hmm…oh, yes. He did very well." Bruce let out a sigh of relief.

"Good. I was worried. He's been very clingy. He gets that way when he's sick." Bruce told her.

"Loki calls you Uncle Bruce. Why is that?" She asked.

"Well, he and his brother were fugitives for a while. That should be in the records that S.H.I.E.L.D. provided you." Bruce said. The nurse nodded and Bruce continued, "I took care of him when he was sick and while he was at the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound. He grew very attached to me and began calling me that."

"And Uncle Tony?" She questioned. Bruce shrugged with a faint smile on his lips.

"I guess he just likes him," Bruce replied.

"He told me no one at home hits him. Is that true?" She asked.

"Of course it is. Thor and Jane love Loki dearly. Thor would never do anything to hurt Loki and neither would Jane. His parents have never laid a finger on him." Inwardly Bruce winced during that last sentence. It was true and a lie at the same time. But it was too complicated to explain to this nurse so he let it be.

"His S.H.I.E.L.D. file says his skinny due illness and poor feeding for two periods each consisting of a week," she said, flipping through pages.

"Uh, yeah. He's been pretty frail. Poor little guy. We're all hoping that by spring he'll be well enough to attend school. Thor's got him enrolled already." Bruce told her. The nurse scribbled for a moment.

"Well," she said looking up, "I think you passed. The doctor will be in shortly." Bruce sighed in relief and walked back in.

The doctor exam itself didn't take very long at all. He determined that it was a seasonal stomach bug and Loki should be fine in a day or two. If the symptoms continued, then it would be cause for concern. The doctor prescribed medicine and Bruce and Loki left. Bruce got Loki strapped in the car seat and turned on the ignition. He drove to the drug store and picked up Loki's medicine. As he pulled out of the parking lot, Loki spoke.

"Uncle Bruce?"


"Why did tha' lady ask so many weird questions?" Loki asked.

"Well, she was worried that someone at home was hurting you," Bruce answered.

"Why?" Bruce sighed.

"It's because of how skinny you are and all of the scars on your body. S.H.I.E.L.D. gave her the basics, but didn't go in to detail. She doesn't know everything so she naturally was concerned when she saw you." Loki crossed his arms and huffed a little.

"I guess tha' makes sense, but I didn' like it," Loki informed him. Bruce smiled.

"Oh, you didn't?" Bruce asked, teasing him a little.

"Nuh-uh," Loki replied. His stomach growled and Loki continued, "'M hungry."

"Want some soup when we get home?" Bruce asked.

"Uh-huh. Then can I take a nap? 'M sleepy." Loki said. Bruce nodded.

"Of course you can."

The rest of that afternoon and the majority of the next day Loki spent sleeping. Around four in the afternoon on Sunday, Loki woke up and felt better. He got out of bed and hurried to find Bruce to tell him the good news. He searched the house and was confused when he couldn't find him anywhere. Loki was beginning to get worried and hurried to the kitchen. Taped to the fridge was a list of emergency numbers, Steve's being at the top. Loki climbed on the counter and found the phone. Fingers frantically dialed the numbers and Loki waited for Steve to answer.


"Mr. Steve? It's Loki. I need your 'elp!" Loki said frantically.

"Calm down, kid. What's wrong? Is someone in your house that you don't know?" Steve asked.

"No, I can' find Uncle Bruce! He's 'posed to be watchin' me an' I can' find him anywhere!" Loki cried.

"Did he leave you a note?" Steve asked calmly.

"Uh…I-I don' know," Loki admitted, now sitting on his bottom.

"Try and find a note. Don't hang up the phone, okay?" Steve instructed.

"'Kay," Loki replied, hopping off the counter and searching for a note. When he couldn't find one, Loki really began to panic. "I can' find one Mr. Steve!"

"And you're sure you've checked the whole house," Steve asked.

"Uh-huh," Loki replied, hearing the front door open. Loki ran and hid in his room then whispered into the receiver, "Someone just came into my house."

"Where are you now?" Steve asked.

"In my room. 'M hidin'." Loki whispered.

"Stay there, I'll try to get over there as soon as I can. Stay hidden and don't hang up." Steve instructed. Just then, Loki heard Bruce call his name.

"Loki? Come here! I've got something to show you!" A smile spread across Loki's face. He was acting so silly!

"Mr. Steve, you don' have t' come over. Uncle Bruce just called me." Loki said with a giggle.

"Uh…okay?" Steve said, rather confused as to what was going on.

"Bye!" Loki hung up the phone and left it in his room. He ran to greet Bruce, who seemed happy that he was awake.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce asked.

"Um, better than b'fore," Loki replied. Loki glanced around and began to pout when he couldn't find what Bruce wanted to show him.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked, chuckling slightly.

"Wha' d' you wan' t' show me?" Loki wondered, still looking for it. Bruce gestured for him to follow.

"C'mon," Bruce began, "It's outside." Loki was naturally curious and followed Bruce without hesitation.

The grass tickled Loki's bare feet as the two walked around the laboratory. Loki was excited to see what Bruce had to show him. Loki had no clues as to what it could be, either. It was a complete surprise making it all the more exciting. Loki would have so much to tell Thor about when he got home! A strange sound was heard and Loki stopped walking.

"Wha' was tha'?" Loki asked. Bruce knelt down a little away from Loki and waved his hand.

"Come here," Bruce whispered. Loki cautiously walked over. Bruce smiled and pointed toward the foundation of the laboratory.

"Wow," Loki breathed. Hidden within the shrubbery of the back yard was a kitten. It wasn't very old, it's eyes not even open yet. "'Ow did it get here?" Loki asked.

"I guess its mama abandoned it for some reason," Bruce said. That made Loki's heart ache.

"Oh," Loki sighed, "We shoul' keep it." Bruce grimaced.

"I'm not sure that's gonna work out," Bruce said.

"Why not? Its mama doesn' wan' it but I do!" Loki cried. Bruce sighed. That was a valid point. Plus if they left the kitten out here, it would die. Bruce didn't want that on his conscious.

"Tell you what," Bruce began, "we'll take it inside and take care of it until Jane and Thor come home. They can decide what to do with it after that." Loki squealed in pure delight.

"Thank you Uncle Bruce! Thank you!" Loki exclaimed, giving Bruce a hug. Bruce chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"You're welcome, kiddo," Bruce said affectionately.

Bruce went back inside and got a blanket. He carefully wrapped the frightened kitten in it and carried the kitten inside the laboratory. Loki chattered excitedly behind him. A kitten! This was the best surprise ever! Loki knew that Thor would allow them to keep it. He just knew it. The kitten was so small and helpless. It needed them. Bruce placed the kitten in a laundry basket with towels inside it and Loki peered inside it.

"Is it a boy kitten or a girl kitten?" Loki asked. He had to think of a name for it.

"I think it's too early to tell," Bruce replied. Loki pouted slightly.

"Aw man," Loki whined, "it needs a name."

"Why don't you think of boy and girl names? That way when you find out, you can pick your favorite name from the list." Bruce suggested. Loki thought on it then nodded.

"Yeah, okay. Tha' sounds like a great idea!" Loki chirped. He sat crossed legged in front of the kitten's basket and smiled. It was cute; its fur was white and dappled in grays, browns, and black. Its eyes were not yet open, but Loki thought that it would have blue eyes. Though unsure of its gender, Loki already had a name for it picked out if it was a boy. He had decided on Tarzan. In his head, the kitten was already Tarzan. Loki was just hoping it was a boy so he wouldn't have to change its name. Upon further inspection of the kitten, Loki noticed small, bleeding wounds on it. "Uncle Bruce?" Loki called worriedly.

"Yeah?" Bruce replied, poking his head back in.

"Tarzan gots owies all over," Loki informed him. Bruce smiled at the boy, not surprised that the kitten already had a name.

"I'll take a look. Tarzan huh?" Bruce commented. Loki nodded.

"Uh-huh," Loki began, "I like that movie lots, Uncle Bruce. It's my favorite e'er! An' Tarzan is just a good name so I picked it."

"I think it's a good name too," Bruce said, reentering to room so he could look at the kitten's many injuries.

After looking at the kitten more closely, Bruce determined that not only was Tarzan male, but he was under two weeks old. That posed many problems. For one, kittens cannot regulate body temperature, need mother's milk to prevent disease, and cannot go to the bathroom unless properly stimulated. Bruce was starting to second guess taking Tarzan in because he and Loki may very well kill the cat while trying to care for it. But in a rare moment, Bruce decided to be positive. He asked Loki how the boy thought they should feed the cat.

"Hmm," Loki began, deep in thought, "well Tarzan is a baby so he shoul' have a bottle."

"That might work, but Jane probably doesn't have any lying around," Bruce commented. Loki shook his head.

"Nuh-uh, does so!" Loki exclaimed, running off. Bruce blinked and shook his head.

"Wait, Loki!" Bruce called. Loki ran to the laboratory and searched around for a moment before locating what he was looking for. He was mistaking a glass dropper as a tiny baby bottle. Easy mistake for a little boy to make. Loki grabbed the biggest one he could find then dashed out of the laboratory. He shoved the pipet in Bruce's face.

"Um…?" Bruce questioned.

"Baby bottle," Loki explained, "Tol' you she had 'em." Bruce chuckled and ruffled Loki's hair.

"It'll do," Bruce said. Loki followed Bruce into kitchen where Bruce filled the dropper with milk. "I just hope this will be enough for our little friend," Bruce muttered to himself. He was worried that the milk from the fridge wouldn't supplement Tarzan with enough nutrients like a mother's milk. Loki heard him of course and was confused.

"Um, Uncle Bruce? Why wouldn' the milk feed Tarzan?" Loki asked.

"Mama cats' milk has special things inside to help the babies to stay well. Without those special things, kittens might get sick. I'm afraid that this milk since it's from cows may not be enough to stop Tarzan from getting sick." Bruce explained. Loki frowned.

"Oh," Loki said, "Wha' 'bout milk people give t' people babies?"

"I've never heard of anyone giving kittens formula, but it could work," Bruce said. He and Loki went back into the room where the kitten was lying and knelt down. "Okay Loki, I need you to carefully pick him up and hold him tight." Loki nodded and gently picked Tarzan up. The kitten squealed in protest.

"Now wha'?" Loki asked.

"Just hold him still. He won't be used to the bottle and won't like it." Bruce explained. Loki nodded again. Bruce gently wedged the dropper into the kitten's mouth. Tarzan silently protested, not familiar with the dropper. Bruce squeezed the top gently. As soon as the milk hit Tarzan's tongue, the kitten seemed to understand. He swallowed the first mouthful and Bruce continued this process with many trips to the kitchen until Tarzan refused the milk.

"Wha' do we do know Uncle Bruce?" Loki asked, setting Tarzan back down into his basket.

"First, wrap him up in some blankets," Bruce instructed. Loki nodded and wrapped Tarzan up. He looked up at Bruce and Bruce continued, "In about two hours, we'll need to help Tarzan go potty."

"Wha' d' you mean?" Loki asked.

"Baby cats can't do that by themselves. It'll make sense when we actually do it. After that we'll need to feed him again." Bruce explained.

"Can I feed him?" Loki asked.

"Sure, if you'd like," Bruce replied.

After waiting two hours, Bruce and Loki moved Tarzan to a shoebox so he wouldn't ruin the towels and blankets. Once Tarzan had gone to the bathroom, they repeated the process of filling the pipet a few times so Tarzan could eat. Loki sat with the kitten while Bruce did some research on hand-raising and bottle feeding abandoned kittens. Once he had made a list of supplies, he called Jane and Thor seeing as they'd be home some time the next day. Surprisingly, Jane agreed to keep the kitten. That was probably because she knew that Loki was attached already. She said that she and Thor would make a pit stop on the way home and pick up everything they would need, including special powder that would imitate mother's milk and keep Tarzan healthy. Loki had brought Moss out of his aquarium and was trying to introduce the two while Bruce was not looking.

"Tarzan," Loki said, picking the kitten up and placing it on the floor, "This is your big brother Moss." Moss merely glanced at the kitten and lost interest. Tarzan was mewling softly, still blind since his eyes were not yet open. "Don' cry, Tarzan," Loki told the kitten softly, "It's okay." Loki stroked the kitten's soft fur and Tarzan quieted. The way Loki was petting him reminded him of the way his mother would have licked him and it calmed him down. Moss meanwhile was walking away. Loki scowled at this. Bruce walked in and was shocked to find Moss wondering around and Tarzan on the floor.

"Loki!" Bruce said loudly. Loki looked up, a scowl on his face.

"I don' think Moss likes Tarzan much," Loki told him. Bruce hurried over and picked Tarzan up. He placed the kitten in the basket and covered him with blankets once more.

"Loki, you can't do that," Bruce scolded, "Tarzan needs to stay warm. We can't play with a kitten as young as Tarzan without hurting him." Loki lowered his gaze.

"'M sorry," Loki apologized, "I didn' know." Bruce put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I know," Bruce began, "I just needed to let you know. It's okay. You're not in trouble. When Tarzan's eyes open, we can pet him a little."

"'Kay. 'M just 'sited 'cause Tarzan's a cat." Loki told him.
"I know you are," Bruce said.

"Can we watch a movie?" Loki asked.

"Of course we can."

Bruce and Loki watched a movie and after it was over, they needed to care for Tarzan again. Once Tarzan had been taken care of, it was time dinner followed by Loki's bath. Bruce assisted him during it and Loki dressed. When he was finished he went into his room and waited for Bruce to tell him a bedtime story. Bruce entered his room and sat on the bed. He read a story and Loki wasn't quite asleep yet. Loki was snuggled sleepily up against Bruce, his head resting on Bruce's leg.

"'M glad you came over this weekend," Loki said tiredly.

"Me too," Bruce agreed.

"'M sorry I got sick," Loki told him.

"It's not your fault," Bruce replied.

"'M still sorry," Loki mumbled, "Hey."

"What?" Bruce asked.

"I love you, Uncle Bruce," Loki said with a sigh. Bruce smiled.

"I love you too." Loki was already asleep when Bruce spoke but he heard him regardless.

Sorry this took three months! I had exams and moving and jobs and...blech. It's been crazy. Also, sorry I didn't respond to any reviews. I just didn't have time but I promise that the next chapter will have responses to your lovely reviews! Your thoughts really do matter to me which is why I respond to each review, but I just didn't have time...*ashamed* Anyway, see you all next time! :D