Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or GundamWing/Ac, I do not make any money from writing these fic's and I do not have any rights to Harry Potter or GundamWing/Ac.

A/N: I sort of adopted this fic from Shy-Hime too, I know that she told me that someone else has adopted the story too so if you find a story similar to this one or if mine is similar to theirs than that is why.

Chapter 8

As Rashid came to the top of the stairs on the fourth floor, he paused for a moment only to hear soft moans of pleasure. Taking a moment to collect himself Rashid once again slowly began to walk along the hallway towards one of the doors. He walked along the calming blue carpet until he reached a door with a picture of a lion and a blond coloured house cat on it.

Wondering just what he might be walking into, Rashid slowly raised his hand, intending to knock on the door, only to freeze in mid-action as the sound of soft suggestive whispers came through the door. Hope filled Rashid at the sound of words, making him quickly knock on the door loudly.

'I might be in luck! Hopefully, I caught them between rounds,' Rashid thought as he lowered his arm and waited for a signal of some sort to come in. He really didn't want to see two of his masters in the throes of passion or undressed. 'The way these boys go at it….they're like rabbits. I wonder if during Master Quatre's time in the test tube, the scientists decided to experiment with rabbit DNA.'

A soft 'enter' from the other side of the door grabbed Rashid's attention causing him to break from his thoughts. He waited a few seconds after being given permission so his two masters would have some extra time to sort themselves out and he wouldn't see anything he didn't want to see. Though he was unable to put off the unenvitable, biting the bull by the horns Rashid finally opened the bedroom door and entered.

Inside, Rashid laid eyes on Quatre and Trowa, both were sitting in the bed, naked and flushed, with the bed sheet's covering their lower half's. Quatre was snuggled up against Trowa, his hair messier than ever with his hands lost below the covers while Trowa had a protective arm wrapped around Quatre.

"Is there something wrong, Rashid?" Quatre asked politely as he gazed at one of his dear friends and mentors. "I thought everything was taken care of."

"Today was meant to be our day off," Trowa said softly, though his voice held a hint of a growl to it.

"I know and I am sorry about the interruption, young masters but I have just gotten off of the phone with Lady Une," Rashid said politely and quickly. It was easy for him to tell what sort of mood his two masters were in just from their body language and the glint in their eyes. "She is sending over a large group of people to stay here. Apparently, she wasn't going to inform anyone until they arrived on your front door, but with Master Wufei and Master Harry going through their honey moon period she thought it was best."

"A group of people?" Quatre asked with a frown. "I have no problems with that. We do have enough room in the mansion but, this is sort of short notice and…"

"Did Lady Une tell you why and for how long?" Trowa asked as he gave Quatre a comforting squeeze.

"Lady Une informed me that they are your next mission and they are people who you are going to be working with," Rashid answered calmly while making sure to keep his eyes firmly on his two Master's faces. "I do not know for how long they will be staying with us, but I'm guessing for as long as the mission goes on. Lady Une told me that they should be arriving today, most likely soon as she said she had already sent them here."

"Well it sounds like Lady Une has given us our next mission, whatever it is," Quatre said with a pout only for it to quickly disappear and be replaced by a playful yet wicked grin that had Trowa inching to enjoy more of his lover. Rashid found himself thinking that it only meant trouble. "Well this is our home and we are allowed to act within reason as it is our home…so they better not have anything against us giving each other some tender touches."

"Heero will most likely shoot them if they do not allow him to ravish Duo," Trowa said with a snort of amusement. "Do you know who or how many will be coming to stay here?"

Rashid nodded his head. "Yes, there are roughly seventeen of them and all of them are from Master Harry's world. Their names are Tom Riddle, who is the Minister of Magic, along with Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Fred, George and Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Nathanial Moon, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Remus Lupin, and Neville Longbottom."

"That is a lot of people," Quatre said softly with a frown on his face. "And all from Harry's world…. Rashid, please make sure everything is stocked up and also make sure that security is tightened. I do not want a repeat of what happened not long ago to happen again. Also, make sure to inform Wufei and Harry about this. Trowa and I will tell Heero and Duo what is going on."

"Very well, young masters," Rashid said as he tried to hide the sigh of relief only for Trowa to pick up on him and give him a knowing smirk. "I will also send someone to await their arrival at the front door, just in case they turn up today. May I ask if you know the location of Master Wufei and Master Harry?"

"They are downstairs watching the TV on the sofa, something about wanting to watch a movie together," Quatre answered with a kind smile as one of his hands appeared and rested on his chest and over his heart. "Whatever is going on downstairs in the living room it is nothing but good, I have not felt Wufei this happy in a long time."

"Any idea what we are in for?" Trowa asked as he placed a loving kiss on Quatre's check.

Rashid, seeing his master's hands and eyes begin to wander once more decided to speak up. "Would it be better if I pushed a note from you both under the door of Master Heero's and Master Duo's bedroom before I go downstairs?"

"That…would be for the best," Trowa said with a nod of his head before Quatre could say anything. He unwrapped his arm from around Quatre and grabbed the notepad and pen that his lover always had besides his bed for just in case anything WEI or Preventer related came up. "That way we can all be warned and enjoy as much time as possible before these new people arrive."

Quatre made a soft sound of agreement as he watched his lover begin quickly writing down everything Rashid had told them. "Do not forget to tell them everyone's names or the fact that they are coming from the Wizarding World."

"May I also be as bold to ask you to include a small part about Master Heero and his guns?" Rashid asked politely. "I do not want to chance getting shot by Master Heero just because of him and his security risks."

Trowa simply nodded his head and finished off writing. As he wrote the last bit on his note he could not help but think of what sort of mission would be heading their way. There was one thing sure, at the first suitable moment, if these people were not their enemies or any of them was not another Relena, Trowa would ask them more about the Wizarding World's Magical Creatures.

To Be Continued...