Thanks for all the reviews! Lol because of you I'm going to expand the story a little, instead of 2 chapters it may have 3 or 4… not sure yet. :D Lemon ahead! I don't really write yaoi so yeah…


Chapter 2

Lucy was pacing around her living room, wondering just how the heck was she going to ask Gray, when speak of the devil, he walked in.

"Hey Lucy, you wanted to see me?" he asked as he closed her door.

She jumped, turning to face him, her heart beating fast from shock and surprise, "G-gray!" she squeaked out, blushing.

He raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter?"

She shook her head. "It's just that… what are you doing here?"

Now he looked confused. "Mira said you wanted to see me. If you don't, I'm going to Sting's room." He said already turning to leave.

'Damn, that woman is slick.' She thought. "W-wait Gray. I wanted to ask you a question." She said stopping him.

He turned back, waiting.

She blushed, looking down. She couldn't look him in the eye. It was embarrassing. "W-well the thing is… I need help with my story." She murmured.

"…Okay… anything I can do?'" he asked slowly.

'Here's my chance!' she thought clenching her fist. "Funny you should ask…" she trailed off. She was to embarrass to say it! But that doesn't the change the fact that she needs help. Might as well get it over with.

He was waiting, silently as he watched her.

She looked him in the eye. "Gray can I watch you and Sting make out?" she asked bluntly.

His eyebrows went up to his hair line. "What?" he exclaimed.

She winched at his tone.

"Lucy I didn't know you were the type-"

"It's not like that!" she interrupted, face red. "I need research for my story. So are you going to help me out or not?" she whined.

He crossed his arms. "One question. Why do exactly do you want to watch us. Are you making a yaoi scene for Erza?"

She sweat dropped. "Uh no. The reason why I want to watch you guys is because I'm writing a threesome. I have no idea what's goes on and because…" With that she trailed off looking away.

He raised his eyebrow. "Because?" he prompt when she didn't go on.

"Because I'm a virgin!" she blurted out.

He blinked before a shit-eating grin spread across his face. "Oh ho… the famous Stellar Page that writes erotic books is a virgin. How funny."

She pouted. "Don't smirk at me!" she snapped. "Are you going to help me or not?"

He didn't answer as he took a step towards her.

Her hear skipped a beat but she stood her ground as he circled around her, observing and watching. She didn't know why but she felt like prey and he a predator.

He came back in front of her, hands in pockets. "I'll help you on one condition." He said finally.

"What's the condition?" she asked wearily.

He bended down so that they were eye to eye. "You have to join in." he whispered.

She froze. 'He couldn't have said that…?' Her mind started imagining all types of things with him... with Sting.

Oh my…

"You're not going to lose your virginity… unless you want to." He said when she didn't say anything. "But you will have an orgasm." His voice satin.

Her face heated. That was one of the sexiest thing she ever heard. No wonder why girls go crazy over this man. "A-alright." She murmured. It can't be that bad. This was Gray and besides she can finally get some experience to write better stories.

He grinned in triumph. "Good." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door.

"W-wait! Where are we going?!" she stuttered, trying to keep up with his long strides.

"We're going to Sting's apartment." He answered simply.

And true enough they were standing in front of his door. He lived across from Lucy.

She widened her eyes. 'It was happening now?!'

He banged on the door. "Open up dumbass!" he growled, sting banging away.

The door was suddenly swung open as a half-naked Sting stood there glaring at his boyfriend. "The fuck?! Why the hell are you knocking on the door like the fucking police?!" he growled.

Gray pushed past him, bringing Lucy along. "Stop you're whining. Besides you're the one who invited me." He said.

Sting slammed the door shut, the sound echoing like a gun shot. "I'm not whining. And why is blonde here?" he asked eyeing the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Stop calling me that!" she snapped, fist balled at her sides. Ever since they met which was 4 years ago, he took one look at her and called her blonde. She's been trying to get him to stop, but he won't listen. Like now.

"Nope." He said simply with a smirk. It was cute to see her riled up. "But you didn't answer my question. Why is she here?" he asked directing his question at Gray.

"She wanted to watch us make out." He answered simply as he sat down on the couch.

Lucy's face turned red as Sting looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't think you were the type blonde." He said leering at her.

"It's not like that!" she snapped, mortified.

He crossed his arms. "Oh really? Then what's it like?" he asked, taunting her.

She looked down. "It's… it's… never mind!" Just start kissing already." She ordered shortly.

"How about I kiss you." Sting countered walking towards her.

"Stay back!" she said hand out to stop his advancing as she took a step back. She bumped into a warm chest. Letting out a surprise, "Eep!" She craned her neck up to see Gray behind her. She didn't even hear him move.

He smirked at her. "Scared Luce?" he asked softly.

She's not going to lie, she was nervous as heck. Who wouldn't be with two guys wanting you?

"Don't be afraid. We'll take real good care of you." Sting whispered in her ear.

She jumped. She didn't even notice when he got close to her.

He bit her ear, making her shudder. It sent tingles down her spine all the way to her core. She had to bit her lip to keep from moaning out.

"Relax." Gray murmured in her ear as his hands lightly graze her sides. He came near her breasts, but didn't touch them.

She wanted to moan out in frustration.

Seeing her expression, Sting laughed. "I think she's displeased Gray." He said.

The model grinned. "Really now. Well it can't be helped…" he trailed off as both their hands trailed down to her thighs. They lightly gazed them, coming towards the edge of her skirt.

She tensed, ready for their touch when their hands moved away. She snapped her eyes open, groaning. Her body was on fire and they were watching her with amusement in their eyes. Stupid sexy man. "If you're not going to finish what you started than I'm leaving!" she snapped moving out of the sandwich and going for the door.

"Don't be like that blonde." Sting said as he wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping her.

She struggled. "Let me go!" She was not some toy to play with.

He rolled his eyes; picking her up bride style, he dumped her on the couch. "Stay there and watch." He ordered shortly.

She pouted. She wanted to leave, but she needed help. That and she really wanted to see this.

"Join in anytime you want." Gray said with a suggestive look as his arms wrapped around Sting.

Her heart started beating as she leaned forward in her seat.

Sting licked the model's lips, playing with them before taking them in a passionate kiss. Gray moaned, plunging his hands into the blonde's silky locks. Sting played with Gray's naked chest, (he stripped out of the shirt a long time ago) fondling the nipples gently.

Meanwhile Lucy was watching this erotic site with wide eyes. Her thighs were unconscious rubbing together to keep the heat from spreading. But it was no use. She was wet. Soaking wet, she could feel her panties sticking to her.

They leaned back, looking at her expectantly. "Well?" Gray said licking his lips.

Her face was heated as she looked down. "W-well it was fine…" she murmured.

Sting raised an eyebrow. "Fine? Just fine?" he asked looking at her in disbelief.

"Cut her some slack. She's a virgin." Gray growled.

The blond man widened his eyes in surprise before they narrowed in hunger. "A virgin?" he repeated slowly, stalking towards her.

Her back tensed as she looked at the approaching man with wary eyes.

"She's not losing it unless she wants to." Gray said.

Sting pouted for a moment, but shrugged as he sat next to her. "Alright. But do you at least want an orgasm?' he asked, looking at her.

She paused, thinking. She never had one before, for she never touched herself, so she was curious and turned on by that kiss. So she nodded. "Yes."

It was like a dam broke as the tow man jumped her. One second she was on the couch, the next on the floor with her clothes gone piled somewhere. She was spread eagle with Gray holding her legs and Sting between them, sniffing.

"Mmm, you smell good blonde." He said on a sigh.

She blushed. "Don't say stuff like that!"

They chuckled at her red face and cute outburst.

Sting gave on good lick to her clit, making Lucy give out a yeah. "Oh Sting!"

He gave another experimental lick before diving in. He was eating her out like it was his last meal. While he was doing that Gray grabbed the blonde's member and started jerking him off. Sting groaned, the sound sending pleasurable vibrations through Lucy. She cried out, fondling her own breasts as Sting stiffen his tongue and penetrated inside her walls.

He felt Gray behind him thrusting softly, but not penetrating his opening. Suddenly Sting popped his head up, ignoring Lucy's whine of protest, he turned around to look at Gray. "This not going to work." He said deadpan.

The model raised his eyebrow as Lucy gasped.

'Not going to work?! What's not going to work?' she thought in panic.

"We need a new position." Sting said.

A thoughtful look crossed Gray's face for a moment before he rolled away from them. He laid down and motion for Lucy to come.

Curiosity in her eyes, she got off the floor and stood above him.

"I want you to ride my mouth." he told her bluntly, staring at the triangle between her legs.

Her face flushed as the image came in her mind. It was kinda embarrassing with the way he was staring at her but she was too damn horny to care Putting each foot in the side of his head, she lowered herself until her clit bumped into his nose.

He took a sniff at her, grinning before giving her a long lick.

"Aah!" she gasped out, clutching his dark locks.

He dove in, licking and penetrating her as she rode his mouth with abandon.

Meanwhile Sting watched the show, jerking his self off. The sight was hot. But he was missing out on the action. He went to his bedroom and came back out with s bottle of lube. He lubed himself and Gray before lowering himself on Gray's member. Both males groaned out. Placing his hands on Gray's chest for leverage, he started riding him. While Gray was quiet with his pleasure, Sting was loud. His saying was if the shit feels good, then shout it out.

With the way Gray was groaning and moaning, sending nice vibrations through her, she was nearing her limit. Yanking on his hair harder, she rode his mouth faster, wanting that orgasm. He reached up and a rubbed her clit roughly and that made her come… hard.

"AAAAH! GRAY!" She saw stars dancing in front of her eyes. Her hold body was weak as the model eased her off him to finish what he started with Sting.

Lucy laid on the ground as she watched them… for a while. Jeez they had a lot of stamina. Finally after they were done, they laid down on the floor breathing hard.

"Hot damn that was good." Sting commented after a while.

"Oh yeah." Gray murmured agreeing.

Lucy silently agreed as well. That was more than enough experience to last her a life time. And she was still a virgin!

"Was that enough blonde?" Sting asked with a smirk.

She nodded with a blush.

Gray wrapped an arm around her. "If you ever need help like this again, please don't hesitate to ask. We'll be more than happy to assist." He whispered in her ear.

"O-okay." She murmured.

Sting got up. "Well I'm going to take a shower. Anyone care to join me?" he asked with a suggestive look.

Lucy's jaw dropped. This man was insane!

"I can wait." Gray said dryly.

Sting shrugged. "Suit yourself." He left them alone.

As soon as the blonde opened her mouth to say something a weird screeching sound came from next door. Both of them jumped as Sting started cussing.

"What the heck was that?!" Lucy asked wide eyed. She never heard a sound like that in her life.

Sting came back out dripping wet and naked. There was still soap from places he still haven't rinsed off yet. "Got damn it! They started again!" he yelled.

"Who?" Lucy asked.

"Elfman and Evergreen. They're fucking." He answered bluntly before knocking on the wall. "Hey! Keep it down over there!" he yelled.

But they didn't. In fact they got louder.

"Jeez and I thought Levy was bad." Lucy said wincing.

Sting turned to her with a crazy look in his eye. "At least Levy sounds sexy when she moans. Evergreen sounds like a dying whale."

Lucy couldn't help but burst out laughing. Elfman and Evergreen were Sting's neighbors and also a married couple. Elfman was a constructor worker while Evergreen was a fellow model.

"It's not funny blonde." He snapped stomping back into the bathroom. Her laughter followed him.


It was a while later before Lucy returned to her apartment. She was just itching to get to work on her story. Going into the kitchen, she made herself some tea before settling down to finish writing. But when she tried to put words to paper, she kept thinking about Sting and Gray. It was distracting.

"Urgh! Focus!" she yelled, slapping her cheeks. Shaking her head she tried again. This time the words flowed out of her. It was like she wasn't controlling her body anymore. She worked well into the night and would've stayed up if it wasn't for her phone going off, alerting her that she got a text.

She unlocked her phone, noticing that it was 2 a.m. She received a text from Mira.

'Hey Lucy. I hope you had a wonderful time today. ;). The girls are meeting up tomorrow at 2 in the dining room. Be there.'

'Or else.' Lucy finished with a sweat dropped. This was going to be lovely…



Plz review and tell me what you think. Lol I couldn't resist putting some humor in it :D