A Night With the Oswalds
Rating: T+
Summary: The Doctor successfully made it through Christmas dinner with the Oswalds, but how about Christmas night?
Word Count: 1,607
Notes: I'm at it again. I had some fun with this one. Enjoy! Leave me a review if you like it!
Christmas dinner had gone remarkably well, to Clara's surprise. Her family was totally taken with the Doctor, and even believed their fake relationship was real.
Most of her family was leaving her father's house, so they politely joined in the farewell kisses. Clara was about to grab her coat to leave as well when her dad stopped her.
"I thought you were staying here tonight."
"I—um—I was going to take the Doctor home." Clara said nervously.
"He can stay too, it's fine by me."
Clara's eyes went wide. "But where will he sleep?"
"Clara dear, you're a grown woman, and I understand that."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Clara frowned warily.
"Well, I know you live in your own flat, and even though I don't really want to think about it, I'm sure every now and then the Doctor stays the night. He can stay here with you tonight. I don't mind." Dave said with a pained expression. Clara didn't date much, and he'd only ever met one other boyfriend from her late teens. But he trusted her, and she seemed serious about the Doctor in his eyes. It was the least he could do to show his acceptance of him.
"Seriously dad, it's alright."
"No, no, I insist. I like him, and I don't want him to think I'm kicking him out." Dave almost wanted to give in to her, but needed her to know that he approved of the Doctor.
"Alright, I'll let him know that he's staying here." Clara said, voice wavering. She walked over to the Doctor, who was conversing with Clara's grandmother, took his arm and pulled him away.
"Clara sweet, I was just having a lovely conversation with that man of yours. Don't be rude." Her gran spoke up.
"Sorry, just need to speak with him for a moment. Privately." She pulled him through the empty kitchen and out the back door.
"What's wrong?"
"It's my dad. He wants you to stay the night."
"That's awful nice of him. Does he have a spare room or something?"
"No, he thinks we're together. Remember, I introduced you as my boyfriend? He thinks you're staying with me!"
"Oh dear."
"Yeah." They both silently looked at the floor. "So what do you suppose we do?"
"Well, I don't mind staying the night. As long as you're okay with it, of course." The Doctor really didn't mind. He really liked Clara.
"You don't have pajamas, do you?"
"Don't be silly, Clara. I don't sleep in pajamas."
"Oh boy." Clara was quiet for a moment. "It's okay. We'll make this work. You're sure you don't mind staying?"
"Of course not. It'll be like having a sleepover!"
Clara giggled. "Right. Okay boyfriend, let's go tell my dad you're staying."
"Alright kids, I'm off to bed. Merry Christmas dears. I'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast." Clara's gran said to the two of them.
"I'm gonna head up as well. I'll see you both in the morning." Dave said looking at the two with a slightly uncomfortable smile.
"Night dad, love you."
"Night Dave thanks for having me over."
"No worries, Doctor. Sleep well." Dave said before disappearing up the stairs.
"Well that was awkward." Clara said giggling.
"I think your dad is trying to be okay with me staying over."
"He must like you. Good job fake boyfriend." Clara said yawning.
"Okay, time to bring Clara to bed." The Doctor followed her up to her childhood bedroom. It was small, and the double bed dominated most of the room.
Clara reached into a random drawer and grabbed her own pajamas before turning around to look at him. "Turn your back so I can change."
"I won't look. My eyes are always front. Unlike yours. You turn around."
"If you're gonna be sleeping in your knickers anyway, what's the point of turning around?"
"I dunno, just do it."
"Fine." She mumbled. The only sound in the room was the shuffling of clothes. The Doctor turned around when he thought she was ready, but was met by the sight of her bare torso, and shocked eyes staring at him in the mirror she was standing in front of. She quickly covered her bare breasts with her hands and turned around to face him. "I didn't say I was ready! I have more clothes than you do to take off, stupid."
"Sorry!" He said, covering his eyes. "I'm so sorry, continue. I won't peek."
"What's the point, you've already seen me half naked."
The Doctor uncovered his eyes when he felt her touch his shoulder. "Ready?" He glanced at her, clad only in a tank top and short pajama shorts, and nodded, moving around the other side of the bed to pull the covers back. "Boxer-briefs? I would have pegged you to be more of a tighty-whitey kind of man." Clara whispered giggling.
"Hey!" He protested.
"I never said my eyes were front." She smirked. "Damn Doctor, who knew you had that body under those clothes."
The Doctor gasped. "Stop it!"
"Hey, you saw my boobs."
"Yeah, but I never commented on them!"
"Fair enough." Clara smirked as she snuggled under the covers. They both lay on their sides facing each other. "Night Doctor."
"Night Clara." He leaned in to her to kiss her cheek as Clara turned her head and ended up catching her lips. Surprised, he quickly pulled away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"No, it's okay, it's fine."
The next morning, Clara woke slowly. She was insanely comfortable in her position: on her side clutching the Doctor's arm, feeling his body pressed behind her own, his light breath ruffling her hair, and his leg threaded in between hers.
Wait, she thought, the Doctor's body… SHIT this was NOT supposed to happen. But she was so comfortable; she didn't even want to say anything about it.
The Doctor felt her stir. "Good morning Clara."
"Morning Doctor." She whispered. "Um, your hand, it's kind of… somewhere it shouldn't be." She whispered.
"Right, sorry." He tried to move his hand away from her breast. "It might help if you let go of my arm."
"Oh, um yeah. Sorry." She let go of his arm and groaned. "Doctor, are you seriously so attached to your sonic that you sleep with it?"
"What are you talking about? My sonic is in my coat pocket."
"Then what's… oh." Clara had a moment of realization. "Do you want me to leave, or… do you want me to… help?"
"No, no, just give me a sec." The Doctor turned away from her, embarrassed that he had been thinking of his companion in that way. He had dreamt that their kiss had gone further last night, and the effects showed. When he had composed himself, he turned back around to face her. She looked at him sympathetically.
"All better?" She asked clumsily.
"Yeah." He said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Clara, Doctor!" Clara's gran knocked at her door.
"Shit!" Clara whispered. "Just a second!" She cuddled against the Doctor. "Hug me back!"
"They think we're a couple, remember? Just hold me like you love me." That's not hard to do he thought as he brought her close. She rested her head on his chest and yelled "Yeah gran?"
Clara's grandmother opened the door and smiled at the two. "Oh how sweet! I wish I had a camera so you could see how lovely you two are." She smiled.
"That's quite alright gran. Was there something you needed?"
"Yes, breakfast is nearly ready, so up you get! Oh and Doctor, Dave has left out some pajama bottoms for you so you can be comfortable, okay dear?"
"Yes, thank you!"
"Great, don't be long now, breakfast is almost on the table."
"Okay gran!" Clara called as her grandmother closed the door. "Time to get up Doctor."
"But I'm so comfortable here!"
"I know, me too, but they'll be waiting. Let's go."
Clara put on a sweater, and the Doctor threw on Dave's bottoms and a t-shirt, and the pair headed downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning. Sleep comfortably?" Dave asked.
"Yes, thank you!" The Doctor said as he took a spot at the table.
"Morning Dad!" Clara said kissing Dave's cheek. "Smells delicious."
"Alright, grab a plate everyone, help yourselves." Clara's gran called from the kitchen.
The small family enjoyed their breakfast together, and before long, it was time for Clara and the Doctor to head back to the TARDIS.
"It was wonderful to see you again, dear."
"You too gran." Clara said hugging her grandmother.
"And it was lovely to meet you, Doctor. I'm glad little Clara has someone special in her life."
"Good to meet you too. You're a fantastic cook, thank you!" The Doctor bent down to kiss the woman's cheek.
"Oh thank you dear! He's a keeper Clara. Can't wait to get that wedding invitation!"
"He's the one dear, I'm telling you! Come pop by sometime and have tea with your dear old gran, okay?"
Clara giggled. "Will do."
Once back in the TARDIS, the Doctor set right to the console and took off.
"Well that was interesting." Clara giggled.
"Yeah, sure was. By the way, I'm sorry… about what happened this morning, in bed." The Doctor said shyly.
"You don't have to apologize, it happens. Don't worry about it. And… if you ever need any… help…" Clara's heart pounded, "y'know. Oh that sounds bad. But, yeah." She touched his arm lightly and smiled up at him. "I'm here." She lightly kissed him on the cheek and sauntered away to her bedroom.
The Doctor's thoughts were anything but clean.
A/N: Sooooo… this oneshot may become a twoshot with a possible smutty second chapter?