Hey everyone, how are you doing? Well, I'm fantastic! So much, that I've started writing again :) Sorry for the long-ass Hiatus I went on, there was so much going on in my life that I was either depressed, or had no mood for writing. Well, I promise to update my other stories, I'm slowly working on that, but for now, here's my brand-new story! I haven't done a Sodapop x Ponyboy brother-fic in a long time, figured I might as well do one now :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: (REMEMBER!) In the 1960's school was set out differently, High school only had three grades, 10th, 11th and 12th. 9th grade was still considered Middles school, while 6th grade was also considered elementary school!
.* . * . *.
Title: Pinky Promise
Summary: "I'll be with you, Ponyboy, forever and ever! A brother's promise!" "You. . . Damn liar, Sodapop"
(Sodapop x Ponyboy, brother-fic)
Warnings: Language, and blood.
Tulsa, 1953
Ponyboy grinned, seeing that his mother had already began to read her book on the couch. Although he was being a naughty boy, sneaking out past his nap-time, Sodapop and Darry were going to the park and he wanted to play. Ponyboy tiptoed out of his room, down the hallway to Sodapop's room where the window was big enough to climb out of.
Soda smiled seeing Ponyboy and he held out his arms so his brother had something to reach out for.
"Ready?" Soda smiled.
Ponyboy nodded. Sodapop explained how Darry had gone ahead with Paul so it would be the two of them playing together. Ponyboy saw no problem with that, neither did Sodapop. As soon as they reached the park, Ponyboy grinned, running to the swings as Sodapop shoved his hands in his pocket, following him.
"Hey, Ponyboy, wanna' fly?" Sodapop smiled.
Ponyboy nodded. "Fl, fly, fly, fly!" He chanted, kicking his little legs. Sodapop told Ponyboy to hold onto the chains really tight and as he pulled Ponyboy back he gave a hard shove as he dove under Ponyboy, sending Ponyboy in the air.
"Weeeee!" Ponyboy laughed, swinging back and forth.
Darry was in the field tossing his football to his buddy Paul, but he could still see Ponyboy and Sodapop. He smirked, keeping a close eye on his brothers.
"Alright, Pony." Soda smiled, laying in the grass. "Want another push?"
Ponyboy nodded. Sodapop got up and walked over to the swing once more, giving Ponyboy a monster push, sending the boy once more in the air, giggling. Soda smiled back.
"Higher, Soda!" Ponyboy called. Sodapop only replied by another rough push.
The third Push was a bit too harsh, because it sent the four-year-old flying off the swing and to Soda's horror, into the sandbox.
"PONYBOY!" Soda screamed, running to his brother. Darry stopped tossing the ball, glancing over as to figure out what happened. He didn't care how it happened, but he saw Ponyboy on the ground. He dropped the ball bolting into a dead-run to his brothers.
"PONY! OH, PONYBOY!" Soda cried. "Are you alright?!"
"Uh. . . Yeah. . . "Ponyboy nodded, sand spilling out of his hair.
Darry reached a tree from here he could hide behind and listen to the two, but kept his distance. He was the oldest brother, yes. But Sodapop needed to fix this problem, he needed to take the roll of "big brother" as well.
Ponyboy whimpered and Sodapop threw his arms around Ponyboy.
"Don't worry, Ponyboy. I'm here."
Ponyboy nuzzled his face into the crook of Soda's neck, feeling tears fall from his eyes. Sodapop soothingly rubbed Pony's back, comforting him.
"I'll be here, Ponyboy. . . .Forever and ever." Soda whispered.
Ponyboy gently opened his eyes, reveling vibrant emeralds.
"Pwomise?" Ponyboy mumbled.
Sodapop smiled brighter than the sun, nodding his head. Taking his pinky finger and looping it with Pony's
"I promise, I'll be with you, Ponyboy, forever and ever! A brother's promise!" Sodapop smiled and Ponyboy giggled, liking this promise.
Tulsa, 1962
Sodapop groaned in boredom softly. He hated English class probably more than any class in this entire school. He couldn't understand how Ponyboy loved English, nor could he figure out how Darry took AP classes, two of them AP Lit & Lang, and the other, Advance Perspectives. It made his curious and taking a look around him, he felt retarded.
He was in Tenth grande English, when he was supposed to be in eleventh grade!
He sighed, right now they were reading Hamlet, which Sodapop never got, but while the class was reading, he was staring off into space. He was deciding whether or not to visit Ponyboy for lunch today, the middle school was just down the street a ways away, and he did have an hour for lunch today. While he was gazing out the window, his teacher took notice.
Mr. Styme was not a guy to mess with, or so it seemed. He was rather tall and muscular built, he could intimidate you at first and personally he liked it a bit.
"Sodapop Curtis." He called out.
Soda froze.
"Can you please read the next page?"
Soda nodded, gulping. Obviously the blonde wasn't paying attention, he had not idea what page the rest of the class was on. After a few snickers from students and he was trying to find what page the rest of the class was on, Mr. Styme sighed, realizing he caught Soda.
"Soda, can I talk to you?" He asked as the bell rang, signaling class was over.
Soda nodded, gathering his things and walking to Mr. Styme's desk.
"Sodapop, you're a smart kid, why don't you put a little more effort into your studies?" He asked. "Maybe if you spend fifteen minutes every day just studying, you'll see how much of an improvement it does to your grades."
Soda could see he was trying hard to not call him a dumb hood, in actuality, Mr. Styme was speaking the truth, just trying to help a student. Soda nodded.
"I'll try."
"Oh and do you have your past assignments done?" Mr. Styme added. Soda wanted to sigh, it was lunch and if he wanted to see Ponyboy, he would have to leave now.
"No sir." He replied.
Mr. Styme smiled sadly. "Please turn those in by Friday when report cards come out, then that F you have here with turn to a D, hey, it's not a failing grade, am I right?"
Soda nodded, "am I dismissed sir?"
"Yes, Soda. Have a good day."
Sodapop was annoyed, he didn't have time to see Ponyboy at lunch so he had to settle sitting in Auto-tech working on a car during lunch for twenty-minutes.
"Stupid, Mr. Styme, taking up my damn time." He groaned, working under the hood of a red-mustang. Sodapop didn't have to worry about a failing grade in Auto-tech or gym, he was passing those classes with easy A's But his required classes were something else. He was worried too, by Friday he needed to hand in six papers and two projects that he wasted three months slacking off. And in two weeks Finals would be here too! He groaned, feeling a headache coming on.
"What'm I gonna' tell Mama an Daddy?" He whispered to himself.
Darrel and Stacy Curtis would never stop loving their children, that was a known fact, but Soda did see the sadness in their eyes when he presented them his report card in which he never achieved anything over a B- (by himself). And that one year he was in eight grade and received an A in Biology didn't count, because later on they found out Ponyboy was doing Soda's homework. Sodapop had gone to a school dance and Ponyboy offered to do his homework to help him with his grade, well Ponyboy nor Sodapop expected Stacy to find out it was Ponyboy doing Soda's homework.
Ponyboy was lectured on why he shouldn't do other people's work and Soda was grounded for a week.
Sodapop sighed, well, this car wasn't going to fix itself.
* . * . * . *
Ponyboy Curtis was a fourteen year old with a big imagination. He was curious too, so when Sodapop never showed up for lunch like he said he would his imagination was running wild, all from Sodapop was probably busy kissing a pretty girl to beating up Socs, he even went as far as to thinking he forgot. This all made him depressed, unwanted and scared. If what he was thinking was true, then maybe Soda was mad at him?
When school got out and he noticed Sodapop, he leaped on his brother.
Sodapop was taken by surprise.
"Miss me that much, Pone?"
"Soda. . . how come you didn't see me at lunch?" Ponyboy asked curiously. Soda bit his lip.
"Well, Mr. Slime made me stay during lunch to talk to me about something." Soda said. "Now, let's go get a soda or something."
Ponyboy laughed, innocently. "You're my soda, Soda!"
Soda smirked. "I guess so." The two brothers continued their walk to the DX, a fairly small gas station that had cheep Cokes. Sodapop and Ponyboy paid the twenty-cents for their drinks when Sodapop saw a sign by the register.
Sixteen? Damn. He was only fifteen, he'd be sixteen next week though, still he asked for an application, just because he was only fifteen doesn't mean he couldn't have an application. Ponyboy looked over confused at what Soda was doing.
"Soda?" He asked. "What's that?"
Soda smiled, walking out the door, Ponyboy following him.
"It's a job application, Ponyboy. I'm gonna' try and get a job here." Soda sounded proud of himself, but being fifteen he was a little nieve about this, he didn't see that a gas-station job could potentially be a dead-end job, but soda never saw that, all he saw was an excuse to not go to school and to earn some extra cash.
"But, don't you have to be sixteen to get a job, Soda?" Ponyboy asked, worried.
"Yeah, but my birthday is next week, I'll turn this in next week." Soda smirked, "gotta' think 'bout these things, Pones." He replied, pointing to his noggin. Ponyboy laughed and Sodapop led the way home, both of the brother had their backs to the wind, allowing the golden sunset to shine on their greasy hair.
* . * . * . *
Stacy Curtis was a known beauty in her neighborhood. Her long, dry-lightning blonde curls went way past her waist and her sparking blue eyes were a sharp sapphire. She had the skinny body of a mom, soft and warm. She was making in in the kitchen when Ponyboy and Soda walked into the house, Sodapop hid the application behind his back while Stacy smothered hey "baby-boy" Ponyboy in a shower of hugs and kisses.
Sodapop yawned, after a long day in school, a nap sounded nice. But he couldn't sleep now, He wanted to meet up with Steve and Two-bit. He took off his school shoes and put on his black converses and a new blue plaid shirt. Greasing up his long-blonde hair more, he smirked in the mirror. He looked tuff and it made him feel like a real hood. He totally forgot about doing the homework assignments, and especially forgot about the fifteen-minute study project Mr. Styme told him about and walked out the door, sayin' he'll be back in time for dinner.
Darrel Curtis walked in the back door as soon as Sodapop walked out the front.
He smiled watching Ponyboy finish up math problems and ruffled his hair.
"Wha'cha doin, kiddo?" He asked, taking off his tool belt, hanging it next to the door and sitting down next to him youngest child. Stacy smiled, while frosting the chocolate cake for dessert.
"Algebra." Ponyboy replied. "It's kind of hard."
"Lemmie see." Darrel said, taking a look at a problem Ponyboy was struggling with .
"X= is the absolute value of 7" Darrel read. "X is the absolute value of seven? What the hell?"
The splitting image of Darrel walked in, he even shared his name. This was Darry, the oldest of the brothers. He let out a loud belch, earning a glare from Stacy. He smirked, softly apologizing then looked over at Pony's paper.
"It's a trick question." He said. "Absolute Value means how far a number is from zero so the answer is right infront of you, the answer is seven."
Ponyboy thought for a moment. "Oh. I get it."
Darry smirked, sitting down to help Ponyboy more. Darrel smiled, seeing the two getting along, it seems his kids almost never fought, sure there was the occasional argument, but it would always resolve itself in less than five minutes. Still he frowned, wondering where the bottle-of-soda was at.
"Where's Pepsi-cola?" He asked Stacy, helping her dry dishes.
She shrugged. "He said something about going out with Steve for a while, he'd be back for dinner though."
Darrel nodded. "Well, I think we need to talk to him." Stacy was all ears, secretly Darry and Ponyboy were too.
"I got a phone call from Mr. Styme." Was all that needed to be said and Ponyboy knew Soda was in deep. He bit his lip and Darry frowned. Darry knew Soda was smart, he just needed more help than most people in school. But that's what happens when a Greaser gets a Soc for a teacher.
Stacy sighed, then turned smiling.
"Who wants pork chops?"
"They're hiring, Steve. We can get a job at the DX and I can help Mom and Dad with bills. Darry's already graduated high school, and he's not going to collage until next fall, he said something about saving up money." Soda smiled with excitement. Currently the two were on Steve's front porch, walking to The Curtis' for dinner since Steve's dad was drinking his dinner and Steve and his dad had a fight earlier that morning.
Steve smirked. "Well, I can get a job, but you can't yet, Buddy. You gotta' wait. And aren't they only hiring one person?"
"I know Steve, that's why we should go in together, I mean, they gotta' hire us both!" Soda enthusiastically remarked. "I mean, they have to!"
Steve sighed. "Alright, the day after your birthday next week, we'll go and put those applications in, but if they hire only one of us-"
"Which they won't."
"-which they might-then oh well."
Soda nodded.
"So don't cry if you're not picked." Steve smirked, Soda pretended to look offended but laughed along. Steve and Sodapop made their leaping way back to The Curtis home where the dinner table was set. Soda opened the door and was surprised to see none other than Dallas Winston sitting on the couch while Stacy Curtis insisted on bandaging a nasty cut he had on his upper cheek.
"Woah, Dally, how'd ya' get that-there cut?" Steve asked.
"Soc. And he got way fuckin-"
Stacy cleared her throat loudly. Dally softly bit his lip.
"Anyways he got worse than me, so don't think I'm soft. He was just lucky."
Soda headed over to the kitchen where his nose led him to the sweet scent of roasting pork chops and buttered, fluffy mash potatoes. He felt his mouth water and only wanted a little snitch, before Darry closed the lid, nearing his fingers. As The Curtis Family, along with Dallas and Steve all sat at the table, the large group was chatty with how their day went, what was interesting, questions and other topics that were discussed. Around seven, Dallas decided he'd head over to Buck's, silently promising Stacy that he'd try and stay out of trouble. Steve invited Soda to come to the football game with Darry and him, but Darrel and Stacy answered for him.
"We need to talk, Soda." Darrel said.
Sodapop put down the dishes he was helping Ponyboy was and went to the living room.
Soda sat in the couch facing of his parents while Darrel and Stacy stood in-front of Soda, both not looking very happy.
"What's wrong?" Soda asked. "Am I in trouble?"
"Not exactly, son. But I do want to tell you I got a call from Mr. Styme at my work. He told me about your missing assignments. Soda, I want the truth, do you have them done and ready to turn them in by Friday?" Darrel already knew the answer, but Soda guessed he could pull a fast one.
"I'm half-way done. I'll give him something by Friday."
Stacy sighed. "Sodapop, we don't want you to give him something, by Friday, we want you to complete the missing assignments. And to raise that grade."
Soda sighed. "I know. Can I go to the game now?"
Darrel shook his head. "Sorry, kiddo. But until Friday and all of your assignments are turned in, it's from school then straight home."
Soda's jaw dropped.
"So I'm grounded?!"
"Sodapop Patrick, in your room and do your homework." Stacy firmly said. Soda groaned, walking into his room. Ponyboy heard everything from the kitchen and when he was done with the dishes and his own homework, he knocked on Soda's room.
"Soda?" He asked.
". . . What?"
"C-can I come in?"
". . Sure. . . Door's unlocked."
Ponyboy entered Soda's room, which he always found much better than his own. Posters of cute girls were obviously tucked away under his bed, but posters of cool cars and classic guitars you could by for ten cents at the corner store in town were posted everywhere. Soda's room was always messy, no matter how many times you clean it, it would always turn out messy. But it wasn't too messy, just some clothes here and there strung out on the floor and the bed not made. Still, just because it was Soda's room, Ponyboy found it to be the coolest room he'd ever step foot in.
"Soda, aren't you doing your homework?" Ponyboy asked.
"How am I supposed to do that without instructions, Pony?" Soda nearly hissed.
Ponyboy was confused. "instructions? to do homework?"
"Yeah, like a rubric or something. I mean, I've got six papers I need to write and I forgot what they're about! I forgot what needed to be written and I also have two projects over a book I forgot all about!" Soda sat up, Ponyboy could tell he was nervous.
"Well, what book?" Ponyboy asked, trying to be helpful. "Maybe I can help?"
"It's called Catcher And The Rye. It's by some J. D. dude." Soda replied, slightly hopeful that Ponyboy had read that book, Ponyboy was always stuffing his nose in books, he's probably read all the books in Tulsa Oklahoma. Ponyboy thought for a moment.
"Haven't read that one yet." He replied.
Soda sighed.
Ponyboy frowned. "I'm sorry."
"Nah, don't be, Ponyboy. It's my mess, you don't need to go feelin' all guilty about it." Sodapop laid back down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, while Ponyboy stood there feeling awkward. Sodapop smiled, sweetly. Ponyboy was about to say something when-
Soda snickered. "Yeah, Pony, do as mommy says."
"Shut up!" Ponyboy grumbled, still he darted down the hall "coming, Mama!"
Soda went back to the white ceiling. Then he glanced over at the job application. He could already imagine himself and Steve working together, working on cars, buddy-ing around all day. He knew that would be a good life to have. He found a pen on his bedside and began filling out the application. He smirked and couldn't wait for his sixteenth birthday next week.
While Sodapop was on "lock-down" in his room by Darrel and Stacy, Ponyboy found himself hanging out with Darry more and more. Darry was busy with a part-time job he had down at the roofing and construction plant he worked at with his dad. He didn't plan to work there everyday for the rest of his life, just for a few months so he could save up for college. The work was hard and exhausting, but it would be worth it.
Darry wanted to go to college to be a football coach, something Ponyboy never got, but went along with.
Darry was a muscular built boy, and over six foot. Towering over Ponyboy. When he was younger, it was always Sodapop he played with, but it was Darry he deeply admired. Ponyboy and Darry never fought, never argued, nothing. Sure they were close, they were brothers after all, but Darry was six years older than Ponyboy. So it was different between him and Soda.
Still, that never meant they didn't hang out or toss a football around.
Currently, the boys were taking a ride in Tim Sheppard's car to the drag races. Ponyboy loved drag races, for some reason he was always picked to be in them. Darry, Pony and Tim pulled up at the track where Ponyboy met up with Curly. Tim's younger brother.
"Hey, Curtis." Curly shook Pony's hand. "So I heard that you-"
Ponyboy blushes seeing the raven beauty. "Hello, Angela."
Angela Sheppard was the youngest of the Sheppard's, she was a lean girl, with rather large developing breasts. Her long black hair hung in ringlets and curls, a pretty black and blue. Angela also had a pretty face that was caked with make-up but she could pull it off. Still, it was too much make up for Ponyboy's liking. Angela rolled on the balls of her feet, her hands behind her back and she smiled up at Ponyboy. Ponyboy was rather sort for his age, but he was glad he was taller than girls.
"So, what are you doing here, Pony? You never come down to the track-but you're always welcomed" She added that last part quickly and was pushed to the ground by Curly.
"He's here, because he's riding in the mustang with Darry, Tim and I." Curly sneered, directing Ponyboy away from Angela who was told to sit in the stands away from the cars by Tim. Angela stomped off, but she kept her tiger eyes on Ponyboy. Darry smiled, sitting shot-gun next to Tim, Curly hopped in the back with Ponyboy. Tim's black muscle car was going up against a Soc's red sting-ray. The cars started up and Ponyboy licked his lips, the rush was settling in, Taunts, cheers and insults were thrown to both parties as the sexy flag girl raised a checkered flag.
When the flag was lowered, both cars sped off.
* . * . * . * . *
Soda couldn't figure out how bored he was. He was on the borderline of thinking of faking his own death in order to not do his homework, that's how desperate and bored he was. But his parents insisted on having his sit at the table until his homework was completed. Soda was on the fast track to half-ass every assignment he needed due by Friday.
He needed a miracle.
Ring, ring, ring.
Soda's ear perked up at the telephone, he sat completely still as his mother answered the phone.
"Hello? Oh, yes, he's here." She sounded surprise. Sodapop hoped that wasn't a cute girl calling for him, he tried to think back if he gave out his number to any girls, when he couldn't remember he sighed, knowing he was in the clear. Then he nearly choked.. . . What if it was his teacher? He hoped it wasn't Mr. Styme asking for the assignments due tomorrow. With that though, Sodapop began to write more quickly, not even paying attention to what he was writing, for all he knew he could be writing nonsense, but he finished the six papers by the time his mother hung up the phone.
"Done!" Soda smiled.
Stacy looked confused. "Already? That was quick, Sodapop."
Soda smiled. "I'm a fast writer"
Stacy was about to ask that if he was such a fast writer, then why didn't he have his assignment done on time, but Darrel walked into the room.
"Who was on the phone?" He asked his wife.
Stacy smiled. "That was-" But she looked at Soda, then used her index finger to signal for her husband to come closer and she whispered in his ear. Whatever she said made Darrel smile, leaving Sodapop confused, but he could care less. Now he was a free man.
"Can I leave?" Soda asked.
Darrel bit his lip. "Got them pages done?"
"How about the projects?"
"In my bag."
Darrel smiled, waving his hand goodbye and Soda was booking out the door, feeling like a free man out of jail. He started a run to Steve, he hoped he was lucky enough to catch the drag race, he heard a rumor that The Sheppards would be in and he hadn't seen Tim in a while. As soon as he reached Steve's doorstep, he noticed Steve storming out of the house while his father yelled curses at Steve.
Soda didn't have to say anything, he just followed Steve to Steve's truck and the two of them drove off to the Track
* . * . * . * . *
"Now, we wern't goin' any faster than they were." Tim spat.
The race had been stopped and two cops were walking around Tim's car, Darry sighed and Ponyboy and curly bit their bottom lips. The Soc's in the red car, however were enjoying watching The Greasers get chewed out by the fuzz.
"Well, Timothy-" a bald officer started.
"IT's Tim." Tim grit his teeth.
Ponyboy's heart began racing a million mild when the cop and Tim were nearly eye-to-eye. He was expecting a fight, but when the Cop just handed him a ticket and walked away, Ponyboy could finally breathe. Darry could see how wide Pony's eyes were and motioned him to walk with him back to the start of the track, on account that Tim's car started having smoke come out of the hood.
Ponyboy looked up at Darry, Darry himself didn't look too pleased.
"um. . . " Ponyboy started.
Darry looked down, cocking an eyebrow at his stuttering little brother. It didn't make Darry feel too hot, sometimes, he wondered if Ponyboy was fearful of him, sure he was tall and older, but he hoped Ponyboy never feared him truly. Sure, he and Ponyboy didn't spend much time together when Pony was younger, but Darry hoped to make up for that.
"What. . . what's gonna. . . happen to Tim and Curly?" Ponyboy asked.
Darry looked back at Tim and Curly. Curly was leaning up against the car while Tim ripped up the ticket, kicking it to the ground and kicked the car, cursing loudly.
"They'll be fine." Darry said. He turned his head, spotting Steve's truck. When Ponyboy and Darry approached Sodapop, Soda threw up his arms in confusion.
"What's goin' on? Why are people leaving? I thought there would be three races today." Soda sounded disappointing, especially when Darry mentioned the Fuzz were called in, probably by either a snitch or a Soc wanting to trash on a Greaser.
The race was soon forgotten when Steve, Soda, Darry and Ponyboy all went to the Dingo meeting up with Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade. No sooner did Two-bit show up, a blonde in each arm. And just like that, with the gang all together, the atmosphere felt much thinner, Pony and the rest forgot all about the Socs and focused on having a good time shooting straws at one another until it became dark outside.
Dallas and Two-bit made their way to Bucks while Steve and Johnny were invited to crash at The Curtis'
Soda sighed, he realized he had just spent nearly a week in the house guarded by his parents and it had only felt he was out of the house for just a short amount of time. Still, he smiled, reflecting upon the wonderful weekend he would have, outdoors, in the sun, probably with Steve.
When Ponyboy, Darry and Sodapop made it home all three boys were surprised to see Darrel and Stacy waiting in the living room with suitcases.
"What's goin' on?" Darry asked.
Darrel smiled, looking down at Stacy. "Well, boys. As you know Sunday is Mama's and mine twentieth anniversary-"
Soda cheered,
Ponyboy smiled,
and Darry nodded.
"Earlier today, we got a phone call from my boss and he approved my time off for this weekend. So Your mama and I are going to spend time in Oklahoma City. Probably paint the town red, you know how we are-"
Stacy laughed, gently hitting her husband lovingly on the arm.
"How long are you going to be gone?" Ponyboy asked.
"We'll be home by Monday after school." Darrel promised, then he turned serious. "Now, we only have one rule for you boys: No extreme partying."
Ponyboy, Soda and Darry chuckled. Darry was put in charge of watching Ponyboy and Sodapop for the weekend. Ponyboy couldn't help but feel a bit anxious, he'd never been a whole two-days without his mom or dad. He was anxious because he knew things would be more laxed around the house and he was excited for that, but deep down he'd miss his parents. He shook his head over the bathroom sink, washing his face.
"I'm acting stupid." He muttered. He was 13, almost 14. He needed to grow up.
That night Mrs. Curtis gently tip-toed into Ponyboy's room, Ponyboy pretended to sleep as she tucked him in a little tighter for warmth and kissed the top of his brow.
"Sweet dreams, baby." She whispered in his ear, leaving the room softly shutting the door.
Ponyboy sighed, sleep soon consuming him. Meanwhile, Sodapop was laying wide awake in his bed, coming up with plans for the weekend, the occasional job-dream slipping inside his noggin every once in a while and he found himself smiling, he couldn't wait until he turned 16. Darry himself smiled at himself in the mirror, with his parents gone, this was his chance to be a big brother, to be a role model, not to mention it was an excuse to tell Ponyboy and Sodapop what to do-okay, he wouldn't be that bad, but it would be nice to have authority around the house.
That following morning was one filled with anticipation.
"Remember, Ponyboy needs to take an aspirin around five today, make sure he doesn't drink too much Pepsi, I don't want him getting hyper and having a headache all day." Stacy firmly told Darry. Darry didn't say anything, he just nodded. "And Soda needs to turn in his homework, make sure he does that Monday-"
"Ma' It's okay. We'll be fine, it's just the weekend, right?" Darry smiled, calming his already frantic mother down.
Darrel closed the trunk to the blue car, smiling he patted Darry's shoulder, handing him the keys to his Orange work truck, along with the keys to the house.
"You're the man of the house, Darry. Make sure everything is alright." Darrel smiled. Darry smiled back, promising that he would. Sodapop bit his bottom lip, giving his parents an "innocent" smile. Darrel grinned bright as the sun, a grin Sodapop received at birth.
"Stay out of trouble, Soda. And I expect that failing grade to go at least up to a C." Darrel softly commanded. Sodapop nodded, his legs wobbly with anticipation and knowing Steve was on his way so the two would head over to a party in just a few minutes was making him hyper. Stacy smiled sadly facing Ponyboy. Her baby. He always would be.
"Ponyboy, mind your brother while he's in charge." She spoke.
Ponyboy nodded.
"I'll miss you, baby." She gently hugged him, and he closed his eyes.
Darrel and Stacy waved goodbye as they drove out of sight down the street. Darry smiled, while Soda ran in the backyard, spotting Steve. But Ponyboy however, felt something was off. He had a bad feeling he couldn't shake off.
* . * . * . *. *
Two-bit Matthews wasn't known for being quiet, and he sure wasn't known for being clean. You could tell he was heading your way nearly a mile away. He allowed the door to slam shut and didn't bother taking off his shoes as he plopped on to the couch, flipping on the TV screen, Mickey-Mouse warping his brain.
Darry narrowed his eyes.
"Hey, my mom just cleaned that, Two-bit!"
"She can clean it again." Two-bit shrugged but was met quickly with a hard pillow hitting him in the face. Dallas walked in, behind him was Johnny who made his way into the kitchen next to Ponyboy.
"Hey, Pony, wha'cha got there?" Johnny asked.
Ponyboy looked up from his textbook. "Oh, I'm studying for an English test on Monday. It's a huge part of my grade and I-"
"NERD!" Two-bit chanted from the living room. Ponyboy ignored him and Johnny closed his eyes. Ponyboy turned a page when Johnny looked around.
"Hey. . . where are Steve and Soda?" He asked.
Ponyboy shrugged, "probably partying."
Oh. . .How right he was. Soda and Steve were currently down at the South lake where a record player was playing and girls wore short skirts and boys didn't have shirts. The sand was warm and the orange sun was setting on the lake. For just a few hours, Sodapop forgot all about school, homework and being grounded. With the music, pretty girls and sandy earth around him, he was content. He was dancing with a really pretty brunet, wearing a blue bikini, he didn't know her name but Steve knew her and she was pretty.
But with the dirty dancing growing slightly more intense Soda needed a break after the last six dances. Laying in the sun sipping a Coke was perfect. He sighed in contentment, but his peaceful bliss was interrupted when he heard a girl's cry.
"aw, come on, babe. We were just kidding."
Soda looked up to see a blonde girl on the verge of tears and another boy behind her.
Soda narrowed his eyes, approaching the fighting couple.
"There a problem here, buddy?" Soda asked, leaning against the life-guard post. Another blonde, with golden eyes looked over at Soda. Soda and the golden-haired blonde were about the same size and almost the same built, but Soda appeared to look tougher just by his dress style.
"No, there ain't, get lost." The blonde snapped.
The girl rubbed her temples. "Ugh, Rick! Why do you have to be so mean to people?"
"Shut your trap, girl!"
Soda stepped in front of the cute blonde, facing Rick.
"Hey, hey. That's no way to talk to a lady, didn't ya' mama teach you manners?" Soda narrowed his eyes, balling his fists up, ready for a fight. Steve, who was still dancing, just happened to look over and see Soda and Rick. He excused himself and marched up to Soda. Soda shook his head when he saw Steve approach them, a silent signal telling him that he had this.
"Listen, Grease-ball. You don't want me gettin' pissed at you. Now this ain't your business, now leave before you and I have a problem."
"Oh, this is my business and you are my problem now." Soda spoke, dangerously. "Leave the lady alone, cause I got Steve over there," he nodded towards his buddy as Rick glanced over at Steve, who himself was a lot taller than Rick. "Not to mention all your yappin' paused the party." That was true. The music stopped and the dancing was on pause as well. Some of the guys were watching Sodapop waiting for a moment to step in a help him (they were fellow greasers, after-all).
"Now, will you stop making yourself look like an ass and leave this pretty lady alone?" Soda smirked and Rick growled, muttering 'stupid bitch' under his breath as he walked away. The party resumed and Steve nodded towards Soda walking back to his dancer.
Soda softly smiled at the blonde.
"You okay?" He asked.
She nodded, tears falling from her sapphire-blue eyes. Sodapop smiled softly, taking out a clean, white rag that he would have used to help Steve fix his truck, but handed it to her instead. She smiled, taking the rag, wiping her eyes dry.
"Thanks. He was. . . " She paused. "He was tryin' to take my top off and I told him to stop, but he kept pesterin' me."
Soda smiled sadly. "I'm sorry that happened, ma'm."
She giggled softly. "You show true chivalry towards women. What's your name?"
"Sodapop Curtis, even says so on my birth certificate." Soda smiled, his famous grin.
The soft blonde smiled back. Sodapop felt himself falling for the girl, and it wasn't because she wore a baby-blue frilly bikini, but because the atmosphere that she created felt warm, and loving.
"Mine's Sandra McGill. . . But you may call me by my nickname, Sandy."
Around Nine o' clock that night, Ponyboy began to yawn and decided to call it an early night. When he was settled in his bed, he flicked on his flashlight and began reading Catcher and The Rye, the book Soda obviously didn't read for English. He couldn't understand why Soda didn't like this book, already four pages in, and he was hooked. Around ten he heard the door open then slam and a loud belch enter the hallway. He smiled seeing soda pass his room.
"Soda!" Ponyboy called. Soda stopped walking and turned to Ponyboy, smiling in the doorway.
"Where did you go?" Ponyboy sounded curious, and even though Soda didn't tell him anything, he also sounded amazed.
Soda shrugged. "Went to the lake with Steve. There was a party going on and it sounded like fun."
Ponyboy almost forgot about the book, "What did you guys do?"
"Have you never been to a party before, Ponyboy?" Soda softly smiled, adding a laugh. Ponyboy blushed, feeling foolish that the last party he went to was in fifth grade and he had to leave early cause his dad forgot he had a dentist appointment.
Soda patted Pony's shoulder. "Don't worry, Pones. You'll go to parties when you're older."
Ponyboy smiled softly back."Well, what did you do at your party?" He asked.
"Just danced really, swam a little and payed vollyball. Nothing out of the ordinary. Oh, I met a girl." Soda added, sounding proud of himself.
"A girl?" Ponyboy asked, intrigued.
"Yeah. She's a good one, I can tell." Soda leaned back on the bed, smiling at the wall. Ponyboy had no idea what Soda meant by "a good girl", but he had an idea that by "a good girl" it was a girl opposite of Angela Sheppard. Sodapop sighed, then left the room.
"Soda?" Ponyboy called.
Soda turned around, the smile didn't leave his face.
"Can. . . when will Mama and Daddy be home?" Ponyboy asked, slightly upset. Soda blinked, but moved towards the bed, sitting on the edge, taking the book out of Ponyboy's lap, setting it on his bedside table, then took his hand, stroking his fingers threw Ponyboy's hair.
"Mama and Daddy will be home Monday afternoon, Ponyboy. Shhh. Go to sleep."
Ponyboy turned his head, closing his eyes, and Sodapop sat for a while.
To make sure the nightmares dared not to leave the darkness and infect his little brother.
WOAH! Long chapter! So, how did you like it? Was it too much? Well, please tell in a review, I think if I start off with 5, then the next chapter will be published :)
Now, remember, this is BEFORE everything bad ever happened to the Curtis' So technically it's a prologue. The REAL story doesn't start until Chapter 1, that is. . . if I get enough reviews to publish chapter 1.
But a Beta would be wonderful for this story, anyone interested?
REMEMBER: 5 or more reviews for another chapter!