The Champion and The Professor
Final Chapter
The party began with the sounds of happy laugher as Serena stood by the elevator dumbstruck and shocked for a moment. "Wha?! What?! You set up a party for me?!" she asked the Professor as she slowly edged herself away from the elevator call button to join him. She looked around the room at the occupants, all of whom were waving happily to her. Viola and Grant joined to the hip, popping party poppers while yelling out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERENA!" She looked to them, covered in the confetti from the poppers, realizing just how closely joined they were. Her expression began to change as her mind finally decided it was time to focus on what was happening as she finally met up with her lover in the middle of the room.
He scooped her up in his arms, picking her off the ground to spin her around; burying his face in the crook of her neck as he put her down after spinning in a complete circle. "What do you think ma cherie? Did we surprise you?" he asked, pulling away from her while gesturing to the guests in his converted office space. The tables and boxes weren't in their usual spaces and were instead replaced with a long table full of food and a large stack of chairs; a refreshment table stood between the elevator and one of the Professor's bookshelves. Next to the stack of chairs were a pile of gifts, all neatly decorated and colourfully pleasing to the eye. She took a moment to look at her beloved, noticing that even though he was wearing his normal lab coat, underneath it he wore a more sophisticated outfit. He wore a gray vest overtop a silky ultramarine blue button shirt, with a metallic blue neck tie to compliment it. His usual brown pants were traded out for a pair of black dress pants.
"You definitely did surprise me, I'll give you guys that one!" she exclaimed as she smiled happily to everyone. "Thank you for this wonderful surprise! Now, just as Augustine said, LET'S PARTY!" she exclaimed to her friends joyfully, as she threw her right fist into the air just as joyfully. The Professor pulled her close to his side, his hand resting on her hip as her face began to glow at his touch. She felt her legs clamp together, her knees rubbing against themselves as a thought struck her, 'His hand feels so close to my…special…place. I know he must have worked really hard to put this party together, but I just wish everyone would leave so I can finally see him naked.'
The Professor felt his lover's body shiver, noticing the way she stood beside him. He leaned his face down to her ear and whispered, "Soon ma cherie, once the party is over, I will make you mine. For now, keep yourself calm, ok? You're beginning to make me feel all hot and bothered with your shivering."
She looked to him, her emerald eyes filled with lust and understanding as she whispered back, "Ok, I promise to calm down. As long as you do the same too."
He chuckled at her, placing a quick sweet kiss on her cheek, whispering, "I will try my very best, mon amour."
As the party went on well into the evening, Serena felt so happy, she thought she would float away. But thankfully she had the best tether she could ever ask for as he kept her glued to his hip, smiling down to her every chance he got. She felt so loved by him, she can't think of anywhere else she wanted to be at that moment.
"Augustine! When will you let your girlfriend enjoy herself with her friends?!" said Diantha, pouting at her friend as Lysandre laughed heartily; his hand seemed to be glued to the small of her back.
Serena watched the couple, wondering if they knew that Siebold was in the same room with them, as they had been flirting with each other all evening. She stole a look at Siebold next, curious about his feelings on the matter as she noticed that he was in a heated conversation with Drasna and Malva. 'He doesn't even seem to care that his girlfriend is letting another man touch her. Did she break up with him earlier? I need to ask Diantha directly,' she thought as she wound her hand around the Professor's; pulling him off of her hip. He watched her curiously, wondering if she was tired of him already as she noticed his dejected face look to her sadly. "Don't look at me like that!" she said, side stepping away from him while folding her arms across her chest. "Diantha has a point, you know. You took the time to invite my friends here, yet you won't let me go to see them," she continued, as she turned her nose up to him. She noticed that he was beginning to feel hurt as she smiled to him playfully.
He saw her smile, flashing her a playful smile back while grabbing her right hand in both of his. "You're right ma cherie. Je suis desole, ma petite chou. Please forgive me for wanting to keep you all to myself. I just can't help myself anymore, you're finally at the proper age, and my hands have been waiting so long to hold you," he said, bringing her hand up to his lips, kissing her gently. He flashed her a lustful look, causing her to blush profusely.
She brought her left hand up to her face coyly as she said, "I forgive you Augustine. May I please go and see my friends now?"
"Oui, you may. I will be here waiting for your return," he said, letting her hand fall back to her side. She smiled to him appreciatively, as she stepped beside Diantha. "Lysandre, may I steal Diantha away for a moment?" she asked the older man as he regarded her for a moment.
"What would you like to do with ma belle Reine, petite Princesse?" he asked, winking suggestively to her; uncaring of the Professor's presence at his side.
Serena's face flared up at his suggestive question, realising what he was insinuating. She stomped her foot on the floor before she said, "I don't want to do anything with her! I just want to talk to her! Geez Lysandre, you need to get your head out of he gutter every now and then you know!"
The Professor and Diantha burst out laughing at her comment as Diantha said, "She's got a point Lys!" Diantha grabbed hold of Serena's right hand, still laughing at him while saying, "Come Serena! I'm sure you have some questions for me, non?" She smiled down to her younger female friend as she led them away from the two men to a less prying spot in the room. Serena looked back at them, noticing Lysandre glare at the Professor who looked to his friend, his hands up in the air apologetically as he tried to stop himself from laughing.
"I know what you want to ask me," Diantha said, as they settled themselves in front of one of the Professor's bookshelves, as the woman regarded her young friend thoughtfully. "Yes, Siebold and I broke up just before you got here. It was a long time coming anyway, so it wasn't ENTIRELY due to Lysandre being back in my life," she said, taking a sip of her champagne she had grabbed from the refreshment table nearby.
"What do you mean by that? I thought you guys were a real power couple lately?" Serena asked, deciding that it was finally time for her to take up drinking as she grabbed a glass of red wine. She took a sip from it, grimacing at the taste for a moment before taking another absentminded sip.
"I admit that at the beginning of our relationship it was pretty spicy. But I knew after a couple weeks in, where his heart truly lies, and it's not with me," Diantha said, taking another sip of her champagne while watching the teenager before her take another sip of her own from what Diantha guessed was her first real alcoholic drink.
"Ok then, but what do you mean? He wasn't in love with you?" Serena asked, as she held her glass up to her lips as Diantha shook her head simply. "Not once?!" she asked as Diantha continued to shake her head as the only means of communicating to the incredulous looking red head. "Wow…So then, who does he love?" Serena asked incredulously, draining the last of her wine before setting the glass down on the table.
Diantha drained her champagne also, handing the glass to Serena to place next to her empty one before saying, "The water gym leader from the Hoenn region. I think his name is Wallace."
Serena looked up to Diantha as a thought occurred to her. "OH! Is that the blue haired guy Siebold has posters of in his personal room back at the League?" she asked as Diantha raised an eyebrow to her friend.
"And you know what his room looks like how?" she asked, throwing the girl a sideways glance before picking up another glass of champagne.
Serena threw up her hands in front of her face defensively before saying, "It's not like that! He asked me to come get you once when you got too drunk to walk. I guess you wouldn't remember that though, you were pretty wasted that night." She looked at the new glass of champagne in Diantha's hands as Diantha's face flushed up.
Diantha cleared her throat before saying, "Well yes I guess you're right about that. And yes, that's the guy. I didn't know Siebold was into guys before. I always thought he like women, and I guess he thought that too."
"Maybe he likes both?" Serena asked as she cautiously watched her friend drink up her champagne with gusto before settling down yet another empty glass on the refreshment table.
"Hmm, maybe he does. I mean, well he is pretty good in bed. So we can rule out the thought of him being COMPLETELY gay then? Hmmm I never thought he'd be bisexual," Diantha said, placing a thoughtful finger up to her chin while Serena's gaze drifted over to Siebold for a moment in thought. Serena suddenly felt like she was being watched as she looked around the room and noticed the Professor staring at her. There was a small hint of annoyance in his eyes as watched her from across the room. She smiled weakly to him mouthing the words 'just girl talk, don't be so jealous', causing his eyes to widen and his face to flush up. Her smile strengthened as his sudden look of embarrassment, making her giggle lightly at his expression while Diantha smiled happily to her.
"He really does love you, you know," she said, gesturing to the Professor, smiling happily to her female friend.
Serena blushed at her words, while debating on grabbing another glass of wine to hide herself from his gaze but decided against it; she didn't want to get too addicted to the drink so early in the night. She looked up at Diantha, eyes wide and glistening before asking, "I know, but did he ever ask you for advice?"
"Yes he did, a lot actually. I just hope that my days of giving advice will be split up evenly now that Lysandre is back in Augustine's life. Some times his questions were a bit too much for me to handle," she replied, shaking her head exasperatedly.
As the evening wore on, Serena's need to feel his natural body against hers intensified. After her girl talk with Diantha, the two of them walked back to their lovers, both of them giggling at being scooped up by their strong men. The four of them spent most of the night talking to pretty much everyone else in the room, as though they were the most popular clique around. Every now and then Serena would tear her gaze away from the group to look at her mother; worrying about her at every chance she got. But much to her surprise, her mother didn't seem to be bothered by the previous night's events; realizing that her boyfriend captured and betrayed her. Serena smiled at her mother, whom had been scooped up by the Snowbelle City gym leader, Wulfric. And it wasn't long after Serena took notice of her mother's new beau when the very same couple joined Serena and the others; Wulfric's hand still glued to Grace's hip.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but -" Grace began but was stopped short by her daughter.
"Its ok mom, I know you're going to duck out for the evening right?" she said, nodding thoughtfully to her mother whom blushed profusely to her daughter; nodding back bashfully. Serena smiled warmly at her mother, scooping her into a warm thoughtful hug before saying, "I'm glad you're happy mom. Now go on then! Have some fun! OH and Wulfric!" she said, turning her attention to the gym leader as he removed his hand from Grace's hip. He folded his arms across his chest before asking, "Yes, former Champion?" Serena regarded the man for a moment, pulling out of her hug with her mother before saying, "Take good care of my mom, ok? She's very important to me, and I don't want to loose her again." Wulfric smiled at the teenager before placing his hand back on Grace's hip while saying, "I promise to never harm your mother. She is in good, safe hands with me. Happy birthday young one, I hope you enjoy your evening." "Oh she will," Grace said, winking to Serena and the Professor suggestively. Serena flashed a dangerous look to her mother before her mother and the gym leader walked away from the group of beautiful couples, heading off to the elevator.
Two hours after her mother left the lab with Wulfric, Serena and everyone else decided it was time to open her presents. She received quite a bit of gifts, all ranging between the most useful for training to one embarrassing, and rather private gift from Drasna. Serena's mouth hung open, her eyes bulging out of her head as she held an open box from the much older woman; completely horrified at its contents. Lysandre, Malva, Viola and Grant lost their footings from their chairs, rolling around on the floor laughing at the stack of dirty magazines in the box; all of which seemed to feature handsome men barely wearing lab coats. The Professor cleared his throat while hiding his face behind Serena's back; trying to hold back his own embarrassed laughter.
"Drasna! She doesn't need these! She has the real thing now!" Diantha said angrily as Siebold, Ramos and Olympia all stifled back the want to join the other four adults in their laughter. The younger generation of trainers and gym leaders looked just as horrified as Serena did at that moment. Wilkistrom placed a hand on Drasna's back, shaking his head exasperatedly while saying to his friends, "That's what I told her but I guess she didn't listen to me." "Well I just figured she'd need them anyway, you know on the nights when she'd be alone while he works himself to death on his research. Everyone gets lonely from time to time, this is just a way to bridge the gap between loneliness and closeness," Drasna said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders just the same.
Serena tore down her embarrassed façade as she began to chuckle warmly to Drasna. "Thank you Drasna! You're always so thoughtful, I'm just glad my mom isn't here right now," she said, placing the box on the floor at her feet before standing up from her chair. She walked over to Drasna, bending down to hug the woman whom smiled happily to her younger friend while saying, "You're very welcome! Just don't forget that those are a 'temporary' means of relief. Don't make your real Professor feel neglected, or I'll have to take those magazines back if that happens." She flashed a smile to the Professor, who's face continued to glow while he let out a small chuckle. Serena pulled away from Drasna, returning to her seat next to her beloved Professor, as he stood up from his chair suddenly.
"That was a very 'thoughtful' gift Drasna, very thoughtful indeed. But now its my turn to give my gift," he said to the older woman before turning his attention squarely to Serena. He knelt down in front of her, pushing the box away, while a quiet hush filled the room. He fished around inside one of his lab coat's large pockets for his gift; blocking out everyone else's reactions to focus on his lover sitting before him. He pulled out a small black box, holding it in his hands for a moment while thinking of the next thing he wanted to say. He grabbed hold of her right hand, kissing the top of it before saying, "Serena, ma belle petite chou. J'aime toi beaucoup, and there isn't a day that goes by when you're not on my mind. This isn't a marriage proposal mind you, but more of a commitment proposal." He opened the box to her, revealing its contents to her brightly lit green eyes.
Inside the box sat a sliver banded ring, housing a big pearl in the middle with two heart scales symbolically wrapped around it. "I promise to always be yours Serena. What I want to know is, will you not only feel the same way I do for you, but also promise to be my one and only lover until the end of time?" he asked, smiling warmly to her, noticing her tearing up at his words. He fought back his own tears as he felt her hand squeeze his. "Oh Augustine, of course! I…I promise to always be yours, no matter what happens my heart will always belong to you," she said, her tears falling freely from her eyes as he let one of his go too. He took the ring out of the box, his hands shaking lightly as he slid the ring onto the second to last finger on her right hand.
There was a loud whoop of happiness that rang out around them, as they remembered that they weren't alone. He snapped the box closed, placing it back inside his pocket before standing up in front of her; still holding her hand. He pulled her to stand in front of him as everyone cheered out, "KISS! KISS! KISS!". He scooped her up into his arms, and at everyone's urgent cheering, kissed her as deeply and affectionately as he could without going too far overboard. She reached up behind his head, lacing her fingers through his hair as she too tried to keep herself from taking things too far while her friends continued to cheer them on. They pulled away from each other, staring lustfully into their eyes as Lysandre cleared his throat. "Ahem! Would you two like your 'alone time' now?" he said, in an attempt to bring them back to reality.
A little while after Serena finished opening her presents, saving the gift from Sophie for last as she nearly forgot about it. Inside the gift from her very pregnant friend, who must have been too tired to come to the party, sat a charm necklace shaped like a Pokeball. Engraved on the back of it was the date in which she started her journey and the date she became the Kalos League Champion. 'I wonder, how did she remember the dates of these moments? Its only been two years but it feels like so much has gone by. I need to thank her for this next time I see her,' she thought as she pulled the necklace out of the box and showed it off. The Professor helped her put the necklace on her neck, holding her hair out of the way while she clasped it together behind her head.
The Professor fought off the sudden urge to kiss her neck as he felt the eyes of his friends on him. He looked over to Lysandre and Diantha, smiling weakly to them as he knew they were keeping a close eye on him whenever he came close to Serena's weak areas. Lysandre smiled happily to his friend, holding up his thumbs proudly, while Diantha glared at him as if saying, 'wait for us to leave first, you horny bastard'. He smiled weakly to her too, as he felt his lover's gaze on him. He looked down to Serena, his weak smile turning to a warm one before he planted a sweet kiss on her cheek. "Everything ok?" she asked, shivering as his lips lingered dangerously close to her lips for a moment. Before he could reply to her, Phil the Photoguy walked up to them and quickly flashed his camera at them; capturing the sweet moment in an instant.
As the clock on the wall of the lab chimed out a tune to signify the time being nine o'clock, Serena felt very surprised that it had gotten so late. One by one each of her friends left the lab, some bloated from the snacks and cake, while others left feeling a bit tipsy from too much to drink. After Shauna and Calem left together, with Shauna tethered to Calem's hip for support, Lysandre and Diantha decided it was time for them to take their leave too. While Lysandre and the Professor hugged each other as if they were brothers, Diantha hugged Serena too. "Make sure he wears a condom tonight, ok? Promise me, oui?" she said to Serena's ear, causing the girl to blush suddenly. "Y…yeah…I will…I promise he will," Serena managed to say back shakily as Diantha pulled away from her to allow Lysandre his turn to hug the birthday girl.
"Happy birthday kiddo! Or should I say, soon to be woman," he said, flashing the couple a smile before pulling her in for a friendly hug. At first she felt as if she could have been sick at hugging such a perverted man, before she heard his voice in her ear. "I'm glad you two are together now. I was worried about him for a while, you know before I went crazy and tried to kill everyone. But now I don't need to worry. Thank you for being his lover and for saving me so that I could be reunited with him once more. I didn't think I'd miss him or Diantha this much," he said, as she felt a tear fall from his face and trail down her neck.
As he pulled away from her, she brought her hand up to his face, brushing the tear away while saying happily, "Thank you for your kind words Lysandre. I'm glad to have helped you reunite with your friends. Just don't do that again, ok?" He chuckled at her as he took her hand in his and kissed the top of it softly. "I promise I won't," he said, letting her hand fall back to her side. She cocked her head to the side while saying, "Now go and give Diantha the proper 'reunion' she deserves, oui?" Lysandre chuckled loudly as Diantha and the Professor over heard her comment and looked to her shockingly. "Oh don't worry, I plan to," he said between chuckling while winking to Serena mischievously before flashing the same look over to Diantha.
Soon after Lysandre and Diantha left the lab, being the final couple to do so, the Professor scooped Serena up into his arms from behind her. "You and Lysandre seemed to be really close for a while there. I thought I didn't need to worry about him touching you," he said huskily to her ear, nibbling at her earlobe playfully. He licked at the back of her ear before planting sweet kisses down her neck, causing her to shiver at his touch. His hands cupped her hips, as she felt her body rock against his of its own accord.
"You…don't have to worry…about him…I…I only care…about him…as a friend…please…don't be jealous…mmm," she said as she felt his tongue roll up to the corner of her mouth. She darted out her tongue to meet with his as she turned her head to face him, pulling his tongue inside her mouth. His hands ran burning trails over her body, running up and down the slope of her waist stopping every now and then on the swell of her breasts. Their mouths crushed against each other, pulling away every so often so they can breathe; their tongues slapping against each other all the while.
"Mmm, oh Serena. Come with me to my loft. I want to make you mine right now," he said as his hands wound themselves underneath her skirt. His right hand was the first to plunge itself inside her panties, with his left hand in quick pursuit. She moaned languidly as she arched her back into his body, her right hand groping her breasts while her left hand gravitated up to the back of his head; her fingers lacing around his hair.
She turned around to face him, pulling his hands out of her panties while saying, "I know you want to make my first time to be a special one, but I…I don't want you to be gentle with me." He looked down to her, his face as red as hers while his hands held her close to him at the small of her back. "Are you sure mon amour?" he asked, his eyes boring into hers before he lowered his forehead down to hers. "Yes, please Augustine. We've waited for this moment for so long, please make love to me the way you want to. Don't worry about me, I love you so much. My body, heart and soul are yours, so please don't hold back," she said huskily. She kissed him sweetly, her tongue slowly edging itself inside his mouth, a low growl rolling up his throat.
He laced his right hand around her left, leading her over to the bookshelf at the far side of the room; their kissing continuing on without stopping. Using his free left hand he pulled out a book marked, 'Mega Evolution, Mega Stones and You' causing the shelving unit to move out of the way to reveal a large side room, Serena guessed to be his loft. She pulled away from his lips for a moment to gape at the secret room before saying, "So you and Lysandre really like secret passageways huh?" He chuckled lightly as he placed the book on the top of the shelf. "Great minds think alike I guess," he said as he held out his left hand, gesturing her to step inside.
She had but a moment to take in the look of his loft, which had a single wall dividing the room in half, a side door near the entrance of the room leading to the bathroom. As she turned to face her lover, her face still beet red from their quick moment in the opposite room, she noticed he was taking his lab coat off and hanging it onto a nearby coat hook. 'Wow, he looks so good in anything he wears. I can't wait to see him naked,' she thought as he pulled his tie off his neck. He noticed her staring at him from across the room as he thought, 'She's undressing me with her eyes isn't she? I wonder if she'll undress me properly.'
Just then Serena sauntered over to her lover, reaching up to the buttons on his vest, she slowly undressed him just as he wanted. After the last button on his vest came undone, she reached her hands up underneath it and pushed it off his shoulders; leaving it in a heap on the floor. She kept her eyes averted from his face while she began to unbutton his shirt; embarrassment etched on every inch of her face. He watched her fumble with the buttons on his shirt as he said, "Serena, I don't know if I want to make you mine when you won't even look at me." He cupped her face in both of his hands, forcing her to look up at him; surprise and embarrassment practically screaming at him. He smiled warmly to her as he said, "There you are ma petite chou. Please don't be so embarrassed, I know you said that you want me to make you mine in my own way. But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her to his chest as she kept her hands up to the buttons on his shirt.
Serena looked up to the Professor, her fingers fiddling with the last button on his shirt while saying, "Augustine, I'm sorry. I know that this is my first time, but I don't want it to be the typical, soft and endearing way. Especially when I'm going to share it with the love of my life." She pulled his shirt out of his pants, her fingers playing with the loop of his belt. He bit his bottom lip, silently praying that she would just rip off the rest of his clothes so he can get to work on her outfit next.
"Oh Serena, I can't take this anymore. I know I should do the right thing but zut j'ai besoin de vous en ce moment!" he said, picking her up roughly while crushing his lips to hers desperately. She wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him with everything she had as she felt her body melt against his. Her hands wound themselves in his thick black hair, as he carried her across the room. She felt her back slam against the wall that divided his living space with his bedroom. He kept his left arm underneath her buttocks as he brought his up to her left hand behind his head. He pulled her hand free of his hair, pinning it against the wall above her head as he asked, "Are you sure you want this? To be pinned and taken advantage of for you first time?" He bucked his hips into hers, causing her to moan out, "Yes please Augustine! Take me with everything you've got!"
He felt her warmth radiating out from inside her skirt as he let out a low growl right before bringing his head up to her neck. She moaned out a lustful squeak as he began to bite, suck and lick at her neck, feeling her body crave more of him while her mind damned her choice in dress for the evening. He cursed it too as he desperately wanted to see her breasts again, to touch them and suck on them. The thought of doing just that made his member hard as a rock inside his pants as he peeled her away from the wall and carried her inside his bedroom.
He threw her onto the bed, her back landing on his soft duvet as he frantically kicked his shoes off. He knelt in front of her, as she sat on the edge of the bed ready to take her boots off, he beat her too it; unzipping them quickly while pulling them off and tossing them across the room nonchalantly. He kissed up her legs, resting his head against her inner thigh while panting heavily. "I've always liked seeing you wearing these. But lets see what you look like without them on, oui?" he asked as she simply nodded to him; her eyes filled to the brim of lustful anticipation. He reached up to her waist underneath her skirt, tugging at the hem of her tights as she lifted herself off of the bed a little bit so he could slip them off of her finally.
Throwing her tights across the room to join her boots while he began to slowly kiss and lick his way back up to her inner thigh. She bit her bottom lip as he edged closer to her most sensitive areas, her hands languidly playing with his hair while the rest of her body waited in anticipation for what was about to come next. She felt his fingers pull her panties away from her as sudden feeling of embarrassment flooded to her mind. But before she could hide herself from him, she felt a jolt of pleasure surge throughout her body suddenly. She looked down for a moment before she was taken away by the pleasurable sight of the Professor licking at her most private area.
"Ohhhhh Au…Augustine…mmm," she managed to say before throwing her head back onto the bed. 'He's…he's really eating me out! This is SO much better than I've ever dreamt it would be! His…his tongue…it's amazing!', she thought as she brought her left hand up, balling it into a fist before she bit down on it lustfully.
"How does this feel Serena?" he asked, stopping to take a breath while waiting for response; flashing her a wicked smile.
She managed to look down at him, still holding her balled up fist in her mouth as she replied, "Oh Augustine, it feels SO good! Your tongue is amazing! Please, don't stop!"
He flashed her a wicked smile, licking his lips clean of her juices as he climbed on top of her. "And who are you to make demands after you've given your lover free control over what ever he wants to do with you?" he asked as he propped himself up on his left hand while his right hand made quick work of pulling her hair out of her ponytail without hurting her. She looked up into his lustful eyes, while thinking, 'This must be what he's really like when he's really turned on. I hope he's ALWAYS like this from now on.' He crushed his lips to hers, not wanting to play around anymore as his right hand found the zipper of her dress. Unzipping it quickly, while pulling it off of her body desperately he let out a growl at the sight he'd been craving for all night.
"Oh Serena! Tu es incroyable!" he said as his hands darted behind her back to unhook her bra next. As her breasts bounced out to greet him he knew he was pushing himself over his limits of self-control.
"Aren't your pants too tight for you now?" she asked seductively, laying exposed to him. Her skin was glowing a brilliantly bright shade of pink while the chilly night air cascaded across her body from the nearby open window. She looked to him, her eyes searching his, expectancy and lust piercing through him for a moment before he smiled warmly to her.
"I don't think I can keep up this act," he said as he leaned down on top of her once more. He cupped the back of her head in his left hand as he eased her back down on top of the bed. "I can't keep on being so rough with you, Serena. I know you want me to, but you're too precious to me. I hope you understand what I am saying, I do not wish to disappoint you," he said, his eyes searching hers for acceptance.
She smiled warmly to him, her eyes showing the acceptance he wanted to see as she said, "I'm sorry too for asking you to do something you don't want to do. I just want to be yours Augustine. I've spent so many nights pleasuring myself to the thought of you. From your sweet smile, to the way you scrunch up your nose when you're examining my Pokedex. I love everything about you, and every night until right now I've been craving you to take me. Make me yours for all eternity, Augustine." She reached over to his free hand and placed it on her body. "My body is yours," she said, running his hand slowly across her chest, down her stomach and back up to her left breast. "My heart is yours," she said, holding his hand against her breast as her heart beat back against it. "And my soul is yours too," she said, bringing his hand away from her breast to the spot on her chest between her breasts; squeezing his hand all the while. "Please Augustine, I want you to make me yours tonight. You've already marked me, now I invite you to claim what is rightfully yours. I've never wanted anyone else this badly before I met you," she said, letting go of his hand in order to cup his face gently.
"Serena, ma belle petite chou, it warms my heart to hear you say that. I promise from now until the end of time that I will belong only to you," he said, planting a sweet kiss on the hand cupping his face as he cursed how constricted his pants were becoming on him. He reached a hand down to unbuckle his belt only to find both of Serena's hands there, already pulling his belt free while also unbuttoning the top button on his pants. As she unzipped his zipper, her hand brushed lightly against his throbbing manhood, causing him to shiver at her touch. 'She's touched me there before, but this time, it's much more than just relieving stress. This is about love and the love I have for her right now is so strong. I don't want this evening to end. I want to feel this way forever,' he thought as she pulled her hands away from him, smiling warmly to him as his pants hung open loosely against his waist.
"I don't want this moment to end, Augustine," she said, mirroring his thoughts perfectly making him think she could read his mind. "But I want you so badly right now. Please, Augustine. I can't take waiting any longer," she said as tears formed in her eyes.
He rubbed her face gently, causing a tear to fall from its prison as he said, "Please don't cry ma cherie. Tears don't suit your beautiful face." He rubbed the tear off of her cheek with his thumb before sitting up on the bed, drinking in his fill of her body for one last time. He stood up next to the bed, slipping out of his pants and boxers while keeping his back to her as he said, "This is the first time in a while that any woman has ever seen me naked." He pulled his shirt off next, letting it cascade down to the floor to join his pants and boxers. Before he could turn to face his lover, he felt soft hands slowly work their way up his back. He felt his lover's soft, supple body press against him as she rested her cheek against his bare skin.
"I'm so happy right now. I've waited so long to see you like this," she said, wrapping her arms around his middle in a tight and loving hug.
"I'm not disappointing you am I?" he asked, his hands grasping onto hers as he enjoyed their loving embrace.
"You're perfect Augustine. You're exactly how I thought you'd be," she said, dipping her hands down further to his fully erect member. She grasped it firmly in her hand, feeling his body shiver against hers at her touch. She began to stroke him absentmindedly while planting kisses across his back. She peeled herself away from him, much to his disappointment, laying down on the bed seductively.
He turned around to face her, his face flushing up at the sight of her laying on his bed as he noticed that she was still wearing her panties. "Allow me to help you with those," he said, laying on top of her, his body towering over her for a moment before he began to kiss her sweetly. He started at her lips, slowly working his way down her front, nipping and sucking on her breasts as he went. His hands slipped inside her panties, gripping the waistband he slowly pulled them off of her, lowering his body down to her special place until the panties finally slipped off of her body.
He kissed around her inner thigh, his hands holding her legs apart as he slowly lowered his lips back down to her inner most region. He flashed her a quick look, noticing her lustful gaze on him, the want in her eyes was so strong he thought about going down on her again. But instead he planted a playfully sweet kiss on the lips of her vagina, his tongue quickly darting out to lick playfully at her clit. He slipped his hands down her legs, resting on the bed around her waist as he moved himself to tower over her once more.
She flashed him an annoyed look but before she could say anything in protest, he crushed his lips to hers. She tasted something salty on his tongue, realising that what she was tasting was herself. Her eyes rolled in her head, as her body shivered at the feeling of his throbbing manhood against her entrance; practically begging to her to let him in. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he pulled away from kissing her. He looked in her eyes, smiling warmly to her before saying, "Je t'aime beaucoup Serena. I'm going to enter you now. Please, let me know if I hurt you. I don't ever want to hurt you," he said as she nodded simply.
Slowly he pushed himself inside her, inch by inch he slipped inside her entrance before completely bottoming out. She arched her back up toward his body, making him slip back out while asking, "I'm sorry! Does it hurt? I'll stop if it hurts you too much." "Augustine, please don't stop. It hurts a little bit but I can take it. Keep going, Augustine. But I want you to make love to me without it feeling like it's a chore. I love you so much Augustine, please give me everything you've got ok?" she said, holding his face in both of her hands. "Oui, ma cherie," he said as he pushed inside her again. He rested his forehead on hers, his eyes boring into hers before she entwined her hands behind his head and pushed him down to kiss her.
He pulled away from her lips, moving his head so that it rested in the crook of her neck while he continued to thrust inside her. She gripped his shoulders tightly, digging her finger nails into his flesh as each thrust sent her to a new world of pleasure. 'I'm finally having sex with Augustine. I can't believe some woman thought he was terrible at it. I feel so happy right now, I don't want him to stop! He feels so amazing!' she thought as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His thrusting became erratic as he felt her legs clamp down around his waist.
"Oh Serena! I…I…I'm going to…" he said, as he felt his release building up inside him. 'I don't want to finish so soon. But she feels so amazingly tight! I can't hold back anymore!' he thought as he tried to slow himself down. "Please Augustine! I'm so close too! Let's cum together!" she said in his ear, her breathing becoming just as erratic as his thrusting. He looked at her, smiling happily at her embarrassed face at her admittance as he said, "Serena, you're so beautiful. And so tight around me! Let's finish together as you suggest we should. Je t'aime Serena," he said, kissing her sweetly for the last time.
As they pulled their lips apart she said, "Je t'aime toi aussi Augustine," she managed to say back to him as he began to thrust harder inside her. "Oh Augustine! Oui, comme ca! OHHHH!" she said, as she felt her orgasm hit her suddenly. He pushed harder inside her as he felt his release hit him while he exclaimed out, "OH SERENA! J'AIME TOI!" He thrust one last, long motion inside her as he felt his release spill out inside her. He slowly pulled out of her, keeping his body towering over her as she unwrapped her legs from around his waist. She pulled her hands away from his neck as she laid out on the bed, her body flushed and sweaty from their love making. He laid down next to her, trying to regain his breath as she rolled to her side to face him. She stroked his face lovingly, smiling happily to him as she said, "That was amazing Augustine."
"Yes it was, Serena. But are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked, opening his eyes to see her smiling face, planting a warm smile to his face all the same.
"You could never hurt me Augustine. I love you so much. Let's be together forever," she said, before slowly falling asleep next to him.
His smile turned even warmer at the sight of her sleeping face as reached down to the bottom of the bed to pull the covers over them. He hooked an arm around her sleeping body, pulling her closer to him while also planting a sweet kiss on her forehead. "I love you too Serena. Let's do just that, be together forever. I promise to never let you go," he said to her sleeping form, stroking her head softly. "I…promise…to love…you…for…forever…" she said sleepily to his chest before completely falling asleep in his arms. He closed his eyes, with a smile on his face as he fell asleep with the woman he's been waiting for all his life, holding her tightly in his arms as two years of waiting finally came to pass.