Author's Notes: This story features light bondage, dominance and voluntary submission. If your idea of BDSM comes from 50 Shades of Gray or the works of Ann Rampling, you're in for a surprise.

WARNING: The Dominant and Submissive relationship depicted is of the 'marshmallow' variety. While such does indeed exist and can be very beautiful, it is not typical of what you will find. The heroine of this story is particularly gifted in reading people and has the protection of a goddess. You do not. Do NOT go off with a Dom/me who has not yet proven their trustworthiness. Do NOT allow anyone to practice bondage with you until they have proven their trustworthiness. "Playing" in the D/s world without following sensible safe behaviors is inviting disaster. Be careful out there!

... ...

Kat was bored, damn it. Yet another mind-numbing date from hell with yet another rising star of the corporate world. Her friends meant well, they really did. They simply did not understand that aggressive in the boardroom usually did NOT equate with dominance in the bedroom; in fact, most times it was exactly the opposite. She'd said good night before the dessert course and flagged down a cab to take her back to the condo she'd inherited from her mentor.

Located at the north end of Las Vegas Boulevard, past the airport; her condo was just down the street from the South Point Casino. It was convenient for quick meals, had some lovely restaurants and, oh; Miguel's Tequila Bar. Yes, she could really use a margarita about now, and it was still happy hour. Two dollars for a margarita on the rocks with extra lime wedges and no salt, assuming she had to pay for it at all. The bartender was a close friend who loved to stare into her natural cleavage and would load her drink with more than the usual helping of tequila. If tips were good that night, he'd even pay her tab; sounded divine.

She directed the cabby to her new destination, paid the fare, leaning in his window as an extra "tip". The man was grinning ear to ear as he drove off. After making her way to the elevator, she looked out across the casino floor with a sigh. Lots of locals and a few cowboys, as usual; oh well, she wasn't there to find a bed partner. She'd had enough disappointment in that area this week.

Emerging, Kat was happy to note that her favorite table, tucked away in the back, was unoccupied. She stopped by the bar and smiled at Rico. He gave her outfit an appreciate whistle and asked: "The usual?"

"Of course," she replied with a wink and retreated to her table, being sure to give her generous hips an extra wiggle for his benefit. He arrived with her margarita in record time.

"Ah, mi amiga, one of these days you are going to stop my heart with that sweet ass," he murmured quietly enough so that only she would hear.

"Hmm, and here I thought it was my tits that made your day," she whispered back and laughed at his groan. "Easy, stud; Gwen is my best friend, and you know she doesn't like to share."

"You are an evil woman, Kat," he said with a grin as he headed back to the bar.

Their ongoing flirtation was harmless. She knew very well that he would never give Gwen cause to doubt his love. More importantly, so did Gwen. Speaking of the devil, Kat pulled out her phone and dialed her bestie. Pouting as the voicemail picked up, she said, "Gwen, I swear. If you fix me up with one more boardroom dud, I'm going to have to shanghai Rico. Love you, babe!"

Tucking the phone away in her clutch, she sipped her potent drink and settled back for some people watching. The usual mix of tourists and locals didn't spark any interest and she sighed as she stirred her drink. Where were the real men? Men who knew what they wanted when it came to women, and when they found a willing one, knew they could and did take it. There was no such man on earth, or so it was starting to seem. She sighed again.

A stir in the crowd caught her attention. Several of the underdressed and overly made up girls on the make began to gravitate to the staircase. Kat scooted her chair a bit back for a clear view past the end of the bar. A man stopped at the top of the stairs and looked around regally…and that was no joke. He seriously looked as though he was surveying his domain; interesting. He was wearing elegant evening wear in a European style. The suit was black, his shirt snow white, the tie a dark green that matched her openwork crocheted over-tunic. He also wore a scarf in green and gold that would have looked effeminate on a less aggressive personality. Her lips curved up. Oh, yes. He was personality plus; the little sluts knew it and were overwhelmed, yet still drawn to him like moths to flame. She choked back a laugh.

He was tall and lean; his features were a little too sharp, his forehead a little too high and his mouth a bit too thin for him to be considered classically handsome, but damn, he was hot. She pursed her lips, considering. The way he wore his hair slicked straight back probably made his look a bit harsher than it would be if he wore it more naturally. He was smiling politely at the assortment of bimbos, and just as politely, moving past them without giving any one of them direct attention. Kat glanced around, wondering if she could pick out who he was there to meet, but she didn't see any women that could possibly match him in elegance. A lone wolf? He'd stopped to speak to several young men and she frowned. Gay? Damn, what a freaking waste of hot man-flesh. Oh well, she had her drink to enjoy.

The man laughed at something one of the others said and she sighed. It was a bold, sexy laugh. Oy. Shaking her head, she picked up her margarita and took a good, long pull on the straw. She was going to need the hit of the tequila to deal with the thought of not being the right gender to have a chance at all of that raw sex appeal. Swallowing contentedly as the burn of alcohol began to slide down her throat; she replaced the glass on the table and plucked one of the lime wedges from its edge.

… …

Loki laughed easily at the joke one of the young men had made about the bevy of trollops that had gathered at his entrance. Looking the seated group over he guessed that they'd 'struck out', as they say, with all of the females. Ah, they were young; they had no idea what a ridiculous waste of time such strumpets were. A movement off to the side caught his attention. A slightly older woman, wearing a daring outfit for one so generously endowed, had her lips tight around the straw of her drink and was sucking up a prodigious amount of the beverage. Those lips, once she released the straw, proved to grace a mouth that was small and naturally pouty, in the shape the mortals called a 'cupid's bow'. After setting the glass down, she took a wedge of fruit from its edge and tilted her head back and took the flesh of it between her teeth, sucking on it. He stared in fascination for a moment then stepped back behind a pillar to watch her with far more discretion.

She was dressed in a short tunic of some openwork material. He smiled as he realized it was his signature shade of green. A gold collar-like necklace adorned her slender throat. Beneath the tunic she wore a very visible corset. He couldn't see much of the lower half of her body, but short boots with modest heels encased her feet. Her reddish curls were abundant and gleamed under the light. He could imagine fisting his hands in them while…doing many delicious things to her. While the woman was a bit rounder than he usually preferred, there was something so overtly sensual about her that it mattered little. He wanted her and he would have her.

… …

Kat let the buzz of alcohol spread through her. While she'd not yet had enough to even be tipsy, it was still enjoyable. She could work on tipsy later. Too damn bad she had no one to drink with. She caught herself before sighing again. A moment later she felt rather than heard someone approach from behind her. "Good evening," a warm voice said in a sexy accent that wasn't quite British. "Is this seat taken?" She glanced up to see the hot stranger from the other side of the bar. Hmm, he probably wanted to take the chair over to the table of boys.

She shrugged. "Help yourself," she told him, gesturing languidly.

"Oh, I will," he agreed, sitting down after rolling the chair a bit closer to her. She blinked in surprise, recovered and smiled. The night was looking up! His hot gaze was almost burning in its intensity as he looked her over. She shivered as his eyes lingered on her cleavage and then on her hips. "Are you staying here?" he almost purred.

Goddess, that voice was almost enough to make her come right then and there. She shivered again. "Unfortunately no," she managed. Kat hoped he was…she refused to bring a stranger to her home, no matter how tempting he might be.

"Hmm, no matter; I am," he told her with a slow smile. She shivered yet again and felt her heart thudding in her chest. "Are you finished with your drink?" he asked. Kat nodded, her voice failing her. "Good, come along, then," he said, holding out a hand. She took it and stood; he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and then hesitated. "Have you a tab to settle?"

"No, it's…my best friend's husband is the bartender, he paid for me." Kat bit her lip as he looked sharply at Rico who was at the other end of the bar.

The man sighed. "Then I suppose you'll want to say good night." He smiled when she hesitated. "It's all right. You should have someone know where you went and with whom." Kat nodded.

They walked along the length of the bar. Rico looked up, his jaw dropping slightly. "Have a good evening sir," he said respectfully as they passed. She frowned. This man must be some kind of high roller if Rico was being so polite and careful not to make any teasing comments to her. As she glanced back, Rico gave her a 'thumbs up'.

… …

Loki smiled. The hotel had him booked into one of their penthouse suites reserved for their wealthiest guests…which he was. His photograph had been shared with the staff to ensure the proper respect and impeccable service. As he had no intention of harming the woman, it mattered little that the bartender saw her leaving with him. And it might make the woman more…pliable. Though if he was reading her correctly, that was not an issue; she didn't attempt to impress him with idle prattle, another point in her favor. The subtle and expensive perfume she wore was applied lightly, just enough to enhance her natural womanly aroma. Good. He hated it when mortals smelled as though they had bathed in scents, regardless of their costliness. A woman's natural musk should always be discernible. It was part of their attraction, after all. Her face, while enhanced with cosmetics, also benefitted from minimalist taste. Her eyes and lips were highlighted, but it didn't appear that she'd caked coloring on her skin. She did, however, have a tiny stone set into her left nostril. It sparkled in such a way that it had to be a diamond. Her ears were also pierced, each with four diamonds of graduated size, the largest on the lowest part of the lobe; slightly daring, but not overly so. They entered the elevator; he swiped his key card and pressed the button for the penthouse. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her finely arched brows lift. He smiled and stroked the slender hand that was curled on his arm. Her lips quirked and she glanced up at him, still not saying a word. Apparently she knew what she wanted, and was willing to accept it without questioning him. Excellent. Leaving the elevator behind, he guided her to one of the four doors on this exclusive floor. Sliding the keycard once again, he pushed the door open and escorted her inside. He felt her shiver with anticipation.

Once they reached the center of the living area, he took her purse from her hand and tossed it onto the console table that stood against one wall. She watched it, but made no comment. Interesting. He grabbed her jaw with one hand, being careful not to bruise her, and kissed that tempting mouth roughly. She made no attempt to either pull him closer or push him away, but simply allowed him to claim her lips as she moaned in pleasure. Oh yes, he had read her correctly. Releasing her lips, he asked, "Do you have any limits, woman?"

She smiled. "I walk out of here no less healthy than when I walked in. Try not to leave noticeable bruises; I do have a job to go to. I can take it rough, but I'm not into outright pain. Don't destroy my clothes, I like them. I don't do humiliation, scat or urine. If you can't prove a lack of disease, use a condom, and if you're into anal, you'd better use plenty of lube." She hesitated. "My safe word is purple, and if I can't talk I'll either pinch you, or hum jingle bells. Oh, and I may be sexually submissive, but I don't call anyone master, not anyone."

"Demonstrate this 'jingle bells'", he asked. She hummed a few bars of an odd tune. "Got it. That's it?" She nodded. "Done," he told her. "What do you expect from me?"

The woman shrugged. "Pleasure, nothing more and nothing less; but be prepared to work for it. I'm told I'm insatiable."

Loki laughed, delighted. This was going to be amazing fun. "You'll have it." He stalked around her, examining her garb. "Hmm, how does this come off?" he asked, tugging at the dress. She smiled and pulled the hem up. He took it from her and drew it the rest of the way over her head and off of her cooperatively raised arms. Her eyebrow rose, so he folded it neatly and set it on the sofa. The corset was sturdily made; it had to be to support her abundant breasts. It was of a black satin material, accented with gold metal pieces and just barely covered her nipples. From his view over her shoulder, the mauve buds were clearly visible and quite erect. A matching skirt was fastened over it. Finding hooks for that skirt in the back, he removed, folded and placed it with the overdress. She toed off her short boots and was now clad in that fascinating corset, thigh high stockings with a seam down the backs, garters, and a very tiny pair of dark green panties. Very appropriate.

Taking her by her plump upper arm, he led her over to a hassock. Moving both hands to her bared shoulders, he pressed down firmly until she moved to her knees on it then stood before her. He'd judged correctly, she was much too short to have her kneel on the floor. Loki tangled one hand in the woman's dark auburn tresses, tilted her head forward until her nose almost pressed against the zipper of his pleated slacks and ordered: "Attend to me."

The lovely chit actually licked her lips before reaching out to carefully tug down the zipper. The erection he'd found nearly impossible to ignore was revealed. She took it in one delicate hand with a sigh and pulled it free of the material. Her green eyes glittered the way some women's did when they beheld jewelry and he could feel his muscles clench in anticipation. Not wanting to wait a moment more before feeling the heat of that small mouth on his staff he pulled her head forward sharply. "I'm waiting," he growled.

She smiled and her wet pink tongue snaked out to lick a drop of pre-cum from the head of his now straining cock. Loki used every bit of his control to suppress a shudder of pleasure. His hand tightened in her hair as her even white teeth nipped him gently. He was ready to throw her back and finish in her like an immature boy…but no, he had promised her pleasure, and had accepted her challenge of satiating the supposedly insatiable. Hmm, that gave him an idea for later.

… …

Kat moaned at the feel of the silky skin of the large pulsing cock that her hand couldn't quite encircle. His pre-cum was sharply salty, and she shivered thinking about what a full load would feel like shooting down her throat. Stretching her lips, she took the head into her mouth, but found his girth a bit too much for her to take in as deeply as she wanted. Ah, well; better for the main event. She moaned again as she laved the thick blunt head with her tongue and closed her teeth just behind the crown and tugged. His unwilling gasp of pleasure rewarded her effort.

It was her turn to gasp as he pulled out of her mouth, grasped her ass cheeks with the long fingers of his free hand and easily lifted her up. His hard lips plundered hers and she felt his straining staff pressing into the tell-tale wet crotch of her panties as she wondered how he'd managed to heft her weight, which was fairly substantial…with one hand? Yes, the other hand had never relaxed its grip in her hair. Her eyes widened and she moaned as his forceful kiss began to make her burn with need. The hand in her hair finally released it, and he used it to guide her legs around his slim waist. She crossed her ankles behind him and he used that same hand to support her back. The hand cupping her ass slid under her panties. Two fingers were unceremoniously plunged into her dripping core dragging another pleasured moan from her.

The fingers began thrusting urgently and she happily rode them. His tongue was copying the deep penetration in her mouth and she could not contain her whimpers. He pulled his lips from hers and his fingers from her cunt and chuckled as she moaned in disappointment. "It's time for more, my sweet," he murmured and his hand moved to guide his cock to her entrance.

"Condom," she managed, twisting in his grasp.

"Only if I cannot prove I am free of your diseases," he reminded her.

She sniffed. "That's not…"

"Possible? Yes, it is. I cannot have any of your human diseases, mortal. I'm not human and am immune to them."

Kat blinked in surprise. Oh, no. This delicious hunk of man-flesh was loony. How had she not picked up on it? She was a psychic, and a damn good one. "Right, okay. And you are…?" she left the question dangle.

His smirk was mischievous. "Loki of Asgard."