Anna leaned back in her chair and kicked her feet, needing a break from the book she was reading aloud. "Oh, Hans," she muttered, leaning forward and supporting her chin with her fists, staring deeply into the eyes of the statue. "How long are you going to sit there?" Sometimes, she could almost imagine a spark behind those eyes, a hint of brown, but if she blinked it was gone. "It's been a week!"

Anna got up, moving over to the window of the library and peering down. The town was ice skating, as happened most Tuesdays now, with Elsa right in the middle laughing. Kristoff was down there too, somewhere, she could see Sven clumsily sliding on the ice while Olaf did circles around him.

"I don't suppose you want to go out and build a snowman?" Anna poked Han's in the forehead, he didn't budge. "What else can I do?" She pouted and flounced back onto the chair to finish the book.

"Can't catch meeee!" Olaf did a pirouette and then skated off past Sven. The reindeer snorted and chased after, two little kids perched precariously on his back.

"Sven's sure popular," Elsa skated up to Kristoff.

"That's because he's the best reindeer in the world," Kristoff stated proudly. "I wouldn't know what to do without him, he's never let me down".

"At some point you have to trust people, too." Elsa looked at him squarely. "Take my hand".

"Oo-kaay," Kristoff reached out, and Elsa took his hand firmly.

"Stay with me". Her grin was impish as she waved her other hand, and ice began to form in mounds circling the ice rink. When she was done, the ice dipped and rose in a path. Elsa skated with Kristoff in tow to an ice ramp up to the higher level. "Wohoo!" She whooped and began to slide forward, the two climbing up the first hill as if on invisible tracks.

"What is this?" Kristoff barely had time to ask before the two plunged down the first drop. It was only eight feet, but it was exhilirating.

"Don't let go," Elsa grinned and the two picked up speed. Swirls of her ice crystals were still working in the air, forming little ice carts that people could sit inside. Several of the children were quick to explore, and were soon laughing happily as the magic carts slid up and down the ice.

"Wouldn't dream of it", Kristoff stared at the drop off beside him. If they lost their balance -

"Just enjoy it," Elsa turned in towards him, herself skating backwards so she could look at him. "Trust the ice".

He grinned and let himself give in to the rush of the air as they plunged down another dip down. At points, it felt like flying. Kristoff felt a pang in his chest as the two past the castle. Anna was inside, she'd been inside for a week.

He'd visited her a couple times, but she could never spare long, and he could tell a heavy weight was on her mind. He wished she could be outside too with Elsa and him, enjoying Elsa's weekly fake winter that she held in the town square.

"As the moonlight caressed the garden flowers, the two of them kissed, binding their fortune and their futures to each other." Anna shut the book, "The End".

She looked at her icy-fiancee. She had started thinking of him as her fiancee again in the past few days. He had made a commitment to her, even if she certainly planned to have a discussion about that if he woke up. 'When he wakes up', she chided her brain for being negative. "Did you like the book?" Anna asked the air. "Fortune and future", she mused, "That is a strong commitment. For better or for worse, they are tied to each other, as if the other was their own self".

She thought she saw a shimmer of light under the ice for a moment, but then the butler entered carrying a candelabra and she realized it must be the reflections of the flames. Han's remained still.

"Your highness", the butler bowed, "A ship from the Southern Isles has docked. You asked to be informed as soon as they entered port. Do you wish messengers sent?"

"Yes," Anna nodded, "Send them welcome and an invitation to stay at the castle."

"Immediately," The butler left her to her own thoughts.

Anna idly stroked Han's cheek, her most recent way of fidgeting. "I have a plan, I do", she encouraged him. "I just need to find out more about you".

A snatch of melody drifted down from above. "There's that singing again", Anna looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder if it's one of the servants? Do you think so Hans?" She tried to force a laugh, "Oh do stop talking so much Hans, my ears are tired"! She weakly climbed onto the cushions where he was propped up, leaning her head onto his shoulder. "Please wake up. I need you to be here".