A/N: I read something Lisbon suprising Jane and this came to me. Thanks go to NorthernLights94 for being my awesome bèta!

It had been two days since she first saw Jane. They'd solved the case in record time, and while she had enjoyed his presence, she'd been dreading the moment he would set foot in her house. Her fear became a reality that day because her neighbor called saying that she couldn't look after her dog that day; had to leave town on a family emergency. She needed to come right away and pick him up. The real problem was that Jane was with her and with every minute she became antsier. Jane being Jane picked up on it immediately.

"What is it, Lisbon? Don't want me to see your house?"

She let out a small grunt; she hadn't told him why they were going to her house.

"I got a dog and my neighbor takes care of him during the day, but he's still a pup and doesn't do very well in my house all alone."

A surprised grin appeared on his face.

"You got a pup? You?"

"Yes, is that so hard to believe?" She rolled her eyes, she knew this was coming.

"Well, I figured you as more of a cat person. They don't need all the attention and usually dogs don't like you very much."

"You know very well I don't like cats, they always look like they just murdered something."

"Ah, but still you don't like to commit so a cat would be much more convenient than a dog. They would be much more like a colleague you can keep your distance from than someone who, just like a dog, would become you're best friend."

"We're here." Was all she said in reply.

Jane trailed behind her, looking over her shoulder as she opened the door to her little house.

"Come on boy, where are you?"

Jane took a quick look around.

"Looks cozy, a lot better than your apartment back in…" He broke off his sentence when he discovered a golden retriever pup silently destroying a pillow.

"Uhhh Lisbon?!"

Lisbon sprinted towards the dog, pulling at the other side of the pillow.

"Let go boy, come on just let go."

She tried to rescue what was left of the pillow while Jane leaned against the wall very much enjoying the scene before him.

Lisbon sighed and let go of the pillow, her face took a determined authoritative pose, and so did the rest of her body.

"Dammit Jane, let go of the pillow!" The dog instantly let go of the shreds and made an adorable pout. "No, you're cute little tricks won't work on me, now go sit on your own pillow and be ashamed of yourself!" The dog left to settle himself on a brown leather pillow seated beneath a window.

It felt like someone had put lead in her shoes, she would never survive his teasing and he would never let this go. She bravely turned to face him ready for all his teasing comments. Instead she was met with a warm smile.

"I guess you were ready to commit after all."

Any thoughts?