Foxfang: Okay people, new story time!

Kiba: Oh yeah! WHOOP! WHOOP!

Foxfang: I've always sorta just had this one idea in my head, and now I will embrace it with a one-shot!


Foxfang: Yes, as Kiba said, I am writing this about Creepypasta. I made one up, and this is about how she became one of them.

Kiba: Lets get the story started!

Foxfang: Just in case, we don't own Creepypasta.

She was a girl of silver shoulder length hair. She had blue eyes, the color of a sapphire gem. This girl was normal, save for several things. She was a shadow. Unless you were looking right at her, she wasn't the type of girl you'd notice. That was okay with her. She liked being the background. It was safer, and while she wasn't noticed, she noticed. She paid close attention to detail. She would notice querks and habits about you that not even your mother knew. This was untimely her downfall.

She watched, she waited, and she followed. It was a new person everyday. When she ran out of people, she started over. She had done this since first grade. It excited her. The small little details about a person that didn't matter to none but her. She was a few months away from her 16th birthday, but you couldn't tell by her size.

For you see, my dear readers, our shadowy friend was smaller than normal. At her age of 15, she was the size of an average 10-year-old. Her own right hand almost avoided her notice, tracing the scar on her right cheek. This was her own little habit. She remembered how she got it.

She had been about three at the time, toddling around her parent's lab. They were scientists, and preferred to work at home, away from the prying eyes of the public. The little girl had already began to hone her invisibility, so her own parents didn't notice when she passed right in front of them. She did have the curiosity of a three-year-old though, so she reached up to the table and grabbed at anything she could.

While she was doing so, a small scalpel fell, only to slice the tenderness of her cheek. She didn't cry, for she didn't notice. Not even her parents noticed it, for they barely knew of her existence. It wasn't until years later when looking in a mirror, that for the first time, she noticed it.

The memory might be a bit fuzzy, but still in her mind none the less. She traveled home from school, still observing everything that crossed her unseen path. She did her homework, ate, showered, and went to bed. Typical night, right? Wrong. For down in the lab, her parents had met with a breakthrough. They had designed a serum to enhance a person's mental capability.

There was a problem. They needed a test subject. Of course, until they knew it worked, they just couldn't test themselves, oh no. the world needed their brilliance. They bickered back and forth until they reached an agreement. They would test it on their daughter.

They crept up the stairs, and into their only daughter's bedroom. The father removed a syringe from his pocket. He slowly took her arm, injecting the serum into her bloodstream. They waited. She twitched. She twitched again, only this time more violently. She began jerking around in her bed, tossing and turning.

The agony rushing through her was relentless and unstoppable. It coursed in her bloodline, until it reached her brain. It seemed to linger there, as if deciding whether to invade or not. It invaded. Something in her, in that single moment, snapped. She stood up abruptly, and attacked her parents.
There was no emotion in her face, this was all mechanical. Her jerky movements, the not-so-careful aim of the attacker, fatally wounded her parents. They regretted it to the bottom of their hearts, creating this monster. But there was no turning back. Finally, her head decided it was enough. She walked out on her almost dead parents, and locked the door. The bodies would not be found until weeks later.

That was not the only after effect of the so called brain expansion. Her once sapphire eyes turned yellow, a yellow as soft as buttercups. She also found that the serum had given her a unique ability. She was able to lock things, or unlock them. It didn't matter what it was. Doors, windows, even humans. She could freeze them in their tracks, lock up their thought process, or stop them completely.

After her parent's murder, she began living in the woods. All she had was a small pocket knife, save for the clothes on her back. She didn't mind wearing the same thing everyday. It was her favorite outfit. An old, faded pair of jeans, white sneakers, a light blue shirt, and gray, unmarked jacket. She lived off what she caught with the traps and snares she built.

She lived undisturbed like this for a year and a half. She was only occasionally bothered by a hiker or camper, but she always made quick, dispatchful work of them. She still kept up her old habit of observation. Only now, she observed the life of the forest. She knew where every rabbit hid their burrow, every bird made its nest, and soon learned which animal was which just by the pitch of the call. One night, this peaceful serenity was disturbed.
She awoke, feeling the presence of two beings. They were human, but not quite. She followed them, noticing the way their voices sounded like they were muffled, as if covered by masks. They both wore yellow jackets, and carried nothing. They smelled of blood, human blood.

They came to a clearing with a well. They both turned around, as to make sure none were following. Her guess was right. They both wore masks. One's mask was pure black, except for two red eyes and frown. The other's was white, with black eyes and mouth with a slightly effeminate look about it. Feeling confident that no one was there, they jumped in.

She waited to hear a splash that never came. Waiting for a good measure of time to make sure no other souls were indeed following the duo, she went to investigate the mysterious well. She leaned over the side, and misjudging its slipperiness, fell into the black abyss.

Instead of hearing a splash and feeling water, she heard a thump, and landed on solid ground. Her eyes opened, drawing in the scenes of the woods before her. They were not the same woods, she was sure of it. They couldn't be the same, for they had a more ominous feeling about them. Seeing no other option, she began walking, taking what looked like a trail that had been used before.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking, she came upon a mansion not far from where she was from. This was not glamorous, as you would expect in a movie. It was old, rundown, and beat up. Now she could definitely sense the presence of the same two beings, only this time, there were more, many more. She silently observed the house. But with all of observing abilities, not even all the senses in the world could have foreseen the creature that appeared behind her.

She did not notice it at first, but did once she felt something beginning to wrap itself around her waist. She looked down, seeing a long, black tentacle. She caught a glimpse of it behind her. It was tall, wearing a black suit. "It" had no face. Only a white head with no features.

She used her powers to freeze it in a panicked manner, and freed herself from its grasp. She started running, not knowing where she was going, but knew that she must get away or die. She kept the pursuer frozen, not daring to let it free. The long distance between her and would-be-capturer was growing. She headed towards the building, and in the brief moment of panic on her part, forgot that was where more creatures were.

In fact, they were already suspicious. Their leader should have been back by now. Something must have happened. One of them, with black raven hair and a white hoodie shushed the others. He heard running. His carved smile grew wider, the fact that he didn't have eyelids only making it that much creepier. He grabbed his knife and motioned for the others to follow.

Five in all went. The creatures with him included the two from earlier, another teen wearing a blue mask with a black substance dripping from its eyes, and one more teen, dressed in green, not unlike Link, but with hollow black eyes and red dots in the center of the holes.

They met the frightened girl head on. She released her hold on the tall face-less man and instead, placed the locked muscles upon the most dangerous looking of the bunch, the black haired boy with the knife. The others, noticing the apparent hesitation of the one leading them to the girl were confused. That is until the white-masked one saw how the girl's eyes were glowing.

Noticing that the rest of them weren't frozen the same way, he got suspicious. He took a wild chance, a huge risk. He tackled her to the ground, and hoping she wouldn't freeze him, internally debated about whether to call out to his friends for backup. This was unneeded, for the face-less man once again appeared, and wasted no time in binding her fully with his tentacles and shielding her powerful eyes with a strip of cloth he tore from his suit.

This seemed to do the trick, for the once again the frozen raven-haired youth once again started charging, aiming for her heart. For an odd reason, he was halted by the same one who first encountered the powerful gazing girl. Her mobility useless, and eyes covered, she could only listen as a voice began speaking.

"Do not harm her Jeffery, for she could be of much use to us alive." She did not know who had spoken, but by pure instinct, deduced that it was the tall one. She felt herself being lifted up, and her captor began walking. Only once she detected a change in the air did she decide that she was inside.

She was set in what she thought to be a chair, and felt a rope winding itself around her torso, wrists, and feet. The tentacles slowly unraveled themselves from around her. She felt her face being tilted upward, and sensed that he was studying her face. She feared for her life, but didn't let so much as a whimper out. The voice spoke again, but this time, to her. "I have a proposition for you, young one." At this point, she was confused. First, they wanted to kill her, but now, they wanted her alive. She was grateful, but scared of what they would ask of her.

"I will let you live, but it comes with a cost. You must now work for me. You will live here, eat here, and train in the art of battle. Occasionally, I will send you on missions. These mostly involve of disposing of people." He paused. "Or, perhaps, I could just kill you now." She heard laughs of glee at her second option.

"I know you have killed before, I can see it in your soul. I know that with training, you can become one of my best proxies. Do you accept the conditions of the proposition? " She stifled an urge to gulp, and began speaking, "I accept your proposition. I will become one of your proxies." The man seemed to weigh her words, and swiftly removed the cloth from her eyes. "I am the Slenderman. Welcome to your new home." the man said. Her observation skills were noticed by Slenderman.

She looked around, taking it all in. She saw the five from earlier, tense as she was freed from the rope's hurtful bind by Slenderman. They waited for her to make one false move, daring her to attack. Instead she stood up, and as she did, she was asked one more question. "What is your name little one?" She took a breath, and answered him. " My name is Lockup."