The two men faced each other across the long table emblazoned with the seal of the Capitol.

"President Auden," The older addressed the younger, "construction of this year's arena is underway, entirely different that anything before it. However, we wanted your input for the, ah, twist, as this year marks the hundredth Games."

The president considered for a moment. This would be the first Quell while he was in power, and he had to make it purely his own. He considered every word he spoke to the Head Gamemaker carefully. "I am presented with the opposite predicament of my predecessor, President Snow. He faced uprisings because there was too much hope in the districts. They could dream of rebellion. But after their revolution was crushed, all of this hope died. The people no longer care about the nation, about their district, about the Games."

"What are you suggesting, sir?"

"Give them something to hope for. Give them a taste of a fighting chance."

Three days later, an enormous swarm of camera crews gathered around the presidential office. Septimus Auden stepped onto the balcony, and set a box down on his podium. The anthem of Panem crescendoed, then cut off as he drew forth the card bearing the announcement of the 100th Hunger Games.

Cameras zoomed in on his face as he began to speak. "This Quarter Quell, to remind citizens of the great nation of Panem that your Capitol is not heartless, any and all tributes that successfully escape the Arena will be permitted to live out their days as Victors."

As the anthem started up again and the cameras clicked off, President Auden exited the stage and turned to the head Gamemaker.

"It's a daring move, Mr. Liddell. I hope, for your sake, it works out in our favor."