Gilbert Beildshmidt surveyed his Biology 11 class looking for a certain helpful young blond named Matthew Williams. Upon finally spotting him Gilbert's lips twisted into a smirk that quickly morphed into a scowl when he saw who he was sitting beside. Next to Matthew was Lars Hendriks a not altogether unpleasant character for as much as he displeased Gilbert, no he was just in the way of his most recently decided conquest. Well Matthew was his Biology tutor and if he could at least get that kid to either completely hate him or adore him adding to his posse of attractive sheeple he would count it as a victory.
Grinning he looked back towards his target, sure Matthew had caught him off-guard by not falling to his feet immediately when he had initialy asked for help with Bio but with a couple flirtatious wink and a smooth line or two tonight Matthew will be just as willing to bend to his every whim as everyone else in this school was.
"Gilbert what are you up to mon ami? You have that look upon your face again."
"Si, that look like you are a tiger about to strike!"
Well not everybody Gilbert looked over to his two friends Francis and Antonio. He did truly care about his two partners in crime. They had grown up together and so far were the only people other than his stern brother Ludwig who were capable of cutting through all his shit and saying no when he was just being a brat.
Hey I know it's hard to believe but even the great Gilbert Beildshmidt has flaws, just not very many.
Gilbert flashes what he hopes is a disarming smile, "what makes you think I'm up to something, maybe I'm just having a good day?"
Antonio Just doubles over laughing and Francis quirks a perfectly manicured eyebrow at him.
"How stupid do you think we are Gilbert, just because nous êtes vos amis, does not make us morons."
Antonio wipes a tear from his eye, "so seriously amigo, tell us, what's the scheme?"
"Francis do you pluck your eyebrows?"
"Stay on task, Gilbert Que ce qui passe?"
Gilbert looks from friend to friend before leaning in conspiratorially, "Okay well it's not that exciting really but you know that Matthew Williams kid?"
Francis nods enthusiastically, "Ah oui, I know Matthieu he is a delight to be around; His French is so lovely too."
Antonio just looks towards the two friends looking confused, "So is he in this class or something?" He twists around searching the room, "what does he look like? Do we have this class with him?"
Both Francis and Gilbert look at Antonio flatly, "C'mon Antonio we've all had at least one class with him since grade eight."
Francis nods along, "Oui, and in fact didn't we pull that paint filled water balloon prank on him just last year?"
A light goes on behind Antonio's eyes as he turns to look at the correct boy pointing "I remember him now, he looked really good covered in paint."
Francis fixes Antonio with a dry look before turning back to Gilbert, "So what about Matthew?"
"He has volunteered to do my homework so I can pass Bio!"
Francis shook his head, "I highly doubt that mon chère, as much as Mathieu is a kind soul he hates your guts and wouldn't just do your homework for you."
"Yes well he isn't doing it for me yet mein Lieb but he will soon, it's all a part of my plan."
Francis shakes his head slowly, "I know you think you can bend anyone to you whims mon ami but Matthew isn't that kind of person, he wouldn't do your homework for you even if he was madly in love with you."
Gilbert hmphed "We'll see about that Francis, you'll see he'll fall all over my feet just like everybody else does."
At this Antonio hesitantly butted back into the conversation, "Let's not play around with love, si? It's one thing when all those girls just run after you but leading someone on intentionally?"
Gilbert scoffed, "Antonio you're just butt hurt 'cause that cranky Italian kid doesn't want your dumb ass."
Francis looks hesitantly at Antonio's crestfallen expression, debating whether to sooth their friend or chew Gilbert out. "And you're just 'butt hurt' because you're not even capable of such tender emotions, besides Antonio's got a valid point, we are pranksters not bully's you just don't want to hear that your plan sucks and is doomed to fail anyways."
Gilbert rolls his eyes apparently chewing him out won, "Alright, alright, Antonio I'm sorry I hurt your tender girly feelings."
Completely ignoring the insult hidden not so subtlely in Gilbert's apology Antonio beams at him "I could never stay mad at you Gilbert, don't worry!"
"I wasn't"
Francis aims a warning Glare at Gilbert and he rolls his eyes, he's been doing that a lot today. Maybe they'll pop out of his head and he can scare people with them. That would be so cool.
"well since you guys insist maybe I can just aggravate the kid until he agrees to do my work just so he won't have to spend time with me!"
Francis turns towards him patting Antonio's back "I'm telling you Gilbert Mathieu isn't that kind of kid to just give people whatever they want, if you annoy him he's much more likely to drop you like a sack of potatoes. Unfortunately this time there is no way to get out of the work."
"Gasp, no, not work!" Gilbert hears his friends snicker as he collapses dramatically across his desk. He huffs out a huge sigh and rolls over to face the ceiling. Gilbert's face screws up in real distain as he realizes his French friend is right. He may very well have to apply himself to something and that is so not awesome.
Author note here
Hey so look at me coming out with a third chapter! wowee that must be a record. So I got lost of plans but i feel like maybe I'm going too slow? I just kind of wanted everyone to know this is not a regular secret yearnings fic or whatever but I may just be dragging stuff along unecessarily. I also have this giant graph that shows everyones relationships with each other and not everyone is gonna be mentioned but it is a lot of story to remember. I wanted to make my fanfic stand out by not forgetting that other peoples lives are going on while we follow around our two characters. And they have lives too that don't involve catering to the two future love birds romance. So hopefully I'm doing okay so far. Until next time -mad