Hey everyone. Here is chapter two of Ten Reasons Jason Looks up to Thalia. I hope you all enjoy Jason's First Cookie.

Jason has loved cookies since before he can remember. Or at least that was one of the things that his older sister Thalia tells him. Jason would cry and beg for them until he got one when he was younger.

"You don't believe me about that?" Thalia asked cocking her head to the side. "I'll tell you a story about your first cookie and maybe that might make you believe me. Okay?"

Jason sighed as he watched Thalia's determined face. "Fine," he told her. "But I don't think that you'll be able to change my mind."

"You'll see," Thalia told him. "So it was a rainy day and Mom for the first time in forever didn't have anything to do. Or anyone to take her attention off of us."

"For real?"



"What do you want to do today, Thalia?" Thalia and Jason's mother asked as she looked at the tiny girl sitting next to her brother in front of the television.

"I choose anything?" Thalia asked skeptically looking up at her mother. "Anything at all?"

Her mother nodded in answer to Thalia's question. "Anything you want," she informed Thalia as bent down and picked up Jason, who was about ten months old at this point.

"Mama," squawked Jason excitedly. He didn't know what had changed to make their mother finally want to pay attention to him and Thalia but he'd take the attention either way.

"Yes, baby," she cooed down at him with a smile. "I'm your mama."

Jason reached up and grabbed a handful of hair tugging as gently as a baby can tug.

De-tangling Jason's hand from her dark locks their mother turned back to Thalia who was deep in thought. Was it that hard to figure out something she could do with her mother that would be fun.

"Bake cookies," Thalia suggested as though she thought the answer was going to be no.

"Alright then," their mother said surprising Thalia. "Let's make cookies. What kind of cookies do you want to make, kiddo?"

"Chocolate chip cookies. I think Jason will like them."

"I think so too. What do you think Jason? Do you want a chocolate chip cookie, sweetie?"

Jason nodded excitedly. He had heard Thalia talk about these cookies before such reverence that he wanted to find out if they were as good as she said they were.

"Let's put Jason in his high chair so he can observe," their mother suggested placing Jason into his chair. "Now we wash our hands. So we don't get anything dirty in the cookies. Yes?"

Thalia nodded racing over to the sink and washing her hands. She wasn't usually one to do something so girly as baking but it was the first thing that came to her mind when her mother asked.

Their mother went to refrigerator and gathered the butter and the eggs placing them on the kitchen table next to a bowl that had been set out. She then gathered two different sugars, vanilla extract, baking soda, the flour, and the all to important chocolate chips. Bringing them over to the table and setting them down too their mother turned to Thalia.

"You get to do some pretty important stuff now, kiddo," she informed Thalia. "Do you think you're ready for the responsibility of cooking?"

Thalia nodded. "I'm ready," she stated firmly.

"Alright. Can you crack one of the eggs into this bowl here?"

Thalia nodded picking up the egg and tapping it pretty hard on the edge of the bowl. The egg exploded over her hand as the shell broke into two pieces. Pulling the pieces apart like she saw Auntie Lauren and her Mom do when they cooked she saw the yellow goo inside the egg splash into the bowl. It was speckled with bits of white though. Not like her mother or Aunt would do.

"It's alright," their mother told Thalia. "I'll just pick out the egg shells. But that was pretty good for the first time cracking an egg, kid."

Thalia watched as her mother picked the white bits out and then measured out the rest of the ingredients. Turning to Thalia she smiled. "Can you put each of these into the bowl?"

Thalia did as she was told wondering why her mother didn't do this more often if it was that easy. Picking up the spoon near the bowl Thalia started to splash around in the the mass of ingredients in the bowl.

"Don't do that," snapped their mother making Jason begin cry a little. "Jason, please don't cry," she pleaded with the baby as she picked him up and began to gently bounce him on her hip hopping it would make him stop crying. Walking over she gently pried the spoon out of Thalia's hand. "You have to be gentle when you stir the ingredients. Or you'll get it all over the table." She handed over Jason to Thalia. "Hold your brother while I stir this."

Thalia rolled her eyes as she took baby Jason into her arms. She watched a bit jealous as their mother stirred the cookie ingredients until they formed a dough.

"Now can you please place the dough onto the baking sheet while I go change your brother?" their mother asked Thalia warily as she took Jason from her.

Thalia nodded.

After she put the dough onto the baking sheet and her mother returned from changing Jason and washing her hands again she placed the cookies into the oven to bake. The waiting was hard for Thalia because not only did you have to wait for the cookies to bake you had to wait for them cool down afterwards too.

"Are they ready yet?" Thalia asked jumping up and down.

"A few more minutes," their mother told her not really paying attention as her text message alert had gone off almost an hour ago. Which had been when the cookies had come out of the oven.

Rolling her eyes Thalia walked over to the plate of now cooled cookies and took one for herself and one for Jason. Walking back to were Jason sat dejected in his high chair she handed her little brother his cookie.

"Here you are Jason," she told him. "Go on. Eat it like this." She took a great big bite out her cookie and then another.

Jason looked quizzically at the cookie but it was good enough for Thalia. So with this in his mind he took a timid little bite and the taste of the chocolate was wonderful in his baby mind. But he forgot one thing these cookies seemed to break easily. His tiny hand was holding the cookie so hard it was now tiny bits on his tray. Jason began to cry but Thalia went and got him another cookie.

"You have gentle this time, Jas," she told him. "Hold it like this." She placed the cookie in his hand so it was cradled gently on his palm. "Now try it."

Their mother hung up the phone once she heard the tiny giggles coming from her children. Turning around she found both Jason and Thalia covered in chocolate laughing their heads off.



'That is the story of your first ever chocolate chip cookie," Thalia told her brother with a laugh.

"Wow," Jason said. "Is it just me or did Mom not really watch us that closely?"

I hope you all enjoyed Jason's First Cookie.