Authors note: sorry if this chapter is kinda short, I just wanted to get it up on the boards as soon as possible! anyway enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, 'some' of these wonderful people came from the amazing mind of Suzanne Collins, I'm just using them.


Chapter one Katniss:

Flames, that's all I see. The burning bodies piled up on one another, and the smell. Oh the smell that makes my nostrils burn and then the melting flesh molding onto what was once the beautiful face of my sister making her seem like a mutt from the Capitol reaching out to me.

I wake up with a jolt, hearing an ear piercing scream but soon realizing the sound is coming from my own mouth. My tears hot and steady, stream down my face clouding my vision making the moon light shadows seem like ghosts from a paranormal world of death. My world.

Suddenly I am down stairs pulling on my hunting boots and my father's jacket ready to go hunting in the forest, a place I haven't been to in a long time. Opening the front door I bolt, making a B line toward the meadow, if that's what you would even call it now. It doesn't take me long to get there, at least not anymore, not since I was forced back to the Seam after the Rebellion failed and Snow died making Peeta the new president. Peeta, the sweet boy I once knew, the sweet boy who once loved me unconditionally. All that's gone now, a new version of him has been formed, a cruel hijacked version of the sweet boy with the blue eyes and golden locks. No I can't think of him anymore, I have to survive yet again, but at least I don't have to provide for my mother or Prim anymore. Snow made half of that possible, before he choked on his own blood he made sure I would suffer even more. He took my sister away from me and burned her publicly saying at the same time "Where there is fire in the beginning, there is ashes in the end." Using Prim like a test doll or a prototype for a new way of execution. As for my mother she remarried Peeta's father after he whipped his own mother beyond repair saying it was payback for all those years of torture she made him endure. So now my mother and Peeta's father are living happily in the Capitol last I heard.

I walk along the edge of the electric fence trying to find a weak spot to get under so I don't get shocked to badly. After the "Rebellion" Peeta made sure that no one could get into the forest beyond District 12, so he had some of his soldiers come in from the Capitol to put a new fence up. After awhile I finally find a nice ditch that is just deep enough for me to slide underneath with just barely getting nicked by the electric wire. I run quickly into the depths of the forest, the forest, my home. The only place I feel like normal Katniss Everdeen.

I walk into the Hob carrying my ironically heavy game bag on my shoulder, I shuffle my feet over to Sae's stand and throw three squirrels onto the small counter top, she smiles at me gratefully and hands me a bowl of soup which I gladly take. I wolf it down quickly and tell Sae that I will be back tomorrow with more meat and walk away deciding that that was all the trading I was going to do today and keep the rest for myself.

As I am about to exit the Hob I hear people screaming and yelling, that's when I turn around to see the Peacekeepers running strait at me. Wait no they are not running at me, but they are chasing a girl with bright red hair. She is nimble on her feet dancing around the chaos, as though she is teasing the guards, making them seem foolish as she dodges their measly attacks. Then suddenly she is right in front of me, looking at me with dark blue eyes that almost seem silver with her head slightly tilted, making her obviously strong jaw seem even wider.

"Hey. I know who you are!" she states with a matter-of-a-fact tone in her voice, but she sounds really weird, she almost sounds like she is from the Capitol but with a stronger accent. "Come on, unless you want to get mixed up in that mess." She says taking my hand, but when I don't move she gives my hand a tug causing me to take a step forward. Then it hits me, like a blast off cool air, this girl in more ways than one, reminds me of Prim.