Welcome to my story all you lovely Hunger Games fans out there. For those of you who are like me and are completely in love with Peeta and everythig he stands for you might have been a bit put out with the lack to information given about in Mockingjay. Never fear, if you have already exhausted all the Mockingjay PeetaPOV fanfictions out there here is a new one.

HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am 100% not a writer. I am just an huge Hunger Games fan with a very strong imagination that has allowed me to construct a whole story centring around Peeta's experiences in the Capitol and 13, so my writing style might not be up to Suzanne Collins standard but I can ensure you 100% effort has been made in the storyline. I have analysed Mockingjay as much as humanly possible and are going to attempt a storyline of Peeta's that works with Katniss'. This being said I am looking for a Beta Reader ASAP to fix all the grammatical and spelling errors I am very likely to make.

Another Disclaimer: I do not own any of these amazing characters as much as I'd love to, this story is purely for the purpose of satisfying Peeta fans that were left unknowing about his experience in Mockingjay.

I hope you enjoy the start of my story and if you do be sure to let me know :)

Chaos. That's all I have the ability to comprehend as I'm dragged from unconsciousness by unfamiliar hands and voices. The first thing I actually register is how the artificial light is far too bright for me to keep my dropping eyes open. Eventually the messy chorus of voices actually begins to produce words that I register, the very first being my name, Peeta. I attempt to open my mouth and explain my confusion but the effort involved in this makes me suddenly aware of the agony that is coursing through my whole body and I willingly return to the peace of unconsciousness.

It feels like only seconds later that there is a stab in my neck and I feel my eyelids being forced open. A grunt escapes my lips and this makes the voices become much louder and unbearable.

"What's your name?" Is first sentence that I can understand, probably due to the fact that is as produced by the loudest and most forceful voice.

"Peeta" I hoarsely manage to get out. To my relief to other voices around me begin to quiet down.

"Where are you?" demands the same voice.

For the first time I actually attempt to make sense of the images my eyes are sending to my brain but I have no luck in establishing place, "No idea".

"How long have you been working for the rebels?" cries a different voice, more high pitched than the last. This makes me attempt to concentrate. Rebels? What were they talking about, what is going on? But only one thing comes to my mind, "Katniss." Despite the pain I try to raise myself to look for her, "where is she?" I demand but the group throws more questions at me again. "Katniss!" I scream, and I keep on screaming until another sharp pain occurs in my neck and my vision is dominated by familiar darkness.

Once again I am coaxed awake but this time I am mentally prepared for the situation and her name is on my lips before they begin their questioning. "Katniss, where is Katniss?"

I notice a middle-aged woman with a strong jaw line fiddling with a tube that I notice is lodged in my arm. "I will be the one asking questions boy and if you have any desire to see your fiancée again it is in your best interests to answer the truthfully". I feel a natural instinct to resist the restraints that are now pinning my body down but a threat involving Katniss is all it takes to get me to cooperate.

"I'll answer anything you want, just don't hurt her" I plea looking the women in the eyes.

She seems to be satisfied with my sincerity and a small smile appears across her mouth. "Excellent. We will start simple, are you working for the rebels?"

It is now that I truly understand the expression of a mind going a million miles an hour as I feel a rush to thoughts and question fighting for my attention. I decide to focus on the women's questions but refrain from contemplating them completely to avoid more demanding mental questions. I will put the pieces of this puzzle together later and for now concentrate on keeping Katniss safe. "No"

"Were you previously working for the rebels?"

"No" I answer simply. Her eyes look into mine as she considers me.

"What do you know of the rebels?"

"All I know is that there was a possibility of rebellion in some of the districts but that's it" I state honestly, confusion threatening to consume all my sense.

"You're telling me that they never mentioned the plan to you" the woman says septically.

"What plan? What is going on?" I demand in frustration and wince as this exertion reminds me of the pain in my skull. The woman looks on the verge of rolling her eyes but her attention goes to a new person who just entered the room. The man walks with authority and is clothed in a white jacket, another medic I presume.

"I've been instructed that I am to take over the situation with the boy" he says plainly and when the woman starts to dispute this he concludes "President Snow's orders."

Well that confirms one thing, I am in the Capitol and that means something happened in the arena and we are all about to be punished for it. I struggle to recall the last moments I remember in the steaming hot, constantly ticking death trap of the arena. Katniss, I remember calling her name trying to get back to her, to protect her. Brutus coming out of nowhere and spearing Chaff, my knife lodged in his spine and then an explosion. I recall being thrown to the ground and the sharp pain on the back of my skull and then nothing. What happened?

I watch the women leave the room and as soon as the man approaches me I ask the question at the front of my mind. He is more restrained than the women and straight to the point. He informs me that a directed plan of the rebels and some of the victors destroyed the arena. That from the beginning there was plan to ensure Katniss survived her second time in the arena and it was in the last moments in the arena that the plan reached its climax.

"All I remember is the explosion." I say, more to myself than to him.

" That's understandable, the force of it caused you to give yourself quite a concession, you are probably still mentally disorientated" he says as he checks a clip board.

"Where is Katniss?" I ask once again, having for faith in getting a response from this man.

"Miss Everdeen was the person who caused the explosion, she was working with the rebels to break out of the arena, and she is, to the best of my knowledge with them"

Katniss. Working with rebels? That isn't possible. I recall Katniss' desperate tears after our appearance in District 11 as she gave me the only information I have about district rebellion. "You're wrong. Katniss and I knew nothing, all we were trying to do is keep each other alive!" I say forcefully, not sure if I'm trying to convince him or the tiny spark of doubt that's formed in the back of my mind.

No emotion can he seen on the mans face and I feel myself becoming desperate for more answers but all he gives me is "If that is true, then why is it that you were left behind?"

As much as I hate to admit it this hits a nerve and somewhere in the pit of my stomach I feel a tiny ache of betrayal, "I don't know".

I realise that I don't put it past Haymitch and Katniss to leave me out of essential information; they have done it freely in the past, but a plan to break people out of the arena? Surely I am worthy enough to be told of this, even if they didn't plan on rescuing me. Katniss and Haymitch are probably together now and where am I, strapped to a bed somewhere in the Capitol, with the enemy. I remember the first women's questions of the rebels; they obviously think that I am sided with their enemies despite my answers and now they are probably planning a way to make me pay for a plan I had no knowledge of. I feel a recent memory trying to push through, a memory of our last night in the area at the moment Katniss and I were separated. We both argued against it, Katniss was even willing to risk breaking our alliance with the others but they forced us apart. Katniss couldn't be a part of the plan, she wanted us to go out on our own, we were both just pieces in another person's game.

"Katniss and I didn't know anything, I swear. You saw us! We were planning on leaving the others. I was the one that made us stay with them" as I speak the words it sinks in, I should have listened and broke the alliance, its my fault that all of this has happened.

"I agree that you weren't informed, the polygraph has already proven this much" the man says refer to the machine I was connected to. How did I not realise all these wires connected to me? I guess I was living up to my newly acquired title of being mentally disorientated. "But all the evidence shows that Katniss was well informed, like I mentioned before she was the one that destroyed the force field working off Mr. Latier's elaborate plan" he continues.

This I can't find a reasonable explanation to. It could be that in the chaos of those last moments Katniss didn't realise what she was doing when she created the explosion that almost killed us all, however it is just as likely this man is correct and that she knew exactly what she was doing and I was the only one uninformed. I can no longer hold off the nagging questions in my mind and I feel them consume every thought. I feel the need to press my palms against my skull in attempt to relive this unrelenting pressure of thoughts but my restraints prevent. I am too preoccupied with unanswered questions that I don't notice another presence in this horrid room until they begin to wheel my bed forward.

"Where are you taking me" I say strongly attempting to catch a glimpse of this new person directly behind me. I have no luck and in frustration I ask, "What's going on?" It isn't until I am out in a hallway that the unknown person gives me a response that makes me immediately regret asking the question.

"President Snow has requested to see you".