Everything's gone. They're both... gone. Of course they are. It was always going to end up this way, wasn't it? Everybody was going to leave her eventually. She just thought that maybe... maybe she still had some time left.

Yet, here she is. In a cave. Far from home. Alone. Forgotten.

Oh, Anna, she thinks, you failed. You ruined everything. You were supposed to protect her. Now she's...

But of course she failed. That's just who she is. She's the air-headed princess. The unremarkable one. The spare.





She curls in on herself. Anna should move, she should get back up and try to fix things. There has to be a way to fix things. ... But she can't. That fire in her soul, the urgency has left her body. She's empty. She's numb. All she sees is the dark. All she feels is the cold. It's suffocating. She's all that's left. So, no, she should just stay here, lay here on the ground and stop. Just stop. Nothing matters with them gone, with her nightmares made real.

Really, what is she supposed to do? She's always followed after Elsa. Now, though, she's gone somewhere that Anna can't find, can't follow her to.

What were Elsa's final moments like, she wonders. Did she find what she was looking for? Did she get the answers she wanted? Was it worth it?

Tears are falling freely because no. The answer is no. It should be no. Answers weren't worth dying for, weren't worth losing Elsa for. Anna would have never... She wants to be angry but that just... It's too much right now. She's just... sad. So she cries.

You are lost.

She takes a shuddering breath.

Hope is gone.

She wipes at her eyes.

But you must go on.

Teal eyes glance back at the statue sitting a few feet away, a moment frozen in time, something Elsa sent you before she... So you could maybe...

Do the next right thing.

How could she do that without Elsa though, without her sister?

It started by getting off the floor, didn't it. It started with one step, one breath, one moment. One single choice.

She couldn't stay here. She had to choose to move, to take that step, that breath. She had to choose to do the next right thing.

She looked up, above the alcove where she once again found her footing. There was light there, shining in the dark. People are hurting out there too. Her people. Kristoff. The inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest. They still needed her, didn't they?

So she climbed up, out of the dark cave and toward the light.

Wow, it's been such a long time since I've written for this one. What can I say though, Frozen 2 left me inspired. The movie itself wasn't perfect but it's one of those instances where I also thinks critics are being far to harsh about it. It's still a gorgeous movie with wonderful lessons and I frickin cried so there. This scene especially was... rough. I... I loved this scene, so much.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed and you'll leave a review to let me know.

I'm out! Peace!