Hey, readers. It has been a very long time this story has been updated, and I'm sorry that when you saw the email you thought I updated a chapter. I decided to post on the story that I will not be continuing it. I'm sorry to disappoint the readers, but the angle I was going with I just had a harder time coming up with ideas and I just didn't feel it anymore. I myself being an avid fanfic reader knows what it feels like when you find a good story and you find that writer just stopped writing it. I am again sorry for this though I did start another story. I woulld love it if you all go and read it over. It's called Hiding in Diagon Alley.
In regards for this fanfic, I won't take it down yet. I'm putting it up for adoption. If any of you want to take the idea and run, you can. If you want to change anything I came up, that's fine. If you to adopt it, just please pm me. I would love to see what you come up with.