Lovely readers,

When I began writing the King's Bride, I was fourteen years old. It was the second full-length piece I had ever attempted to write. Over the span of nearly two and a half years, I finished it, to much success. It was my most popular piece I had ever written! I was happy to make others happy, and I was content to leave it completed, as a testament to how far I had come.

Six years since I began to put the proverbial pen to paper and a lot of hindsight later, though, I made the very hard decision to take the piece down. This choice came after a lot of reflection on my part. I did this for several reasons, but most importantly, because I no longer was comfortable standing by the storyline. Fic was incredibly informative during my early teenage years on how I measured my own relationships. I didn't think that this fic set a good example for a healthy relationship. While it was a good exercise for me while it was happening, I didn't think it good for the community to leave it as it was.

I'm aware of, and very touched by, the fact that this story meant something to many people. Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and your passion. To those who have asked me to re-upload or re-distribute the piece, I'm sorry to say that I won't be doing that for all the reasons why I took it down in the first place. However, don't despair- I am currently in the process of rewriting this piece into something even twenty year old me can be proud of. The essence of the story will be the same, the world I've built will be similar, but the plot itself will be free of the issues that have nagged me over the last few years. I'm still deciding if that will take the form of another fic, to replace the legacy of this old one, or if it will be an original piece. If you're interested in following that, check back here, or on my tumblr .com-for developments on that matter. In the meantime, I've a score of other fics both here and on tumblr for you to indulge in, if you wish.

Thank you for your everlasting support and understanding in this matter. Never doubt that I have always appreciated your readership so much.

Until next time!

