Note: This story is a slight AU. All of the deceased characters from canon are still alive here. Also, Lieselotte is just a normal human princess. All other events remain the same up through the end of episode 18, where this story starts. This story is what could have happened after L-elf and the princess's meeting.

A Pea Green Boat

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar…

"Allow me to abduct you, Lieselotte."

Was that really what he had been planning to say? He had been daydreaming about this day for the better part of his life, but suddenly when the moment came, L-elf couldn't even hear the words spilling from his mouth. All he knew in that moment was his princess.


"Please! I…I am in love with you. My entire life has led up to this moment. I'd be dead if it weren't for you!" L-elf sobbed as the only emotions he'd allowed himself in years cascaded out all at once. He momentarily considered that he should be ashamed of himself, but hadn't she been the one to have seen him at his worst once before? If were to lay himself bare to anyone in this universe, it must be to his dear princess. After the failure of three years ago, he knew that this was his final chance to convince her to join him. All must be said now or not ever.

"Oh, Michael. So selfish. I already gave you half of my life all those years ago. Now you ask for the entire thing." The princess smiled warmly, despite the cold air gushing in through the gaping hole in the side of the room.

"Lieselotte, I'm not asking for the other half of your life. I simply want to give you back the half that I borrowed that day."

The princess looked the boy soldier in the eyes and simply nodded; she would go with him.

L-elf grasped her wrist and took off without another word. Another man might have attempted to carry the girl like the princess that she was, but L-elf was not a prince. He wasn't A-drei. For L-elf, touching just her wrist was audacious enough. Holding her would be like trying to hold a goddess. She might difuse into mist or flower petals if embraced.

They careened through the halls; L-elf, the One Man Army, dispatching any who stood in their way. After clearing a hallway, the two ducked into an unlocked room that appeared to be an office. After barricading the door with a desk, L-elf spared a moment to glance at his princess. Blood from one of the men he'd shot had splattered onto her tunic. His eyes widened in surprise; somehow he'd pictured Lieselotte to be impervious to any soiling. Blood should fear her perfection and be repelled. He shook his head. Lieselotte was a living human, no longer just a spectre of memory. From here on out, he'd have to become accustomed to seeing outside forces acting upon her, rather than knowing her only as a static photograph or as the memory of a little girl in the snow.

He shook his head. He had to get them out of here or he'd never be able to lay eyes upon her again. L-elf knew he was clearly going to Hell if the afterlife did exist and there was no way his sweet princess would be meeting him there.


"Yes, Michael?" she looked up at him trustingly. Somehow, his grasp on her wrist had switched to her hand during the confusion.

"Would you happen to know if there's a supply closet nearby? One with chemicals?"

"Michael, there's a closet right there…" she pointed behind him.

L-elf's eyes widened. He had been so busy admiring the princess, despite the current danger, that he hadn't even looked around the room beyond the desk and swivel chair. He very much needed to get his feelings back in check. After years of bottling everything in, his emotions seemed too enthused at finally seeing the light of day to return to the dark abyss from which they emerged.


Hand-in-hand, the soldier and the princess fled through the snow, using the smoke from the explosion as cover. L-elf had of course fashioned an explosive from cleaning chemicals and office supplies. Lieselotte had no idea that L-elf was so talented to the point of it being almost ridiculous. Really, all she knew until today was that he was a nice young man who was good with a gun. Well, he was nice to her at least. The people he shot probably didn't share her sentiments.

Once the two reached the forest, they shed the white lab coats they had used to blend in better with the snow.

"What now, Michael?" the princess breathed as she fought catch her breath. Being locked in a tower for years was one way to avoid gym class.

L-elf simply replied, "Tokishima Haruto."

They walked through the forest for some time until they reached the outskirts of town. The street was lined with shops that were closed for the night. The silence suggested that the enemy hadn't found them yet. The boy once known as Michael confidently strode out onto the sidewalk.

"What are you doing?" the princess gasped, still under the cover of the trees. Clearly the young soldier had gone bananas since their last meeting.

"Taking a stroll." L-elf smirked. "Trust me and I'll show you that my calculations never fail. He'll be here any minute."

The pink-haired girl hesitantly joined him in window-shopping as they passed by a toy shop. Girls liked that nonsense, didn't they? Teddy bears and lazily creepy dolls that can't even bother themselves to be anatomically correct.

"Do you like anything?" he asked her.

"Michael, you're not…going to break into the store, are you?"

"What? Of course not! I just…thought it would be nice to come back here together once this country is safe." L-elf mumbled to his reflection in the shop window. He thought back to the current president of New Jior. Maybe girls preferred food over knickknacks?

A loud droning sound could be heard approaching.

"What's that?" the princess's brow furrowed as something red could be seen drawing nearer in the night sky.

"Your carriage awaits, Princess." L-elf made a sweeping gesture toward the Valvrave as it landed and the vampire pilot, Haruto, opened the cockpit.

End Side: Princess part 1


The next chapter will stay with L-elf and the princess. The third chapter will be the Saki/A-drei story. If you are enjoying this story, please email and request Lieselotte be added to the character list! It's killing me not being able to tag her...