Mistletoe Madness Chapter 8
January 7, October 12, November 11, 2015 – January 24, 2016
Based off the movie scene. All credit goes to JK Rowling and the movie production by Warner Brothers.
One day to Yule Ball
Hermione hadn't told anyone that Viktor Krum had asked her to the Yule ball. Ron certainly wouldn't believe her, and Harry… well, Harry was extremely loyal and non-judgemental. She had no idea what Harry would think, but hoped he wouldn't mind. It didn't seem that he had any problems with the Durmstrang student. Hermione wrestled with the decision, until finally choosing to tell them during the hour set for doing homework. Unfortunately, Snape was overlooking this "study hall" today…
"This is mad," said Ron worriedly, "At this rate, we'll be the only two without dates!" Smack. The Potions teacher had passed by just then, giving a subtle hint to the redhead to close his mouth. Harry had wisely stayed silent, while Hermione watched from the corner of her eye with grim satisfaction. She, at least, had a date to the Ball.
"Well, us and Neville." Ron spoke again in an attempt to make himself feel a little better. This time, Harry joined in.
"Yeah, but then again he could take himself." The pair snickered, and Hermione, who rather liked Neville, joined the conversation as well.
"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone!" She neglected to say that Harry and Ron could take each other if they were truly that desperate.
"Now I'm really depressed." Ron sighed in disappointment and disbelief.
At this moment, Fred chose to send a note flying over to Hermione's section of the table. Ronald leaned over and snatched it, certain that if it was from his older brother then it was meant for him. Rare as the occasion may be, he was right.
Harry had read the note over his best friend's shoulder. The twins were both watching to make sure the two had read it. Truth be told, neither Ron nor Harry had heard Fred or George say a word about the Yule Ball, and had assumed that they were not going. But neither knew any better, so Ron whispered again.
"Who are you going with, then?!" It was a quiet demand. Fred wadded up a ball of paper and threw it across the table at Angelina. The Gryffindor Chaser turned around looking quite agitated, but her frown turned into a smile as Fred did his best to mime "Do you want to go to the Ball with me?" without Snape seeing. She nodded yes and looked back to her work, while Hermione bit back a laugh upon seeing Ron's face fall yet again. His brother the prankster, and most likely his twin as well, had even gotten dates before himself and Harry. However, this only gave him an idea.
"Well, Hermione," Ron started his sentence, ignoring on the frantic pulling on his sleeve from Harry, "You're a girl…"
Hermione slowly looked towards Ron with a look of anger and incredulity on her face. "Oh, that's well spotted." She said rather nastily. She too, saw Snape coming, as Harry must have, but she decided against warning Ron, who was beginning to re-enact Fred's performance of dancing as an obvious attempt to now ask her to the dance. The red-haired teenager didn't notice the Potions teacher slinking up the rows, nor did he apparently feel Harry tugging on his arm in a desperate attempt to quiet him. He did however, feel the pain of the book containing the latest assignment to have been handed in smack the back of his head, and after a moment's pause, Harry's as well.
"Come on," Ron tried to convince her, "It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone…for a girl it's just sad."
Hermione was slightly (and indignantly) bewildered. She knew that certainly there were many girls that were far head of her in terms of looks, but she did not believe that she was anywhere near unapproachable. Apparently Ron believed otherwise.
"I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone's already asked me!" The fluffy-haired Gryffindor snapped quietly before abruptly standing up. She briskly walked to Professor Snape and handed in the assignment the class was working on. He accepted it swiftly, and Hermione stalked back to where Harry and Ron were sitting. She grabbed her things and angrily eyed the ginger one last time. "And I said yes!" The two teenaged boys stared dumbly after her as she departed the Great Hall.
Ron turned back towards his best friend. "Bloody hell, she's not on her own." He seemed genuinely surprised, which was likely a reason Hermione was clearly agitated. Harry, the slightly more aware of how the female brain worked, decided to be safe even without Hermione's presence and simply said, "If you say so."
"Look," Ron said urgently, "We've just got to grit our teeth and do it." Neither noticed Snape stop behind them yet again, thoroughly tired of the talking two. He pulled back his sleeves, ready to shut the teenagers up once and for all.
"When we get back to the common room tonight, we'll both have dates. Agreed?" Ron didn't stop.
"Agreed." Harry confirmed, and each felt one of Professor Snape's hands grasp their heads and force them down as a subtle hint that they needed to shut their mouths and finish their homework.