Happens after the anime/Kyoto arc as if the current arc never happened.

Sorry to dissapoint any followers, this isn't an update, just alterig and correcting the chapters =/

Read and Review =)

Rin was walking towards the cram school classroom. It had been weeks since they had defeated the impure king and Rin was back to how he was just after his friends first found out about him being a demon. In the few days when they had time off from school as a reward of their work in Tokyo, Rin had whiled out his time with his friends and for the first time sinse coming to True Cross he had felt truely accepted by his classmates. After he was summoned to the Vatican to explain what had happened and returned with the news that his execution had ben suspended until further notice and not cancelled, they had drifted from him and even gone to hating him and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't understand why. He had tried and tried to taly to them but they all did the same thing, gave him a resentful look and walked away without a word. He dreaded going to the cram school but still clung to the hope that If he passed the exorcism exam, his friends may stop hating him. He couldn't talk to Yukio because his twin had stopped talking to him all together.

Rin was early for class, he had taken to getting to lessons early and jumping up and leaving before anyone else so that he didn't have to face their scrutiny. When he wasn't in school, he locked himself away in his room and studied which was usually interrupted as thoughts of his ex friends stopped his ability to concentrate. Head down and shoulders tense he stood in front of the classroom door. He hated this, hated every hateful glance and the way his heart ached everytime one of his former friends passed a hurtful comment about his heritage. He had been tough at first but it took all of his will to not break down when he heard someone mutter about him deserving to die or how the Vatican should put him out of his misery and get it over with. He never really felt that he deserved their hatred after the whole defeating Satan an all his effort learning to control his flames but he took them without question, adding them to the overflowing pile of crap that he received from students and teachers alike and just bottled it all up. Although it had been his powers that had saved them from Satan's attack, he still hated himself for the demonic blood that ran in his veins, hated himself so much that he no longer looked in the mirror, knowing his demonic features could drive him over the edge. He didn't know how much more he could take before he exploded, apart from his demon familiar, he had no one to confide in, no one to talk to. He had considered suicide but the thought of letting Shiro's sacrifice be even more wasted than it already was cut that thought off in its tracks. Pushing his thought trail aside, he gritted his teeth and raised a shaky hand to the door, not wanting to be caught in an awkward situation with the other students. He took a steadying breath before pushing the door open. He took a step into the supposedly empty classroom when Bon jumped out from behind the door and threw a huge bucket of water at him, Rin didn't have enough time to dart out of the way before the icy water drenched him from head to toe. The instant the water mad contact, it began to sizzle and burn his skin. Holy water.

'why...?' his mental voice called out as the water splashed in his eyes and mouth and even shot up his nose, making his head feel like it would explode.

He shrieked out loud and fell to his hands and knees, spitting out the water and trying to wipe it out of his eyes, only making it burn more as his already drenched sleeve pressed more of it into his eyes. He blindly tried to stand and run but a booted foot connected with his face and send him backwards, landing painfully on his back.

'Leave me alone..'

He gasped for breath as he clumsily flipped onto his front and desperately tried to leave the room before someone heavily stamped a foot on his back, pinning him down.

'Please leave me alone...' he cried out in his mind.

He clawed at the floor still unable to open his eyes, trying to find something to give him some leverage. Above him he heard laughing and jeering. Bon Konekomeru and Shima where all there, laughing at him like cruel children at a mouse caught in a trap.

''So, how did you really defeat Satan? I don't believe you did it with you sword.'' Came Bon's voice from behind him. He felt a hand ripping his shirt up and a cold hand grab his already burning tail and squeeze hard. He cried out and tear's fell from his eyes as he continued to try to escape the people he once called friends.

'get away from me.'

'Want to know what I think?'' Bon asked, pressing his boot harder onto Rin's black, stopping his movements. ''You're far to weak to do something like that. I think you politely asked Daddy to go home and promised you would join him later after you gained our trust and widdle your way up the orders ranks.'' With that he wrapped his tail around his hand and gripped it even tighter than before, pulling relentlessly.

'Why are you doing this to me? Please just let me go'

''Well I for one won't let you kill us like your father did are families' on the blue night. I think we should just get rid of you now. We are trainee exorcists after all.'' with that, he gave Rin's tail an almighty pull as if he was trying to pull it off. Rin arched his back as the agony shot through him like nothing he had ever felt before, every cell of his being screamed and Rin shreiked.

'let me go...'

Bon continued to pull his tail, increasing the tension and Rin's whole body trembled. He felt like someone had iron clad hands around his throat and couldn't catch his breath, his stomach churned and his head span. He grasped at his chest as his heart pounded painfully.

''LEAVE ME ALONE!'' He managed to shout. He couldn't contain his flames and they burst out as they had when Reiji threatened to burn his eyes out with a red hot iron bar. His tail was released and the pressure on his back left, he curled in on himself and sobbed, not even caring that people where watching him. He lay their pitifully, waiting for the panic attack to end so he could leave. Minutes trailed past and he opened his eyes slowly. His vision was clouded like he was looking through dense fog but he could make out the blurry shape of Yukio standing in the doorway looking down at him.

'Who is responsible for this?'' His brother growled. There was silence as nobody dared to speak up knowing Yukio was this mad. He hoisted an arm under Rin and dragged him to his feet. Rin held his arms to his chest defensively as he tried to gain balance on his jelly like legs. ''Go back to your room Rin, you're dismissed from this lesson," He heard his brother say without emotion, the most he had said to his brother in days. Rin didn't look at him, only glanced around around the classroom seeing that everyone had been watching him while he cowered on the floor before turning and leaving. He stumbled to the door opposite, unable to stop the wretched sobs from shaking him as he swayed and collapse to his knees. He lifted the key that lead to their dorm to the door and failed repeatedly to get it into the keyhole as his hands shook violently.

''come on you bastard, get in!'' He mumbled to himself. Once he had gotten the key in and opened the door, he crawled through, not even attempting to get up again and collapsed flat on his front on the floor of his and his brothers dorm room. He lay their for an unknown amount of time while the grains of hope he had for fitting in again disappeared. Eventually he fell into a nightmare ridden sleep and was later awoken by his brother who urged him to go to bed. He said nothing about what happened, only made a comment on how he should change his wet clothes which he had completely forgotten about as his mind numbed to the pain, almost welcomed it. Knocking aside his twin's outerstretched arm, he stumbled to their dorms bathroom, stopping every few paces to lean against a wall to catch his breath. When he finally reached the bathroom he caught sight of himself in the mirror. His skin was an angry red and it was flaky and cracked in places from the holy water. He turned away, not wanting to look at the features that marked him the enemy of mankind and stripped his clothes in the changing area. He jumped when he heard whispering and turned around, eyes darting around the empty room. After a few seconds, he cursed to himself.

'now your hearing things.' he told himself, 'if any of the demon's you had already faced could see you now they'd laugh.'

He clenched his teeth at the though, he had never thought of his friends as ''human's'' before, actually referred to them as if he wasn't half human at all. He wiped his eyes once more and headed for the bath when their was a hug flash behind him. He turned around and was greeted with the roar of fire blasting in his direction. He flung his arms up protectively and was blasted backwards with incredible force, the flames burned his arms. 'What the hell is it this time?' he thought as he skidded across the tiled floor, one arm shielding his eyes from the bright light. When the flames disappeared, Rin lowered his arm and could see the silhouette of three figures. He winced as he let his arm drop and examined the black skin that almost looked crispy on his lower arms. He looked back at the figures and was only half surprised to see Konekomeru, Bon and Shima, Bon standing in front with a magic circle in front of him, his hands forming a sign of some sort. He chanted again and white flames burst from the circle at him again. He paniced and backed again into the wall, the flames engulfed Rin and he screamed, trying to douse the flames. He couldn't do anything, all's he could do was watch as his skin turned even redder, blistering and blackening in parts. Seconds or years later, Rin couldn't tell, the flames disappeared. Rin stilled and gasped, happy to be able to breath air and not flames.

''so holy fire works even better than holy water eh?'' came Bon's voice above the white noise in Rin's ears. He turned his head in the taller's direction who was walking towards him. He whimpered as he tried to back further away but was greeted with the somewhat soothingly cold tiled wall against his back. He could only close his eyes and turn his head away, expecting Bon to strike him but instead he heard his brothers voice.

''Get..away...from my...brother...'' Yukio growled, rage making his breath rugged. Rin opened his eyes to see Bon's face contorted with horror an his face drained of colour.

''We where just giving him a taste of what his...''

''OUT!'' Yukio interrupted. The three boys glanced at each other and left without another word, Bon sneering at Rin as he left. Rin smiled a watery smile as tears fell down his burned cheeks before passing out. He awoke several hours later, bandages covering almost his entire body. He cried out as the movement disturbed his healing burns. He Looked over to see Yukio still awake at his desk.

''You should take the day off tomorrow, Bon burned you with holy fire, I've informed Mephisto of this event.'' He spoke to his desk as he wrote in his teachers journal, probably a lesson plan or homework. Rin was about to say something, to try and reach out a little to his distant brother but decided against it and closed his eyes falling back asleep moments later into a restless sleep.

"The next day, Rin was back in Cramschool. His brother had advised he take the whole day off but Rin was determined not to let them think they had gotten to him. He wouldn't admit it but he was genuinely scared of his fellow class mates but he was still determined to defeat Satan so no matter what, he would bare with whatever they threw at him. He had needed his brothers assistance getting dressed and now sat in class taking notes as shura went on about something considerably boring, flinching every few seconds and readjusting himself to take the pressure off the bu3ns of the back of his legs. He had to give it to the fire orange/yellow haired woman, She had expressed some sympathy for him upon seeing his bandages that completely covered both arms and the large plasters covering his cheeks and her face turned to rage as she saw Bon and the others whispering between themselves, occasionally glancing in his direction. Rin had insisted that he was fine and had taken his usual spot in the far corner of the room. Rin gave up on trying to keep on track with her lecture and crossed his arms on the table resting his head in them and dozing off. He was awoken sharply later by a sharp pain on his tail. He yelped and froze up, tears jumping to his eyes. He looked around at the appendage to see a tiny white lump of paper stuck to the side of it. He went to grab it when another one hit, making him yelp again. He looked around to see Bon holding a straw in one hand and some paper in the other.

''What's the matter Rin?'' Came Shura's voice but Rin didn't hear them, his breathing grew deeper as the hurt and sadness and rage he had been bottling up for weeks overflowed all at once. He couldn't stop his flames from erupting all over his body and he lunged at Bon, ignoring the pain of his still unhealed burns from the previous night as he knocked tables and chairs flying, only coming to a stop when he threw Bon to the ground below him with his hands around his throat. Rin drew one fisted hand back and punched Bon in the face with all his might, he drew his arm back again when he heard the beginning of an all too familiar mantra. He turned to Shura who was chanting the imprisonment spell. Rin felt pain shoot up and down his body but he shot a ball of flames at their teacher, igniting her black jacket and stopping her from chanting. Rin turned back to Bon, teeth bared in barely contained fury.

''Why? Why do you do this? what do I have to do to prove to you that i'm not a bad person? Wasn't saving you all from the impure king enough?'' He spat in the blond brunette's face which rotated from shock to guilt and back to hatred.

''Non of that stops you from being a monster!''

''YOUR THE MOSNTERS! ALL OF YOU!'' Rin almost weaped, He punched Bon in the face again before strong arms pulled him away from the taller boy. He thrashed around, ignoring the agony of hus wounds being grabbed and knowing he hurt whoever his fists connected with and was released, allowed to land a few more punches on Bon's already bloodied face. Konekomeru had stepped back and quietly started chanting the mantra Shura had. He didn't know the last syllable so he repeated the six parts he know. Rin howled as he felt sharp stabbing pains rush through every inch of him, He looked over to see Koneko glaring at him, a victorious smile of satisfaction on his lips as he repeated the unfinished mantra over and over, causing the agony to rip through his body over and over but not letting him pass out. Vaguely, Rin saw Shura finally put out the blue flames on her jacket and run towards him, She grabbed one of Koneko's wrists and yanked his hands apart, breaking the handset and stopping the effects of the enchantment. Rin's body relaxed as he collapsed into a heep. He hadn't noticed Bon shove him aside so he could stand and watch as Rin suffered. Shura dropped to her knees besides him.

''Are you Ok?'' She asked gently, brushing the hair that was stuck to his clammy forehead out of his eyes as he struggled for breath. He was about to say ''what do you think?'' When the classroom door burst open and in came the last person Rin wanted to see.

''Well well. Hello Shura. I have been sent by Vatican HQ to bring in Rin, This is the second time the Imprisonment spell has been used and the Grigori are a little worried that even you, the great Kirigakure can't control him.'' Without another word, he strolled into the room, picked up Rin, not being careful to avoid his bandages and threw him over his shoulder. Rin winced and tried to protest but he had no strength left, looked with hateful, unfocused eyes as he walked past Bon and the others, momentarily satisfied with their guilty looks as he was carried away by the paladin. After he had left and the door was slammed behind him. Shura looked around the room, fist's clenched.

''I hope you're happy with yourselves! Rin will probably be executed for this, and its your fault.'' She hissed, particularly in the Tokyo trio's direction. She turned away from them, arms crossed in rage. ''I hope you can live with blood on your hands.'' She turned to leave.

''He deserved to die!'' Bon said quietly, almost like he was trying to convince himself as much as those around him. ''He's Satin's son, of course he deserves to die! We are training to be exorcists, killing demon's is are job!''

''You're right, no matter how much a HALF demon, half human hybrid uses his powers for good and the fact that everyone in this room ows him their lives doesn't matter, Rin still deserves to die. Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,'' Shura snarled once more at her students before kicking the door open and slamming it behind her.

Bon's fists shook as he clenched them at his sides. He tried to remind himself of what Satan did to his brother but Shura's words had seared onto his brain like a brand. Moments later, Yukio burst through the door, his eyes focusing no Bon's bloody and bruised face. He narrowed his eyes but approached, carrying a first aid kit. He inclined to Bon to sid down and he bagan swabbing at his face with some gauze. Bon winced as it stung but Yukio didn't stop.

''What happened?'' He asked, barely contained hatred seeping into his tone.

''Rin attacked me.'' At this Yukio stopped cleaning his wounds and gripped his pupils collar, pulling his face to his. Bon was shocked but narrowed his eyes in response.

''Rin's a good guy, he doesn't just attack people, god forbid you have given him enough reason's to!"

"Bon could only look away, unable to deny the guilt that altered his expression when Shura entered the room. She caught sight of Yukio and faltered, shook it off and glared at Bon.

''The Grigori want Rin kept in custody while they make a decision, they will be keeping him subdued...''She trailed off, evading Yukio's eyes.

Yukio knew exactly what she ment and ran out of the room, pulling out his ring of infinity keys and putting an iron one into the first door he came to. He opened it and ran through into the huge room full of glass tubes. He ran past row after row of the glass tubes until he came to one labeled ''S'' He ran down the isle, studying each tube as he went past until he caught sight of one. It was half filling up with water and their where a small crowd of exorcists around it, inside the tube was Rin. He was thrashing around, looking down in horror as the holy water filled the tube, surrounding him. His arms where suspended above him in practically indestructable restraints made of holy metal, an air mask covered his mouth and nose, silencing what where undoubtedly screams of pain. Yukio pushed past the exorcists and flattened his hands against the glass, tear's running down his face as he watched his brother suffer once again. Rin noticed Yukio and silently called out to him, his begging eyes only making Yukio's insides writh more. He banged on the glass, shouting at the exorcists to release him but it was futile, they only ignored him and continued to observe. By the time the water had reached Rin's chest, He had stopped moving and hung still. He looked at his brother through heavy lidded eyes. Yukio had already fallen to his knees, hands still pressed against the glass.

''I PROMISE I'LL GET YOU OUT OF THERE! I PROMISE NII-SAN!'' He shouted. He didn't think Rin could hear him but to his surprise, a slight smile stretched his twins lips before he slid into unconsciousness and the water level passed the top of his head. Yukio watched in horror for a few minutes as his brother bobbed up and down slowly in the water, he repeated what he said earlier to himself, he swore there an then on his own life that he would free his brother no matter what. It was partially his fault that his brother was being kept in status, he hadn't once tried to reach out and help Rin, if he had perhaps the days event's wouldn't have carried out as they had. He stepped backwards, cast one sorrowful look at Rin and turned to leave, trying to decide what to do next and sadly releasing that, in the face of the Vatican, he was truly powerless.