Santana parked her bike in a parking spot and found an empty bench. After responding back to Rachel's texts about where she disappeared too and the apparent dinner Rachel was making, she started playing a game on her phone while she waited.

Twenty minutes later Quinn is pulling into an empty parking spot. Checking herself in the mirror Quinn takes a deep breath mutters to herself "you can do this" and hops out of her Yukon and walks towards the entrance of the park she agreed to meet at. Spotting who she was looking for she walked up to the bench sits on it and clears her throat.

Looking up from her racing game "hold on almost done with this race." Santana says distractedly.

While waiting Quinn looks around taking in her surrounds while people watching. Bringing her legs up to sit on them Quinn closes her eyes and opens them back again when she hears movement.

"You said you wanted to talk" Santana states

"Yeah" Quinn replies

A few minutes of silence passed between the girls before Quinn clears her throat.

"That girl you last seen me with was nothing. She means nothing. It was a set up I felt bad when I went to cancel the date so I just went anyways."


"I also went home alone. Not that I needed to tell you that, just thought you'd like to know. I left shortly after you did." Quinn continues.

"I like you Santana, I can see myself with someone like you. I would also like to see where we could possibly end up." Quinn finishes.

"What's "someone like you suppose to me"" Santana asks a little defensively

"You're strong, independent, care tremendously for your family. Ive seen you with Mason and Rachel, you could give those two the world if it were possible. You've got a great sense of humor and you don't take any bullshit." Quinn says

"I took your bullshit" Santana mutters

"And look where we're at, Talking on a bench in the middle of the afternoon" Quinn says smiling

Santana sighs "Quinn I like you. Like I really like you. I can see myself loving you if you'd let me. But.. you're out my league. I can't give you court side tickets or five star restaurants, well I could but I like where I live and love my toys. You deserve so so so so much more than what I can actually give you.."

"San.." Santana held up a hand to stop Quinn

"not done yet. But the last time I gave my all to someone they broke me. I'm not talking a week of sadness, I'm talking everything I was building was taken out from underneath me, literally. Within a month I was cheated on, broken up with, injured, lost an amazing scholarship, and then joined the army type of broken. And you... you could break me the same way. I can't put Rachel through that again especially since now she's got Mason. She was what kept my head above water during that time"

"Santana. I won't break you. I won't hurt you. Well not intentionally anyways. I don't care about the court side seats or the restaurants, I mean that's how I grew up but that's not who I am. Sure I party but who doesn't?" Quinn shrugged her shoulders.

"I honestly think that we could be something great if we tried San. I'm going out into uncharted territory here. I've never been one to settle down, take you home to mom and meet the family type of person. But you've already met my family and I'm willing to try with you."

Santana sloughed down on the bench so her legs are laid out in front of her and her head is resting against the back of the bench. Rolling her head towards and looking up at Quinn, Santana speaks quietly.

"I may be deploying. I refuse to put you through that. I don't want to get together then deploy and then be "dear John"ed or have you second guess yourself. I morally can not do that."

"I know about the deployment. Rach told me. We had lunch. We talk now." Quinn looked down at Santana and smiled causing Santana to roll her eyes upon hearing Rachel's name.

"Santana. I'm willing to try. I'm willing to put myself out there for you. I want to try this. I want to try us. Deployment or not. I'm all in. One hundred and one percent."

"One hundred and one?" Santana questioned

"Better than one hundred" Quinn shrugged her shoulders.

Sitting herself back up into a proper sitting position on the bench Santana put her arm along the back of bench and behind Quinn

Looking at Quinn "are you really willing to try? Because I'm in one hundred and one percent if you are."

Turning back to look at Santana. Quinn was caught off guard by the vulnerability she saw in Santana's eyes. Quinn leaned in towards Santana looking back between her lips and her eyes. Quinn lifted Santana's chin a little bit with her finger and kissed her

"I'm in. One hundred and one percent."

Closing her eyes and smiling Santana kissed Quinn back.

Groaning at the timing her phone had "I really really don't want to cut this short but I kinda left Rachel at my house and I think she made dinner. You should come."

"You think Rachel would care?" Quinn asked

"As long as your willing to eat the some of salad she made for dinner, she won't care. She'll also probably bounce hair and make up questions off of you. She's my date to the company ball tomorrow night."


Standing up and stretching her back out Santana stuck her hand out to Quinn to pull her up off the bench. Quinn grabbed Santana's proffered hand and stood up, walked into Santana's arms and slowly wrapped her own around Santana's waist. Resting her head against Santana's shoulder Quinn said "I'm really happy we're gonna give us a try."

Kissing the top of Quinn's head "me too" squeezing Quinn a bit tighter. Groaning again once she heard her phone going off again.

"Rachel has thee worst absolute timing of anyone I have ever known in my entire life. I'm going to break her phone" grabbing her phone out of her pocket she texted Rachel telling her they were on they're way

Walking back to her SUV Quinn stopped and turned to Santana. "I'll follow you back" hoping on her bike Santana nodded and took off towards her house.

"Rachel! When's dinner! " Yelled Santana as she walked into her house

"Santana Lopez. Do not yell. I am literally sitting right in front of you." Rachel said with gritted teeth

"Well with the way you were blowing up my phone I figured you'd be waiting at the table for us" Santana said smirking at Quinn's giggle coming from behind her.

"Sorry about the mess Quinn. I literally got back sat on the counter talked to Rach and then met up with you."

"Ah don't worry about it. Nothing I haven't seen before"

"I already ate. Salads in the fridge. Chickens in the oven waiting for you" Rachel said kicking her feet up on the coffee table

"Feet off my table" Santana yelled from the kitchen quietly laughing at the grumble coming from the living room

"Be nice!" Quinn whispers pushing Santana's shoulder

"I can show you how nice I can be" Santana said quietly while pinning Quinn against the counter and between her arms. Wrapping her arms around Santana's neck Quinn kissed her "maybe later if your lucky."

Ducking under Santana's arms and heading back into the living room "Rach have you got any ideas about what your doing with your hair tomorrow or what you're wearing" Quinn asked

"Oh my gosh Quinn let me show you" Rachel said excitedly patting the couch seat next to her and grabbing her phone with the other.

Santana followed Quinn out and plopped herself down next the Quinn resting her head against Quinn's side and putting her feet up on her coffee table.

"Feet off the table San" Rachel said

"My table Rach" Santana mumbled quietly finally deciding if her girls were gonna talk clothes and makeup she was gonna nap

Smiling when Quinn put her hand on her stomach Santana grabbed it brought it up to lips kissed it and put back on her stomach and fell asleep listening to the talk of clothes and makeup.