Here's a sweet, beautiful, touching chapter for you guys to feast your eyes on as the story begins to wind down. This took a lot longer than I anticipated because certain scenes were very hard to write and my health hasn't been great either.

Brief sexual content near the end, though nothing too graphic. You have been warned.

Rei no Himitsu

Chapter 10

A taxi pulled up outside Hino Takashi's office building. Minako paid the driver and stepped out of the back seat, straightening and pulling down the bottom of her skirt which had ridden up her thighs and was bordering on indecent. Her hands trembled nervously and her legs were wobbly as she walked into the building and toward the reception desk.

"I'd like to speak with Senator Hino, please." She told the receptionist.

"Just one moment." The receptionist replied and pressed a red button on her desk and spoke into the intercom. "Hino-sensei, you have a visitor who wants to talk to you about something."

"Send them up." Minako heard the voice on the receiving end say.

"You may go on up, Miss. Take the elevator to the fifth floor and make a right turn. His office is the second door on the left."

"Doumo arigatou gozaimasu." Minako found the office with no problem and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A male voice called out. The idol took a deep breath and steadied her nerves, then she entered the room to find Rei's father sitting at his desk, flipping through a seemingly endless stack of paperwork and signing his signature. He glanced up, his eyes wide with surprise as he recognized his visitor. "Minako-san, right?" Minako nodded. "So, what is it that you need to talk to me about?"

The idol had wanted to tell him for quite some time now. She'd been unsure of how Rei would take to the idea, but after a long discussion, her girlfriend had given her permission. The miko was sick of her father prying into her and Minako's personal business and it was only a matter of time before he'd discover the truth, so both women agreed it was best to tell him as soon as possible.

"It's about your daughter and I."

Takashi didn't show it, but the normally stoic politician was on the verge of a panic attack. His stomach was getting a little queasy. Had something happened to his daughter again? "What about Rei? Is she alright?"

"Yes, she's fine."

He was relieved to know that Rei was okay, though he was still apprehensive about what Minako would reveal.

"I see." He said as he scribbled his name on another document. "Let me guess, you two secretly eloped?"

Minako shook her head. "Try again."

"You're engaged?"


"I give up. Tell me."

"Remember when you asked at the hospital if there was something serious between us?"

"I do."

"Well, your suspicions of us being in a serious relationship... they are indeed correct. We've been dating."

"How long?" He inquired.

"Officially, about a month. Unofficially, since she returned from Kyoto." She confessed.

"Ah, I see. Do you really love Rei?"

"Yes, I do. So much. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't imagine living the rest of my life without her." Takashi plucked a Kleenex from the tissue box and wiped his eyes. Ever since his wedding day, never had anything had such a profound impact on his emotions. "Please, Sir. I know it's sudden, but we hope you'll accept our relationship."

"Well, this certainly is very sudden, but it sounds like you really put a lot of thought into this."

"We have."

"I want nothing more than for my daughter to be happy and if you two being together makes her happy, then I will support you. You have my blessing."

Minako smiled, eyes sparkling brilliantly, and she shook the Senator's hand. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. You take care of her, you understand?"

"I will."

Minako left the office building feeling glad and relieved that the talk had gone so well. She'd been half expecting Rei's father to say 'no' and was pleasantly shocked that this wasn't the case. 'Rei is going to flip out', she thought and she rode the cab back to the shrine.

She arrived home to find the place empty. The miko was at a consultation with a grief counselor at Ami's hospital, Dr. Noriko Tomita, whom Ami had recommended and had taken Akira with her, telling the idol that they'd return by two PM. Minako glanced at her watch.

'One fifty-five.' Rei and Akira would be back any minute and the senshi were coming over for dinner tonight, so Minako tidied up. She was in the kitchen sweeping the linoleum floor when she heard the front door slide open and shut and the sound of Akira's babbling.

"Tadaima!" Rei greeted as she and the baby came into the kitchen and sneaked up on Minako to hug her. Minako giggled, dropping the broom and she grabbed Rei's hands and turned to face them.

"Okaeri. How did it go?"

"It was great. Tomita-sensei is a good listener and she provided some strategies and tips to help me cope. What about you? How did Papa take the news?"

"Much better than I expected. He said 'yes!'"

"Get out of here! Did he really?"

"Yeah, he really did." Minako confirmed. Rei almost screamed as she tackled her girlfriend into another hug. Akira squealed, wanting in on the action and they were more than happy to give him a hug too.

"Did he say anything else?" Rei asked.

Minako chuckled. "He thought we ran off and eloped."

Rei rolled her eyes. "Oh man! What did you tell him?"

"I told him we did." Minako joked, sticking out her tongue and Rei playfully smacked her in the head. "What, don't you want to marry me?"

"Not telling." Rei teased.


"Am not!"

"Are too!"

The flirty banter continued as Rei put Akira in his walker, which she liked to refer to as a crash cart because of its tendency to crash into her every time the baby used it, and she helped Minako finish cleaning.

The shrine wasn't too dirty or cluttered, so the couple were finished in no time. Their friends weren't expected to arrive until five o'clock, which meant they had less than three hours to relax and play with Akira. They were looking forward to tonight, especially Minako. This would be the first time she ever cooked for so many people and she was enthusiastic about having the chance to show off her new skills.

A few nights later, Rei was busy getting Akira ready for bed. She had just given Akira a bath and finished putting his pajamas on him. She smiled as they sat on the rocking chair with a copy of 'Little Bear.' The infant cooed softly, snuggling against her chest as she opened the book and started reading.

He grasped her fingers in his chubby hands and Rei's heart beat wildly, as if it was ready to burst out of her at any moment. She hadn't felt this way since she became pregnant with Sayuri. She never imagined she could open up her heart and love anyone else after her daughter's death, but having her girlfriend and Akira in her life had taught her that nobody could ever take Sayuri's place, but it was okay to move on.

Akira had become a wonderful addition to her family. She loved him as her own son, and she was sure Minako did as well. She was grateful to the deities for giving her a second chance.

Rei's smile widened and she continued the story. She had only read a few pages, but it worked. The baby let out a big yawn and fell asleep. She put the book on the bookshelf and got up carefully so she wouldn't wake him and placed him into his new crib, which replaced the bassinet he had outgrown.

"I love you, Akira-chan. Good night and sweet dreams."

As she walked out of the room, a faint yellow light began to surround Akira's small body. It hadn't gone unnoticed. Rei had seen it and went back to investigate. Minako and Artemis, too, had seen the glow and ran from the main room and joined her. The light had grown brighter and spread, then just as quickly, it dissipated and Rei and Minako stepped closer toward the crib.

"What was that?" Artemis wondered from his perch on Minako's shoulder, his eyes having a curious expression in them.

"I don't know, Artemis."

"That energy. Could he possibly be a youma?"

Rei answered the guardian's question honestly, "No. I didn't sense anything evil coming from him, but his aura is definitely not that of a human."

"What is he?" Minako asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'll do a fire reading in the morning and see if it can tell me anything."

"That's a good plan. You'll tell me whatever you find out, right?"

"Sure thing. No more secrets between us from now on."

"Good. No more secrets." Minako slipped her arms around her girlfriend and smiled as she inched closer and kissed her on the lips. Rei returned the kiss and they held each other sweetly while they observed Akira. Artemis jumped off his owner's shoulder and curled up next to the sleeping infant.

"Awww, look at that."

Rei chuckled. "I know. It's adorable."

Minako smirked. "Not as adorable as you, Reiko." Rei's cheeks flushed red and she feigned annoyance at the nickname, but deep inside, she was brimming with happiness. She and the idol watched the cat and baby sleep for several minutes, then they went to bed themselves.

It was only seven thirty and neither of them were tired, so they thought up an idea to help them burn their excess energies. Minako grinned seductively as she grabbed Rei's shirt and removed it, then her hands traveled slowly down her torso until she reached the zipper on the right side of her skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor while she went to work on her bra.

"Damn. This thing won't come undone." The idol complained as she fumbled with the clasp.

"Here, let me get it." Rei struggled with it too, but she eventually unfastened the annoying garment and helped her girlfriend undress as well.

Now completely nude, they laid on the futon, gazing longingly into each other's eyes. Rei pressed her lips against Minako's collar bone. She broke the kiss after a few moments and they caressed one another as Minako nipped gently at the fire senshi's bottom lip, begging for entry. Their tongues swirled together and passionate moans escaped their throats.

Minako's fingers trailed along Rei's neck and down to her breasts and she stroked them, tickling her girlfriend's sensitive flesh. Rei groaned softly, her nails digging into Minako's back. The idol winced. Rei looked at her in concern, but Minako just smiled.

"It's alright, love. I'll be okay." She whispered, and sure enough, the pain subsided quickly, which reassured Rei that she was fine. Rei returned the smile and switched positions with her girlfriend and straddled her. She ran her fingers along Minako's torso, causing the idol to purr in the miko's ear.

Their lovemaking continued until well past ten o'clock and they collapsed in each other's arms, sweating and panting heavily. They caught their breaths and in a tired voice barely above a whisper, Rei said, "I love you, Minako."

"I love you too."

I wrote this chapter a while back and intended to write more before my sudden hiatus, but I thought this was the perfect way to end it. I will try to finish the fic soon. Only one or two more chapters left, for sure this time. lol


Tadaima - Kind of like saying "I'm home!"

Okaeri - Welcome home