*Jack's P.O.V*
As I tucked Hiccup into my bed (Not in that context... Yet) I couldn't resist running my bony fingers through his red hair. It was soft to the touch, like a kitten. I gazed at him longingly. I know I will need to get food for him but I can't bring myself to leave him, in fear he runs off again. Can't say I blame him but I should consider using a tag device or something. I'll ask North if he can make me one someday. I shook my head. No, Hiccup isn't an animal. He is a Human! I just worry so much about him. When he passed out on the bridge I was beside myself with fear.
I had to tear myself away from the boy. I know I have something resembling food in my cupboard. Before I left I gave him one last kiss on his freckled forehead and left.
*Hiccup's P.O.V*
I slowly began to regain my senses. Feeling more at ease than... Well since... I was little. I let my eyes wander around the odd room. Everything was blue and white. The colours of winter. Despite this, it was cosy. Far cosier than mine at least.
Blue and white. Winter. The colours of snow, Ice and frost.
Jack Frost.
I sat up poker straight. Jack? Where is Jack? Don't tell me he just upped and left me. Or had I just dreamt of the winter sprite? Please. Tell me it was real. I blushed as I remembered what happened just before I fell asleep. Jack kissed me. My first kiss. I touched my lips. Recalling the splendid sensation. I heard the carefree laugh behind me. Such a beautiful sound, not that I would tell him that of course.
"Well, look who's awake!" Jack laughed as Toothless jumped onto the bed, his tail wagging so hard I honestly thought it would fly off. I let out a small giggle at this.
Before I realised it Jack had crawled behind me and gave me a tight hug. One of his cold hands stroking my face. I couldn't see him because of our positions but somehow I could tell he was smiling. My mind kept returning to that kiss. Was it just a pity kiss? As I was about to ask him he kissed my cheek. I froze. His laughter filled the air again. He pulled me up onto his lap, cupping my face and making me look right into his deep blue eyes.
"You hungry, Babe?" He asked. I was a bit but I couldn't say a word. Like I had fallen under a trance. Jack just stared back but then he gently kissed me on the lips. My mind went blank again as my eyes closed. One arm wrapped tightly around my waist and the other hand tangled in my hair. Jack leaned in to kiss me again but was interrupted by my stomach grumbling. I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment."Well that answers that!" Jack smirked. Releasing my neck he reached for a plate of weird looking... stuff.
After consuming... something... I turned my attention back onto Jack. Since I woke up he has been even clinger than before. While I was eating he sat beside me the whole time. Never saying anything but it was nice. I still need to get used to him being very touchy, no one has ever shown me any affection except from Toothless. I bet Father has already forgotten about me and named my cousin Snotlout his heir. Despite all my horrid memories and the fact he probably does care nor want me to return, I still have a nagging feeling that I should at least tell him I'm okay. Maybe he really does care for me, though it is most likely just wishful thinking.
"Something wrong? The food couldn't have been that bad." He asked with genuine concern. He cupped my face again. "Tell me. If you want to say something, say it."
"W...well..." I mumbled. "I... I was wondering, why do you keep kissing and touching me like that?" I saw Jack's face fall a little at that. "N...Not to say I don't like it! It's nice, I just..."
"It is not that obvious?" Jack Interrupted with a smile that made my heart beat speed up. Partially dragging me onto his lap for a second time. "It's called 'love at first sight' my little Viking."
I felt my heart explode. He... he loves me? Me? Hiccup the useless? I couldn't think of anything sensible to say. All I could manage was "Huh?" His beautiful laugh filled the air once more. He then began to play with my hair with one hand while the other one held me close to his chest by my waist.
"You are adorable." He cooed. "Your little freckles, your soft red hair, your height and most important of all... Your eyes." He stared deep into said eyes. His deep blue eyes held so much love and admiration. I felt like I could cry. For the third time he kissed me. So gentle and sweet but with such a passion as well. My body went on auto pilot as my arms wrapped themselves around his pale neck, Deeping the kiss. After a few minutes he realised I still need to breathe, he pulled away.
"I... Love you too." I whispered. Blushing a bright red at this point. For a second I thought that he hadn't heard me but I was proved wrong. He threw his arms around me, as if to protect me.
"Hiccup. You have no idea how happy you have just made me!" He laughed. I giggled and cuddled him back. I know how cheesy it must sound but I really have never felt like this. I really do love him. I wish I could just stay here in his arms forever. Safe and loving. However as much as my Father hates me, I should at least let him know that I am okay.
"Jack?" I began but he seemed to have read my mind.
"Let me guess 'I should tell my dad I'm fine'?" He sighed. "Hic. I understand, but I am not letting you go by yourself. I... I don't want you to get hurt again. So I'll come with you." Somehow I felt glad knowing that he will be with me. I get the feeling that he won't leave me alone anytime soon.
Without warning Jack got off the bed and picked me up bridal style. I couldn't help but yelp when he did. As usual this amused him.
"Ha ha! Sorry babe, but the only way to the land of the living is with the wind." He smirked, carrying me outside. I threw my arms around his neck in fear of falling.
"Hey wind!" Jack yelled. "Take us to Berk!"
*Scene change- the forest outside Berk *
I don't remember closing my eyes but I found myself opening them. Still in Jack's arms (Not that I am complaining) I shivered. Not from the cold. I'm used to it. Its fear. The memories of my father's disappointment and the villages disapproval. The names. The Insults. I know that I am doing the right thing, but I can't prevent my mind running though all the worst case scenarios.
"Hiccup?" Jack said softly, pulling me closer to his chest. Salty tears begin to run down my face and staining his black waistcoat. "Was it really that bad?" he asked. I was crying so hard I couldn't even answer him. I nodded as the tears came pouring out.
Jack rubbed my back in an almost motherly way as the tears continued to come. I must look pathetic to him, after all I have been crying and moping since I met him. However I feel in my heart that he does love me. I'm not exactly sure why or how. I just do.
"Tell me." I look up into his stunning blue eyes. "Tell me everything"
*Jack's P.O.V*
I was horrified by what Hiccup told me. I could see the pure terror in his eyes as he mentioned his father. The way he shivered when he described the insults and the mental torture. The tears drowning his face when we spoke of neglect. I knew that I was holding him too tight but I didn't care.
"I... I bet that they would celebrate my death. The only one who cared about me was Toothless. But that isn't the worst part." Hiccup admitted. I stared at him. What could be worse that being hated by all?
"They say it's my fault my Mother died. My birth had weakened her body. I was only four when she passed away. I can't even remember what she looks like, but that doesn't stop me from missing her."
"Hiccup." I whispered as I finally let him stand on his own two feet. Before he could answer I cupped his adorable face and kissed him. I then started to kiss his freckled cheeks. Kissing his bitter tears away. As I did so I rubbed his back. "Are you ready?" I ask gently. Hiccup nodded "If I'm not now, I never will be." I smiled at my little Viking. Holding his hand, we began the walk to the village. I tried to look calm, but I vowed that I would get revenge on Stoick, this Astrid girl and the rest of the village. No one hurts my beloved and gets away with it. Just you wait.